Registration has been suspended, due to venue capacity.
Thank you for your enthusiasm and participation, and we look forward to seeing you on March 25!
Estimada comunidad Hispana de la Diócesis de Venice, FL
Gracias por su interés en el Congreso Eucarístico.
Sin embargo, la inscripción ha alcanzado su capacidad máxima.
¡Les mantendremos informados de futuros eventos! ¡Dios les bendiga!
Join the National Eucharistic Revival with the Diocese of Venice!
The Diocese of Venice will hold a Diocesan-wide Eucharistic Congress in Fort Myers beginning with a Youth Rally on Friday, March 24, 2023 and continuing with the Eucharistic Congress on Saturday, March 25, 2023.
The events will take place at the Caloosa Sound Convention Center at 1375 Monroe Street in For Myers.
Don’t miss this important Diocesan event, and celebration of the Holy Eucharist!
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