Eucharistic Congress Speakers, Saturday, March 25
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Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, a convert to Catholicism, is a member of the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. Before his conversion, he was a high school dropout who had been kicked out of a foreign country, institutionalized twice, and thrown in jail multiple times. After his radical conversion, he earned a BA in philosophy and theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio; MDiv and STB degrees from the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C.; and an STL in Mariology from the International Marian Research Institute in Dayton, Ohio. He leads pilgrimages to Marian Shrines around the world and is the author of 15 books. His latest best-selling book is Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father. |
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Joel de Loera has been happily married to his beautiful wife Nora for 14 years. So far, they have been blessed with six amazingly curious and extremely energetic children. Joel has a bachelor’s degree in Theological Studies and a master’s degree in Pastoral Theology. He has traveled throughout the nation and abroad sharing his powerful testimony of conversion and leading retreats. He is the founder of several ministries dedicated to evangelism and family life, including Amor y Cafe, an online ministry dedicated to enriching marriage and family life. Joel has over 15 years of experience working with youth and has served in different parishes and dioceses around the country. He is currently the Director of Hispanic Ministry for the Diocese of Arlington. The de Loera Family enjoy the beach, soccer, music and reading books. Joel de Loera lleva 14 años felizmente casado con su hermosa esposa Nora. Hasta ahora, han sido bendecidos con 6 hijos, que son increíblemente curiosos y extremadamente energéticos. Joel tiene una Licenciatura en Estudios Teológicos y una Maestría en Teología Pastoral. Ha viajado por toda la nación y el extranjero compartiendo su poderoso testimonio de conversión y dirigiendo retiros. Es el fundador de varios ministerios dedicados a la evangelización y a la vida familiar, incluyendo Amor y Café, un ministerio en línea dedicado a enriquecer el matrimonio y la vida familiar. Joel tiene más de 15 años de experiencia trabajando con jóvenes y ha servido en diferentes parroquias y diócesis. Actualmente es el Director del Apostolado Hispano de la Diócesis de Arlington. A la familia de Loera les gusta la playa, el fútbol, la música y la lectura de libros. |
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Martha Fernandez-Sardina is the founder and executive director at Remember You Are Loved/Eres Amado. Martha is an international, bilingual new evangelization speaker, TV and radio host, and consultant helping Catholics discover the joy of believing and the enthusiasm of communicating the Faith and becoming “everyday evangelized evangelizers.” She has designed the New Evangelization Training School, Hispanic Month of Evangelization, and Festival of Faith. Martha has authored 12 Tips for an Effective New Evangelization, 30 Ways I Evangelize, and 7 Tips for Reaching Hispanics. She has been a guest on Vatican Radio, Relevant Radio, and EWTN. Martha is also an event planner, theology professor, trainer, and “wanna-be saint”!
Martha Fernández-Sardina es la fundadora y directora ejecutiva de Remember You Are Loved/Eres Amado. Martha es una oradora internacional bilingüe de nueva evangelización, presentadora de radio y televisión, y consultora que ayuda a los Católicos a descubrir la alegría de creer y el entusiasmo de comunicar la fe y convertirse en “evangelizadores evangelizados todos los días”. Ha diseñado la Escuela de Capacitación para la Nueva Evangelización, el Mes Hispano de la Evangelización y el Festival de la Fe. Martha es autora de 12 Consejos para una Nueva Evangelización Efectiva, 30 Maneras en que Evangelizo y 7 Consejos para Alcanzar a los Hispanos. Ha sido invitada en Radio Vaticano, Radio Relevante y EWTN. ¡Martha también es planificadora de eventos, profesora de teología, entrenadora y “quiero ser santa”! |
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Hector Molina is an international evangelist, teacher, pilgrimage leader, podcaster, and digital content creator. For over three decades he has traveled the globe proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Dubbed “The Motivangelist” for his dynamic and motivational style of preaching and teaching, Hector strives to inspire and equip Catholics to know, live, and share their faith with passion and purpose. Hector began his ministerial career as a pastoral associate in his home Diocese of Brooklyn before relocating to the Archdiocese of St. Louis, where he served as Director of Hispanic Ministry and later as Founding Director of the Office for The New Evangelization. A former staff apologist of Catholic Answers and CEO of Casting Nets Ministries, Hector continues to bring his compelling proclamation of the gospel and clear teaching of the faith to the world through his digital apostolate, Upper Room Studios.
Hector Molina es un evangelista internacional, maestro, líder de peregrinaciones, podcaster y creador de contenido digital. Durante más de tres décadas ha viajado por todo el mundo proclamando el evangelio de Jesucristo y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica. Apodado “El Motivangelista” por su estilo dinámico y motivador de predicación y enseñanza, Héctor se esfuerza por inspirar y equipar a los católicos para conocer, vivir y compartir su fe con pasión y propósito. Héctor comenzó su carrera ministerial como asociado pastoral en su Diócesis de Brooklyn antes de trasladarse a la Arquidiócesis de St. Louis, donde se desempeñó como Director del Ministerio Hispano y luego como Director Fundador de la Oficina para la Nueva Evangelización. Ademas, Hector sirvió como apologista y conferencista con Catholic Answers y director ejecutivo de Casting Nets Ministries. El hermano Molina continúa llevando su convincente proclamación del evangelio y clara enseñanza de la fe al mundo a través de su apostolado digital, Upper Room Studios. |
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Mallory Smyth is a national speaker, writer, and content creator for Walking with Purpose. She is the author of the book Rekindled, and has also written the WWP Bible Studies, Reclaiming Friendship, and Rooted and Radiant. Mallory has been in full time ministry for the past 11 years. She joined Walking with Purpose out of a deep desire to help women come to know Christ personally through the transforming power of His word. Having worked with college students as a FOCUS missionary, and now in women’s ministry, it is her dream to see Catholics fall deeply in love with God and grab hold of the joy offered in the Gospel. Mallory lives in Denver with her husband, Jared, and their four daughters. |
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Teresa Tomeo is an author, syndicated Catholic talk show host, and motivational speaker with more than 30 years of experience in TV, radio, and newspaper, 20 of which were as a secular reporter/anchor in the Detroit market. In the year 2000, Teresa left the secular media to start her own speaking and communications company, Teresa Tomeo Communications, LLC. Her weekday morning radio program, Catholic Connection, is co-produced by Ave Maria Radio in Ann Arbor, Michigan and the EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network. It is heard on over 500 Catholic radio stations worldwide and on the Sirius Satellite Network. Teresa appears frequently on the EWTN Global Catholic Television Network, and co-hosts the EWTN television series, The Catholic View for Women. She is also a correspondent for EWTN News In Depth. As a deacon’s wife, Teresa also writes a column for Our Sunday Visitor’s The Deacon magazine. In 2019, she opened her own Italy travel consultation company, T’s Italy ( Teresa has written more than 10 books, is an international speaker, where she addresses media awareness and activism, as well as sharing her reversion to the Catholic Church. She resides in Southeastern Michigan with her husband, Deacon Dominick Pastore. They travel the world giving marriage and diaconate couples’ retreats. |
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Mary Ann Wiesinger-Puig is passionate about raising leaders and teaching the Catholic faith. She has worked at the diocesan level for 12 years in a wide range of capacities, from running catechist certification programs to programs on parish and personal evangelization. While in the Archdiocese of Miami, she helped develop the Parish Missionary Discipleship Program.
Raised in El Paso, Texas, Mary Ann is bilingual and bi-cultural. Throughout her professional career, she has worked hard to provide the same level of excellence in both English and Spanish. She enjoys teaching in both languages and finds mentoring catechetical/pastoral ministers to be especially fulfilling. Mary Ann has been blessed with the opportunity to speak at diocesan catechetical in-services and offer talks for parishes and various apostolates. Mary Ann currently works remotely for the Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University of Steubenville developing Spanish language content and lives in Texas with her husband and children. She enjoys Cuban coffee and good books. Mary Ann Wiesinger-Puig es catequista y misionera. Trabajó a nivel diocesano por 12 años en la Area de la Bahia de San Francisco y Miami, sirviendo a los Directores de Educación Religiosa y lideres de RICA. Dirigió y enseñó en los programas de Certificación para Catequistas e institutos de evangelización. Su primer interés es formar a discípulos misioneros. Criada en El Paso, Texas, Mary Ann es bilingüe y bicultural. A lo largo de su carrera fprofesional, ella ha trabajado para ofrecer el mismo nivel de excelencia en los programas de formación en inglés y español. Actualmente, Mary Ann dirige los las iniciativas en español del Instituto Catequetico de la Universidad Franciscana de Steubenville y le gustan en el cafe cubano y los buenos libros. Vive en Houston, TX con su esposo y tres hijos. |
Youth Rally Speakers, Friday, March 24
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Fr. Timothy Anastos is one of 50 National Eucharistic Preachers, a diverse group of priests who have been commissioned to enkindle the flame of eucharistic faith and devotion in the United States through kerygmatic eucharistic preaching. Father Anastos is Associate Chaplain at the St. John Paul II Newman Center at the University of Illinois, Chicago; he graduated from the University of Illinois with a degree in Linguistics and completed his Theology studies at the North American College in Rome. Fr. Tim is also the host of the popular video series “Reel Homilies,” presented by Spirit Juice. In these minute-long reflections, Father Tim unpacks the Sunday Gospel readings through the lenses of Church tradition, pop culture, and self-improvement. In his words, being a priest is “awesomesauce.” A fun fact about Fr. Tim is that he has received the Eucharist in 27 countries, so make sure to ask him which ones when you meet him! |
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Joel de Loera has been happily married to his beautiful wife Nora for 14 years. So far, they have been blessed with six amazingly curious and extremely energetic children. Joel has a bachelor’s degree in Theological Studies and a master’s degree in Pastoral Theology. He has traveled throughout the nation and abroad sharing his powerful testimony of conversion and leading retreats. He is the founder of several ministries dedicated to evangelism and family life, including Amor y Cafe, an online ministry dedicated to enriching marriage and family life. Joel has over 15 years of experience working with youth and has served in different parishes and dioceses around the country. He is currently the Director of Hispanic Ministry for the Diocese of Arlington. The de Loera Family enjoy the beach, soccer, music and reading books. Joel de Loera lleva 14 años felizmente casado con su hermosa esposa Nora. Hasta ahora, han sido bendecidos con 6 hijos, que son increíblemente curiosos y extremadamente energéticos. Joel tiene una Licenciatura en Estudios Teológicos y una Maestría en Teología Pastoral. Ha viajado por toda la nación y el extranjero compartiendo su poderoso testimonio de conversión y dirigiendo retiros. Es el fundador de varios ministerios dedicados a la evangelización y a la vida familiar, incluyendo Amor y Café, un ministerio en línea dedicado a enriquecer el matrimonio y la vida familiar. Joel tiene más de 15 años de experiencia trabajando con jóvenes y ha servido en diferentes parroquias y diócesis. Actualmente es el Director del Apostolado Hispano de la Diócesis de Arlington. A la familia de Loera les gusta la playa, el fútbol, la música y la lectura de libros. |
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Jimmy Mitchell believes deeply in the power of beauty to evangelize culture, and his gifts of storytelling and piano-laying have brought him to every corner of the world. On top of being the founder of Love Good, he is the director of campus ministry at Jesuit High School in Tampa, Florida, which has repeatedly made national news for its growing culture of conversion. Between his undergraduate degree from Vanderbilt and his masters in moral theology, Jimmy has always enjoyed the cross section between faith, artistry, and entrepreneurship. Whether he’s mentoring young people in virtue or interviewing award-winning artists in his studio, he loves nothing more than helping others fall in love with God. |
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Andrea Thomas is a musician, entrepreneur, and speaker. Her performance background turned to a deep love for and call to worship. She believes deeply in the power of collaboration and is honored to work with The Vigil Project team and serve as Co-Director of the organization. Andrea (and her very large Italian family) are from Cincinnati, Ohio. |
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Mary Ann Wiesinger-Puig is passionate about raising leaders and teaching the Catholic faith. She has worked at the diocesan level for 12 years in a wide range of capacities, from running catechist certification programs to programs on parish and personal evangelization. While in the Archdiocese of Miami, she helped develop the Parish Missionary Discipleship Program. Raised in El Paso, Texas, Mary Ann is bilingual and bi-cultural. Throughout her professional career, she has worked hard to provide the same level of excellence in both English and Spanish. She enjoys teaching in both languages and finds mentoring catechetical/pastoral ministers to be especially fulfilling. Mary Ann has been blessed with the opportunity to speak at diocesan catechetical in-services and offer talks for parishes and various apostolates. Mary Ann currently works remotely for the Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University of Steubenville developing Spanish language content and lives in Texas with her husband and children. She enjoys Cuban coffee and good books. Mary Ann Wiesinger-Puig es catequista y misionera. Trabajó a nivel diocesano por 12 años en la Area de la Bahia de San Francisco y Miami, sirviendo a los Directores de Educación Religiosa y lideres de RICA. Dirigió y enseñó en los programas de Certificación para Catequistas e institutos de evangelización. Su primer interés es formar a discípulos misioneros. Criada en El Paso, Texas, Mary Ann es bilingüe y bicultural. A lo largo de su carrera fprofesional, ella ha trabajado para ofrecer el mismo nivel de excelencia en los programas de formación en inglés y español. Actualmente, Mary Ann dirige los las iniciativas en español del Instituto Catequetico de la Universidad Franciscana de Steubenville y le gustan en el cafe cubano y los buenos libros. Vive en Houston, TX con su esposo y tres hijos. |
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The Vigil Project creates music for Catholics. Following the Liturgical Calendar, they write, record and release music that invites Catholics into a deeper experience of prayer with the Church. Each year, The Vigil Project teams travel during the liturgical seasons of Advent, Lent, and Easter to provide powerful, evangelistic events for parish communities around the US and the world. Their goal is to lead the Church deeper into prayer through song during these beautiful seasons with one voice. |