Stewardship Day

Since the beginnings of the Church, Christians have embraced stewardship as a way of life.  It was a fundamental aspect of discipleship and remains a powerful process by which God converts the minds and hearts of His children.  When fully embraced, stewardship can transform individuals, Parishes, and even an entire Diocese.

This event will assist in sharing the principles of ownership, responsibility, accountability and the rewards of stewardship.  To register, please click on the link below.

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Our Lady of Light
 19680 Cypress View Dr.
Fort Myers, FL 33967


Wednesday, October 3, 2018
8:30 – 9:15                  Registration, Exhibits, Coffee, Pastries

9:15 – 9:25                  Welcome and Opening Prayer by Bishop Dewane

9:30 – 10:15                Keynote Speaker

10:15 – 10:30              Break

10:30 – 11:15               Session I

11:30 – 12:15               Mass

12:30 – 1:30                Lunch and Exhibits

1:30 – 2:15                   Session II

2:25 – 2:40                  Evaluations and Closing Prayer

Keynote Presenter:

Deacon Don McArdle, CPA:
Best Practices of a Stewardship Parish

Deacon Don McArdle and his wife Pat have been married for 49 years; they have 9 children and 28 grandchildren, and are members of St. Mary on the Hill, a Total Stewardship parish in Augusta, GA. Deacon Don has been a CPA since 1970 and has served as a Deacon in the Diocese of Savannah since 1979. For the past 20 years, he has worked closely with parishes from across the country on all aspects of developing stewardship as a way of life. He is the author of the book, Grateful and Giving: How Msgr. Thomas McGread’s Stewardship Message Has Impacted Catholic Parishes Throughout the Country.

Break Out Session Presenters:

 Allan Caballero:
Engaging the Youth and Young Adults (English and Spanish Sessions)

Allan currently serves as the Stewardship Coordinator for Hispanic Parishes in the Archdiocese of Newark. His primary responsibility is to develop and implements strategies in the context of the Church’s mission that produce impact on giving of time, talent, and treasure at the parish level. He graduated from Rutgers University, with a minor in International Affairs and a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.

In addition to his professional and academic experience, he has served as a director for the Catholic Lay Ecclesial Movement, Bonds of Marian Love for the past 8 years in various projects and activities with the youth and families from Latin America. Throughout his career, he has helped churches in various diocese in the United States, Colombia, and Ecuador to engage parishioners in the overall mission of the Church. He currently lives in Elizabeth, NJ with his wife and daughter.

Enolviendo a Jóvenes y Adultos Jóvenes

Allan Caballero es el Coordinador de Corresponsabilidad para las parroquias latinas / hispanas en la Arquidiócesis de Newark. Allí, desarrolla e implementa estrategias en el contexto de la misión de la Iglesia que producen impacto en la entrega de tiempo, talento y tesoro a nivel parroquial. Se graduó de la Universidad de Rutgers, con una especialización en Asuntos Internacionales y una licenciatura en Administración de Empresas. Además de su experiencia profesional y académica, se ha desempeñado como director del Movimiento eclesial laico católico, Bonds of Marian Love durante los últimos 8 años en diversos proyectos y actividades con jóvenes y familias de América Latina. A lo largo de su carrera, ha ayudado a iglesias en varias diócesis en los Estados Unidos, Colombia y Ecuador a involucrar a los feligreses en la misión general de la Iglesia. Allan vive en Elizabeth, NJ con su esposa e hija.

Jose De Jesus:
Implementing the Four Pillars of Stewardship into Your Parish and School (English and Spanish Sessions)

Jose De Jesus is an Executive Director with Guidance In Giving, Inc. a nationally recognized Stewardship and Development Company dedicated to helping Catholic institutions raise money and plan effectively for their future, both with regard to finances and their overall missions. He has spent the last 26 years working in the field of development and has traveled extensively throughout the United States teaching the concepts and precepts of “Catholic Stewardship.” While stewardship involves the conscious return to God of our time , talent and treasure it is first and foremost a spiritual matter.  As a national speaker he has helped the International Catholic Stewardship Conference in setting up a Spanish Track for their annual conference and has spoken at the conference multiple times.  Throughout his career he has helped hundreds of churches, schools, religious orders and various dioceses in the United States reach their fundraising goals while helping them to grow and develop into and beyond their missions.

Implementando los Cuatro Pilares de Corresponsabilidad en su Parroquia y Escuela

Jose De Jesus es Director Ejecutivo para Guidance In Giving, Inc., una empresa nacional que se dedica ayudar instituciones católicas con el recaudo de fondos y planificación estratégica para sus futuros, tanto en lo que respecta a las finanzas como a sus misiones generales. Él ha pasado los últimos 26 años trabajando en el campo del desarrollo y ha viajado extensamente a través de los Estados Unidos enseñando los conceptos y preceptos de “Mayordomía Católica y la Administración de Nuestros Bienes.” Como conferencista nacional, ha ayudado a la Conferencia Internacional Católica de Mayordomía a establecer un programa en español para lideres católicos en su conferencia anual y ha presentado en la conferencia varias veces. José estudió en Queens College en la ciudad de Nueva York y se graduó de la Escuela de Música de Copland con dos títulos, uno en Música y otro en Psicología. Tiene un MBA de la Universidad de Jacksonville con una concentración en marketing. Se ha desempeñado como catequista certificado, ministro de Música y ministro de jóvenes para la Diócesis de Brooklyn, la Diócesis de Orlando y la Diócesis de San Agustín. Él enseña para el Instituto Diocesano de Formación Pastoral de Rockville Center y ofrece misiones parroquiales y retiros sobre diversos temas. Está casado con Rosemary por 28 años y, con sus tres hijos, vive en Long Island, Nueva York.

 Jim Kelley, CFRE:
Establishing and Maintaining an Effective Stewardship Committee

Jim Kelley is the Director of Development for the Diocese of Charlotte in North Carolina. He is responsible for managing the office which operates the Diocesan Support Appeal; assists parishes with stewardship efforts and capital campaigns; assists Catholic schools development efforts; directs development efforts for Catholic Charities and Campus Ministry; operates annual appeals for priests retirement, seminarians and the Eucharistic Congress; directs the planned giving and leadership gifts programs; and writes grants. Jim is also the Executive Director of the Foundation of the Diocese of Charlotte. Jim is the author of Stewardship Manual: A Guide for Individuals and Parishes Developing Stewardship as a Way of Life and the book Sustaining and Strengthening Stewardship. He is a Knight of Malta and has a B.A. degree from Yale University.

Michael Morse:
reparing for Tomorrow by Engaging Your Donors Today

Michael has served as the Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida since August 2016.  He has a Master’s degree in Business and a Bachelor’s degree in Communications, both from the University of Florida.

Michael has spent more than 15 years as a Development/Advancement executive working with not-for-profits in healthcare, higher education and social services.  Prior to that, he served as a senior executive/partner in the aerospace electronics industry.

Roger Navarro:
Using Technology to Promote Stewardship (English and Spanish Sessions)

Roger is the Director of Information Technology for the Diocese of Venice in Florida. Prior to joining the Diocese, Roger lead Information Technology Infrastructure for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in Seattle, Washington where he worked for 15 years. He has presented conference sessions helping non-profits leverage communication technologies to connect with constituents both internally and externally. Prior to the Foundation, Roger held lead IT positions at the University of Miami School of Law and graduated from the University of Phoenix with a BS in Business Management. Roger, his wife Cherie, and their four children currently reside in Venice, FL.

Usando la Tecnología Para Promover Corresponsabilidad

Roger Navarro es el Director de Tecnología Informática de la Diócesis de Venice en Florida. Antes de unirse a la Diócesis, Roger estaba a cargo de la infraestructura de tecnología informática para la Fundación de Bill y Melinda Gates en Seattle, Washington, donde trabajó durante 15 años. Ha hecho presentaciones en conferencias para ayudar a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro a aprovechar tecnologías de comunicación para conectarse con los constituyentes tanto interna como externamente. Antes de la Fundación, Roger ocupó puestos de liderazgo en Tecnología Informática para la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Miami y se graduó de la Universidad de Phoenix con una licenciatura en Administración de Empresas. Roger, su esposa Cherie y sus cuatro hijos residen en Venice, Florida.

Carla Repollet:
Engaging the Unengaged

Carla Repollet served the Archdiocese of Newark (NJ) for nearly nineteen years before joining the Diocese of Venice as the Director of Stewardship and Development this year. She has extensive experience in implementing successful annual appeals; introducing or enhancing stewardship as a way of life; conducting capital campaigns; and executing enhanced offertory programs. Carla is a graduate of Rutgers University. She is the mother to four daughters. Carla and her husband reside in Sarasota.

Reverend Phillip Schweda, J.C.L.:
The Spirituality of Stewardship

Reverend Phillip Schweda joined the Franciscan Friars of DeWitt, Michigan after high school. Within the Order, hereceived a Bachelor of Arts degree at University of LaSalle in Philadelphia and taught in our schools. After a few years of teaching, he continued his studies in Theology at Washington Theological Union in Washington, DC. He was ordained a priest for the Order of Friars Minor in July of 1979 in Michigan. He worked in a parish for several years in Burton, Michigan and became pastor there for 15 years. In 1989, communism collapsed in Hungary and the Hungarian Franciscans went back to Hungary. He stayed and joined the Diocese of Lansing as an incardinated priest of that diocese. Fr. Schweda attended the University of Louvain in Belgium for one law degree and the University of Ottawa and St. Paul University for two more law degrees. After he finished his studies, he worked in the Tribunal in Lansing, Michigan for 10 years as Judge. He currently works in the Tribunal in the Diocese of Venice for the past three and a half years.

Grace Veloz:

Effective Strategies to Develop Hispanic Catholics as Good Stewards, Evangelizers & Leaders (English and Spanish Sessions)

Grace Veloz Grace Veloz is the Director of Stewardship for the Archdiocese of Miami. Grace serves alongside the Cabinet Secretary of Stewardship & Development as the consultant to the culturally diverse archdiocesan community on increasing vibrancy and technology, growing in spirituality and participation and the implementation of Stewardship. Subsequent to pragmatic studies of the archdiocesan parishes and community, Grace restructured the Archdiocesan Stewardship model to best serve the fast-growing Hispanic and Western Caribbean population. This model, available to the 109 parishes, provides the tools and resources that convey the different components of stewardship and is strategically designed to be adapted to the needs and culture of each parish. Grace and her husband are active parishioners of Prince of Peace in Miami for 27 years and they have 2 daughters.

Esrategias Efectivas Para Desarrollar Católicos Hispanos en el Área de Corresponsabilidad

Grace Veloz es la Directora de Corresponsabilidad de la Arquidiócesis de Miami. Grace sirve junto con el Secretario de Administración y Desarrollo como la consultora de una comunidad culturalmente diversa en la arquidiócesis sobre el aumento de la vitalidad y tecnología creciendo la espiritualidad y la participación y la implementación de la Corresponsabilidad. Luego de unos estudios pragmáticos de las parroquias y la comunidad arquidiocesana, Grace reestructuró el modelo de Corresponsabilidad Arquidiocesana para servir mejor a la creciente comunidad hispana y del Caribe occidental. Este modelo, disponible para las 109 parroquias, proporciona las herramientas y recursos que transmiten los diferentes componentes de la administración y está estratégicamente diseñado para adaptarse a las necesidades y la cultura de cada parroquia. Grace y su esposo son feligreses activos de Prince of Peace en Miami por 27 años y tienen 2 hijas.