Hurricane Season 2024


For information about the 2024 Hurricane Season, including how to best prepare,

please review these articles from the Venice edition of the Florida Catholic:


2024 Hurricane Season begins – Awareness and preparation key – Diocese of Venice

Preparing for the storm ahead of time – Diocese of Venice

Please pray for the safety of all as the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season approaches!


Prayer for Safety in Hurricane Season (English)

Prayer for Safety in Hurricane Season (Spanish)

As we enter the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season (June 1 to Nov. 30), a prayer is presented here by which one asks God for protection and safety from the storms that often threaten Southwest Florida. We all remember the devastating effect of Hurricane Ian and of the recovery which is still ongoing. Everyone in the Diocese of Venice knows and understands the power of these storms and the suffering which follows in their wake. Please pray for safety.

Prayer for Safety in Hurricane Season

O God, Master of this passing world,

hear the humble voices of your children.

The Sea of Galilee obeyed Your order

and returned to its former quietude.

You are still the Master of land and sea.

We live in the shadow of a danger over which we have no control:

the Gulf, like a provoked and angry giant,

can awake from its seeming lethargy, overstep its conventional boundaries, invade our land, and spread chaos and disaster.

During this hurricane season we turn to You, O loving Father.

Spare us from past tragedies whose memories are still so vivid

and whose wounds seem to refuse to heal with passing of time.

O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our beloved Mother, we ask you

to plead with your Son on our behalf,

so that spared from the calamities common to this area

and animated with a true spirit of gratitude,

we will walk in the footsteps of your Divine Son

to reach the heavenly Jerusalem,

where a stormless eternity awaits us. Amen.


Oración para la temporada de huracanes

O Dios, Señor de este mundo pasajero,

escucha la humilde voz de tus hijos.

El Mar de Galilea obedeció Tu orden

y volvió a su anterior quietud.

Tu todavía eres el Señor de tierra y mar.

Vivimos en la sombra del peligro sobre el cual no tenemos control;

el Golfo, como un violento gigante, puede despertar de su aparente letargo,

sobrepasar sus límites, invadir nuestra tierra y sembrar caos y desastre.

Durante esta temporada de huracanes acudimos a Ti, O Padre Misericordioso.

Líbranos de tragedias como las pasadas que están tan vivas en nuestra

memoria y cuyas heridas rehúsan ser curadas con el paso del tiempo.

O Virgen, Estrella del Mar, nuestra amada Madre, te pedimos

que intercedas ante tu Hijo por nosotros,

para que nos libre de las calamidades comunes a esta área,

y animados con un verdadero espíritu de gratitude

caminemos en los pasos de tu Divino Hijo

para llegar a la Jerusalén Celestial,

donde una eternidad sin tormentas nos espera. Amen.