Easter meal shared with homeless in Naples – Parish partners with Catholic Charities

Partnering with Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., the parishioners of St. William Parish provided a hot Easter meal for area homeless on April 4, 2024, the Thursday within the Octave of Easter.

Father George Ratzmann, Pastor at St. William, offered the prayer before the meal, “We pray that our time together, company we keep, and food we eat will nourish us both physically and spiritually.”

The meal took place outside of the Judy Sullivan Family Resource Center of Catholic Charities, as more than 100 were served a hot meal which included chicken, potatoes, salad and cake for dessert. The Parish also hosted a similar dinner just after Christmas.

The meal was prepared by volunteers as some served the meals on tables set up in the parking lot in a relaxed atmosphere.

The gratitude of those being served was expressed in many ways, from “God Bless you,” and “Thank you” ringing out, as well as many handshakes and even a few hugs.

Mary, who has been homeless since 2021 when an illness caused her to have huge bills while also losing her job, said the people of Catholic Charities are very kind and supportive of her needs, providing food and clothes when needed. “This Easter meal was very delicious, and I can tell that everyone here is doing it because they want to help. That means so much.”

Father Ratzmann said it is wonderful to be able to offer a hot meal to those in need, and noted the benefits to the homeless are as great as to those who offer their time to volunteer. “We all gain from helping the children of God, in whatever circumstance we find them.”

The homeless outreach of Catholic Charities includes assistance from caseworkers, and essentials such as food, clothing, and toiletries.

In addition, with transportation being one of the greatest obstacles for the homeless population in Collier County, St. William Parish has partnered with the Knights of Columbus, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and Bikes for Tykes, to purchase tricycles for distribution by Catholic Charities.

The goal is to provide every homeless person with a recognizable (bright yellow), non-saleable adult tricycle. Each can carry a heavy load and has two baskets to secure personal items.

As it has been recognized that the need for reliable and safe transportation for the homeless exists throughout the region, it is the goal of the St. William Parish to expand the tricycle outreach to additional communities in partnership with Catholic Charities.