An invitation from Bishop Frank J. Dewane. Join us at the Diocese of Venice Eucharistic Conference on March 16, 2024!
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Join the Diocese of Venice in Fort Myers in March!
Space is limited, so register today! Register here.
Registration deadline: March 12, 11:59 PM
To view the Schedule in Spanish, please click here.
Keynote Speaker/Conferencista Principal (Conferencia magistral que se impartirá en inglés y se traducirá al español simultáneamente).
Steve Ray — Defending the Eucharist: Baptists Accept the Real Presence; Defendiendo la Eucaristía: Los Bautistas Aceptan la Presencia Real
Steve Ray was received into the Catholic Church on Pentecost Sunday in 1994 following a long faith journey that explored his Protestant roots. He is a former owner of a business services company which he happily sold to pursue his passion: bringing others to Catholicism through his writing, speaking, film production and leading pilgrimages to Biblical lands. He is the author of five books and producer of the popular video series, “Footprints of God,” and has been a regular guest on EWTN, Relevant Radio and others. He lives in Michigan with his wife, Janet, where they enjoy their family which includes eight grandchildren.
Steve Ray fue recibido en la Iglesia Católica el domingo de Pentecostés de 1994 después de un largo viaje de fe que exploró sus raíces Protestantes. Lo es un antiguo propietario de una empresa de servicios empresariales que vendió felizmente para perseguir su pasión: llevar a otros al catolicismo a través de sus escritos, conferencias, producción de películas y peregrinaciones a tierras bíblicas. Es autor de cinco libros y productor de la popular serie de videos “Huellas de Dios“.
y ha sido un invitado habitual en EWTN, Relevant Radio y otros. Vive en Michigan con su esposa, Janet, donde disfrutan de su familia, que incluye sus cuatro hijos y muchos nietos.
Morning Session (English)
Crystalina Evert — How the Eucharist can Heal, Restore, and Protect You, Your Family, and Your Parish
Crystalina Evert founded Women Made New and is Co-Founder of Chastity Project. She is a best-selling author of How to Find Your Soulmate without Losing Your Soul, curriculum YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body, and her latest book, Women Made New: Reflections on Adversity, Transformation, and Healing. Crystalina has experienced the importance of the Eucharist in her life and teaches transformative concepts on how to live a Eucharist-centered life. She has spoken internationally to more than one million people about the virtue of chastity, healing, and God’s plan for human sexuality. She has a weekly syndicated radio show / Podcast on EWTN and has made television appearances on MSNBC and the BBC network. Crystalina has hosted several television shows for teens and women on EWTN and the New EWTN free online learning series Women Made New! She and her husband, Jason, have spoken at World Youth Day in Sydney, Madrid, and Poland. Crystalina and her husband have been blessed with eight children.
Morning Session (Spanish)
Kathia Aranga – La Sagrada Eucaristía como centro de la vida parroquial y familiar; Holy Eucharist as the Center of Parish and Family Life
Kathia is the Director of the Office for Hispanic Catholics in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Currently, she serves as President of the National Hispanic Committee for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the United States and Canada. She was a member of the Board of Directors of the National Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors of Hispanic Ministry (NCADDHM). At international level, Kathia is member of the Latin American Charismatic Council representing the United States and Canada. She previously served there as a regional youth representative for North America and the Caribbean. Kathia is originally from Paraguay. She holds a Master’s degree in Theology and a Leadership certificate from the CHARIS Institute for Formation in Rome. Kathia and her husband Andres are parents of twin daughters. She has preached at various national and international retreats and conferences, including the 2015 World Meeting of Families. She is the author of the book, Sean Mis Testigos.
Kathia es la Directora de la Oficina para Católicos Hispanos en la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia. Actualmente, sirve como Cooordinadora Nacional del Comité Nacional Hispano de la Renovación Carismática Católica en los Estados Unidos y Canadá. Ella también se ha desempeñado anteriormente como miembro de la junta de directores de la Asociación Nacional Católica de Directores Diocesanos de Ministerio Hispano (NCADDHM). A nivel internacional, es miembro del Consejo Carismático Católico Latinoamericano representando a Estados Unidos y Canadá, desempeñándose previamente como representante regional juvenil de América del Norte y el Caribe ante el mismo consejo. Kathia es originalmente de Paraguay, posee una Maestría en Teología y realizó un diplomado en liderazgo en el Instituto de Formación de CHARIS en Roma. Kathia y su esposo Andrés son padres de niñas mellizas y está dedicada a la evangelización, siendo oradora en varios retiros y conferencias a nivel nacional e internacional, incluyendo el Encuentro Mundial de las Familias, Filadelfia 2015. Kathia es la autora del libro Sean Mis Testigos.
Afternoon Session (Spanish)
Fr. Elvis Gonzalez – La Eucaristía: Fuente y Fuerza Transformadora de la Vida Familiar; The Eucharist: Source and Transforming Force of Family Life
One of the National Eucharistic Revival Preachers, Father Gonzalez was born in Nicaragua, and came to Miami at age 15. He graduated from Miami Coral Park Senior High School and entered St. John Vianney College Seminary in 2004. Father Gonzalez completed his studies for the priesthood at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach and was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Miami on May 11, 2013. He was assigned to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Kendall until June 2015, when he was appointed Archdiocesan Vocations Director and Director of Seminarians. He served in this ministry for five years. Currently Father Gonzalez is serving as Pastor of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church and School in Miami.
Nacido en Nicaragua; llegó a Miami a los 15 años; se graduó de Miami Coral Park Senior High School e ingresó al Seminario Universitario St. John Vianney en 2004. Completó sus estudios para el sacerdocio en el Seminario Regional de San Vicente de Paúl en Boynton Beach. Fue ordenado sacerdote de la Arquidiócesis de Miami el 11 de mayo de 2013. Fue asignado a la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes en Kendall hasta junio de 2015, cuando fue nombrado Director de Vocaciones Arquidiocesanas y Director de Seminaristas. Sirvió en este ministerio durante cinco años. Actualmente se desempeña como párroco de la Iglesia y Escuela Católica San Miguel Arcángel en Miami.
Afternoon Session (English)
Tim Glemkowski — What God Did and What God is Doing: The Need for a Eucharistic Revival and Your Place in One
Tim Glemkowski is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Eucharistic Congress. Previously, he served in the Archbishop’s Office for the Archdiocese of Denver as the Director of Strategy, helping to set up the archdiocese for a time of apostolic mission. He is the former founder and president of L’Alto Catholic Institute and Revive Parishes. Tim authored Made for Mission: Renewing Your Parish Culture, which was released in Fall 2019 through Our Sunday Visitor. He is an international speaker who has also consulted for many organizations, dioceses, and parishes. His writing has appeared in numerous print and web-based theological and catechetical publications. Tim and his wife, Maggie, live in Littleton, CO with their four young children.