Emmaus Experience Women’s Retreat – Dedicate time away from the distractions of daily routine to listen to Jesus and the Holy Spirit in an environment of faith, fellowship and worship on Friday, February 28 (early evening) through Sunday, March 2 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat and Spirituality Center, 3989 S. Moon Dr., Venice. This retreat is based on the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35 in which Jesus joins two disciples on their way to Emmaus. The cost is $275 and includes a double room or $375 for a private room. To register, please contact Donna Vodraska, donnavodraska@aol.com or 630-336-0913. The deadline to register is February 10, 2025.
Easter Triduum Retreat – Supper on Holy Thursday, April 17 begins this 4-day retreat, ending with breakfast on Easter Sunday at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat and Spirituality Center, 3989 S. Moon Dr., Venice. Enjoy six Conferences focusing on the passion, death, and resurrection of the Lord. Celebration of the liturgies of the Lord’s Supper, Way of the
Cross, Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion, Easter Vigil, and Sunrise Easter Liturgy are celebrated. Confessions also available. Register today at (www.olph-retreat.org) and click on “Schedule of Events.”
Treat yourself to a day of peace and spiritual growth either Sunday, February 9 or Wednesday, February 12. Fr. Leland Thorpe, OMV will reflect on how we can prepare now to have our best Lent yet when it begins on March 5th. The day begins at 9:30 a.m. with continental breakfast, and includes two conferences, lunch, Eucharistic Adoration, the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, private meditation, and prayer. The day concludes with 2:30 p.m. Mass. To register, please visit: olph-retreat.org/monthly-day-of-prayer.
Monthly Day of Prayer for February – Treat yourself to a day of peace and spiritual growth Wednesday, February 12. Fr. Leland Thorpe, OMV will reflect on how we can prepare now to have our best Lent yet when it begins on March 5th. The day begins at 9:30 a.m. with continental breakfast, and includes two conferences, lunch, Eucharistic Adoration, the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, private meditation, and prayer. The day concludes with 2:30 p.m. Mass. To register, please visit: olph-retreat.org/monthly-day-of-prayer.
Monthly Day of Prayer for February – Treat yourself to a day of peace and spiritual growth either Sunday, February 9 or Wednesday, February 12. Fr. Leland Thorpe, OMV will reflect on how we can prepare now to have our best Lent yet when it begins on March 5th. The day begins at 9:30 a.m. with continental breakfast, and includes two conferences, lunch, Eucharistic Adoration, the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, private meditation, and prayer. The day concludes with 2:30 p.m. Mass. To register, please visit: olph-retreat.org/monthly-day-of-prayer.
Advent Retreat – Encounter Mary and her Son in a deeply personal and transformative way December 12-13 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 South Moon Drive, Venice. This retreat begins at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday and concludes after lunch at 1:00 p.m. on Friday and includes conferences by the OLPH priests, the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, meals, and Mass on both days. Time for adoration, private prayer, or meditation on the beautiful grounds is also provided. The price is $200.00 for a private room, $160.00 for a shared room, and $120.00 for commuters. Click here to register or visit olph-retreat.org to view all events. If you have any questions, please call Carol Miller, the Operations Manager, at (941) 486-0233, ext. 3011, or email her at olphinfo@olph-retreat.org.
Monthly Day of Prayer for December – Treat yourself to a day of peace and spiritual growth before the Christmas rush! OLPH Monthly Day of Prayer for December will be held on Wednesday, December 11. Fr. Greg Cleveland, OMV will offer two conferences for the Eucharistic Revival: (1) Eternity: Our True Eucharistic Homeland, and (2) The Blood of Christ: Saving Stream from the Heart of Jesus. The day begins at 9:30 a.m. with continental breakfast, and includes two conferences, lunch, Eucharistic Adoration, the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, private meditation, and prayer. The day concludes with 2:30 p.m. Mass. To register, please visit: olph-retreat.org/monthly-day-of-prayer.
A Walk with Jesus for Grieving Parents – The pain from grief can be extreme, but the death of a child is even more intense. Parents experience an emptiness like no other. If you are mourning the loss of a child (from infancy to adulthood), consider attending a Catholic faith-based weekend retreat from Friday, October 11 until Sunday October 13 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 S. Moon Drive, Venice. Deacon Henry De Mena will lead the Retreat. The cost is $150.00 per person based on double occupancy and $250.00 for single occupancy. Financial assistance is available. To register scan the QR code in the flier, follow the link below or contact Jim Gontis at gontis@dioceseofvenice.org for further information.
Register: Grieving Parents Retreat (regfox.com)
The Scout Ten Commandment Hike will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.,Saturday, September 30 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 South Moon Drive, Venice
Come examine God’s laws – Enjoy nature and a magnificent facility
For all Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturers, in grades K through 12, Parents and Siblings
Stroller and wheelchair accessible
Registration is $5.00 per attendee
Children under 5 years old are free
Registration and payment is online only
$5.00 per Adult
$5.00 per Scout
$5.00 per Staff
Day of Reflection for Sacramental Marriage is a retreat day for couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. A specially prepared volunteer team of married couples and a priest share their experiences and information with the intention of enabling couples to be more aware of the privileges and responsibilities of marriage.
Registration is 9:30 am, with the program beginning promptly at 10:00 am. It is important that everyone arrive by 9:30 am so the first session can begin on time. Lunch is provided. The program ends at 5:00 pm. Couples should plan to stay the entire day to complete this required retreat. The cost is $50.00.
The retreat is designed to be completed after the couple has done the initial consultation with their priest and when they are well into the Witness to Love program. The retreat should be completed at least 2 months prior to the wedding.