FCCB Voter Guide/Guía de la FCCB para el Votante

Be an informed voter on November 8, 2022. Catholic faithful are urged to see beyond party politics, to analyze political campaigns critically, and to choose political leaders according to principle, not just self-interest. The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops (FCCB) has created a guide offering information about Catholic teaching on moral and social concerns facing our nation and state. The guide includes questions to help voters evaluate candidate positions on key issues for the 2022 general election. Consider using this tool for prayer and reflection before casting your ballot. Click here for the FCCB Voter Guide.

Guía de la FCCB para el Votante 2022 Se exhorta a los fieles católicos a ver más allá de la política partidista, a analizar las campañas políticas de manera crítica, y a elegir a los líderes políticos de acuerdo con los principios, y no sólo el interés propio. La Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Florida (FCCB) ha creado una guía que ofrece información sobre la doctrina católica acerca de las inquietudes morales y sociales que enfrentan nuestra nación y nuestro estado. La guía incluye preguntas para ayudar a los votantes a evaluar las posiciones de los candidatos en temas claves durante la temporada electoral de 2022. Considere utilizar esta herramienta para orar y reflexionar antes de emitir su voto. El martes, 8 de noviembre de 2022, es el día de las elecciones generales. Visite https://bit.ly/3PiGDyW

Governor’s Race: See the Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Comparison: (English)(Spanish).

Early Voting: Early voting begins in some counties as early as Monday, October 24, and is available statewide from Saturday, October 29 – Saturday, November 5.
Vote-By-Mail: A vote-by-mail ballot must be received, regardless of postmark, by the county Supervisor of Elections office no later than 7:00 p.m. (local time) on election day in order to be counted. The United States Postal Service recommends that voters mail back their voted ballots at least one (1) week before election day to account for any unforeseen events or weather issues.
General Election Day: Tuesday, November 8
Early voting sites and hours, secure ballot intake stations for returning vote-by-mail ballots, and polling locations for election-day voting can be found by visiting the website of your county Supervisor of Elections.
Additional information for voters is available on the website of the Florida Division of Elections.