Behind the scenes: Filming a television Mass for the homebound at Incarnation Parish in Sarasota
The Sunday Mass on Television is an outreach of the Department of Communications and is supported by the donations of viewers. This outreach serves those who are unable to attend Sunday Mass in one of the parishes of the Diocese. For many homebound individuals, this outreach reminds them that they are loved by their brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the Diocese of Venice, and that they remain a vibrant and loved part of our faith community.
Special Note for the Lenten and Easter Season
The TV Mass is broadcast every Sunday and is a half-hour program. However, on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, the Mass will be broadcast at a special time and will be an hour-long broadcast. Please see below for the special times for Palm Sunday (Sunday, April 13) and Easter Sunday (Sunday, April 20), 2025.
Prayer: Act of Spiritual Communion