Information Technology

2022 Technology Survey

Thank you for responding quickly to this critical process. Below you will find links to the survey guides, the Beasley insurance form, and to the survey itself, which is due by March 25th, 2022.

Please send any questions to or call the IT Help Desk.

In summary, the process includes the following:

1) Download the appropriate guide and use it to gather information.

Please note that the school guide and the one for parishes & other entities are very similar, but not the same. Download the correct survey guide. Use this guide to collect information but do not sent it to the Diocese.

2) Download and fill-out the Beasley insurance form.

3) When done with steps #1 & #2 above, start the survey by clicking the survey link below. There you can answer the questions using the gathered information as well as upload the completed Beasley insurance form at the end of the survey.