Offices & Departments

Stewardship and Development

Stewardship is a lifestyle which, with faith and gratitude, acknowledges that God is our creator and owner of all we have. Recognizing that everything is a gift from God, a steward willingly gives a portion of those gifts to others, especially to those who are in need. Giving a portion of our financial resources is part of stewardship living.

Catholic Faith Appeal

The Catholic Faith Appeal is an opportunity to grow in faith and to express that faith in action.

“Whoever cares for the poor lends to the Lord . . . “ (Prov 19:17).

Please take time to celebrate our faith and discern how to put your gifts into service for one another and for those in need.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane offers deep appreciation for your support of the Catholic Faith Appeal.  Please view the video below for a message from Bishop Dewane about this annual appeal. To view Bishop Dewane’s video message in Spanish, please click here.




Learn More About Giving

In addition to our Catholic Faith Appeal, there are many other ways to give back in ways that extend beyond the reach of your home parish. Click here to learn more about Ways to Give.

Donate to the Catholic Faith Appeal

There are many ways in which gifts can be made. Examples include gifts of cash, securities, works of art, life insurance, royalties and other personal property, as well as gifts of real property. Click here to donate to the Catholic Faith Appeal.

Catholic Faith Appeal Brochure and FAQ

This year’s Catholic Faith Appeal information is available here

Check to see if your corporation will double or triple your donation.