Within the Diocese of Venice there are various Young Adult Outreach opportunities at local Parishes for people from 18-39.
Theology on Tap, The Upper Room Coffee House, Rooted and Converge are just a few of the programs offered.
Theology on Tap-Naples – Every Tuesday Night (rotating parish locations) contact Robert Massey robert@stagnesnaples.org or Theresa Barbale theresabarbale@gmail.com for more details.
Theology on Tap-Venice/North Port – Every Thursday from April 7 – May 12, at Our Lady of Lourdes, contact Cierra Evancho ololyouthgroup@hotmail.com
Upper Room Coffee House – Every Friday in Venice, contact Colleen Roca totustuus2k@hotmail.com
Rooted at St John XXIII – “Rooted” meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:15, Contact Kelly Evers kelly@johnxxiii.net or Beth Benham beth@johnxxiii.net

Come as you are! Come journey with us! St John XXIII Young Adult Ministry “Rooted” 18 to 39. All are welcome; married, single, women, men, parishioners, non-parishioners…anyone seeking to journey toward and with God along with other sojourners. Sessions vary from; Praise & Worship, Events & Adventure, Bon-Fires, and Social Justice Events.
Stay connected to our Facebook Group “Rooted at St John XXIII” to see what’s coming up and what’s being planned.