“Witnessing Faith with Bishop Dewane” can be heard on the last Friday of each month at 8:30 AM on 1410 AM and 106.7 FM in Fort Myers, and 1660 AM and 93.3 FM in Naples, or right here on our website.
Bishop Dewane talks about Lent 2025 with Father Mark Harris
Bishop Dewane talks about Catholic Schools Week 2025 with Jennifer Falestiny, Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools Curriculum Coordinator.
Bishop Dewane speaks about the 2025 Jubilee Year
Bishop Dewane speaks about Advent Season with Sue Thompson, DRE at St. Patrick Parish in Sarasota, and Michael Young, Parochial Vicar at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice.
Bishop Dewane speaks on All Saints Day and the month of All Souls with Father John Belmonte, SJ, Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Education, as Jim Gontis, Diocesan Director of Evangelization.
Bishop Dewane speaks with Together in Holiness Marriage Conference speaker Mallory Smyth
Bishop Dewane speaks with Michelle Taylor about dangerous Amendment 4
Bishop Dewane speaks with two Totus Tuus missionaries about the summer program that reached thousands of children and teens
Bishop Dewane talks about Catholic Schools with Father John Belmonte, SJ, and Jennifer Falestiny
Bishop Dewane speaks with Father Greg Cleveland, OMV, on the influences of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Bishop Dewane speaks with Deacon Scott Little on the OCIA program which brings Catechumens and Candidates into the Catholic Church.
Bishop Dewane speaks with Father Eric Scanlan, Pastor of Incarnation Parish in Sarasota, about Good Friday and the Easter Triddum.
Bishop Dewane speaks with Dr. Mary Blanchard of Ave Maria University, and Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco and St. John Neumann Catholic High School teachers Sisters Nicole Daly and Juliana Alfonso, about Women in the Church and the continuation of Lent.
Bishop Dewane speaks with Jesuit Father John Belmonte, Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Education, about Catholic Schools Week 2024 (Jan. 28-Feb. 3) and Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent of Feb. 14.
Bishop Dewane speaks with Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc. CEO Eddie Gloria about the Catholic Charities 2023-24 Christmas Appeal and an update on Hurricane Ian response and recovery.
Bishop Dewane speaks with Father Ricky Varner of St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Cape Coral and Father Eric Scanlan of Incarnation Parish in Sarasota about the ongoing Parish Year of the National Eucharistic Revival as well as a preview of Advent.
Bishop Dewane speaks with Father Russell Wright of St. Patrick Parish in Sarasota and St. Patrick Director of Religious Education Sue Thompson on their recent trip to the Holy Land which was disrupted by violence there, as well as All Saints’ Day, All Souls Day.
Bishop Dewane speaks with Diocesan Marriage and Family Coordinator Carrie Harkey and representatives from the St. John Paul II Foundation about the upcoming “Together in Holiness” Marriage Conference on October 21 in Fort Myers.
Bishop Dewane speaks with Diocesan Youth and Young Adult Ministry Outreach Director Marthamaria Morales, Father Alex Pince and two youth from the area who all went to World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal.
Bishop Dewane speaks with newly ordained priests, Father Daniel Scanlan and Father Alejandro Roldan.
Bishop Dewane chats with Carrie Harkey, Diocesan Coordinator of Family Life, and Abel Cordero, Totus Tuus missionary, about the ongoing Totus Tuus summer program for children and youth taking place at 11 different Parishes.
Bishop Dewane chats with Father Alex Pence, Parochial Vicar at Epiphany Cathedral, and Father John Belmonte, SJ, Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Education, on the Fatherhood of God.
Bishop Dewane provides a recap of the Diocesan Eucharistic Congress and speaks with Dr. Jeffrey Walkey, a Theology Professor at Ave Maria University, about the ongoing National Eucharistic Revival.
Bishop Dewane speaks with Father Eric Scanlan, Pastor of Incarnation Parish and Chaplain at Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota about Holy Week and the Easter Season.
Bishop Dewane speaks with Teresa Tomeo and Father Timothy Anastos about the March 24-25, 2023, Diocese of Venice Eucharistic Congress in Fort Myers
Bishop Dewane and Father John Belmonte, SJ, Superintendent of Catholic Education of Catholic Schools Week 2023
Bishop Dewane on the Feast of the Holy Family
Bishop Dewane and Diocesan Evangelization Director James Gontis speak about Advent
Bishop Dewane speaks about the Diocesan response to Hurricane Ian
Bishop Dewane speaks about the upcoming Together in Holiness Marriage Conference
Bishop Dewane speaks about Catholic Schools opening for the new year
Bishop Dewane speaks about the Totus Tuus summer camp program
Bishop Dewane speaks with two seminarians who will be ordained to the priesthood
Bishop Dewane speaks about Human Trafficking – rebroadcast from August 2020
Bishop Dewane reflections of Blessed Virgin Mary with guest Father Tom Carzon, OMV
Bishop Dewane talks about Ukraine and with Carrie Harkey about Safe Haven Sunday
Bishop Dewane speaks with Judy Huth and Carol Lippert, Sacristans at Epiphany Cathedral, about Lent.
Bishop talks with Father John Belmonte, SJ, Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Education about Catholic Schools Week 2022
Bishop continues his conversation about the Synod of Synodality (Part 2)
Bishop Talks about the Synod on Synodality (Part 1)
Bishop Talks about the intersection of Faith and Science with two professors from Ave Maria University (Part Two)
Bishop Talks about the intersection of Faith and Science with two professors from Ave Maria University (Part One)
Bishop Dewane enlightens all on Saints of August
Bishop Dewane talks about the Priestly Ordination of two in July
Bishop Dewane discusses Religious Freedom in detail for June
Mental Health is the topic of Witnessing Faith with Bishop Dewane for the month of May
Bishop Discusses Chapter 2 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
What is Lent? Why we should learn more about the Season? Bishop Dewane explains more.
Bishop Dewane Shares Highlights for 2021 in the Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools and Beyond!
Bishop Dewane is joined by Diocese of Venice Director of Worship Sean Myers for a beautiful Advent discussion!
Bishop Dewane teaches us about many Saints for the month of October as we prepare for All Saints Day!
Bishop Dewane addresses the tragedy of Human Trafficking on the August edition of Witnessing Faith.
Superintendent Father John Belmonte, SJ is the guest on Witnessing Faith with Bishop Dewane for July.
Bishop Dewane is joined by Sister Frances Lalor, RSM, who is retiring after 60 years as a Religious and 26 years at Epiphany Cathedral.
In May 2020, Bishop Dewane continues to update listeners on the state of the Pandemic and how it affects Diocesan Churches, Parishioners and Schools.
In April 2020, Bishop Dewane talks about the Coronavirus Pandemic and introduces “The Year of St. Joseph”. This show was recorded from the Catholic Center due to the studio being closed during the pandemic.
The 2020 Ad Limina Visit with Pope Francis is the hot topic for February!
Bishop Dewane speaks with Father Shawn Roser about The Sunday of the Word of God
Bishop Dewane shares the joy of the Christmas Season and the many special days to enjoy.
Bishop Dewane discusses the Civilize It! Campaign, how to be A Disciple of Christ and welcomes Advent with Father Shawn Monahan.
Father Jerome Carosella, Pastor of Our Lady of Mercy, joins Bishop Dewane to share memories of the Diocese for its 35th Anniversary. It was October 25, 1984 the Diocese was officially erected with the Installation of the first Bishop, Most Rev. John J. Nevins, and the Consecration of Epiphany Cathedral the same day.
Bishop Dewane shares the meaning of Priesthood Sunday with Father Eric Scanlan, Administrator of Incarnation Parish and Chaplain of Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School, and talks about the affect of Saints on their lives.
Bishop Dewane Talks with the creators of a group for MOMS!
Bishop Dewane Shares His Worldwide Faith-Filled Experiences
Hurricane Preparedness with Bishop and Catholic Charities
Bishop Dewane Shares the Importance of Volunteerism
Check this out on Chirbit
Bishop Dewane Focuses on Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools
Check this out on Chirbit
Bishop Dewane Discusses the True Meaning of Advent
Bishop Dewane Talks with Diocesan Youth Program Coordinator Nina Koziuk about “Youth Rally”
Check this out on Chirbit
Bishop Dewane Discusses Diocesan Dafe Environment Program with Coordinator Ashley Fox
Bishop Dewane Discusses Prison Ministry with Bob Hiniker and Mary Elizabeth Carey
Check this out on Chirbit
Bishop Dewane Discusses the Ordination of Transitional Deacon Shawn Roser