Summer break for college students is usually filled with fun, travel and perhaps work. For the Diocese of Venice seminarians who have completed another year of studies on their spiritual journey to becoming priests, they are now working on various summer assignments which will help them broaden their pastoral experiences.
“The summer assignments are an important part of seminarian formation, where the men have the opportunity to experience the realities of Parish life and ministry,” explained Diocese Vocations Director Father Alex Pince.
Each assignment is intended to provide the seminarians with an opportunity to learn about the daily operation of a Parish, with a focus on pastoral care. At different phases in their priestly formation, the assignments are carefully chosen to maximize the positive benefits for each seminarian.
“They are given the opportunity to gain valuable experience while getting to know and serve with the priests, lay ministers and faithful who make up a Parish community,” Father Pince added. “Each summer the assignments change, giving the seminarians a deeper understanding of their vocational call to become Diocesan priests.”
Bishop Frank J. Dewane said the summer is crucial in keeping the seminarians engaged as part of their commitment to a prayerful life and spiritual development. The work has the added benefit of keeping them connected to the Diocese in which they may someday serve as priests.
“In seminary formation there is a stress on the growth in human, academic, spiritual and pastoral formation,” Bishop Dewane said. “Summer assignments offer practical insights on pastoral ministry and provide the seminarian an opportunity to grow and have real-life encounters.”
Through encountering others in various pastoral ministries such as visiting the sick, leading the faithful in prayer, and helping the poor, each seminarian comes to a deeper understanding of their own personal call to serve the people of God, Bishop Dewane said.
The summer began with the Ordination to the Priesthood of Father Greg Dougherty on June 8, with many of the seminarians present to help serve the Mass. This allowed the seminarians to see one of their fellow seminarians reach a goal they are working to attain in the future.
The Parish assignments place the seminarians with Pastors who will also serve as a mentor to them. The assignments differ each summer to provide the greatest opportunity for new learning experiences.
While most will be serving at Parishes throughout the summer, one seminarian has been assigned as a Totus Tuus missionary. This Diocesan program is a weekly spiritual camp offered for children at Parishes throughout the summer to enable them to grow closer to the Lord. In addition, two men are currently Transitional Deacons, meaning they will serve more prominently at the Parish including during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, preaching, as well as celebrating baptism and weddings.
The seminarians and their summer assignment locations are as follows:
- Transitional Deacon Jacob Gwynn, St. John XXIII Parish, Fort Myers;
- Transitional Deacon Patrick Long, St. Thomas More Parish, Sarasota;
- Joseph Doherty, St. Francis Xavier Parish, Fort Myers;
- Bai Nguyen, St. Joseph Parish, Bradenton;
- Andrew Cordero, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Venice;
- Alain Valdvia, St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Port Charlotte;
- Lam Vo, San Antonio Parish, Port Charlotte;
- Jesse Gomez; Totus Tuus summer program.
Diocese of Venice Seminarians are supported through the Diocese Catholic Faith Appeal, the Knights of Columbus and the generosity of the faithful.
Parishioners from around the Diocese are encouraged to help support the seminarians in their studies and choice of vocations. To support a seminarian, send a check to the Diocese of Venice, Office of Vocations, 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285.
For more information about the seminarians or Vocations, contact Father Alex Pince at or 941-484-9543, or visit
Prayer for Vocations
God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as priests, deacons, religious, and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.