Diocese struck by Hurricane Irma – serious damage to 33 parishes and eight schools in addition to other facilities; in the first three weeks following the hurricane, Catholic Charities assisted more than more than 80,000 individuals and families at 12 different Disaster Response Centers with food and water; as Chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, Bishop Dewane authors, or coauthors, a number of letters to the President and Congress and made public statements on a wide range of issues that impact the lives of millions, including health care, tax reform and much more; one ordained to the priesthood; Ave Maria and Christ the King (Latin Masses only) elevated to Parish status, the 60th and 61st Parishes in the Diocese; Corpus Christi Chapel erected for Latin Mass in Naples and Fort Myers; V Encuentro initiative for Hispanic Catholic Community expands; first Mission Immokalee youth retreat; Mission trip to Grenada; Apostolic Nuncio addresses Youth Rally; two-year “Share the Journey” campaign from Pope Francis begins; Golden Jubilee of Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference draws 1,400; Opiate Crisis Clergy Conference; “Witnessing Faith with Bishop Dewane” monthly radio show on Relevant Radio begins; Vocations Awareness Days held for Catholic School sixth graders; Diocese formally consecrated the Diocese to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary; 33-day “Diocesan Advent Journey to Jesus through Mary.”