Respect Life

Novena of Masses for Life

A Novena of Masses for Life is celebrated annually from the Solemnity of the Annunciation (usually on March 25 unless it falls during Holy Week) and monthly on or around the 25th until November, with the option of additional Masses on Christmas.  The novena presents a special opportunity to meditate on the progressive development of Our Lord in His mother’s womb.  The hope is that this meditation will help people to reflect on the sanctity of all human life, from fertilization/conception to birth and throughout life until natural death, regardless of age or condition.

Novena Mass Schedule 2022        Novena Mass Schedule 2023


All parishes in the Diocese of Venice are invited to schedule a Novena of Masses for Life and register them with the Diocesan Respect Life Office to be listed on a diocesan schedule annually.

Prayers of the Faithful are available for download, as well as a graphic, ad, and flier which may be used in parish bulletins. 

Prayers of the Faithful

Novena Poster

Novena Quarter Ad

Bulletin Announcements

A spiritual adoption program is conducted at the same time which can enhance the Novena of Masses for Life. 

Jeanne Berdeaux
