2018 Catholic Days at the Capitol


For two days, each year Catholics from around the state gather in Tallahassee to participate in Catholic Days at the Capitol.

A group from the Diocese of Venice, 29 strong, traveled by bus to the Capitol from Jan. 30-31 to put into action the faith’s call to political responsibility. Participants strengthened the presence of Catholic values in the public square. They did this by advocating for laws that protect and defend human life and dignity, giving a voice to some of the most vulnerable and marginalized people and helping to promote the common good for all of Florida’s residents.

One participant said the trip offered better understanding of the importance of one-on-one meetings with legislators. Another would recommend the trip to everyone saying it was “an awesome experience that should not be missed. Seeing our government in action and ending with the most wonderful ‘Red Mass’ and feeling that you can make a difference.”

The Diocesan group, led by Respect Life Director Jeanne Berdeaux, met with Bishop Frank J. Dewane while in Tallahassee. Nine of the participants were first-timers, while the rest were veterans of this important annual journey. Epiphany Cathedral Parochial Vicar Chuck Ruoff joined the bus trip and gave the final prayer at a Civic Center briefing for more than 300 representatives of each Floridian Arch/diocese before heading they headed to the Capitol.

Catholic Days at the Capitol included such organized activities as: a legislative briefing on policy issues affecting human life and dignity; pre-scheduled meetings with lawmakers; a luncheon for Catholic Days participants, Florida’s Bishops and legislators; tours of the current and historic Capitol buildings; and the opportunity to view the legislative process in action during committee meetings or floor sessions. A highlight is the annual Red Mass of the Holy Spirit celebrated by the Bishops of Florida to pray for those working in the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government. The homily this year was by Bishop William Wack, CSC, of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee.

To learn more please visit http://www.flaccb.org.