5th Hispanic Emaus Congress draws big crowd

Nearly 1,500 people spent a recent Saturday experiencing and growing their love for the Lord while also building up their profound sense of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.

The 5th Emaus Congress took place Aug. 10, 2024, at the Turner-Agri Center in Arcadia. The event, which was in Spanish, was for those who have completed an Emmaus weekend retreat in the past and served as an opportunity to renew and recapture the fire that grew in them during their first retreat. During that retreat, participants learned a new way to live their life, as Jesus taught in the Gospel of Luke with a particular emphasis on the story about the Road to Emmaus.

Between the speakers and the music, there was a sense of community that everyone felt, making the day a huge success. Many commented on how uplifting and unifying the day was, bringing them closer to Jesus Christ in ways they did not expect.

“Beautiful!” “Amazing!” “Powerful” “I felt Christ’s love!” were just some of the reactions of particpants during the day. One woman from St. Agnes Parish in Naples sat in the front row and said she could not keep from smiling all day from dancing to every song. “I am so inspired and happy. What a wonderful day!”

The Congress, with the theme “Y Ellos lo Reconocieron al Partir el Pan (and they recognized Jesus when they broke the Bread),” built upon the retreat experience by presenting a series of speakers and music, inspiring the participants to leave changed for the better.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane celebrated Mass and first noted how the members of Emaus are a blessing to the Diocese. Present for the Congress were representatives from 27 different Parishes, and Bishop Dewane was impressed at how many are leaders at their Parish, some doing work that is visible, but many other doing good works behind the scenes.

“As followers of Jesus Christ, you give yourself to God, and you do it with joy,” Bishop Dewane said. “That joy comes from the knowledge that you are responding to a unique call. It is when we learn to share ourselves – the gifts the Lord has given – that we learn to help one another and to move about in that realm by recognizing the richness. As a community, be joyful in your response to the call of the Lord. Stand up and give that witness as to whom you are as men and women of God.”

Father Luis Pacheco, Spiritual Director for Hispanic Emaus and Administrator at St. Paul Parish in Arcadia, thanked the Bishop for his time in celebrating Mass for the Congress and for his ongoing support of the movement which inspires many throughout the Diocese to grow in their relationship with the Lord.

Father Pacheco said the goal of the Congress is to reinforce the benefits of the impactful retreats.

“This can fade over time,” Father Pacheco said. “This gathering is a renewal so that everyone will carry this message and bring their excitement back to their Parishes, spreading the message of the Lord to others.”

In his closing remarks, Bishop Dewane also encouraged everyone that they must be changed by their participation in the Congress and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as both were an encounter with Christ. “If we stay the same, we somehow missed that opportunity,” Bishop Dewane said. “Always be aware of each encounter with Christ in your life. Be changed and inspired to do the good for each other.”

The Emaus retreat program is a Diocesan-approved retreat weekend that takes place three times a year in both English and Spanish. It’s open to all men and women ages 20 or older seeking to grow in their relationship with Christ regardless of their present level of faith and practice. The purpose of the weekend is to give adults the opportunity to reflect upon themselves, their relationship with God and their community.

To learn more about Emaus retreats across the Diocese, contact your local Parish or email emmaus@dioceseofvenice.org.