Diocese to host fourth annual marriage enrichment conference on Oct. 19

The Diocese of Venice recognizes and supports the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony and celebrates the vocation of marriage by offering supportive preparation course, inspiring conferences, and celebrating the longevity of married couples with during annual Masses. The importance of forming and accompanying all married couples, from newlyweds to empty nesters, to live out their vocation in holiness and joy is a priority! As St. John Paul II famously said, “As goes the family, so goes the nation, and so goes the entire world in which we live.” It is of crucial importance that families in the Church are empowered to their sacred covenant.

Therefore, to promote greater formation for couples, Bishop Frank J. Dewane and the Diocesan Office of Marriage and Family Life are working in collaboration with the St. John Paul II Foundation to present the fourth annual “Together in Holiness” Marriage Enrichment Conference on Oct. 19, 2024, at the Church of the Resurrection of Our Lord, 8051 Cypress Lake Drive, Fort Myers.

In a video message encouraging engaged and married couples to attend this important Conference, Bishop Dewane said the day is a way to celebrate the essential and beautiful vocation of marriage together with God.

“Come together for a day dedicated to your marriage, and the union union you are as a couple, with God,” Bishop Dewane said. “The day will be filled with prayer, fellowship, and reflection, and presents a rare opportunity to focus on what is truly important. Know that your commitment to one another represents hope not only for yourselves and your family, but for the future of the Church. As you grow together in love, embracing your vocation as husband and wife, our Church flourishes.”

Bishop Dewane will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the conference. This will include a special marriage blessing from the Bishop for all couples present.

The Conference is a great opportunity for all Catholic engaged and married couples in the Diocese to gather for themselves and their marriage.

Registration is now open for the day-long event (8 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.), which includes inspirational talks by Catholic speakers Renzo and Monica Ortega, Mallory Smyth, as well as Father Alex Pince, Diocesan Director of Vocations and Parochial Vicar at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice.

The “Together in Holiness” Conference made its Diocese of Venice debut in 2021, and the event has grown each year with more than 250 people attending in 2023. The conference has received rave reviews from participants who remark not only how wonderful the speakers are but also the supportive atmosphere the entire day offers. “It was wonderful. Each speaker offered something of value that will enrich us as a couple, and as a family going forward,” one couple from Naples said in 2023.

The following are additional comments from previous attendees:

  • “We enjoyed the ‘Together in Holiness’ Conference so much! It was a refresher from our marriage prep retreat, and we would definitely recommend more couples attend this Conference!”
  • “It was a wonderful day to spend time away from the constructs of everyday, busy life and just focus on time with my best friend.”
  • “It was encouraging to see so many couples committed to growing in their faith and marriage.”

The cost is $54 for registration before Sept. 9, and $64 afterwards. Childcare ($5 per child), as well as full and partial scholarships, are available.

For those interested in attending the Together in Holiness marriage enrichment conference, registration information is available at www.togetherinholiness.org/venice. You can also contact Conference Coordinator Ellen Santoro at ellen@forlifeandfamily.org or 832-779-1070 for more information.

Continuing the Journey

For couples who wish to continue enriching their marriage—whether or not they attend the Conference—the “Together in Holiness” Formation series is offered. The Formation series is year-round marriage enrichment for small groups of four to six couples gathering to explore a particular theme based on the life, teaching and witness of St. John Paul II. At the gatherings, couples share a meal, watch a brief video and have guided prayer, Scripture and discussion. If you would like to participate in or learn more about the Together in Holiness Formation series in the Diocese of Venice, contact THFormation@forlifeandfamily.org.