The Office of Marriage and Family life strives to promote and strengthen Catholic families to carry out God’s plan for them in every stage of life. We desire to encourage, integrate, and instill the communal, educational, vocational, and spousal aspects of family life and marriage in today’s culture. The Office of Marriage and Family Life is an office within the Diocese’s Department of Evangelization.
The Diocese forms couples for Sacramental Marriage utilizing a virtue based, mentor led program that accompanies each couple into the life of a Parish. Efforts are made to raise fertility awareness and resources are provided to aid couples in being open to life.
Couples are recognized who give beautiful witness to the sanctity and fidelity to the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony through our annual celebration of Anniversary Masses.
All couples – engaged, newly wed, long married, are empowered to become active agents of the family apostolate by attending the Diocese of Venice’s annual Together in Holiness Marriage Enrichment Conference, which aims to inspire couples to grow together in holiness and assist parents in forming their children in the Catholic Faith.
Parents are helped in ensuring the home is a “safe haven” through the Diocese’s annual celebration of Safe Haven Sunday, and through a variety of workshops offered throughout the year which seek to help parents address current culture and concerns.
Families who suffer the loss of a loved one are offered bereavement workshops and, in some cases, divorce healing.