Un retiro de Emaús es un fin de semana de retiro espiritual donde “servidores” laicos le presentan una alternativa de vida a aquellos “caminantes” que  vienen al retiro.  El retiro se basa en el Evangelio de San Lucas, capítulo 24, versos 13 al 35, “El Camino a Emaús.”

The Emmaus Retreat is a weekend (Friday evening to Sunday afternoon) retreat; consisting of “Lay Parishioners” /” Servants” who present personal testimonies and experiences. These presentations are shared with the “Walkers” / Pilgrims” attending the retreat. The testimonies and presentations portray a “new way of life” in the Lord; according to the Gospel of St. Luke: 24, 13-35; “The Road to Emmaus”. The ultimate goal of the retreat is an invitation to seek God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit at all times in their life.