
Safe Environment

As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of minors and vulnerable adults.

Program MissionMisión del Programa
As minors and vulnerable adults participate in activities within or sponsored by our diocese, it is our commitment to provide an environment which is safe and nurturing. Therefore, the mission of the Safe Environment Program is:

  • To provide required education for all active lay employees, priests, religious, deacons, and those volunteers regularly involved with minors, and parents, as to the issue of abuse of children including the detection, prevention and reporting of child abuse.
  • To provide required training programs for children and young people in our Catholic schools and Parish religious education programs. This includes age appropriate materials pertaining to personal safety and information about improper touching and relationships. Children are not expected to be fully knowledgeable about child abuse or of the laws governing care of children but they need to know when they should seek assistance from a trusted adult.
  • To thoroughly screen and evaluate the background of all employees within the Diocese of Venice – clergy, religious and laity – and those volunteers who work with children and young people.
  • To hold all diocesan employees (clergy, religious and laity) and those volunteers who work with children and young people – to Christ-centered and professional codes of conduct.

Como adultos Cristianos, tenemos una responsabilidad moral y legal y somos encomendados por Dios con el bienestar espiritual, emocional y físico de los menores y adultos vulnerables. Cuando ellos participan en las actividades en o patrocinadas por nuestra diócesis, es nuestro compromiso proporcionar un ambiente que sea sano y educado. Por lo tanto, la misión del Programa Sano del Ambiente es:

  • Investigar y evaluar a fondo los antecedentes de todos los empleados/as diocesanos – clero, religiosos/as y laicado – y aquellos/as voluntarios/as que trabajan con menores y jóvenes.
  • Mantener a aquellos que son ministros en el nombre de la Iglesia de Venece – todos los empleados/as diocesanos (clero, religiosos/as y laicado) y aquellos/as voluntarios/as que trabajan con menores y jóvenes – centrados en Cristo y en los códigos profesionales de conducta.
  • Proporcionar educación para todos los empleados/as (clero, religiosos/as y laicado), aquellos/as voluntarios/as y otros envueltos regularmente con menores, y los padres, en cuanto al tema del abuso de menores incluyendo la detención, la prevención y el informe de abuso del menor.
  • Proporcionar programas de capacitación para menores y jóvenes en nuestras escuelas Católicas. Esto incluye materiales apropiados a la edad, relacionados a la seguridad personal e información acerca de contacto impropio y relaciones. No se espera que los niños estén completamente informados sobre el abuso del menor o de las leyes que gobiernan el cuidado de menores, pero ellos necesitan saber cuándo deben buscar ayuda de un adulto de confianza.

The Safe Environment Program consists of two core components: Background Checking and Fingerprinting, and Training and Awareness.  See below for training registration, the background fingerprinting process, and other critical information.  The Diocese engages Virtus for data management and video training programs for Protecting God’s Children through education and prevention training for adults.

Please join the Diocese of Venice in praying for healing for all victims of abuse, may they find peace in justice.  Click here to download a Prayer for Healing, in both English and Spanish.


Meet the Team

Dr. Volodymyr Smeryk

Chancellor, Overseer of the Safe Environment Program

Michelle Grabowski

Director, Human Resources

Tracy Brooks

Risk Manager

Susan Benton

Victims Assistance Coordinator


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