New Diocesan Stewardship and Development Director settles in

Bob Reddy – Florida Catholic

With a broad base of experience, for the past 19 years in the Archdiocese of Newark, Carla Repollet, the new Diocese of Venice Stewardship and Development Director, brings a unique perspective to stewardship and development.

With fresh ideas, Repollet is reaching out to Parishes throughout the Diocese by offering the resources and support of her department to help enhance stewardship at all levels.

“I have learned many lessons from my experience in Newark and know what can happen when people become complacent when it is assumed that there will always be money coming in; churches were closed,” she explained. “The goal we must all have is to instill a sense of ownership for the faithful as they must answer the call of Jesus. That call is to be living stewards of the Church.”

Noting that we all have a strong connection to the Church, Repollet noted. “It is our second home. It is where important moments in our lives take place, such as baptisms, confirmations, weddings and funerals. Like a home, without continual support and investment of the people today, the Church won’t be there for future generations.”

A graduate of Rutgers University, she is married with four daughters and a grandson. An immigrant to the U.S., she was born on the Island of Terceira in the Azores, which lies in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean about 1,000 miles west of Portugal.

Being an immigrant offers Repollet a unique perspective on being a steward of the Church and the need to balance what is needed to support the Church within the Diocese of Venice. While there are wealthy portions of the Diocese, there are also very needy portions.

“The Diocese of Venice is blessed to have so much growth taking place. However, we can’t count on that to last forever. Today, we must focus on the now. It is about everyone offering a fair share so that others less fortunate can continue to experience the same Church as everyone else,” she added. “That is the beauty of the Church. No matter where you go, the Mass is the Mass. It might be in a different language, but the Church is universal.”

As Stewardship and Development Director, Repollet said she plans to be very service-oriented and hopes that Parishes use her office as a resource. Her primary responsibilities include overseeing the Catholic Faith Appeal, working to increase and enhance offertory collections, and assisting in Capital Campaigns providing support to Parishes with fundraising initiatives.

Repollet can be reached at 941-441-1117 or