Catholic Haitians celebrate independence and fraternity

On the 220th Anniversary of Haiti as the first Independent Republic in the Caribbean, the Diocese of Venice, in conjunction with the Haitian Catholic Community, celebrated a Mass at St. Leo the Great Parish in Bonita Springs on Jan. 1, 2025, the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God.

Faithful from throughout the Diocese of Venice attended the Mass which was celebrated by Most Rev. Thomas Wenski, Archbishop of Miami, with Bishop Frank J. Dewane concelebrating. In addition, there were numerous priests from the Diocese who also concelebrated.

Archbishop Wenski praised the strong Haitian Catholic Community in the Diocese of Venice for its rich and thriving culture. The Archbishop reflected upon his time, as a newly ordained priest, when he took a particular interest in the Haitian parishioners and was sent to study Creole and the Haitian culture. From that experience, he assisted in serving the Haitian community in the Archdiocese, which included what would later become the southern counties of the Diocese of Venice in 1984.

“I travelled throughout the Archdiocese of Miami to serve the growing Haitian population and many of my fondest memories were of coming to Southwest Florida,” Archbishop Wenski said. “It is wonderful to be back here celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for such a wonderful group of people.”

The Archbishop also spoke about the celebration of the independence of Haiti and how it importantly falls upon a major celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the World Day of Peace.

Bishop Dewane thanked Archbishop Wenski for accepting his invitation to be a guest of the Diocese of Venice, saying his presence was a blessing as he came to share his time, wisdom and faith with the Haitian Catholic Community here.

“You are important not only because you are here today,” Bishop Dewane said. “Our Church here in the Diocese is all the more blessed to have you here as the richness of your Faith is evident to all.”

Crediting the priests who serve the Haitian Catholic Community in the Diocese, many from Haiti, Bishop Dewane thanked them for their dedication to the Church, to the Diocese and to the people of God.

Father Jean-Marie Fritz Ligondé, Diocesan Haitian Ministry Director and Parochial Vicar at St. Columbkille Parish, thanked Bishop Dewane for his unyielding support of the Haitian Catholic Community, including his support for the annual New Year’s Day celebration.

At the conclusion of the Mass, everyone joined in singing the Haitian National Anthem with many waving small Haitian flags.

Antoine Blaise of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Immokalee was overjoyed to be a part of the New Year’s Day celebration having moved to the Diocese of Venice with his family in 2015. “We are blessed to be here and feel welcomed every day. Today is a great day because we celebrate our homeland and our faith in a special way.”

A cultural celebration and dinner took place in the Parish Hall. This celebration featured, as its first course, the symbolically important joumou soup, a hearty blend of pumpkin (turban squash), potatoes, beef, chili peppers and other ingredients. It was during the colonial period when the people of Haiti were forbidden from eating the soup because they were deemed too “uncivilized” by the French colonists. Therefore, when independence was achieved, the joumou soup became a lasting symbol of freedom.

For the Haitian community, Jan. 1 is both a spiritual day, the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, and an emotional day commemorating the independence of their homeland. The Haitians defeated the largest and most powerful army at the time, the army of Napoleon, in Cap-Haitien, and Haiti became the second country in the Americas to declare its independence on Jan. 1, 1804.

There are currently Masses celebrated each weekend in Haitian Creole at the following Parishes: St. Charles Borromeo in Port Charlotte; St. Francis Xavier in Fort Myers; St. Michael in Wauchula; Sacred Heart in Bradenton; Our Lady of Guadalupe in Immokalee; and St. Peter the Apostle in Naples. The New Year’s Day celebration is one of the few times the entire community can gather in one place.

Catholic Haitians celebrate Solemnity, independence and fraternity

On the 220th Anniversary of Haiti as the first Independent Republic in the Caribbean, the Diocese of Venice, in conjunction with the Haitian Catholic Community, celebrated a Mass at St. Leo the Great Parish in Bonita Springs on Jan. 1, 2024, the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God.

Faithful from throughout the Diocese of Venice attended the Mass which was celebrated by Most Rev. Charles Peters Barthélus, Bishop of the Diocese of Port-de-Paix, Haiti, with Bishop Frank J. Dewane concelebrating. In addition, there were numerous priests from the Diocese who also concelebrated.

Bishop Barthélus prayed for Haitians in the Diocese of Venice who live far from their homeland, that they remember their roots and continue to pray for all Haitians who continue to live in a country that is politically unstable and endures ongoing violence and poverty.

“The people of Haiti are strong people,” said Bishop Barthélus. “There is a determination and strength to the Haitian people that endures.”

The Bishop also spoke about the celebration of the independence of Haiti and how it importantly falls upon a major celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the World Day of Peace.

Bishop Dewane thanked Bishop Barthélus for accepting his invitation to be a guest of the Diocese, saying his presence was a blessing as he came to share his time, wisdom and faith with the Haitian Catholic Community here.

“You are important not only because you are here today,” Bishop Dewane said. “Our Church here in the Diocese is all the more blessed to have you here as the richness of your Faith is evident to all.”

Crediting the priests who serve the Haitian Catholic Community in the Diocese, many from Haiti, Bishop Dewane thanked them for their dedication to the Church, to the Diocese and to the people of God.

Father Jean-Marie Fritz Ligondé, Diocesan Haitian Ministry Director and Parochial Vicar at St. Columbkille Parish, thanked Bishop Dewane for his unyielding support of the Haitian Catholic Community, including his support for the annual New Year’s Day celebration.

At the conclusion of the Mass, everyone joined in singing the Haitian National Anthem with many waving small Haitian flags.

Mirlande Augustin of St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Naples was overjoyed to be a part of the New Year’s Day celebration. “I moved to this Diocese after the 2010 earthquake devastated my hometown. Here, we found a beautiful home, and today we celebrate our heritage in a special way.”

A cultural celebration and dinner took place in the Parish Hall. This celebration featured, as its first course, the symbolically important joumou soup, a hearty blend of pumpkin (turban squash), potatoes, squash, beef, chili peppers and other ingredients. It was during the colonial period when the people of Haiti were forbidden from eating the soup because they were deemed too “uncivilized” by the French colonists. Therefore, when independence was achieved, the joumou soup became a lasting symbol of freedom.

For the Haitian community, Jan. 1 is both a spiritual day, and an emotional day commemorating such an important day in their homeland. The Haitians defeated the largest and most powerful army at the time, the army of Napoleon, in Cap-Haitien, and Haiti became the second country in the Americas to declare its independence on Jan. 1, 1804.

There are currently Masses celebrated each weekend in Haitian Creole at the following Parishes: St. Charles Borromeo in Port Charlotte; St. Francis Xavier in Fort Myers; St. Michael in Wauchula; Sacred Heart in Bradenton; Our Lady of Guadalupe in Immokalee; and St. Peter the Apostle in Naples. The New Year’s Day celebration is one of the few times the entire community can gather in one place.

2023 Christmas Message from Bishop Dewane in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole

Merry Christmas!!

A very Blessed and Merry Christmas to all! Today, the Church proclaims, “Christ the Lord is born; today the Savior has appeared”. This is in celebration of a baby born in humble surroundings and yet, the King of Kings! The Christ Child comes to us as a helpless infant, and we reflect on the love of the Father, who sent His Only Son to offer us the gift of salvation.

As we look upon and contemplate the beautiful re-creations of the Nativity scenes in our Parishes and homes, it is a time to rejoice and be glad for this most sacred gift. Remember also that this day marks the origin of the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph – the perfect example of what the love of family means.

This year, be mindful of all who are suffering throughout the world, especially those in war-torn Ukraine, the Middle East, and even here in the Diocese of Venice. Join me in prayer that they may feel the love and presence of God, knowing that with God all things are possible.

It is my prayer that you have a Christmas filled with peace, love, and joy! Be assured of my prayers for you and your family.

Again, have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!

+Frank J. Dewane

Bishop of the Diocese of

Venice in Florida


¡¡Feliz Navidad!!

¡Una muy Bendecida y Feliz Navidad para todos! Hoy la Iglesia proclama: “Cristo Señor ha nacido; hoy ha aparecido el Salvador”. Es la celebración de un niño nacido en un entorno humilde y, sin embargo, ¡el Rey de Reyes!  El Niño Jesús llega a nosotros como un niño indefenso, y reflexionamos sobre el amor del Padre, que envió a su Único Hijo para ofrecernos el don de la salvación.

Cuando miramos y contemplamos las hermosas recreaciones de los pesebres en nuestras parroquias y hogares, es un momento para regocijarnos y alegrarnos por este regalo tan sagrado. Recuerden también que este día marca el origen de la Sagrada Familia, Jesús, María y José, el ejemplo perfecto de lo que significa el amor a la familia.

Este año, tengan presente a todos los que están sufriendo en el mundo entero, especialmente a los que están en Ucrania, devastada por la guerra, en Oriente Medio e incluso aquí en la Diócesis de Venice. Únanse a mí en oración para que ellos puedan sentir el amor y la presencia de Dios, sabiendo que con Dios todas las cosas son posibles.

¡Es mi plegaria que ustedes tengan una Navidad llena de paz, amor y alegría! Confíen en mis oraciones por ustedes y su familia.

Una vez más, ¡que tengan una Bendecida y Feliz Navidad!

+Frank J. Dewane

Obispo de la Diócesis de

Venice en Florida


Joyeux Noël!

Je souhaite à tous et à chacun un benediksyon et Joyeux Noël! Aujourd’hui, l’Église proclame : « Ne craignez pas, car voici que je vous annonce une bonne nouvelle, qui sera une grande joie pour tout le peuple : Aujourd’hui, dans la ville de David, vous est né un Sauveur qui est le Christ, le Seigneur». Nous célébrons l’Enfant Jésus, né dans une humble étable, lui qui pourtant est le Roi des Rois ! Jésus vient à nous comme un enfant sans défense, et sa naissance nous donne l’opportunité de réfléchir sur l’amour incommensurable du Père, qui a envoyé son Fils unique pour nous sauver.

Pendant ces jours de fête, dans nos paroisses et dans nos maisons, nous contemplons de belles crèches qui reconstruisent les scènes de la Nativité. Quelle heureuse occasion de revivre et de célébrer ce don sacré ! Mais Noël marque aussi les débuts de la Sainte Famille – Jésus, Marie et Joseph –, l’exemple parfait de l’amour familial.

Dans la dynamique de cet amour familial auquel le Seigneur nous convie, cette année, ayons une pensée pieuse pour tous ceux qui souffrent dans le monde, en particulier pour les populations affligées par la guerre en Ukraine et au Moyen- Orient, mais aussi pour tous ceux qui souffrent dans notre diocèse de Venise. Unis dans la prière, faisons-leur sentir l’amour et la présence de Dieu afin qu’ils sachent qu’avec Dieu, tout est possible.

Puisse le Seigneur faire la grâce à tous et à chacun de passer une fête de Noël dans la paix, l’amour et la joie ! Soyez assurés de mes prières pour vous et pour votre famille.

Avec mes meilleurs vœux,

+ Mgr Frank J. Dewane

Évêque du Diocèse de

Venice, Floride

Celebrating independence and fraternity

On the 219th Anniversary of Haiti as the first Independent Republic in the Caribbean, the Diocese of Venice, in conjunction with the Haitian Catholic Community, a Mass was celebrated at St. Leo the Great Parish in Bonita Springs on Jan. 1, 2023, Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God.

The faithful from throughout the Diocese of Venice attended the Mass which was celebrated by Most Rev. Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS, Bishop of the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina, with Bishop Frank J. Dewane concelebrating. In addition, there were numerous priests from the Diocese who also concelebrated.

Bishop Fabre was appointed to Charleston in May 2022, having been ordained to the priesthood in 1986 as a Missionary of St. Charles, Scalabrinian. The Mass was a homecoming for Bishop Fabre, as his first priestly assignment upon ordination was as Parochial Vicar of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Immokalee from 1986 to 1990. “I remember this area well. It is where I learned to become a priest.”

Bishop Fabre offered a powerful message of community, stressing how each individual is important to the foundation of Holy Mother Church, and should be celebrated each day. During his homily, the Bishop encouraged everyone to greet each other and express this importance to one another.

The Bishop also spoke about the celebration of the independence of Haiti and how it importantly falls upon a major celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the World Day of Peace. He encouraged everyone to remember their roots in Haiti but also accept that they are part of the Universal Church, united in Christ.

Bishop Dewane thanked Bishop Fabre for accepting his invitation to be a guest of the Diocese and for sharing his time, wisdom and faith with the Haitian Catholic Community in their native language. He also said it was an honor and privilege to participate in such an important cultural and religious celebration for the growing Haitian Catholic Community in the Diocese of Venice.

Impressed by Bishop Fabre’s positive message, Bishop Dewane stressed how important the Haitian Catholic Community is to the very fabric of the Diocese of Venice.

“You are important not only because you are here today; but because you come from the Diocese of Venice; you represent the various Parishes; because of the richness you bring from your culture and share with us. We are grateful for that,” Bishop Dewane said. “Our Church here in the Diocese is all the more blessed to have you here as the richness of your Faith is evident to all.”

Crediting the priests who serve the Haitian Catholic Community in the Diocese, many from Haiti, Bishop Dewane thanked them for the dedication to the Church, to the Diocese and to the people of God. “They are a richness for also our larger clergy. Thank you.”

Father Jean-Marie Fritz Ligonde, Diocesan Haitian Ministry Director and Parochial Vicar at St. Columbkille Parish, thanked Bishop Dewane for his unyielding support of the Haitian Catholic Community including for the annual New Year’s Day celebration. At the conclusion of the Mass, and following the lead of Bishop Fabre, Father Ligonde led everyone in singing the Haitian National Anthem.

There are currently Masses celebrated each weekend in Haitian Creole at the following Parishes: St. Charles Borromeo in Port Charlotte; St. Francis Xavier in Fort Myers; St. Michael in Wauchula; Sacred Heart in Bradenton; Our Lady of Guadalupe in Immokalee; and St. Peter the Apostle in Naples. The New Year’s Day celebration is one of the few times the entire community can gather in one place.

For the Haitian community, Jan. 1 is both a spiritual day, and an emotional day commemorating such an important day in their homeland. The Haitians defeated the largest and most powerful army at the time, the army of Napoleon, in Cap-Haitien, and Haiti became the second country in the Americas to declare its Independence on Jan. 1, 1804.

A cultural celebration and dinner took place in the Parish Hall.