Diocese honors Mary on Solemnity of Her Assumption

Pope Francis described why on Aug. 15 the Church celebrates one of the most important feasts dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary: the Solemnity of Her Assumption. “At the conclusion of Her earthly life, the Mother of Christ was raised in body and soul to Heaven, that is, in the glory of eternal life, in the full communion with God,” said

In celebration of this important Solemnity, Parishes throughout the Diocese of Venice offered additional Mass to allow the faithful to participate in this Holy Day of Obligation. In addition, Diocesan Catholic Schools also celebrated school-wide Masses.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes the Assumption as follows: “The Immaculate Virgin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things, so that she might be more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords and conqueror of death.”

Bishop Frank J. Dewane stated, “Since the corruption of the human body is a consequence of sin, it would not be right that the Virgin Mary – who is free from sin – should be affected by this natural law. It is a privilege granted to Mary, as the Mother of Jesus.”

Pope Francis said that “Mary’s Assumption is a great mystery that concerns each one of us; it concerns our future. Mary, in fact, precedes us on the way in which all those go that, through baptism, have bound their life to Jesus, as Mary bound her life to Him. This (Solemnity) pre-announces the ‘new heavens and the new earth,’ with the risen Christ’s victory over death and the definitive defeat of the Evil One.”

Students at St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton observed the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the celebration of the first Mass of the 2024-2025 Academic Year. This was also the case at many other Diocesan Catholic Schools, as they prayed that all students hold Mary’s example close to their hearts as they navigate new classes, experiences, and friendships.

Following a Solemnity Mass for students St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Fort Myers, third graders took time to reflect on ways they can be more like Mary throughout this year. They also created works of art which depicted the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The students at Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers joined as a student body for the first Mass of the academic year, which was celebrated by Father Shawn Roser. Father is the new school Chaplain and is also Parochial Vicar at nearby Church of the Resurrection of Our Lord Parish.

Jesuit Father John Belmonte, Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Education, celebrated Mass on the Solemnity at Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota. Father Belmonte also reminded the students to grow in their devotion to the Blessed Virgin in their lives, using Mary as an example.

To stress this point, Father Belmonte spoke how in the New Testament, the last words spoken by Mary occurred during the Wedding at Cana: “Do as He says!” Her instruction to the servants – who represent the faithful throughout the generations – was to always do as Jesus, Her Son, says. “This is the lesson we must all learn and live by in our lives,” Father said.

News Briefs for the week of July 26, 2024

Watch this important video

Watch a short video which is offered for the faithful to learn the facts about Amendment 4, a dangerous and misleading amendment which will appear on the ballot in the fall. To learn more, visit Vote No on Amendment 4! – Diocese of Venice or contact Jeanne Berdeaux, berdeaux@dioceseofvenice.org, 941-374-1068.

Participants in World Grandparents Day will be offered Plenary Indulgence

The Fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will take place July 28, 2024, and those Catholics who participate will be eligible for a Plenary Indulgence. The World Day is celebrated annually on the fourth Sunday of July, close to the liturgical memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, the foster grandparents of Jesus. The theme this year is “Do not cast me off in my old age.” (Ps 71:9). A Plenary Indulgence offers remission of the temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven, which can be applied to oneself or to the souls in Purgatory. The Indulgence will be granted to grandparents, the elderly, and all faithful who “motivated by a true spirit of penance and charity” will participate in the various functions to be held for the Day throughout the world. It will also be extended to those who dedicate significant time to visit—either in-person or by virtual means of communication—their elderly brothers and sisters who are in need or facing difficulties, such as the sick, abandoned, and those with disabilities. It is also available to the elderly sick and all those who, unable to leave their homes for a serious reason, will unite themselves spiritually to the sacred functions of the World Day, offering their prayers, pains, or sufferings to God, especially during the various celebrations which will be broadcast through the media. The Indulgence is subject to the usual conditions of sacramental Confession, reception of the Eucharist, and prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father.

Mission celebrates Feast Day

Holy Child Mission in Bowling Green celebrated its patron on July 21, 2024, with a Mass, procession and festival. The Feast of the Divine Child Jesus (Divino Nino) is an important celebration for this rural community, and this was reflected in the joy of the people of all ages. Father Juan Lorenzo led the procession which included carrying a statue of the Divine Child Jesus through the streets near the Mission church as the faithful prayed and sang. The fiesta rich foods followed. The celebration also marks the 44th anniversary of the founding of the Mission in Hardee County (1979).

Parish hosts youth missionaries aiding in hurricane recovery

St. Columbkille Parish in Fort Myers recognized a group of young men and women from the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin at Mass on Sunday, July 21, 2024. This group, 40 in total, including some adult leaders and Father Jared Clements, a 13 months ordained Priest, came to the area on a Mission trip to help out some area residents who are still struggling from Hurricane Ian which devastated the area in September 2022. While in Fort Myers, at the end of each day, the group had daily Mass and Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel. In addition, members of the Knights of Columbus also hosted a dinner for the missionaries.

Catholic Charities Summertime Appeal continues

Every day, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., serves in the 10 counties that constitute the Diocese of Venice the most vulnerable population by feeding, housing, empowering, and helping all in need. This summer, you can be the one that makes a difference. Your acts of kindness have the power to transform lives and leave a positive impact in our community. The Catholic Charities “Summertime and the Giving is Easy” Appeal is asking for your support. Any gift will make a positive impact on our less fortunate brothers and sisters! To donate to Summertime and the Giving is Easy Campaign, please visit www.catholiccharitiesdov.org or mail a check to Catholic Charities, “Summertime and the Giving is Easy,” 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285.


Solemnity honors founders of the Church – Saints Peter and Paul have impact across Church, in Diocese

The Church celebrates the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles on June 29, 2024, the founders of the See of Rome. The Diocese of Venice is blessed to have a troika of Parishes which honor these important saints.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane, in a message to the faithful on the occasion of the Solemnity, said they are honored in Rome through their preaching, ministry and martyrdom there. “Saint Peter is the rock upon which Jesus built His Church; Saint Paul was the preacher of truth to the whole world!”

A bold follower of the Lord, “St. Peter was the first to recognize that Jesus was ‘the Messiah, the Son of the living God,’ and eagerly pledged his fidelity until death. St. Peter led the Apostles as the first Pope and ensured that the disciples kept the true faith,” Bishop Dewane wrote.

St. Peter spent his last years in Rome, leading the Church through times of persecution and eventually was martyred there in the year 64. He was crucified upside-down at his own request, because he claimed he was not worthy to die as his Lord. He was buried on Vatican hill, and St. Peter’s Basilica is built over his tomb.

“St. Paul’s letters are included in the writings of the New Testament, and through them we learn much about his life and the faith of the early Church” Bishop Dewane stated. He spent his life preaching the Gospel tirelessly to the Gentiles of the Mediterranean world. Eventually imprisoned and taken to Rome, where he was beheaded in the year 67, Saint Paul is buried there in the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls.

Within the Diocese of Venice, there is a special devotion to the early saints, with three Parishes which bear their names.

The faithful at St. Paul Parish in Arcadia have been active since the 1880s, with the first Mass recorded in the area in 1882. St. Paul Mission was established in 1910. It became a formal Parish in 1958 for the then-Diocese of St. Augustine. The Parish serves a rural farming community and has a large active program for children and youth. Bishop Dewane dedicated a new Parish church in March 2021. The Parish has more than 2,000 families with Mass celebrated in English and Spanish.

Serving the southern end of the Diocese, St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Naples was erected in Naples on June 11, 1974, and currently has more than 4,500 families with seven weekend Masses in three languages. In 2019, the Parish Spirit Center, which includes the Parish Hall and offices, was dedicated by Bishop Dewane.

The newest of the three Parishes, Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles Parish in Bradenton, was erected in November 1986 and was one of the first Parishes in the newly created Diocese of Venice in Florida. The Parish now has more than 2,500 families, with a sprawling campus that includes three main buildings which host more than 100 Parish outreach programs. A church roof replacement was recently completed.

Father Mark Heuberger, Pastor for the past 14 years, said the dynamic Parish was blessed to be named after the two early saints. A mural, which is above the altar, depicts the saints and their related symbols, St. Peter with a net and upside-down cross. St. Paul with a sword, a staunch defender of the early Church who died by the sword. There is also an image of Christ and a boat.

As we celebrate the Solemnity, Bishop Dewane concluded his message, saying: “Why not ask Saints Peter and Paul today for their intercession, that we may enjoy a lively faith, a firm hope, and a burning love for the Lord, as they both did.”

Corpus Christi Sunday – Celebrating the Real Presence with processions

In a tradition which dates back nearly 800 years, on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), the faithful at Parishes throughout the Diocese of Venice celebrated the Real Presence of Jesus Christ on June 2, 2024.

Eucharistic processions throughout the Diocese of Venice gave a “public witness of our faith in the Most Blessed Sacrament,” a true celebration of the Eucharist and the Real Presence of Our Lord.

At Our Lady of Light Parish in Fort Myers, the Pastor, Father Hugh McGuigan, Oblate of St. Francis de Sales, explained the importance of the Solemnity as a “celebration of the fulfillment of God’s great desire to be one with His people – to establish an everlasting covenant with us – a covenant which guarantees our forgiveness and reconciliation.”

Following Mass, Father McGuigan invited the faithful to take a “walk with Christ.” The Corpus Christi procession began with the placement of a consecrated host in the monstrance (a sacred vessel that displays the sacred host to the faithful). After a brief time for all to pray before the Most Holy Eucharist, the procession, led by altar servers carrying candles and an incenser, advanced out of the Church sanctuary.

Because of the heat, the procession led out into the courtyard and into the Parish Hall. At three locations along the route there were decorated altars where the monstrance was placed and, after a period of prayer, which included a Gospel reading and intercessions, the people were blessed. In this way the Church shows that Christ, here among us, walks with us on our pilgrimage to heaven. A Eucharistic Procession is not only a tradition in the Catholic Church but is a public witness of our faith in the Blessed Sacrament in the community.

Processions, like the one at Our Lady of Light, and elsewhere throughout the Diocese, took on a special meaning during a time of National Eucharistic Revival and teaching leading up to the July National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. There, tens of thousands of Catholics will gather to celebrate the National Eucharistic Revival, a three-year movement by the U.S. Bishops to answer the call of Jesus Christ to return to the source and summit of Our Faith – the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist. Bishop Frank J. Dewane will be leading a group of pilgrims to the Congress.

The National Eucharistic Revival was launched as an initiative of the U.S. Catholic Bishops in 2022. Here in the Diocese of Venice, at the direction of Bishop Dewane, several major events have taken place, including a 2023 Diocesan Eucharistic Congress and Youth Rally, a 2024 Diocesan Eucharistic Conference, as well as many more Most Blessed Sacrament-themed Parish initiatives. These events drew thousands together to set hearts afire in celebration of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Growing closer to Jesus through His Mother – May, a month dedicated to Mary

The path of faith and hope that the Blessed Virgin Mary provides to the world is something which is celebrated during the month of May. This path brings us to a greater understanding of Christ, and a closer relationship with Him.

When Mary, the Immaculate handmaid of the Lord, said “yes” to the message of the Archangel, she followed the One who bestows universal favors, and the human race would never be the same. Mary trusted in the will of God to the fullest measure: “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled (Luke 1:45).”

Bishop Frank J. Dewane said through Mary’s example, “we learn the important lesson that ‘nothing will be impossible for God.’ Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to Your word.’ Then the angel departed from her’ (Luke 1:37-38). Without God, we cannot fulfill His Mission. Our Lady understood that, so must each one of us. We must radically change our inner selves and have that same strength to do the will of the Lord.”

Pope Francis said Mary’s greatness does not consist in performing an extraordinary deed, but in silence and adoration, she placed Jesus at the center and bears witness to Him as Savior.

“She is Mother not only because she carried Jesus in her womb and gave birth to Him, but because she brings Him into the light, without occupying His place,” the Holy Father said. “She will remain silent even beneath the cross, in the darkest hour, and will continue to make room for Him and (make Him accessible) for us… With her silence and humility, Mary is God’s first ‘cathedral,’ the place where He and humanity can meet.”

During Advent 2017, Bishop Dewane, in unity with the priests and faithful of the Diocese of Venice, formally consecrated the Diocese to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. By this Act of Consecration, which coincided with the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, the faithful entrusted the Diocese and its good works to Our Lady so as to fulfill more readily the will of her Divine Son for His Church.

Honoring Mary in May

The Month of May serves as an opportunity to reflect upon the season of the Liturgical Year which largely corresponds with the 50 days of Easter. Therefore, time should be taken to reflect on Our Lady’s participation in the Paschal mystery and in Pentecost (May 19, 2024), which marks the beginning of the Church.

May is often when young Catholics receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time. In addition, at Parishes and Diocesan Catholic schools May Crowning ceremonies take place, during which a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary is given a crown of flowers as a public commitment to pray for the intercessions of the Blessed Virgin Mary throughout the month.

This month, in which we honor Our Lady, is also a time to renew a commitment to praying the Mysteries of the Rosary (Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous). Our Lady has 117 titles but selected this title at Fatima: “I am the Lady of the Rosary.” St. Francis de Sales said the greatest method of praying is to “Pray the Rosary.”

Our Lady is an important symbol throughout the Diocese of Venice. Our Lady of Mercy is the Patroness of the Diocese of Venice and is the name of a Parish in Boca Grande. Additionally, the Blessed Virgin is honored with numerous Parishes and other facilities named in her honor. These include: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, Venice; St. Mary, Star of the Sea, Longboat Key; Our Lady of the Angels, Lakewood Ranch; Our Lady of Grace, Avon Park; Our Lady of Guadalupe, Immokalee; Our Lady of Light, Fort Myers; Our Lady of Miraculous Medal, Bokeelia; Our Lady of Lourdes, Venice; Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Osprey; Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Sarasota; and Our Lady Queen of Heaven, LaBelle.

Pope Paul VI wrote an encyclical in 1965 citing the Month of Mary devotion as a means of obtaining prayers for peace. May is the month during which the piety of the faithful is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and is also the time for a “moving tribute of faith and love which Catholics in every part of the world [pay] to the Queen of Heaven,” Pope Paul VI wrote “During this month Christians, both in church and in the privacy of the home, offer up to Mary from their hearts an especially fervent and loving homage of prayer and veneration. In this month, too, the benefits of God’s mercy come down to us from her throne in greater abundance.”

The Christian custom of dedicating the month of May to the Blessed Virgin arose at the end of the 13th century. In this way, the Church was able to Christianize the secular feasts which were taking place at that time. In the 16th century, books appeared and fostered this devotion, which continues to this day.

News Briefs for the week of May 3, 2024

Ascension Solemnity moved to Sunday, May 12

The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Sunday, will be celebrated in the Diocese of Venice on May 12, 2024 (moved from May 9). The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops voted in the year 2000 to transfer the Solemnity of the Ascension from the Thursday, 40 days after Easter, to the Seventh Sunday of Easter, in accord with an indult granted to the US. Conference of Catholic Bishops by the Holy See. Therefore, for the Catholic Churches in the State of Florida, the Seventh Sunday of Easter is replaced by the Solemnity of the Ascension.

Retired Venice priest dies

Father Richard John Beligotti, a retired priest who has served at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice for the past eight years, died April 26, 2024, at the age of 81. Born as an identical twin in Montour Falls, New York, on Sept. 8, 1942, Father Beligotti attended St. Andrew Minor Seminary and St. Bernard Major Seminary, Rochester.  He was Ordained to the Priesthood June 1, 1968, for the Diocese of Rochester. Later, Father Richard earned an advanced degree from St. Bernard Major Seminary and took two different sabbaticals, first at American College in Louvain, Belgium, and then at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. For the Diocese of Rochester, he served as a Parochial Vicar, Administrator or Pastor at Parishes in Irondequoit, Apalachin, Ithaca, Charlotte, Avon, Horseheads, Rochester, Newark, Chili, Elmira Heights, Leicester, Retsof, Bloomfield, Lima and Honeoye Falls. Father also served as a hospital chaplain in Auburn. Retired in 2013, Father Richard had been assisting at Epiphany Cathedral since 2016 alongside his twin brother, Father Robert Beligotti. A Memorial Mass was celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane on May 1, 2024, at Epiphany Cathedral. A Mass of Christian Burial is scheduled for May 8, 2024, at St. Mary’s of the Lake Parish in Watkins Glen, New York, with burial to follow. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for the consolation of his family. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in eternal peace.

Students gets colorful during fun run

The St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School Color Run fundraiser took place April 19, 2024, in Naples. Students (and volunteers) had a wonderful time while helping raise funds for school improvements. During the event, students ran on the field and every lap they took, volunteers “colored” them with chalk. The top three participating classes won an ice cream party. The event was organized by the Home and School Association.

Donations of baby supplies needed

Community Pregnancy Centers Inc. is seeking donations of diapers and clothing to support the children of the women that are served each day. Items sought include new or gently used clothes (size 12 months to 3T); baby wipes; diapers (size 4-6); baby shampoo/lotion; new clothes for babies (0-3 months); pacifiers; pull ups/training diapers. Community Pregnancy Clinics has offices in Naples, Fort Myers and Sarasota. Please call 239-326-0453 or visit https://communitypregnancyclinic.com/ for locations.

Vocation Discernment Retreat May 11 in Cape Coral

A Vocations Discernment Retreat is taking place beginning at 10:30 a.m., May 11, 2024, at St. Katherine Drexel Parish, 1922 SW 20th Avenue, Cape Coral.  If you are of high school or college age, or a young adult, and wish to discover more about different vocations, plan to attend this one-day Retreat. The day will include breakfast, lunch and dinner, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and presentations regarding the different Vocations. Priests, as well as religious men and women will be present throughout the day. This retreat is co-sponsored by the Diocese of Venice Vocations Office and St. Katharine Drexel Parish. The cost for the day is $25. To register, visit https://www.venicevocations.org/events, or for additional information, please contact aileen@drexelcc.org or rose@drexelcc.org.

Calling all Pro-Life Advocates! 

If you’d like to volunteer to help educate people on the truth about the pro-abortion amendment on the November ballot, plan to attend a training opportunity within the Diocese of Venice in May (one of two). The first training is Monday, May 13, 2024, from 11:45 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Leadership Institute, 2163 Main Street (downtown), Sarasota.  The second session is also from 11:45 a.m., Wednesday, May 15, at St. John XXIII Parish Center, 13060 Palomino Lane, Fort Myers. Lunch will be included at both sessions.  Register online at www.LeadershipInstitute.org/Florida for either session by May 8. If you have questions, please contact Jeanne Berdeaux at 941-374-1068 or Berdeaux@dioceseofvenice.org.

“Jesus, I trust in You”- Divine Mercy Sunday celebrated

The Second Sunday of Easter, or Divine Mercy Sunday, completes the Octave of Easter, a celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the blessing of His continuing presence in our midst. The Gospel reading for Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7, 2024, recalls the encounter between St. Thomas (the doubting Apostle) and Jesus after the Resurrection.

Divine Mercy Sunday celebrates the mercy of Jesus as reminded to us by St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, a religious sister who lived a humble life, to whom Jesus appeared. St. Faustina was born in Krakow, Poland and lived from 1905-1938. She was canonized by St. John Paul II in 2000, who at that time also declared the Second Sunday of Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday. This celebration also honors St. Faustina’s vision of Jesus Christ, and His message of love and peace for the world.

St. Faustina wrote in her diary from private revelation that Jesus told her: “I want to grant a complete pardon to the souls that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion on the Feast of My Mercy (1109). The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion will obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment (699).”

The image of the Divine Mercy was created by St. Faustina who was told to paint the image of Jesus as she saw Him. The painting has the saying at the bottom: “Jesus, I Trust in You.” The rays emanating from the Sacred Heart of Jesus represent water (white) – which makes souls righteous — and blood (red) — which is the life of souls, Jesus told St. Faustina.

Many Parishes throughout the Diocese hold Divine Mercy services and several have novenas of prayer leading up to the Sunday. The popularity of Divine Mercy has been embraced by many diverse communities throughout the Diocese.

At St. Paul Parish in Arcadia, Divine Mercy Sunday included the traditional afternoon prayer service in English and Spanish. This included the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a reflection from Father Pawel Kawalec, a recitation of the Divine Mercy Litany, singing of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Solemn Benediction.

The prayer service concluded when the faithful were invited to come forward and venerate the image of Divine Mercy which adorns the wall to the right of the altar and was decorated with flowers.

Alicia Torres attended the Divine Mercy prayer service with her two children and said her prayers were focused on seeking help for family members who need to have Christ in their life more. “This day is about seeking Jesus’ Mercy for ourself and our family and the whole world.”

At St. John the Evangelist Parish in Naples, the Divine Mercy celebration included a presentation by Sister Teresa de la Fuente, Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy (St. Faustina’s religious order).

Pope Francis, during the Regina Caeli on Divine Mercy Sunday, noted that the “fullness of life” comes not from the pursuit of transitory pleasure but is “realized in Jesus.”

In his address, Pope Francis drew upon the disciples, who were despondent and secluded in the Upper Room, “going through the most tragic moment in life,” to showcase how Christ’s coming to them was a deeply transformative moment, one that not only reveals His mercy but also promises a new life.

“The Risen One comes to them and shows them His wounds,” the Pope said. “They were the signs of suffering and pain, they could stir feelings of guilt, yet with Jesus they become channels of mercy and forgiveness.”


Annunciation of the Lord celebrated in Ave Maria

The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord is when we celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary saying “Yes!” to God.

Usually celebrated on March 25, the Solemnity was transferred to April 8, 2024, because the original date fell during Holy Week. The Solemnity marks the Angel Gabriel’s appearance to the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:26-38), and his announcement that the Blessed Virgin had been chosen to be the Mother of Our Lord, and Mary’s willing acceptance of God’s Holy Plan.

For the faithful at Ave Maria Parish, Ave Maria University, as well as the entire town, the Solemnity marks an important occasion as it is the Feast Day of the community and was celebrated this year on April 6.

The focus of the day was on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with Bishop Frank J. Dewane as the principal celebrant.

Bishop Dewane said during the Mass that the faithful should learn from the example of Mary and apply Her willingness to be open to the call of the Lord in our own lives; as it is inspiring to know the Blessed Virgin Mary had the courage to say “yes.”

“Take the grace that the Lord gives each of us, and live it and go forward,” the Bishop said. “We learn the important lesson that nothing is ‘impossible for God.’ Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.’ Then the angel departed from her’ (Luke 1:37-38). Without God, we cannot fulfill His Mission. Our Lady understood that, so must each one of us. We have to radically change our inner selves and have that same strength to do the will of the Lord.”

At the conclusion of Mass, the faithful recited a Prayer of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, followed by a public Eucharistic Procession through the university and town. Later in the day was an outdoor barbecue dinner and concert.

Filipino Catholics celebrate Feast Day in Sarasota

The third Sunday of January is set aside in the Philippines to celebrate the “Santo Niño” (or Holy Child Jesus), a symbol of the birth of Catholicism in the Philippines more than 500 years ago.

Incarnation Parish in Sarasota was host to the Diocese of Venice Santo Niño Festival on Jan. 21, 2024, the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time. Organized by the local Filipino Catholic Community (Senor Santo Niño Devotees of Manasota Florida, Inc.), more than 500 people participated in the Mass and Festival which celebrates an important conversion story. This was the third year for this Festival in the Diocese.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane was the main celebrant for the Mass and said the Santo Niño Mass and Festival “is a wonderful example of a faith and culture coming together beautifully. You hear the call of Santo Niño to help fulfill your mission in life to serve the Lord.”

Bishop Dewane said the Diocese is richer for those who come from various countries and bring their faith and culture, and how celebrating the various important feast days serves as a bridge in one’s faith, connecting to their homeland.

The Feast Day celebration reminds Filipinos of the Christianization of their homeland in the 16th century but also enables them to see the relevance that this devotion to the Santo Niño has for people to this day, whether they are living in the Philippines or in elsewhere. The Feast places a special emphasis on the children and youth, with all the hopes they raise.

The Mass opened with the traditional presentation of the Santo Niño statue to Bishop Dewane. In addition, the faithful are encouraged to bring their own Santo Niño statue, or one purchased in the past year, to be blessed. This was also done at the opening of the Mass.

This builds upon the tradition of Filipino immigrants who brought their Santo Niño statues with them to the United States to be their spiritual recourse, assistant and protector.

Following the Mass, the celebration continued in the Parish Hall.

Our Lady of Guadalupe feast celebrated throughout Diocese

Prayer, reverence, and music marked the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, throughout the Diocese of Venice.

Celebrated on Dec. 12, the Feast is often linked to the Dec. 9 Feast of St. Juan Diego, the day in 1531 when Our Lady first appeared to the saint near modern day Mexico City.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day celebrations are a longstanding tradition in the Diocese of Venice. Parishes throughout the Diocese celebrated this special day with Masses. In addition, there were a variety of other events, including overnight vigils, large processions, early morning prayer celebrations, as well as outdoor festivities. Many of these celebrations included a variety of dancers dressed in elaborate costumes or traditional garb.

“Our Lady of Guadalupe means so much to me and for so many others,” said Isabella Cruz of St. Paul Parish in Arcadia who brought a large image of Our Lady to be blessed after Mass on Dec. 10, 2023. “It is a devotion I grew up with and learned about from my grandparents and parents. My mother prayed to the Blessed Virgin when I was sick as a child, and she told me to do so every day. I do pray to her all the time. Our Lady gives me great comfort. On this Feast Day, in a special way, we all join together to give thanks to Her and to honor Her.”

For Diego Reyes, of St. Peter the Apostles Parish in Naples, the celebration is “every holiday wrapped into one. Our Lady of Guadalupe is the acceptance of the Hispanic people into the Universal Catholic Church. We were welcomed by the Blessed Virgin Mary with open arms. What an honor and important moment that deserves our prayerful thanks and a true celebration.”

Bishop Frank J. Dewane celebrated Mass in a field behind the religious education building at St. Paul Parish in Arcadia on Dec. 10. Concelebrating the Mass were Parish Administrator Father Luis Pacheco and Parochial Vicar Remigious Ssekiranda. The Mass was celebrated ahead of the Feast Day to accommodate the maximum number of families. As a result, more than 1,500 took part in the St. Paul Mass and celebration.

At the conclusion of the Mass, Bishop Dewane blessed a large number of religious articles which were placed before a rose-laden statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  A festival followed the Mass with a wide variety of food as well as dancers. Many of the young girls were dressed as Our Lady, while the young boys dressed as St. Juan Diego, the peasant who saw the apparitions of Our Lady in Mexico City.

A large gathering of the faithful from St. Michael Parish in Wauchula and Holy Child Mission in Bowling Green also took place Dec. 10 at Pioneer Park in Zolfo Springs. The Mass was in three languages, Spanish, English, and Creole, representing the diversity of the Parish. Before Mass, a procession with a statue of Our Lady followed by children carrying flowers led to the park pavilion. A large cultural celebration followed.

Similar scenes were repeated at Parishes throughout the Diocese. Many Parishes held vigils, some lasting until dawn. These included a retelling of the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, mariachi bands, the singing of songs to Our Lady as well as prayer and contemplation before the image of Our Lady.

Our Lady appeared, dressed like an Aztec princess, to St. Juan Diego, a poor widower who was on his way to Mass. She asked, in his native language, to have the Bishop of Mexico build a church in Her honor. Skeptical, the Bishop asked for a sign. Our Lady again appeared to St. Juan Diego who shared the request of the Bishop. So, in the middle of winter Our Lady provided beautiful roses to wrap in St. Juan Diego’s tilma, a cloak made of cactus fibers. When he opened the tilma for the Bishop, the roses fell to the floor and an impression of Our Lady appeared on the tilma in the form an indigenous woman.

This apparition led to the conversion of Mexico almost overnight, when up to that time Catholic missionaries from Europe had made very little headway. The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City was built on the site of the apparitions and is one of the most visited religious shrines in the world. It is also home of the actual tilma of St. Juan Diego, which can still be seen, with the image clearly visible, nearly 500 years later.

Our Lady of Guadalupe was first declared “Patroness of the Americas” by Pope Pius XII in 1946, a title later reaffirmed by Saint John Paul II in 1999.