News Briefs for the week of July 26, 2024

Watch this important video

Watch a short video which is offered for the faithful to learn the facts about Amendment 4, a dangerous and misleading amendment which will appear on the ballot in the fall. To learn more, visit Vote No on Amendment 4! – Diocese of Venice or contact Jeanne Berdeaux,, 941-374-1068.

Participants in World Grandparents Day will be offered Plenary Indulgence

The Fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will take place July 28, 2024, and those Catholics who participate will be eligible for a Plenary Indulgence. The World Day is celebrated annually on the fourth Sunday of July, close to the liturgical memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, the foster grandparents of Jesus. The theme this year is “Do not cast me off in my old age.” (Ps 71:9). A Plenary Indulgence offers remission of the temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven, which can be applied to oneself or to the souls in Purgatory. The Indulgence will be granted to grandparents, the elderly, and all faithful who “motivated by a true spirit of penance and charity” will participate in the various functions to be held for the Day throughout the world. It will also be extended to those who dedicate significant time to visit—either in-person or by virtual means of communication—their elderly brothers and sisters who are in need or facing difficulties, such as the sick, abandoned, and those with disabilities. It is also available to the elderly sick and all those who, unable to leave their homes for a serious reason, will unite themselves spiritually to the sacred functions of the World Day, offering their prayers, pains, or sufferings to God, especially during the various celebrations which will be broadcast through the media. The Indulgence is subject to the usual conditions of sacramental Confession, reception of the Eucharist, and prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father.

Mission celebrates Feast Day

Holy Child Mission in Bowling Green celebrated its patron on July 21, 2024, with a Mass, procession and festival. The Feast of the Divine Child Jesus (Divino Nino) is an important celebration for this rural community, and this was reflected in the joy of the people of all ages. Father Juan Lorenzo led the procession which included carrying a statue of the Divine Child Jesus through the streets near the Mission church as the faithful prayed and sang. The fiesta rich foods followed. The celebration also marks the 44th anniversary of the founding of the Mission in Hardee County (1979).

Parish hosts youth missionaries aiding in hurricane recovery

St. Columbkille Parish in Fort Myers recognized a group of young men and women from the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin at Mass on Sunday, July 21, 2024. This group, 40 in total, including some adult leaders and Father Jared Clements, a 13 months ordained Priest, came to the area on a Mission trip to help out some area residents who are still struggling from Hurricane Ian which devastated the area in September 2022. While in Fort Myers, at the end of each day, the group had daily Mass and Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel. In addition, members of the Knights of Columbus also hosted a dinner for the missionaries.

Catholic Charities Summertime Appeal continues

Every day, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., serves in the 10 counties that constitute the Diocese of Venice the most vulnerable population by feeding, housing, empowering, and helping all in need. This summer, you can be the one that makes a difference. Your acts of kindness have the power to transform lives and leave a positive impact in our community. The Catholic Charities “Summertime and the Giving is Easy” Appeal is asking for your support. Any gift will make a positive impact on our less fortunate brothers and sisters! To donate to Summertime and the Giving is Easy Campaign, please visit or mail a check to Catholic Charities, “Summertime and the Giving is Easy,” 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285.


Grandparents honored at Neumann

Grandparents, a vital link to the past – most importantly to the Faith – were welcomed to St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples for a special celebration.

A Grandparents Day celebration on Nov. 3, 2023; opened with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, as students sat with their grandparents in the Our Lady of the Angels Chapel. A luncheon followed in the Student Life Center.

During the Mass, Bishop Dewane spoke about the wisdom and knowledge of the faith that older people can share with the young. The Bishop prayed for all grandparents, those present and those who were unable to attend the Mass; but also for those who have gone before us, leaving a void in the lives of their grandchildren.

The Bishop encouraged the grandparents to impart their wisdom by passing along their stories of the family and faith, building the traditions upon which their grandchildren can now stand.

“Grandparents, you are to be the messengers of the word and tradition of the faith life within your family,” Bishop Dewane said. “Leave your impressions upon the family. Speak to them, show them, demonstrate to them, in a spiritual way, who you are.”

Bishop Dewane challenged the grandchildren to take up the traditions learned from their grandparents – the good, the strength, and the knowledge they have from life’s experience. “They will tell you the truth. It is my prayer that the generations go forward sharing the wisdom they have, the grace they have been given by the Lord, and the strength that is our Catholic faith.”

Several grandparents, and their grandchildren, complimented the Bishop for speaking so clearly about their respective roles in the Church – one as mentor and example, the other as respectful listener and observer.

Following the Mass, one grandparent noted that she is proud her grandchildren attend a Catholic High School. “My grandchildren are getting the best education. I tried to pass the faith along to my own children and grandchildren. It is rewarding to see that lesson is being passed down to my grandchildren and enhanced here at St. John Neumann.”

School, Bishop honors grandparents

Grandparents, a vital link to the past – most importantly regarding Faith – were welcomed to St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples for a special celebration.

On Nov. 4, 2022, the celebration opened with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane as students sat with their grandparents in Our Lady of the Angels School Chapel. Afterwards, everyone went to the Student Life Center for a luncheon.

During the Mass, Bishop Dewane praised the Grandparents Day event saying it reflects the sense of family the school projects, honoring a vital part of that community.

“In the role of mentors of the family, of tradition of faith, of patience, of love, it’s you grandparents who are in a unique position to have a positive influence,” Bishop Dewane said. “You carry the traditions of your families, the Church and the society we live in. I ask that you take that role seriously. Students, you owe a great deal to your grandparents. Recognize that, and express gratitude often.”

Bishop Dewane cited Pope Francis who often speaks about grandparents. The Holy Father established the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly in 2021, which is celebrated in late July each year.

“The Holy Father calls you to teach family roots, where it is they come from,” Bishop Dewane said. “Have boldness, take action in the role of holiness. Give that example by being the light of Christ, as we are all called to be. By your granddaughter or grandson being here at St. John Neuman, I say to all of you – congratulations for the role you have performed.”

Following the Mass, several grandparents, and their grandchildren, thanked the Bishop for his presence and for acknowledging the roles both have to play in building up the faith of each other.

One grandparent, Charlotte Noelke, travelled from Minnesota to attend the event with her granddaughter, Sophie Boos. “As soon as I received the invitation, we made the plans. I am so happy she is at a Catholic high school. It is a great education and a wonderful opportunity for her to grow in her faith.”

The luncheon concluded with a slideshow of the students with their grandparents and a request that the families take selfies to share for next year’s slideshow.

School honors grandparents

Grandparents, a vital link to the past – most importantly as regard Faith – were welcomed to St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples for a special celebration.

That celebration on Nov. 5, 2021, opened with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane as students sat with their grandparents in Our Lady of the Angels School Chapel. Afterwards, everyone went to the Student Life Center for a luncheon.

During the Mass, Bishop Dewane praised the Grandparents Day event as reflecting the true nature of the school – a family of faith with no limits. He also spoke about how we are all called to live out goodness in our lives through the Holy Spirit.

“Grandparents sing the praises of God in the traditions they pass down and in how they live their life,” the Bishop said. “Let the light of the Holy Spirit make it more. More than visit roots, let it be the goodness that personifies who you are as more the man or woman of God you are called to be.

Bishop Dewane urged the students to listen to the grandparents more often, explaining that while they may not be as well versed in modern technology, they have the ability to understand the most difficult situations.

“You might say they are old, how can they know,” the Bishop continued. “That is why they know. They have faced the same difficulties. Get the experience; get the wisdom they offer. We can all learn something from each other by looking for the goodness within yourselves and within your grandparents. Bring generations together.”

Bishop Dewane concluded by praying for the grandparents, saying, “May the Lord bless each and every one of you grandparents and give you many more years allowing you to share the goodness the Lord has given you, to share your wisdom, to share your roots, and most of all, to share your Faith.”

Following the Mass, several grandparents, and their grandchildren, thanked the Bishop for his presence and for acknowledging the roles both have to play in building up the faith of each other.

One grandparent said he is proud that his grandchildren have all attended Catholic schools. “Of course, my grandson is now getting the best education. My wife and I passed on the faith along to my children and grandchildren, but it has to continue. We have more to share. We are so pleased to see that lesson being enhanced here at St. John Neumann.”

Grandparents honored at Neumann

Bob Reddy – Florida Catholic


Grandparents, a vital link to the past – most importantly the Faith, were welcomed to St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples for a special celebration.

That celebration on Nov. 7 opened with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane as students sat with their grandparents in the Our Lady of the Angels Chapel. Afterwards, everyone went to the Student Life Center for a luncheon.

During the Mass, Bishop Dewane spoke about the wisdom and knowledge of the faith older people can share with the young.

“Those of you who are blessed to still have your grandparents in your lives must take advantage of this,” the Bishop said. “Learn from them. Learn about how the Lord has shaped their lives.”

The Bishop also encouraged the grandparents to impart their wisdom through love and tenderness. “You as grandparents are a connection to Jesus Christ that the young people need. You are the example for them to follow.”

Several grandparents, and their grandchildren, complimented the Bishop for speaking so clearly about their respective roles in the Church – one as mentor and example, the other as respectful listener and observer.

Following the Mass, one grandparent noted that he is proud his grandchildren attend a Catholic High School. “My grandson is getting the best education. I tried to pass the faith along to my own children and grandchildren. It is rewarding to see that lesson is being passed down to my grandchildren and enhanced here at St. John Neumann.”