USCCB leads country in prayer for reconsecration to Mary

The Diocese of Venice in Florida encourages the faithful to join the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) for a live stream of the Re-Consecration of our nation to the Protection of the Blessed Mother under the title of Mary, Mother of the Church.  This will give the Church the occasion to pray for Our Lady’s continued protection of the vulnerable, healing of the unwell, and wisdom for those who work to cure this terrible virus.

The live stream will take place at 3:00 p.m., May 1, 2020, on Facebook @USCCB, and will also be shared on the Diocese of Venice Facebook Page.  Prayer resources are available at

In addition, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) will Consecrate the Nation of Canada on May 1, 2020.


Bishop finishes term as USCCB Committee Chair

Staff and Wire Reports

The most recent U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop’s General Assembly in Baltimore marked the end of a three-year term for Bishop Frank J. Dewane as chair of the Conference Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, but not before calling for an end to gun violence and encouraging civility in voters.

During that span, Bishop Dewane spoke on behalf of the U.S. Conference on issues of health care, human dignity, human rights, development, poverty and justice.

Bishop Dewane was elected to the post in 2015 and served as chairman-elect before taking the chair in November 2016. In three years as chair, the Bishop advocated on behalf of the faithful by sending letters to President Trump and to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, as well as personally lobbying the Senate and House. In addition, he made more than 100 statements on a variety of issues and was interviewed by a variety of news outlets.

Among the topics Bishop Dewane has addressed include: civility in politics, gun control, the death penalty, the federal budget and legislative actions, the opioid crisis, climate change, agriculture, health care, civil rights, homelessness, immigration reform, natural disasters, trade, and much more.

During a Nov. 11 presentation the General Assembly, Bishop Dewane said Catholic clergy and lay leaders can play a role in bringing together people to build understanding of the need for sensible policies that can end the scourge of gun violence. Sadly, just a few days after the presentation, a school shooting in California left two dead and others wounded.

Outlining the USCCB’s long-held stance of the need for “common sense” legislation that governs the availability of guns, the Bishop also pointed to the need to address gun violence, which has ravaged many urban centers, while acknowledging the legitimate concerns among responsible gun owners of losing access to firearms for hunting or, in some cases, protection.

In 1975, the USCCB issued its first major statement on guns and have since addressed gun violence, outlining the Conference’s concern that lives are being needlessly lost because of the widening availability of guns, including military-style weapons. However, the latest call goes beyond legislative efforts and appears to open the door for Church leaders to seek a common ground in addressing gun violence.

“Human life is sacred … and we need to approach this with the full strength of our teaching,” Bishop Dewane said.

The USCCB is not seeking a total limit to handguns but would welcome broader background checks and some limits on gun ownership. While common sense restrictions on guns would be no different than those already in place on prescription drugs and drivers. The Bishop suggested the restrictions are not the full solution.

“Such regulations are helpful, but they will not ban gun violence completely. For that to happen, we need new ways of thinking,” he continued.

Bishop Dewane also urged society to look at the “danger signs in others that can lead to the loss of empathy (and see) early signs of self-inwardness… As a society we have become less and less empathetic ourselves, a clear sign that we all are, to a degree, becoming dangerous.”

During the General Assembly, the Bishops approved adding new materials to complement “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” which is a voting reference from the committee Bishop chaired, and a long-standing guide to help Catholics form their consciences in public life, including voting.

A new year-long initiative invites Catholics to model civility, love for neighbor, and respectful dialogue. The program, “Civilize It: Dignity Beyond the Debate” asks Catholics to commit to civility, clarity, and compassion in their families, communities, and parishes, and call on others to do the same. (A link to the pledge is available on the Diocese of Venice website

Bishop Dewane emphasized the importance of “Civilize It” in the context of the current divisive climate: “Conversation in the public square is all too often filled with personal attacks and words that assume the worst about those with whom we disagree. We are in need of healing in our families, communities, and country. “Civilize It: Dignity Beyond the Debate” is a call for Catholics to honor the human dignity of each person they encounter, whether it is online, at the dinner table, or in the pews next to them. I invite all Catholics to participate in “Civilize It.” In doing so, they can bear witness to a better way, approach conversations with civility, clarity, and compassion, and invite others to do the same.”

At the conclusion of the General Assembly Bishop Dewane handed over the leadership of the Committee to Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City.

Catholic News Service contributed to this report.

Bishop speaks nationally on death penalty, assisted suicide

Staff and wire reports

October is Respect Life Month, therefore it was appropriate that Bishop Frank J. Dewane recently spoke out on two important end-of-life issues.

Speaking as the chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, Bishop Dewane was part of a roundtable discussion about capital punishment on Oct. 10, the World Day Against the Death Penalty.

The discussion highlighted not only the consistency of church teaching against capital punishment but also what Catholics could do to learn more about what the Catholic Church has to say on this issue.

Bishop Dewane participated in the Catholic News Service moderated roundtable with Archbishops Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City and Wilton D. Gregory of Washington, D.C.

Bishop Dewane stressed the sacredness of human life and said that “when it is violated, when it is attacked,” we are called to step in and “become the voice for those who can’t speak” for their own lives.

The Catholic Church’s opposition to the death penalty stems from its view on the sacredness of human life and the value of mercy.

The bishops spoke about the many problems with the death penalty. Examples cited were cases where minorities were not given a jury of their peers or when DNA results have exonerated death-row prisoners. Bishop Dewane mentioned that many on death row include people of color or those in poverty or suffering from mental illness. He said society needs to look at these factors and consider not just punitive but restorative measures.

The bishops were asked about Catholic opinion of the death penalty — 53% are in favor of it, according to a 2018 Pew Research Center poll. It was agreed by the panelists that it’s important for the faithful to learn, study, and read the Teachings of the Magisterium of the Church on this issue.

From St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict and Pope Francis there has been a steady movement toward a greater clarity in terms of the morality and the inadmissibility of the death penalty.

Panelists were disturbed by the announcement this summer that the federal government rescinded its 16-year moratorium on executing federal inmates.

When talking about the families of victims the bishops agreed that the only thing that can bring healing or comfort is “mercy: being willing to forgive.”

In another pro-life initiative, on Oct. 15, Bishop Dewane co-authored a news release from the USCCB responding to a National Council on Disabilities (NCD) federal study revealing that assisted suicide laws are dangerous to people with disabilities.

In its report, “The Danger of Assisted Suicide Laws,” NCD provides several policy recommendations including urging states to not legalize any form of assisted suicide or active euthanasia. The NCD is an independent federal agency charged with advising the president, Congress, and other federal agencies regarding policies, programs, practices, and procedures that affect people with disabilities.

Bishop Dewane, along with Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, of Kansas City in Kansas, and Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, praised the NCD for its “critical research and report exposing serious risks of abuse, coercion and discrimination posed by assisted suicide laws, specifically for people with disabilities.”

“Every suicide is a human tragedy, regardless of the age, incapacity, or social/economic status of the individual.,” the statement continues. “The legalization of doctor-assisted suicide separates people into two groups: those whose lives we want to protect and those whose deaths we encourage. This is completely unjust and seriously undermines equal protection under the law.”

The statement goes on to note the human rights and intrinsic worth of a person do not change with the onset of age, illness, or disability. As Pope Francis said, “True compassion does not marginalize anyone, nor does it humiliate and exclude – much less consider the disappearance of a person as a good thing.”

The bishops stated that all must do what they can to uphold the dignity of life, cherish the lives of all human beings, and work to prevent all suicides. “We urge state and federal governments, health care providers, and associations to heed this report’s warnings and recommendations, especially its opposition to assisted suicide laws,” the statement concluded.

Bishop Dewane has been chairman of the USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development since 2016 and will be passing along the role to Archbishop Coakley during the Fall Meeting of the USCCB.

Catholic News Service contributed information to this report.

June 20, 2018 Bishop Letter on current Immigration issue

June 20, 2018

Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,

This is a critical moment in our nation, a land of immigrants. We hear the cries of the children who are being torn away from their parents and family. As the political debate rages, action must be taken, and families need to remain together!

At its core, this is a moral issue, not merely a political debate. This is about the sanctity of the family, a bond that cannot be duplicated or replaced. While we may differ in our views on how to fix the immigration crisis, we can all agree that returning children to their parents must be of utmost priority.

Unlike many of you, I am not a parent, therefore I can only imagine the horror and suffering that takes place when children are torn from their parents’ arms. I can recall, as we all can, as a child the times when separated from our mother and/or father for any length of time – the anguish, the uncertainty and the deep hurt.

Children are being taken from their parents and detained on our border. They have no parent to comfort them as they are exposed to irreparable harm and trauma facing an uncertain future. Is this how we really want to treat children? Does this address basic human dignity? I hear this deep concern shared with me as I travel throughout the Diocese.

The family is the basic unit of society. When families are forcibly pulled apart, society is severely wounded. While every country has the right to secure and safe borders, it is the moral duty of us all to protect children. The government should not tear apart the family.

As brothers and sisters in Christ, pray for the children, parents and families who are suffering separation at our border. Pray that our country, the administration and the lawmakers find a solution to the immigration debate that makes sense and keeps families together.

I stand with my brother Bishops in asking you all to urge lawmakers to put aside politics and act for the moral good – reunite children with their parents!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

+ Frank J. Dewane

Bishop of the Diocese of

Venice in Florida