Two Pastors installed

The Catholic Church relies on its Parish Pastors to lead and to be a guide in the spiritual and everyday life of any Parish. These priests are called to serve in persona Christi bringing the Body and Blood of Christ on the altar of the Lord.

From time to time a Parish requires a new Pastor and on this occasion the Bishop will appoint – after consultation with the Priest Personnel Board – and install this new leader marking a new chapter in the life for the faithful.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane installed Father David Vidal as Pastor of Ave Maria Parish in Ave Maria on Oct. 9, 2021, and Father Ricky Varner as Pastor of St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Cape Coral on Oct. 10, 2021.

“A Pastor is called to minster to the spiritual well-being of the faithful and build up the spirituality of a Parish community,” Bishop Dewane said.

The Bishop asked that the faithful listen to their new Pastor and prayerfully accept decisions that are made, “knowing that the Pastor does strive to do what he clearly feels is in the best interest of the entire Parish community.”

As part of the installation process, Bishop Dewane first introduces the priest as Pastor to the parishioners. The priest later begins the Profession of Faith for all to hear, including an additional part solely for him. The new Pastor then recites an Oath of Fidelity and promises to “adhere to the teachings, which either the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops enunciate when they exercise authentic magisterium.” The installation also includes prayers to provide the new Pastor the wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit to lead the Parish.

The ceremony concluded with the signing of documents by the Bishop, the new Pastor, and two official witnesses of the Parish community, who serve as witnesses for all of the parishioners. Those documents are split between the Parish and Diocese as well as the Pastor’s personnel records.

At the conclusion of the installation Masses, both Father Vidal and Father Varner thanked the faithful at their respective Parishes for being so welcoming and supportive since their arrival as they strive to serve the Lord by administering the Sacraments and helping to bring all close to the Lord.

Father Vidal added, in Spanish, a special thanks to his parents who were watching the Mass via a livestream from Argentina.

Pastor installed in Port Charlotte

Father John Fitch was installed as Pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Port Charlotte by Bishop Frank J. Dewane on Oct. 5, 2021.

Father Fitch has served as Administrator of the Parish and for Bishop Dewane the installation as Pastor would solidify in the minds of the faithful that Father was there to continue serving the Parishioners. Outwardly, there will be no changes in the operation of the Parish but nevertheless the Bishop noted this was an important moment for all of the faithful and for the community at St. Charles Borromeo.

Bishop Dewane reminded the people of St. Charles Borromeo Parish and St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School, to support their Pastor in his daily work in administering the Sacraments as well as when he alone will be called to make difficult decisions that not everyone will always appreciate.

“He needs your support in many ways but in particular through prayer,” Bishop Dewane said.

During the installation, the priest begins with selected words leading to the start of the Creed at which point he is joined by the faithful. At the end of the Creed, the new Pastor has extra lines which are exclusive for him. In addition, the Pastor takes an Oath of Fidelity to the Bishop and his successors; formalized by his placing his hand upon the Book of Gospels.

The ceremony concluded with the signing of documents by the Bishop, the new Pastor, and two official witnesses of the Parish community, who serve as witnesses for all of the parishioners. Those documents are split between the Parish and Diocese as well as the Pastor’s personnel records.

Following the Installation Mass, Father Fitch greeted well-wishers who offered their sincerest congratulations.

Parrish welcomes Pastor

Father Joseph Gates was installed as Pastor of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish in Parrish by Bishop Frank J. Dewane on Sept. 12, 2021.

Father Gates was appointed as Administrator on Oct. 1, 2019, and Bishop Dewane said it was an appropriate time to install him as Pastor. Outwardly, there will be no changes in the operation of the Parish but nevertheless the Bishop noted this was an important moment for all of the faithful.

The Pastor infuses a great deal of life into a Parish and is entrusted with the spiritual welfare of the faithful by preaching, administering the Sacraments and exercising certain powers of supervision. Bishop Dewane reminded the people of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini to offer advice to their new Pastor, but he alone will be called to make difficult decisions that not everyone will always appreciate.

“He needs your support in many ways but in particular through prayer,” Bishop Dewane said.

During the installation, the priest begins with selected words leading to the start of the Creed at which point he is joined by the faithful. At the end of the Creed, the new Pastor has extra lines which are exclusive for him. In addition, the Pastor takes an Oath of Fidelity to the Bishop and his successors; formalized by his placing his hand upon the Book of Gospels.

Following the installation, two members of the parish, representing the entire congregation, served as witnesses and signed the formal documents, copies of which are left at the Parish, placed in the Diocesan archives and in the personnel file of Father Gates. Bishop then introduced the new Pastor to a rousing applause.

Father Gates thanked Bishop Dewane for his appointment and commented on how hospitable the Parish community has been since the day he was first assigned.

After the installation, a reception was held in the Parish Hall.

Pastor installed in Naples

Father Leo Smith became emotional on Aug. 29, 2021 when Bishop Frank J. Dewane formally presented him as the new Pastor of St. Finbarr Parish in Naples.

Applause from the faithful was in recognition of the priest who served the faithful of St. Finbarr for six years. The appointment as Pastor solidified in the mind of the parishioners that Father Smith was there to stay, leading them into a bright future as the area around the Parish continues to grow rapidly.

“When I first came here, I was warmly welcomed and your support through the years has been a blessing,” Father Smith said.

As part of the installation process, Bishop Dewane first introduces the priest as Pastor to the parishioners. The priest later starts the Profession of Faith for all to hear, including an additional part solely for him. The new Pastor then recites an Oath of Fidelity and promises to “adhere to the teachings, which either the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops enunciate when they exercise authentic magisterium.” The installation also includes prayers to provide the new Pastor the wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit to lead the Parish.

The ceremony concluded with the signing of documents by the Bishop, the new Pastor, and two official witnesses of the Parish community, who serve as witnesses for all of the parishioners. Those documents are split between the Parish and Diocese as well as the Pastor’s personnel records.

St. Finbarr Parish was established as a Mission Church of San Marco Parish in 2000 and was elevated by Bishop Dewane to become the 57th Parish of the Diocese of Venice on Dec. 12, 2010. During the peak winter season, each weekend approximately 1,500 attend Masses in English, Spanish and Creole.

New Cathedral Rector installed

A new Rector was installed at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice, marking only the fifth time in its history.

In the context of the Mass on Aug. 8, 2021, Bishop Frank J. Dewane installed Msgr. Patrick Dubois as Rector starting a new chapter in life of the priest and the faithful of Epiphany Cathedral.

Bishop Dewane encouraged the people of the Cathedral to be united behind Msgr. Dubois as he will be called upon to make difficult decisions going forward.

“A priest can’t listen to everyone because it is full of contrasting opinions, but he will make a decision after listening to the people of God,” the Bishop added. “Remember, we receive Christ individually but it’s up to you to lift up the community. It is for all of us.”

As part of the installation process, Bishop Dewane first introduces the priest as Rector to the parishioners. The priest later begins the Profession of Faith for all to hear, including an additional part solely for him. The new Pastor then recites an Oath of Fidelity and promises to “adhere to the teachings, which either the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops enunciate when they exercise authentic magisterium.” The installation also includes prayers to provide the new Rector the wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit to lead the Parish.

The ceremony concluded with the signing of documents by the Bishop, the new Rector, and two official witnesses of the Parish community, who serve as witnesses for all of the parishioners. Those documents are split between the Cathedral and Diocese as well as Monsignor’s personnel records. A celebratory reception was held in the Parish Hall.

Msgr. Dubois, who is also a part of the Diocesan Tribunal, expressed his gratitude to Bishop Dewane for having the confidence in him to be the Rector of the Cathedral. He also thanked his parents, who were present and brought up the gifts during Mass, for being his living example of the faith.

To the people of the Cathedral, Msgr. Dubois promised that he will live out his ministry grounded in prayer and “together we will continue to make the Cathedral a place of encounter of Jesus to the faithful.”

The history of the Parish dates to the 1930s when the Church of the Epiphany was created as a Mission of St. Martha Parish in Sarasota. It was in 1955 when the Mission was elevated to Parish status. With the Catholic population in Florida steadily increasing, St. Pope John Paul II in 1984 established two new dioceses, one of which was the Diocese of Venice. The Church of Epiphany was selected to become the Cathedral for the new Diocese. Mass is celebrated at the Cathedral in English, Spanish and Polish and representatives from each group were present for the Mass, as well as friends and family of Msgr. Dubois from his previous pastoral assignements.

Parish holds dual celebration

An installation of a new Pastor is a punctuation in the life of a Parish, and a recent one was made more memorable because it also coincided with the Parish Feast Day.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane installed Father Elbano Muñoz as Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Bradenton on June 11, 2021, the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The installation was within the context of the Mass, celebrated in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole, reflecting the different cultural members of the community.

A Pastor is someone who serves the faithful but at the same time leads them in a closer relationship to Christ, Bishop Dewane said. A Pastor needs the support of the faithful in order to succeed in his task, which is to call on people to be true disciples, evangelizers and messengers of their Faith.

“You are all witnesses of the Faith,” the Bishop continued. “Your presence here in support of your new Pastor shows that Father has the support he will need to succeed… Let this moment be a new chapter in the history of Sacred Heart Parish here in Bradenton.”

Father Muñoz expressed his gratitude to Bishop Dewane for having the confidence in him as the new Pastor. He thanked the faithful for their support and understanding since his arrival. Father also recognized his fellow priests, nine of whom concelebrated Mass with several having had connections to the Parish.

The history of the Parish dates to the post-Civil War era, when in 1868 Jesuit missionaries established a mission in Bradenton dedicated the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Eventually, when a new church, St. Joseph, was built nearby, Sacred Heart became a Chapel at its current location on 12th Avenue. It was not until 1968 when it was elevated to Parish status. The Parish Center and administration building were built in the following years while the Parish Church received several upgrades to include new stained glass and a renovation of the sanctuary. A Grotto of Our Lady of Guadalupe was added in 2004. There are approximately 800 families with Mass celebrated in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole.

As part of the installation process, Bishop Dewane first introduces the priest as Pastor to the parishioners. The priest later recites a profession of faith for all to hear, including an additional part solely for him. The new Pastor then recites an Oath of Fidelity and promises to “adhere to the teachings, which either the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops enunciate when they exercise authentic magisterium.” The installation also includes prayers to provide the new Pastor the wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit to lead the Parish.

The ceremony concluded with the signing of documents by the Bishop, the new Pastor, and two official witnesses of the Parish community, who serve as witnesses for all of the parishioners.

A celebratory reception was held in the Parish Hall with dinner and several cakes honoring both Father Muñoz and the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Pastor installed at Lake Placid Parish

Bob Reddy – Florida Catholic


There are moments in the life of each Parish that are well remembered: the dedication of a new building, significant anniversaries, and of course, the installation of a new Pastor.

For the faithful of St. James Parish in Lake Placid, such a day occurred June 2, the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, when Father Vincent Clemente was installed as Pastor by Bishop Frank J. Dewane.

The Ascension was an appropriate time to install and Pastor, because it was when Jesus commissioned the Apostles to go out into the world and spread the Gospel. The Church, in creating its structure, has established Parishes to help orchestrate that effort. The leader of a Parish is appropriately a Pastor who will give the impetus to the faithful to go forward out into the world to live the Gospel by spreading the Good News through their words and actions.

Bishop Dewane encouraged the faithful to offer advice to their new Pastor but also know that he will be called to make difficult decisions that not everyone will appreciate. “He needs your support through prayer and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Let the decisions that are to be made become a part of who you become as a Parish community.”

During the installation, the priest begins with selected words leading to the start of the Creed when he is then joined by the faithful. At the end of the Creed, the new Pastor has extra lines which are exclusive for him. In addition, the Pastor makes an Oath of Fidelity to the Bishop and his successors; formalized by his placing his hand upon the Book of Gospels.

Following the installation, two members of the parish, representing the entire congregation, served as witnesses and signed the formal documents, copies of which are left at the Parish, placed in the Diocesan archives and in the personnel file of Father Clemente. Bishop then introduced the new Pastor to a rousing applause.

Father Clemente thanked Bishop Dewane for his appointment and commented on how hospitable the Parish community has been since the day he was first assigned.

After the installation, a reception was held in the Parish Hall.

Pastors installed at Fort Myers and Port Charlotte parishes

Bob Reddy – Florida Catholic


There are moments in the life of each Parish that are well remembered: the dedication of a new building, significant anniversaries, and of course, the installation of a new pastor.

For the faithful of St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Fort Myers and San Antonio Parish in Port Charlotte, such a day occurred in March. It was on March 24 that Father Murchadh O’Madagain was installed at St. Vincent de Paul Parish, and on March 30 that Father Leo Riley was installed at San Antonio Parish.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane presided over the installations which he said marks a key time in the life of the respective parishes.

Bishop Dewane noted that the pastor of a parish and the various priests who serve put a great deal of life into a parish. “A pastor must be supported by the faithful because he will be called to make difficult decisions that not everyone will appreciate.”

The Bishop added that the Holy Spirit will speak through a pastor and the faithful must be open to listen and learn. “A pastor has eyes that see with faith. Take advantage of the richness that all pastors bring. The Spirit will also speak through the People of God, and the Pastor must all listen and learn.”

During the installation, the priest begins with selected words leading to the start of the Creed when he is then joined by the faithful. At the end of the Creed, the new pastor has extra lines which are exclusive for him. In addition, the pastor makes an Oath of Fidelity to the Bishop and his successors; formalized by his placing his hand upon the Book of Gospels.

Following the installation, two members of the parish, representing the entire congregation, served as witnesses and signed the formal documents. Bishop then introduced the new pastors to rousing applause.

Both new pastors thanked Bishop Dewane for their respective appointments and they commented on how hospitable their own parish community was from the day they were first assigned.

After the installations, receptions were held in the parish halls. The installation of Father Riley coincided with his birthday, so it was a double celebration, cake and all.