Bishop offers video invitation to Diocesan marriage Conference
Click this link, to view an invitation from Bishop Frank J. Dewane to all Catholic married and engaged couples to join him at the Diocese of Venice 4th Annual Together in Holiness Marriage Conference on Saturday, October 19, 2024. Faith, fellowship, and a beautiful celebration of the vocation of marriage. Space is limited! To reserve your spot, visit
Food donations needed in Naples
To help fight hunger in Collier County, the Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc. food pantry, located at the Judy Sullivan Family Resource Center, 3174 Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, is seeking donations. The food pantry is in need of perishable foods such as: canned vegetables and fruits; rice, pasta and grains; peanut butter and canned protein (chicken, tuna, etc.), cereal and other pantry staples. For more details, please contact Allegra Belliard, Program Director, at 239-793-0059 ext. 3304, or at
Support our seminarians
Support, encourage and educate future priests through the Venice Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Seminarian Fund. Join the VDCCW in celebrating Priesthood Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024, in a special and lasting way by sending your Parish Priest a Seminarian Fund “IN HONOR OF” card. This is a gift that keeps on giving. The Diocese is currently educating 18 men in various seminaries and a donation of any amount would be a great help (The donation amount will not be revealed to the recipient). To take part, please send your donation, made out to VDCCW Seminarian Fund (plus $1 to cover postage and printing) to: Cornelia Zanetti, Seminarian Fund Guardian, 5808 Gulf Drive, #204, Holmes Beach, FL 34217.
High school hosts evening Eucharistic Adoration for students and families

Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota hosted a Eucharistic Adoration with praise and music in the All Saints Chapel on the evening of Aug. 21, 2024. The Adoration was open to all families and led by Father Christian Chami, Parochial Vicar at nearby St. Jude Parish.
Backpacks blessed for school year

Father Eric Scanlan, Pastor of Incarnation Parish in Sarasota, blessed the backpacks of the students at Incarnation Catholic School following an all-school Mass on Aug. 26, 2024. Blessings were for the backpacks to help carry our students strongly, successfully, and safely throughout the school year. Father Scanlan also visited the classrooms to pray with the students and offer a blessing as well.
Young students tour Bradenton church
Kindergarten students at St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton were treated to a tour of the Parish church on Aug. 23, 2024. Liliana Ronderos, St. Joseph Parish Director of Religious Education, and Michelle Szczepanski, Parish Youth Minister, were the tour guides. The tour included stops at the various statues, the sacristy, the chapel and other key locations in the church. Each part of the Mass was explained to help the students better understand what they see each week. In the sacristy, some of the students were allowed to try on the priest vestments. During each stop, the students asked great questions, and they were eager to learn more.
Knights escort Silver Rose through Diocese
Each year, from early March through mid-December, Silver Roses are stewarded by Knights of Columbus councils along routes from Canada to Mexico. Every stop the Silver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners and community members to pray for respect for life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Silver Rose visited 14 Parishes in the Diocese of Venice from Aug. 21 to Aug. 27, 2024. Stops included prayer services, the praying of the Holy Rosary or the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This custom started in 1960 between Mexico and Texas. Now there are a total of eight silver roses, including one blessed by Pope Francis. The journey now starts in Canada and it travels to Mexico. The intent is the same: to reaffirm the Order’s commitment to the sanctity of life and honor the Blessed Virgin under her title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas.
Catholic Thinkers Men’s Group 4th Season begins Sept. 4 in Naples
The Catholic Thinkers Men’s Group of St. Agnes Parish begins its fourth season at 9:30 a.m., Sept. 4, 2024, at Perkins Restaurant, 3585 Pine Ridge Road, Naples. The topic is; “National Eucharistic Congress: Were the Revival Objectives Achieved?” The discussion will last no more than 90 minutes and registration is limited to 30 participants. Admission is free; breakfast is not. You will need to register for every session at to reserve your space. For more information, please contact Dr. George Blewitt,
15th annual Diocesan Veterans Day Mass to be held in Sarasota
On Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 11, 2024, the Diocese of Venice will hold a Memorial Mass in honor of the men and women who have served our country and continue to serve and protect us today. This is the 15th year the Diocese has held a Mass on Veterans Day. The opening ceremonies begin at 2:45 p.m., with the Mass at 3 p.m. in the Amphitheater at the Sarasota National Cemetery, 9810 State Road 72/Clark Road, approximately five miles east of I-75. The priests, deacons and Knights of Columbus in the Diocese will join in the celebration of the Mass. All are invited to attend, and active military personnel are asked to wear their uniform. Attendees are also encouraged to wear sunscreen and bring a hat. There is ample seating and parking at the cemetery. For further information please contact Gail Ardy at or 941-486-4714.
Diocesan Youth Rally Nov. 16
All students Grades 9 to 12 are invited to attend Diocese of Venice Youth Rally from 12:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Nov. 16, 2024, at the Charlotte Harbor Event & Conference Center, 75 Taylor Street, Punta Gorda. The theme for this year’s Rally is “Ignite.” This is a day dedicated to faith, fellowship, and fun, where all come together to have hearts ignited by the Lord Jesus, so that He can draw each person present into a deeper relationship with Himself. The Diocesan Youth Rally will feature inspiring talks, uplifting music, and opportunities to connect with other youth from across the Diocese. Don’t miss out on this incredible experience to grow in your faith and make lasting memories. Register now through your Parish. For further information please contact Andres Prias, Youth and Young Adult Outreach Director, Diocese of Venice Department of Evangelization or 941-484-9543.
Legion of Mary Annual Retreat Sept. 28
The Legion of Mary Manasota Curis invites men and women for a day of prayer from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sept. 28, 2024, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 S. Moon Drive, Venice. The day includes breakfast, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, lunch and talks. The guest speaker will be Bob Wilson, Director of Saint Paul Street Evangelization. The cost is $45 and seating is limited. RSVP by Sept. 9 to your Parish Legion of Mary Representative or to Kathi Bragdon at 908-419-7619.
Catholic Charities Summertime Appeal concluding

Every day, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., serves the most vulnerable population in the 10 counties that constitute the Diocese of Venice by feeding, housing, empowering, and helping all in need. This summer, you can be the one that makes a difference. Your acts of kindness have the power to transform lives and leave a positive impact in our community. The Catholic Charities “Summertime and the Giving is Easy” Appeal is asking for your support. Any gift will make a positive impact on our less fortunate brothers and sisters! To donate to Summertime and the Giving is Easy Campaign, please visit or mail a check to Catholic Charities, “Summertime and the Giving is Easy,” 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285.
Evangelization Training in September
Would you like to know what authentic, non-confrontational, joyful evangelization looks and sounds like? If so, be sure to attend the upcoming workshop with St. Paul Street Evangelization Vice President Adam Janke from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sept. 28, 2024, at Church of the Resurrection Parish, 8121 Cypress Lake Drive, Fort Myers. Mass will be offered at 8 am in the Parish Chapel. There will also be an optional “Live Lab” experience from 4 p.m.- 5 p.m., giving participants the chance to put into practice what they have just learned. Saint Paul Street Evangelization is a non-profit, grassroots organization that has mobilized thousands of ordinary Catholics to take the Gospel to the public square and be instruments of God in the salvation of souls. The one-day Basic Evangelization Training with SPSE is open to all adult parishioners from any Catholic parish. Registration is $25 and includes light breakfast, lunch and all training materials. Please register at
A Walk With Jesus For Grieving Parents retreat in October
The pain from grief can be extreme, but the death of a child is even more intense. Parents experience an emptiness like no other. If you are mourning the loss of a child (from infancy to adulthood), consider attending a Catholic faith-based weekend retreat from Oct. 11 until Sunday Oct. 13, 2024, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 S. Moon Drive, Venice. Deacon Henry De Mena will lead the Retreat. The cost is $150.00 per person based on double occupancy and $250.00 for single occupancy. Financial assistance is available. For further information contact Jim Gontis at
Theology on Tap Sarasota Sept. 19 in Sarasota
Theology on Tap is a program for young adults in their 20s and 30s, providing an opportunity to explore faith topics in a relaxed and social setting. On Sept. 19, 2024, the gathering will be held at Big Top Brewing – Restaurant and Brewery, 3045 Fruitville Commons Boulevard, Sarasota. The evening begins with food and refreshments at 7 p.m. Presentations and discussions about the Catholic Faith begin at 8 p.m. The speaker will be Jeanne Berdeaux, Director of the Diocese of Venice Respect Life Office. Jeanne will discuss Amendment 4, Just Say No! For questions, please email Andres Prias at
Women’s Bible Study in Naples
St. William Catholic Church, 601 Seagate Drive, Naples will once again be hosting the Naples Area Inter-Parish Women’s Bible Study entitled “Walking with Purpose.” This bible study was voted in the top 10 for Catholic programs in the country and last year the Church Hall accommodated close to 250 women. The bible study take place from 10 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. on Tuesdays, from Sept. 24 to Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2024. This year’s theme is “Reclaiming Friendship” and each participant is asked to purchase the book by the same name at or on Amazon. Babysitting is available. For questions, details regarding babysitting and to register please contact Lisa McGowan by calling or texting 484-432-5128, or email