Bishop Frank J. Dewane installed Father Luis Pacheco as Pastor of St. Paul Parish in Arcadia on Feb. 23, 2025, in the context of the Mass.
The installation of a new Pastor is like a punctuation mark for the life of the Parish – a new era under the stewardship of Father Pacheco, explained Bishop Dewane .
“We do this installation because a Pastor is called upon to administer to the people of God in their faith life by ministering the sacraments and helping each one of you grow closer to the Lord,” Bishop Dewane said. “Support your new Pastor, and all priests, for theirs is not an easy job. Pray for your Pastor as he serves all of you.”
St. Paul Parish has a rich history in Arcadia that dates back to the 1870s when Jesuit priests would serve the area on horseback. The first permanent priest arrived in 1910 and the first Church was built in 1915. St. Paul was canonically erected as a Parish on July 25, 1958, in the Diocese of St. Augustine which then covered the entire state of Florida. The current church was dedicated by Bishop Dewane in March 2021 in a building that was converted from a supermarket. The church seats 1,100 for Mass, a includes a large Parish Hall, as well as 11 rooms for religious education, and multiple offices. Currently, St. Paul serves more than 4,000 individuals. St. Paul Parish has been designated by Bishop Dewane as a Diocesan Jubilee Year Pilgrimage Site.
Bishop Dewane initiated the installation process by calling Father Pacheco to the ambo following the homily. Father then recited an Oath of Fidelity in which he promises to “adhere to the teachings, which either the Roman Pontiff or the college of bishops enunciate when they exercise authentic magisterium.” Father Pacheco then recited, along with the faithful, the profession of faith, including additional parts solely for him. The installation also included prayers to provide the new Pastor the wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit to lead the Parish.
The Bishop then presented Father Pacheco as the new Pastor to the faithful gathered. Documents were signed by the Bishop, the new Pastor, and two official witnesses of the Parish Community, who serve as official witnesses on behalf of all of the parishioners. Copies of these documents are put in the Diocesan files for the Parish and Father, while a copy is kept at the Parish.
After Mass, Father Pacheco first thanked Bishop Dewane for the honor of appointing him and trusting him to lead St. Paul Parish. Father has been at St. Paul since 2021.
“I have no words to convey my thoughts, feelings and emotions, especially my appreciation to everyone for their support,” Father Pacheco said. “I pray to God and the Holy Spirit that I can live up to this responsibility. Know you are all in my heart.”
A reception followed in the Parish Hall.