2025 Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference inspires

The annual Diocese of Venice English-Speaking Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference brought together about 200 from across the region to be renewed in the Holy Spirit Feb. 7-8, 2025, at St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Port Charlotte.

The theme of the Conference was “Spirit Called,” with the quote “For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the Children of God,” Romans 8:14, serving as the inspiration for the participants as they were enlightened by teaching, worship, music and fellowship.

The featured speaker at the Conference was Most Rev. Peter L. Smith, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, who in 2024 was appointed as the ecclesiastical assistant of CHARIS, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service. CHARIS is intended to share with all in the Church the baptism in the Holy Spirit, while promoting Christian unity and engaging in service to the poor.

Bishop Smith first spoke about the parable of the sowing of the seeds where Jesus uses the example of throwing the seeds on fertile ground, as well as on rocks and in the weeds where it has almost no chance of growing. While this was seen by the Jewish farmers of the day as an insane waste of precious seeds, Jesus used this story to explain the extravagant love God has for each of us.

“The sower is the Father, sowing the word of Christ into our lives,” Bishop Smith said. “And God sows that with incredible extravagance. God will sow that seed upon us all, even those who have hard parts, where there is almost no chance of that seed sprouting. He will do that in extravagance at the possibility, just the possibility, of one of those seeds taking root. That is God’s love for you and for me.”

Bishop Smith concluded by reflecting upon the Gospel reading about the Road to Emaus, where Christ accompanies two of the disciples, who don’t recognize that He is the Resurrected Lord, as they walk along the road as a great example of how the Lord accompanies us.

“The Lord walks with us through our lives,” Bishop Smith concluded. “He engages us; brings us His truth; takes our eyes off ourselves; focuses our eyes on Him. He does what He can to get our hearts burning again with hope. In response, we must act, like the disciples, and go back and rejoin the community of faith.”

Bishop Frank J. Dewane celebrated a Mass for the Conference on Feb. 8, with Bishop Smith concelebrating and serving as the homilist. Bishop Dewane greeted the visiting Bishop and encouraged the Charismatic Renewal members to gain as much as they could from the Conference as they grow closer to the Lord in their lives.

There were several talks and break-out sessions. Father Ananda Anki Reddy, Spiritual Advisor to the Diocesan English Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Parochial Vicar at St. Andrew Parish, and Father Daniel Scanlan, Parochial Vicar of St. Thomas More Parish in Sarasota, both offered presentations.

“We were so blessed to have the Holy Spirit with us today,” one participant from Cape Coral said. “Having Bishop Smith here elevated the grace we all received.”

The English Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Diocese of Venice includes prayer groups at 15 different Parishes. Most prayer groups gather weekly for praise and worship. For more information about the Diocesan English Catholic Charismatic Renewal, or to find a prayer group near you, please visit https://www.charisms.org.

Jubilee Year 2025 resources now available

As the Universal Church progresses through the Jubilee Year 2025, as established by Pope Francis, the Diocese of Venice will be hosting five pilgrimage sites, as well as several events which bring to life the Jubilee’s theme: “Pilgrims of Hope.”

The Diocese of Venice website, Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope – Diocese of Venice, will be a clearinghouse of information regarding Jubilee Year 2025 activities in the Diocese as well as general information about the Jubilee Year.

The Jubilee Year includes the option to go through Holy Doors by making a pilgrimage to the major Papal Basilicas in Rome. In addition, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops have also designated specific shrines within the country to serve as special pilgrimage sites.

Meanwhile, the five Jubilee Pilgrimage Sites designated Bishop Frank J. Dewane within the Diocese of Venice present local opportunities to participate and celebrate the Jubilee Year. Each of these sites (Epiphany Cathedral in Venice, St. John XXIII Parish in Fort Myers, St. John the Evangelist Parish in Naples, St. Paul Parish in Arcadia, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center in Venice), will include expanded times for Mass, Adoration, and Confession, as well as Lenten programming. Each of the sites will also be open to individual or large group pilgrimages. Recall that the Holy Doors established by Pope Francis are limited to five pilgrimage sites in Rome.

Bishop Dewane said it is his prayer that the faithful of the Diocese take advantage of the grace of the Jubilee Year and visit at least one of the Jubilee Pilgrimage Sites.

“This is an opportunity to join the faithful from around the world in participating in special Jubilee Year activities,” Bishop Dewane said. “We must be people of hope in the way we live our lives, in our faith, and within our community. We also have an obligation to take the hope the Lord gives us and be a beacon of hope for others.”

A Jubilee Year is a special holy year of grace and pilgrimage that happens at least once every 25 years. The Pope can call for extraordinary jubilee years, such as the 2016 Year of Mercy. During the Jubilee, Catholics are encouraged to make a pilgrimage to Rome. For pilgrims who can’t travel to Rome, the Bishops of the world were encouraged to designate local pilgrimage sites for the Jubilee.

.Pope Francis opened the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica before Mass on Christmas Eve, officially launching the Jubilee Year 2025. Passing through a Holy Door during the Jubilee symbolizes entry into a new life in Christ and the beginning of a journey of conversion.

One grace that “Pilgrims of Hope” on the Jubilee may obtain is the “Jubilee indulgence.” This grace is granted by the Holy Father to anyone who travels to any sacred jubilee site, whether in Rome, the Holy Land, or a locally designated sacred site.

The Jubilee Indulgence is a concrete manifestation of God’s mercy and is a gift of grace specific to the Holy Year. To gain an indulgence during Jubilee Year 2025, the faithful can undertake a pious pilgrimage to a Jubilee Site, including those designated by the Bishop. The person seeking the plenary indulgence must participate in Holy Mass or any of the following: celebration of the Word of God, the Liturgy of the Hours, the Via Crucis, the Marian Rosary, or a penitential celebration, which ends with individual confession. Additional information about receiving a Jubilee Indulgence can be found at https://dioceseofvenice.org/jubilee-2025-pilgrims-of-hope/.

Jubilee Year 2025, a year filled with special spiritual, artistic, and cultural events in Rome, will conclude during the Christmas Season 2025. Two of the biggest events of the Jubilee of Hope will be the canonizations of Blessed Carlo Acutis, during the Jubilee of Teenagers on April 27, and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, during the Jubilee of Young People on Aug. 3. In addition, there will be a celebration of the Jubilee of Families, Children, Grandparents, and the Elderly on the weekend of May 30 – June 1.

Youth Jubilee Adoration Nights

The second Youth Jubilee Adoration Night in the Diocese took place Jan. 31, at St. Andrew Parish in Cape Coral. Youth from St. Andrew, as well as St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Cape Coral and Bishop Verot High School in Fort Myers, took part in group Eucharistic Adoration as part of the Jubilee Year 2025. The first Youth Jubilee Adoration Night took place Jan. 16, at St. Agnes Parish in Naples.

At St. Andrew, guest speaker Kyle Van Duser encouraged the youth to become true “Pilgrims of Hope” by using the gifts given to them by God to carry the message of the Lord to others. To do this, they must deepen their relationship with the Lord by regularly attending Mass, going to Confession and doing Works of Mercy. By doing these things, they will serve as a beacon of hope for others to follow, living out their mission as “Pilgrims of Hope.”

The evenings include an inspirational talk, prayer, music, and the opportunity to take part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, all before concluding with Benediction. While the Youth Jubilee Adoration Nights are geared toward younger Catholics, with youth-centric music and talks, but all are welcome. Each Adoration Night is 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Upcoming opportunities to participate are: Saturday, March 22, St. Patrick Parish, 7900 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota; and Friday, May 2, St. Paul Parish, 1330 E. Oak. St., Arcadia. There is no cost to attend, but registration is requested at https://dioceseofvenice.regfox.com/jubilee-2025-adoration-nights-. For more information contact Andres Prias at prias@dioceseofvenice.org or 941-441-1122.

One-day Eastern Deanery Eucharistic Pilgrimage

Coming to the Eastern Deanery on Feb. 15 will be a special Eucharistic Pilgrimage which will visit the Parishes of St. James, St. Catherine, Our Lady of Grace, St. Michael, and St. Paul (this is a designated Diocesan Jubilee Year Pilgrimage Site). This is a unique opportunity to respond to the call of the ongoing National Eucharistic Revival Mission and to celebrate the Jubilee Year of Hope.

The Eucharistic Pilgrimage begins at 7:30 a.m., at St. James Parish, 3380 Placid View Drive, Lake Placid, and will include Mass, a Eucharistic Procession and breakfast. Pilgrims will then travel by their own vehicle to St. Catherine Parish, 820 Hickory St., Sebring, for a 10 a.m. Eucharistic Procession. The next stop will be at Our Lady of Grace Parish, 595 E. Main St., Avon Park, for a noon Eucharistic Procession, followed by lunch.

Pilgrims will then proceed to St. Michael Parish, 408 Heard Bridge Road, Wauchula, for a 3 p.m. Eucharistic Procession, followed by snacks. The final stop will be at St. Paul Parish, 1330 E. Oak St., Arcadia, for a 6 p.m. Mass, which will be followed by food. Pilgrims can participate in as many of the stops as they wish. For more information, please contact Sister Maria Nikopoia, SSVM, at m.nikopoia@servidoras.org or call 863-232-9284.

Third Diocese of Venice Eucharistic Conference

In addition to previously mentioned activities, the third Diocese of Venice Eucharistic Conference will take place Saturday, March 29, at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center in Punta Gorda. The theme for the day-long event is inspired by the Jubilee Year 2025 while also building upon the three-year National Eucharistic Revival. The theme for the Conference is “Becoming Eucharistic Missionaries” and it offers an opportunity to celebrate the Catholic faith with others.

The Diocesan Eucharistic Conference will feature dynamic presentations by nationally renowned Catholic speakers including Dr. Scott Hahn, Kimberly Hahn, Mary Ann Wiesinger-Puig, and Andrés Arango. There will also be breakout sessions in Spanish. The event will include Mass celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane. In addition, there will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the opportunity for Confession, as well as Catholic vendors and exhibitors. The cost to attend is $35. per person and includes lunch. To register, please visit https://dioceseofvenice.regfox.com/eucharistic-conference. For more information, contact Jim Gontis at 941-486-4754 or gontis@dioceseofvenice.org.

Twenty-Four Hours for the Lord

On March 28, during the Jubilee Year, the Holy Father called upon all Churches to observe a 24 Hours of the Lord event. Please check with your local Parish for  Eucharistic Adoration hours, with designated times for the Sacrament of Confession. (Please note that this will be in addition to the designated Lenten Confession times for the Diocese of Venice, which will be held this year on Friday, April 11, and Saturday, April 12.)

As the Jubilee Year continues, please visit https://dioceseofvenice.org/jubilee-2025-pilgrims-of-hope/ frequently for updates on the latest Diocesan Jubilee Year activities.

The Jubilee Prayer

Father in heaven,

may the faith you have given us

in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,

and the flame of charity enkindled

in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,

reawaken in us the blessed hope

for the coming of your Kingdom.

May your grace transform us

into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.

May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos

in the sure expectation

of a new heaven and a new earth,

when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,

your glory will shine eternally.

May the grace of the Jubilee

reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,

a yearning for the treasures of heaven.

May that same grace spread

the joy and peace of our Redeemer

throughout the earth.

To you our God, eternally blessed,

be glory and praise for ever.


2024 Marriage Conference inspires couples

The Diocese of Venice, “Together in Holiness” Marriage Conference, presented in partnership with the Diocese Evangelization Office and the St. John Paul II Foundation, took place Oct. 19, 2024, at Church of the Resurrection of Our Lord Parish in Fort Myers, was a great success.

More than 100 couples, representing 29 Parishes, took part in this event which was intended to allow couples to grow together in holiness, learn to form their children in the Catholic Faith, enjoy a day of quality time with their spouse, and witness dynamic presentations. The day offered couples an opportunity to reconnect with their spouse through conversation and prayer during a day focused on helping them live their marriage vocation more faithfully and fruitfully. Many married couples brought their families, with more than 60 children enrolled in childcare throughout the day. In addition to married couples, many engaged couples also participated.

The day included the Mass, celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the availability of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. At the conclusion of the Mass, Bishop Dewane offered the couples a special marriage blessing.

Bishop Dewane told the couples that the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is the most widely held vocation, by far, which is a good thing because those who dedicate themselves to each other show the entire world the beauty of this vocation.

“Married couples are called to a mission to live the Sacrament to its fullest, taking the grace and goodness that comes with it and living it out and giving witness to those you encounter,” Bishop Dewane said. “Marriage is living out the covenant established by God with His people, and it is based on the commitment that flows out from that Sacrament – to live by giving themselves, one to the other, receiving the other in love, devotion and caring.”

Through this covenant, marriage is a permanent and lasting unity where the couple acts as instruments to the grace of God, the Bishop added.

“In the Sacrament of Marriage, you each bring a unique grace,” Bishop Dewane continued. “Live it out. Act it out. Pray to God to have that inspiration. That sacramental bond needs to be rediscovered repeatedly. To understand the bond of love, one must live in the context of sacramental commitment. You can accomplish this by always allowing space for Christ in your relationship.”

One couple from Fort Myers, married for 21 years with four children, said they went to the event looking to reexamine their marriage as two of their children have gone off to college and two others will soon be leaving their home. “We are in a transition in our marriage and this day really helped us renew our focus on being a Christ-centered family. We know we are the examples for our children, We want to make sure we are the best examples we can be.”

The Conference included inspirational talks by Catholic speakers Renzo and Monica Ortega, and Mallory Smyth, as well as Father Alex Pince, Diocesan Director of Vocations and Parochial Vicar at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice.

The “Together in Holiness” Conference made its Diocese of Venice debut in 2021.

For couples who wish to continue enriching their marriage – whether or not they attend the Conference – the “Together in Holiness” Formation series is offered. The Formation series is year-round marriage enrichment for small groups of four to six couples gathering to explore a particular theme based on the life, teaching and witness of St. John Paul II. At the gatherings, couples share a meal, watch a brief video and have guided prayer, Scripture and discussion. If you would like to participate in or learn more about the Together in Holiness Formation series in the Diocese of Venice, contact THFormation@forlifeandfamily.org.

To learn more about other Diocese of Venice initiatives in the support of marriage and family, please contact Jim Gontis at gontis@dioceseofvenice.org, or 941-484-4754.

State CCW Conference held in Sarasota

The 25th Biennial Conference of the Florida Council of Catholic Women (FCCW), took place Oct. 20-22, 2022, at the Embassy Suites in downtown Sarasota. The theme for the Conference was “Love One Another.”

Members of Venice Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (VDCCW) hosted the event just three weeks after Hurricane Ian struck the Diocese on Sept. 28.

FCCW President and Province Director Tammy Farr and Brenda Dolan, Venice Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Conference Coordinator, and FCCW Province Director Elect, said there was some doubt the Conference would take place when the hurricane struck, but everyone from the Diocese of Venice and across the state rallied to ensure the conference would come off without a hitch. In the end, more than 120 attended the event.

“We came together and persevered to have a joyous, resourceful and humorous gathering,” Farr said. “Council sisters, WE DID IT!!”

Bishop Frank J. Dewane offered the invocation and blessing at the closing banquet. The Bishop later remarked about how the CCW embodies what St. John Paul II called the “feminine genius” or “genius of women.”

“You, as women, have a very special place and purpose,” Bishop Dewane said. “Your impact on the life of the Church and in society is of inestimable value.”

During the banquet, FCCW President Farr presented Bishop Dewane and the Diocese of Venice with approximately $10,000, raised in just three weeks since the hurricane, to go toward disaster relief. The Bishop expressed his gratitude saying the money would go toward the ongoing work of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., which has been on the front lines responding in the hardest hit communities since the storm struck.

Farr also announced that the FCCW members had collected and donated a number of disaster relief supplies which were directed to help CCW members who were severely impacted by the hurricane.

Archbishop Thomas Wenski, of Miami, was the principal celebrant at the closing liturgy on Oct. 22 at St. Martha Parish, with Bishop Dewane concelebrating.

Both Archbishop Wenski and Bishop Dewane spoke at the closing banquet, praising the work of the FCCW and the role the women play in their home Dioceses, as well as in their legislative activism at the local, state, and national levels on issues that include life, and the death penalty.

Diocese to expand support for couples and families

The Diocese of Venice recognizes the importance of forming all married couples, from newlyweds to empty nesters, to live out their call to holiness and joy in the Sacrament of Marriage! As St. John Paul II famously said, “As goes the family, so goes the nation, and so goes the entire world in which we live.”

To promote greater support and formation for couples, the Diocese of Venice Office of Family Life and the St. John Paul II Foundation are working jointly to bring “Together in Holiness” to the entire Diocese. “Together in Holiness” is a comprehensive marriage enrichment initiative that includes an annual, one-day Conference series for couples, as well as a year-round Formation series for couples in Parishes, schools, and small communities.

“The Diocese of Venice continues to value the ongoing collaboration with the St. John Paul II Foundation in support of marriage and family,” said Bishop Frank J. Dewane. “It is precisely the fruits that flow from the “Together in Holiness” Conference and the ongoing follow up Formation series, that the Sacrament of Marriage is all about. Through its Office of Family Life, the Diocese invites all couples to participate in these life-enriching opportunities.  Married couples are a sacramental representation of love, joy, and commitment, so I am thankful that “Together in Holiness” assists our married couples to contribute to the renewal of the family, Church and society.”

The second annual “Together in Holiness” Marriage Enrichment Conference will take place on Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022, the Feast of St. John Paul II, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will be hosted at St. John XXIII Parish, 13060 Palomino Lane, Fort Myers. Couples will enjoy a day of quality time with their spouse accompanied by dynamic presentations! The day will include the Mass and the availability of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This special event is for all couples, engaged, newlywed or long married. Access to on-site childcare will be provided.

The inaugural “Together in Holiness” Marriage Enrichment Conferences on Oct. 2, 2021, in Sarasota and Naples drew some 120 couples.

Here are just a few of the positive comments from previous attendees:

  • “Incredible!” “Life-changing!” “Impactful!” “Educational!” “Just what we needed!”
  • “It was truly a great event, very inspiring and applicable to the everyday life. It helped me to take a fresh look at my marriage and the relationship with my husband.”
  • “We both got a lot out of the entire day. It was a day of connecting – with each other, with other couples, with own selves, and, most importantly, with God.”

Complementing the one-day conference, the “Together in Holiness” Formation series offers year-round marriage enrichment to small communities of spouses that equips them with the formation, encouragement, and practical tools to grow together in holiness and to form their children in the Catholic Faith.

The “Together in Holiness” Formation series is a 7-part series based on the life, witness, and teachings of St. John Paul II on marriage and family life. Highlights include short, compelling video presentations with national speakers, Host Couples who facilitate discussion, and a “Bring it Home” component that translates learning into living. The Formation series is also available for Spanish-speaking couples through translated materials and captioned videos.

To register, please visit https://forlifeandfamily.org/events/th22-vnfl/. A video message from Bishop Frank J. Dewane can be found at www.dioceseofvenice.org/together-in-holiness-marriage-conference-october-22-2022.

For more information, please contact Carrie Harkey at 941-484-9543 or at  harkey@dioceseovenice.org.

English Catholic Charismatic Renewal Annual Conference March 13

Come join the 2020 Diocese of Venice Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference, “Stir into Flame” a time for praise and worship, personal prayer ministry, powerful teachings, Eucharistic Adoration and fellowship. The Conference is 6 p.m., March 13, and 9 a.m.-8 p.m., March 14 at St. John XXIII Parish, 13060 Palomino Lane, Fort Myers.

“If you have been thinking about how to grow closer to the Lord, or long to hear God’s voice in your life, or if you need to be renewed in your walk with the Lord, this weekend is for you!” said Rene Mazaron, English Catholic Charismatic Renewal Commission President.

Listen to internationally renowned speakers including Auxiliary Bishop Peter L. Smith of the Archdiocese of Portland, Jim Murphy, Sister Linda Koontz, SNJM, and Father Anthony Lukka. Bishop Frank J. Dewane will celebrate Mass at 3:30 p.m., on March 14.

“Come as you are and expect to receive God’s healing and Spiritual Gifts,” Mazon said. “Invite friends and neighbors, even those who have been away from the Church. God has etched your name in His plan book.”

The goal of the conference is for participants to encounter Christ in new and powerful ways as the speakers will encourage and challenge everyone to a life more fully “in the Spirit,” Mazaron added. “Take this opportunity to open your heart to the Holy Spirit, because it is the Holy Spirit who fulfills our life. It is the promptings of the Holy Spirit that keep us on the path to heaven.”

Speakers will present talks about living in the Holy Spirit with courage, power, love, self-control, giving testimony to the Lord and becoming a true Disciple of Christ.

Auxiliary Bishop Smith was born in South Africa and is a member of CHARIS (Catholic Charismatic Renewal International); Jim Murphy is a lay Catholic evangelist who previously served in Rome as Director of Leadership Formation and President of CHARIS; Sister Linda lives in El Paso, Texas and ministers to the poorest of the poor in Juarez, Mexico through “The Spirit of the Lord International Mission” outreach program; and Father Lukka serves as Spiritual Advisor for the Diocese of Venice, English Catholic Charismatic Renewal and also serves as Parochial Vicar at St. William Parish in Naples.

The cost is $35 before Feb. 29, and $40 afterwards, and includes refreshments, lunch and a light dinner. Please register at www.dvccr.org. Registrations are limited. No walk-ins.