Lent – becoming worthy to share in the Resurrection

The Lenten Season is an important time to take the opportunity to refocus one’s thinking on how to grow closer to God and farther away from evil.

Lent is one of the most important liturgical seasons of the Church’s calendar and begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025. The faithful prepare during this season for Holy Week, those sacred days in the Church calendar when we celebrate the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Paschal Mystery of the Faith.

“The faithful are all called to know better their faith, to live it more deeply, and share their love of the Lord with others,” Bishop Frank J. Dewane said. “This ties in directly with our Lenten call to turn our lives over to Christ and to be more that man or woman of God He calls us to be. We are called to bear witness to the Lord by following the example of His suffering by making us worthy to share in His Resurrection.”

The three pillars of the Lenten observance, fasting, prayer, and almsgiving express conversion in relation to oneself, to God, and to others. The Lord calls each person to total commitment. By practicing these observances together, they become more than the sum of their parts. Bishop Dewane said by joining the pillars together we hear the Word of God more deliberately and devote ourselves to prayer more ardently as we celebrate the Paschal Mystery. The pillars become part of a faith that flourishes and a heart that is increasingly dedicated to the Lord.

Fasting and abstinence

Fasting and abstinence is not just about food, or lack of it, but instead is really about sacrifice for the benefit of our spiritual lives – a fasting from sin. Sacrifice and self-denial should not be viewed as something to lament but instead should be viewed as an opportunity to remove anything that distracts us from Jesus Christ and a reception of grace. Fasting and abstinence are about spiritual conversion and renewal, not solely about meat and no food.

For early Christians, fasting was an important and meaningful Lenten practice in commemoration of Christ’s Passion and Death. The current Lenten discipline, set forth by the Roman Catholic Church, consists of both fasting and abstinence on Ash Wednesday (March 5) and Good Friday (April 18), as well as abstaining from meat each Friday of Lent. SEE BOX below.

“This is an opportunity to teach ourselves an internal discipline,” Bishop Dewane said. “It is good to recognize and to use it as a reminder of what it is we should be fasting from and that is sin. When fasting, or abstaining from meat, this Lenten Season try not to just ‘follow the motions,’ so to speak, make an extra effort to improve upon the spiritual areas of one’s life.”


The second Lenten pillar is prayer, which the Catechism tells us is coupled with charity. All Catholics are called to a meaningful prayer life. A prayer life includes both personal, which comes from the heart, and traditional prayer. With both dimensions, the faithful grow closer to both Christ Himself and His Church.

Prayer is an indispensable component of the Catholic Faith. By growing and maturing in faith, prayer becomes an act of worship. Prayer is recognized as a critical act of public worship in the Church, especially in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

The five basic forms of prayer are blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise. When someone prays in any one of these forms, they are expressing a different emotion, need, concern or appreciation. No two prayers from the heart are the same, just as no two conversations are the same.

“In this Lenten Season we are called to pray with a deeper sense of spirituality and examine how we can step up our prayer life,” Bishop Dewane said.  “This goes beyond a short rote prayer, which can be done in a second and does not require meditation or reflection; prayer requires the input of the heart and soul. And just as importantly, we have to have the patience to listen in prayer. Listen to what the Lord is saying and how is it that God speaks to you.”


The third pillar of Lent, almsgiving, is coupled in the Catechism with self-denial. While often mentioned as the last of the three traditional pillars of the Lenten observance, it is certainly not the least of the three and is often completely misunderstood. The Church’s expression of almsgiving is an act of self-denial, or an expression of charity and assistance extended to the needy.

By almsgiving during Lent, one not only expresses care for those in need, but also expresses a sign of gratitude for all God has provided in one’s own life. These acts of charity are connected to the responsibilities of living the faith that begins with baptism and is reignited in the Sacrament of Confirmation.

“Almsgiving is about taking the extra step in reaching out in charity and love,” Bishop Dewane said. The Catechism states, “almsgiving, together with prayer and fasting, are traditionally recommended to foster the state of interior penance.”

“In a sense, almsgiving is a type of prayer,” Bishop Dewane said. “Because almsgiving requires sacrifice. It is also a sort of fasting from the material world, in what could have been purchased. We try too hard to silo these pillars and not let them be an integrated expression from our soul as to why we are doing this – to recall the Paschal Mystery – how Jesus saved us – and our being open to receiving the greatness of that gift.”


In addition, Bishop Dewane said the precept of confessing grave sins and receiving Holy Communion, at least once during the Lenten Season, merits a reminder.

To facilitate this requirement, every Parish in the Diocese of Venice will be open with a confessor present 4 to 8 p.m., Friday, April 11, and 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, April 12. Check with your local Parish for additional confession times or the availability of a Penance Service. In addition, the Diocese will be participating in 24 Hours with the Lord, as called for by Pope Francis during Jubilee Year 2025, on March 28-29. Designated Parishes in each portion of the Diocese (Deanery), will be open with confessors available. These opportunities are made available so that the faithful may find ample opportunity to receive God’s Mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the Lenten Season.

Bishop discusses Lent on Relevant Radio

Bishop Dewane has a monthly radio show “Witnessing Faith with Bishop Dewane,” which can be heard on Relevant Radio at 8:30 a.m. on the last Friday of each month. The next broadcast is Feb. 28 and will include a discussion about the upcoming Lenten Season. Relevant Radio can be heard on 106.7 FM and 1410 AM in Fort Myers and 93.3 FM and 1660 AM in Naples and is also available online at https://relevantradio.com/. Outside of the listening area, access to the program is available at https://dioceseofvenice.org/our-bishop/relevant-radio-podcasts.


Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025, and Good Friday, April 18, are days of fast and abstinence. All Fridays of Lent are also days of abstinence from meat.

Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics between the ages of 18 years and 59 years (inclusive). On a fast day, one full meal is allowed. Two smaller meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. In the context of observing the fast, eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids are allowed. If possible, the fast on Good Friday is to continue until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday night) as the “paschal fast” to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to celebrate more readily His Resurrection.

Abstinence from meat is to be observed by all Catholics who are 14 years of age and older on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent, including Good Friday.

(Note: If a person is unable to observe the above regulations due to ill health or other serious reasons, they are urged to practice other forms of self-denial that are suitable to their condition.)

News Briefs for the Week of February 14, 2025


After consultation, Bishop Frank J. Dewane announces the following:

Father Robert G. Mulligan, OSFS, as Parochial Vicar of St. Ann Parish, Naples, effective Jan. 28, 2025.

Immigration Help

The Catholic Church is committed to defending the sanctity of every human life and the God-given dignity, regardless of nationality or immigration status. Catholic Charities has identified a central contact for immigration questions and information. Marco Sanchez’s services are those of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc. Sanchez’s contact information is marco.sanchez@catholiccharitiesdov.org or 941-208-2384 (direct office line), 941-599-0851 (cell phone).  There is no charge for these services.

Ayuda de Inmigración

La Iglesia Católica está comprometida a defender la santidad de cada vida humana y la dignidad dada por Dios, independientemente de la nacionalidad o el estatus migratorio. Caridades Católicas ha identificado un contacto central para preguntas e información de inmigración. Los servicios de Marco Sánchez son los de Caridades Católicas, Diócesis de Venice, Inc. La información de contacto del Sr. Sánchez es marco.sanchez@catholiccharitiesdov.org o 941-208-2384 (línea directa de la oficina), 941-599-0851 (teléfono celular). No hay ningún cargo por consulta, ya sea por teléfono, correo electrónico o en persona.

Regional Order of Malta retreat held in Naples

Regional members of the Knights and Dames of the Order of Malta took part in a retreat which began included a Mass celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane on Feb. 7, 2025, at St. William Parish in Naples. Also known as the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta, the Order is a lay religious order of the Roman Catholic Church that seeks to glorify God by promoting the sanctification of each member through witness to the Catholic Faith and service to the sick and the poor. Bishop Dewane lauded the Knights and Dames for their continued charity and service to the Universal Church. The guest speaker for the retreat was Msgr. James Watkins, a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., as well as Chaplain in the Order of Malta in the Federal Association and Assistant Principal Chaplain of the Subpriory of Our Lady of Lourdes in the Order, as well as a Chaplain in the Constantinian Order of St. George.

Schools celebrate 100th day in classroom

Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools recently celebrated the 100th day in the classroom with fun activities and themed “dress-out” days. A common activity is for the youngest students to dress up as 100-year-olds. The costumes were very creative with students in oversized glasses, with many with curly silver-haired wigs or bald caps.

Catholic Days at the Capitol deadline Feb. 18

Join others from around the state for the annual Catholic Days at the Capitol in Tallahassee from March 18-20. The three-day trip includes a legislative briefing on important bills relating to human life and dignity, a breakfast with legislators and the Florida Bishops, tours of the capitol and museum, scheduled visits with legislators and the annual Red Mass of the Holy Spirit with the Florida Bishops and public officials. Bus transportation is provided at no cost as long as space is available. The registration deadline is February 18; for registration, visit www.dioceseofvenice.org/respectlife, or contact Tavia Ames at ames@dioceseofvenice.org.

Faith & Wine Lee County Feb. 20

The next gathering of Faith & Wine Lee County is 6:30 p.m., Feb. 20, 2025, at Our Lady of Light Parish, 19680 Cypress View Drive, Fort Myers. The guest speaker is Barbara Heil, who will discuss “How to Win a Catholic: How a Protestant Minister came into the Roman Catholic Church.” For $28 enjoy a three-course dinner with wine followed by connectivity with other faith-based women. For more information and to register online please visit https://faithandwineleecounty.com/.

Faith & Ale in Fort Myers Feb. 20

Be present with great Catholic men, and have a beer at the Faith & Ale Lee County gathering at 6 p.m., Feb. 20, 2025, at St. John XXIII, 13060 Palomino Lane, Fort Myers . Jeremy Rivera, Catholic speaker and writer, and guest on The Chris Stefanick Show, will speak on “What Difference Does it Make? What American Catholics Need Most & Can Do Now.” To register online visit www.faithandale.com.

Boots and Bandanas Feb. 22 in Venice

The Catholic Charities Boots and Bandanas is 6 p.m., Feb. 22, 2025, at The Barn at Thousand Pines Ranch, 1 Ajax Drive, North Venice. Evening with cocktails, dinner, auction, live country music by Andy Pursell, and community spirit, all in support of helping the underserved and those recovering from disasters in DeSoto County. Tickets are $125. Register at https://one.bidpal.net/boots/welcome. For more information, 863-494-1068 or email bootsandbandanas@ccdov.org.

Community Pregnancy Clinics Dinner Feb. 22

Community Pregnancy Clinics in Sarasota is hosting its “Loving them Both” dinner event at 5 p.m., Feb. 22, 2025, at the Grove Event venue, 10670 Boardwalk Loop, Lakewood Ranch, to support its Sarasota pro-life pregnancy clinic. The featured speaker is Dr. John Bruchalski. There is no cost to attend; an opportunity to make a financial contribution to support CPCI’s Sarasota clinic and its life-saving mission will be extended. To reserve your spot, please visit https://supportcpci.com/sarasota-2025-dinner-event/.

Kentucky Derby Gala & Auction Feb. 22

Help build a brighter future for St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School by attending the Kentucky Derby Gala, at 6 p.m., Feb. 22, 2025, at Heritage Bay Golf & CC, 10154 Heritage Bay Blvd, Naples. The cost is $175 per person and all proceeds benefit ongoing campus and classroom expansions and improvements. Contact Gina Groch at 239-455-2262 x321 or to register at https://saintelizabethseton.com/Gala/..

Our Mother’s House Wine Tasting Feb. 27

The Catholic Charities Our Mother’s House Wine Tasting and Dinner Dance is 5 p.m., Feb. 27, 2025, at the Venice Community Center, 326 Nokomis Ave. S., Venice. The event will benefit the mothers and children at Our Mother’s House, a 2-year transitional living program located in the heart of Venice, dedicated to empowering single mothers and their young children. Tickets are $100. Register online at https://one.bidpal.net/omh2025/welcome. For more information, 941-485-6264 or email omh@catholiccharitiesdov.org.

Royal Rummage Sale on Longboat Key

Longboat Key’s “Biggest and Best” Royal Rummage Sale XVII will take place at St. Mary, Star of the Sea Parish, 4280 Gulf of Mexico Drive on Feb. 28 and March 1, 2025. The Friday session is 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and costs $5 to attend. The Saturday session is free and runs from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, call the Parish at 941-383-1255.

Cathedral Mardis Gras Festival March 1

Epiphany Cathedral in Venice is hosting its first-ever Mardis Gras Festival from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on March 1, 2025, on the Epiphany Cathedral Catholic School field, 316 Sarasota St., Venice. The family-friendly event promises to be a fun-filled day for everyone, featuring live music, Carnival food favorites, kids’ games, raffles, giveaways and much more. The Festival is free.

Conference for health care professionals and others

The annual Converging Road Conference for health care professionals, students and interested lay people, will take place March 1, 2025, at St. John XXIII Parish, 13060 Palamino Drive, Fort Myers. The theme for the Conference is “Catholic Social Doctrine in Medicine,” and will address the increasingly complex and confusing issues of ethics facing medical professionals today. Check-in opens at 7:30 a.m., with Mass at 8 a.m. Opening remarks are at 9:15 a.m. Converging Roads is a program of the St. John Paul II Foundation. Registration is available at https://forlifeandfamily.org/events/cr25-vnfl/.  Participation in the conference online is an option (check registration information for details). For more information, contact Gabby Anglin, Conference Coordinator, at 309-397-5436 or at gabby@forlifeandfamily.org. Medical professionals are eligible to earn continuing education credits for participating in the conference and scholarships are available.

Application deadline for Foundation scholarships is March 2

The deadline for entry for college and vocational scholarships for the 2025-2026 academic year from the Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida is 11:59 p.m., Sunday, March 2, 2025. To apply for all available scholarships, visit ccfdioceseofvenice.org. For more information contact Anna Kollmeyer at 941-486-4722 or ccf@dioceseofvenice.org.

Adoration Night of Worship March 6 in Sarasota

All are invited to an “Adoration Night of Worship: The Fount & Apex,” at Incarnation Parish, 2901 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota, at 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., March 6, 2025. The evening includes a mix of Adoration, Confession, and worship music that spans from the traditional “O Salutaris Hostia” and “Tantum Ergo” to “Praise,” “Lord I Need You” and other contemporary Christian music. All are welcome. For more information, please call the Parish at 941-921-6631.

Vocation Awareness Weekend in March

Discover what seminarian life is all about during the weekend of March 7-9, 2025, at St. John Vianney College Seminary, 2900 SW 87th Ave, Miami. Participants will travel together for a weekend of fellowship, prayer and fun. Speak with seminarian students and teachers about their journey. Transportation is provided. For questions or to register contact Lina Johnson at johnson@dioceseofvenice.org or 941-486-4720.

Second Anniversary Mass in Sarasota on March 8

The second of two Anniversary Masses for married couples recognizing milestone anniversaries (25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 50 years plus) will be celebrated at 11 a.m.,  on March 8, 2025, at St. Thomas More Parish, 2506 Gulf Gate Drive, Sarasota. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, followed by a reception, and the availability of a photo with Bishop Dewane.  If you would like to attend, registration is through the Parishes, but walk-ins are welcome.

Magnificat Catholic Women’s Ministry Breakfast March 8

The next Magnificat Catholic Women’s Ministry Breakfast is 9:30 a.m., March 8, 2025, at the Crown Plaza Fort Myers Gulf Coast, 9931 Interstate Commerce Dr., Fort Myers. Join us for breakfast, fellowship, praise and worship. Reservations can be made online until noon on Monday, March 3 at https://magnificatfortmyers.com/order-tickets/. For more information, contact Margaret Mengle at 239-826-7475.

Event to support homeless outreach in Naples on March 8

St. William Parish in Naples is hosting the inaugural “A Night of Building HOPE,” an inspiring event dedicated to fostering community support and raising awareness for the homeless in the Naples area. The event will take place on March 8, 2025, in the Parish Center at 750 Seagate Drive, Naples. The St. William HOPE (Homeless Outreach Program for Empowerment) program is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness in Naples. HOPE’s mission is driven by a deep belief in the innate dignity and worth of every individual and aims to empower lives and create a community where everyone feels valued and supported. HOPE has been operating for the past four years, providing hot meals, clothing, transportation and social services to those most in need, in partnership with St. Peter the Apostle Parish and Catholic Charities of Collier County. Tickets and sponsorships are available by visiting: https://BUILDHOPE.givesmart.com. For more information about “A Night of Building HOPE” please contact Sharon Tolnai at sharon@saintwilliam.org or 239-330-2267.

Walks for Life in March

Pregnancy Solutions is hosting three Walks for Life – “A Mosaic of Hope” in March 2025. The first walk is March 1 at Gilchrist Park, 400 W Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda, while the next two are both on March 8, one at Maxine Barritt Park, 1800 Harbor Drive S., Venice, and the other at Morgan Park, 100 W Hickory St., Arcadia. Each walk begins at 9 a.m. Since 2001, Pregnancy Solutions has protected the vulnerable with an approach that is life-affirming, solutions-based, and Christ-centered with clinics in Port Charlotte, Venice, North Port and Arcadia. Pregnancy Solutions serves babies who have no voice to speak for themselves, moms and dads with the support they need to confidently step into the role God has called them to, and students as they navigate relationships and make healthy, Godly choices. For more information, or to register, please visit https://pregnancysolutions.org/walk/.

Bowling Bash 2025 in North Port March 9

Support San Pedro Parish’s “Reason for Our Hope” campaign for the Bowling Bash 2025, at 11 a.m., March 9, 2025, at Treasure Lanes, 1059 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte. For more information and to register visit sanpedrocc.org/bowling.

Verot Gala March 15

Bishop Verot Catholic High School presents a formal evening of timeless regency elegance with The Regency Garden Gala, 5:30 p.m., March 15, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point, 5001 Coconut Road, Bonita Springs. Dress is formal and proceeds benefit the high school. To secure tickets visit bvhs.org/advancement/g. Call the school at 239-274-6700 for additional information.

Venetian Ball March 22 in Bonita Springs

The Catholic Charities Venetian Charity Ball is 6 p.m., March 22, 2025, at St. Leo the Great Parish Hall, 28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs. This event supports the programs in Lee, Hendry, and Glades counties, and the communities still recovering from Hurricane Ian in 2022. Tickets are $250. Register online at https://one.bidpal.net/vb2025/welcome. For more information, call 239.342.1620 or email venetianball@ccdov.org.

Emerald Ball March 26 in Naples

The Catholic Charities Emerald Ball is 5:30 p.m., March 26, 2025, at the Ritz-Carlton Tiburon Golf Resort, 2600 Tiburon Drive, Naples. This year’s theme, “Pilgrims of Hope,” inspired by Pope Francis in honor of the Jubilee Year, reflects Catholic Charities’ commitment to serving all individuals, regardless of race, nationality, or religion. Tickets are $400. Register online at https://one.bidpal.net/eb2025/welcome. For more information, call 239-455-2655 or email emeraldball@catholiccharitiesdov.org.

Community Pregnancy Clinics Dinner Event April 5 in Naples

“Reaching Hearts” is the theme of the Community Pregnancy Clinics Dinner Event, which is 5 p.m., April 5, 2025, at the Ritz-Carlton Naples Tiburon, 2600 Tiburon Dr, Naples. A reception, dinner and keynote speaker from pro-life advocate and Blaze TV host Liz Wheeler are included. Tickets are $500. To register visit https://supportcpci.com/2025-ycfl-event/ or email events@community4life.com to learn more.


Easter Triduum Retreat at OLPH

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 S. Moon Drive, Venice, will host its annual Easter Triduum Retreat, April 17-20, 2025. The retreat begins with supper on Holy Thursday and ends with breakfast on Easter Sunday. There will be conferences which will focus on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of the Lord.  Celebration of the liturgies of the Lord’s Supper, Way of the Cross, Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion, Easter Vigil, and Sunrise Easter Liturgy are celebrated. Confessions will also be available. Register at www.olph-retreat.org, and click on “Schedule of Events.”

Chrism Mass to be celebrated in Naples on April 15

The Chrism Mass, which takes place during Holy Week every year, will be held at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 15 at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 625 111th Ave. N., Naples. During this Mass, Bishop Frank J. Dewane will bless the Holy Oils which are used in the administration of the Sacraments at each parish throughout the year. Priests and Deacons celebrating 25 and 50 years of Ordination are recognized at this Mass. All are encouraged to attend in support of our clergy and to participate in this important Holy Week celebration.

Malta Camp USA registration open

Malta Camp USA, inspired by the Order of Malta’s charism, is a unique 5-day experience for adults with disabilities. The camp is free, and will be offered this summer from June 22-27, 2025, at Siena College in Loudonville, New York (outside of Saratoga). Primarily designed for those 21-40 years of age, Malta Camp participants have an opportunity to feel independent, enjoy new experiences, and make new friends. The camp opens doors for many disabled adults who might otherwise live very “shut-in” lives. To learn more, or to apply, visit www.maltacampusa.org  Application deadline is March 14.

Jubilee Pilgrimage of Hope to Poland

Join Father Greg Cleveland, OMV, for an inspiring pilgrimage of a lifetime to Poland from Sept. 14 – 25, 2025. The pilgrimage is part of the 2025 Jubilee Year, themed: “In the footsteps of St. John Paul II.” The 12-day trip includes stops in Krakow, Czestochowa, Wadowice, Prague, Budapest, and Vienna. St. John Paul the Great is known as the Witness to Hope. Come and see the places that inspired him, Our Lady of Czestochowa and the Divine Mercy Shrine of St. Faustina, along with some of the most beautiful cities of Central Europe! Departs from Tampa. For more information, please contact Father Cleveland at 303-927-8065. To register, please visit https://bit.ly/ClevelandCentralEurope.

Malades & Caregivers-In-Spirit Program

Are you a member of The Order of Malta? If so you may want to take advantage of a special program, which benefits the most seriously ill among us, and/or their caregivers. Called Malades and Caregivers-In-Spirit, each year the Order invites its members to suggest someone they know of who is seriously ill, or their caregiver, to “attend” their annual Lourdes Pilgrimage, in spirit. The Lourdes Pilgrams then “bring” those people along with them spiritually, holding them in their hearts, including them in their daily prayers, acts of worship and devotion, and remembering them and their intentions during Mass at the Grotto. Members of the Order of Malta are invited to suggest a homebound, physically, or mentally challenged or ill person whom they would otherwise consider proposing as a traveling Malade but who is unable to make the pilgrimage to Lourdes, for inclusion in this program. This effort brings the message of Lourdes to people who may never be able to travel there and/or who may know little or nothing about the wonders of that special place of healing and hope. If you are a member of The Order of Malta and have a candidate for the MIS Program or CIS Program, please speak to that person first; if the person wants to be included in the program, please complete the registration form by April 15. The registration form can be found at www.orderofmaltaamerican.org/members/lourdes-pilgrimage/mis/ 


News Briefs for the week of December 20, 2024

Haitian Independence Mass

Bishop Frank J. Dewane invites all to participate in the Annual Mass celebrating the 221st Anniversary of Haitian Independence on Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2025, at St. Leo the Great Parish, Parish Life Center, 28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs. The 2 p.m. Mass, which takes place on the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, brings together the various Haitian communities within the Diocese of Venice for one celebration. Bishop Dewane and priests serving the Haitian Catholic community of the Diocese will welcome Most. Rev. Thomas Wenski, Archbishop of Miami, who will be the Principal Celebrant and Homilist. There is a reception after the Mass in the Parish Hall. For more information, please contact Father Fritz Ligondé at 239-210-1018.

WARNING – Text/Email SCAM Alert

It has once again been brought to the attention of the Diocese of Venice that parishioners have received text/email messages from people pretending to be clergy – including Bishop Frank J. Dewane – or Parish/school staff, requesting donations in the form of gift cards and/or wire transfers. These messages, which are more frequent during the Christmas Season, often come from text/emails that look similar to official Diocesan/Parish/school numbers or accounts and often greet the recipient by name and have the priest’s, Bishop’s, or staff member’s name in the “From” line and/or closing signature of the message. The SPAM often claims that the priest/Bishop/staff member is in need of gift cards or money to aid a sick child, relative, or parishioner. The message then asks the person to purchase gift cards/money and then to text/email the redemption code and PIN number. It is Diocesan policy that neither the Bishop, nor priests or staff request donations in the form of gift cards, PayPal, MoneyGram, etc. Without this awareness, some have responded to the spoofed messages, with consequences, including loss of funds. There is an established process in place on how parishioners can make donations and participate in the life of the Diocese, Parish, or school. If you receive such a SCAM text or email, please immediately contact the Diocesan/Parish/school directly!

Catholic Charities Annual Christmas Appeal needs your support!

The Annual Catholic Charities Christmas Appeal is underway and needs your support! The Christmas Appeal continues through January 2025 and is Catholic Charities’ largest annual fundraiser, critical to operating this social service organization. Gifts provide funding for the many Catholic Charities programs and services available throughout Southwest Florida. Your generosity enables Catholic Charities to serve those seeking help all year long. To donate please mail a contribution to Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285, or visit https://catholiccharitiesdov.org/donate.

Verot basketball player reaches career milestone

Cameron O’Halloran, a senior on the Bishop Verot Catholic High School Girl’s Basketball Team, scored her 1,000th career point on Dec. 13, 2024, during a 49-42 victory over Lemon Bay High School in Englewood. Congratulations Cameron!

Students create Advent posters

Fourth grade students at St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Fort Myers made interactive Advent posters. The posters included the four candles, with the words: “Hope,” “Peace,” “Joy,” and “Love.” Three of the candles are purple with the “Joy” candle a rose color for “Gaudete Sunday.” Each week of Advent, the students added a “flame” to the top of the corresponding candle. The lesson for the students is that Advent is a time to prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas.

Students honored for patriotic essays

Six St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School students in Naples were honored by the Collier and Lee County VFWs on December 14, 2024, for their outstanding Patriot’s Pen essays on, “How do you use your voice for America’s democracy?” Three additional students were also recognized, as well as Seton’s own Dana Hilmoe being named Elementary Teacher of the Year. The ceremony, presented by the Veterans of Foreign Wars and other dignitaries, highlighted the students’ exceptional ability to connect history with life in America today. Their insights and reflections were truly inspiring, offering hope and confidence in our future leaders.

Volunteers Needed for Prison Outreach

Join the team of Diocesan volunteers who enter county jails and state prisons within the 10-county Diocese of Venice to do pastoral outreach, distribute the Eucharist and facilitate programs. Priests, Deacons, and lay volunteers are encouraged to assist in this ministry. Volunteers will first participate in an orientation program before entering the facility and will “shadow” experienced volunteers until they feel comfortable. Times and days vary by facility. Please contact Joe Mallof at 224-217-7139 or Bob Hiniker at 863-558-0407 to learn where you can fit into this joyful opportunity.

Faith & Ale Fort Myers in January

The next gathering of Faith & Ale Lee County, “A Gather of Catholic Men,” is at 6 p.m., Jan. 16, 2025, at Bishop Verot Catholic High School, 5598 Sunrise Drive, Fort Myers. The speaker is John Beilein, a retired basketball coach at the University of Michigan and Cleveland Cavaliers. His talk is titled “Leadership in Basketball and Beyond.” Register at faithandale.com. A donation of $10 is appreciated. For additional information, please contact Damian Hanley at damianpatrick@gmail.com.

Retreat for Grieving Parents Jan. 18 in Port Charlotte

The Diocese of Venice Office of Evangelization is offering a one-day retreat for parents who grieve the loss of a child. The retreat is 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Jan. 18, 2025, at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, 1441 Spear Street, Port Charlotte. The retreat will be led by Deacon Henry de Mena, M.A. Registration is required, please register online at dioceseofvenice.regfox. For more information, please contact Jim Gontis at gontis@dioceseofvenice.org.

Faith & Wine Lee County Jan. 23

The Faith & Wine Lee County will have its next gathering of the season at 6:30 p.m., Jan. 23, 2025, at St. John XXIII Parish, Parish Life Center, 13060 Palomino Lane, Fort Myers. The speaker is Stephanie Burke, and the title of the talk is “The Perfume of Our Tears: God Heals Broken Hearts.” Tickets are $28 and include dinner with wine followed by the presentation and the opportunity to connect with other faith-based women. For more information and to register online please visit faithandwineleecounty.com.

Sunshine State Championship Steak Cook-Off Jan. 25 in Ave Maria

The 15th Annual Sunshine State Championship Steak Cook-Off is 2 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Jan. 25, 2025, in the Ave Maria Town Center. Tickets are $30 in advance ($35 the day of the event), and include a 16 oz. boneless ribeye, potato salad and water. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. The day will also include an arts and crafts festival, beer vendors, live music and a bounce house. Tickets are available now at www/sssco.org. All proceeds benefit local charities supported by the Knights of Columbus.

2025 Catholic Charities Ball Feb. 1 in Sarasota

The 2025 Catholic Charities Ball will be held at the St. Regis Longboat Key Resort, 1601 Gulf of Mexico Drive, at 6 p.m., Feb. 1, 2025, to benefit the programs and services in Sarasota County. Please join Catholic Charities for an elegant evening to celebrate the program’s mission to serve all of those in need who come for help, regardless of race or religion. “Creating Miracles Through Faith and Service.” Tickets are $500. Register at https://one.bidpal.net/ccb2025/welcome. For more information, call 941-376-7854 or email CCBall@ccdov.org.

Milestone Anniversary Masses

All couples celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or more than 50 years of marriage are invited by Bishop Frank J. Dewane to an Anniversary Mass in their honor. The Diocese hosts two Anniversary Masses each year (one in the northern part of the Diocese and the second in the southern part) to accommodate the demand. The first Mass is at 11 a.m., Feb. 1, 2025, at St. Leo the Great Parish, 28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs. The second Mass is at 11 a.m., March 8, 2025, at St. Thomas More Parish, 2506 Gulf Gate Drive, Sarasota.  A luncheon follows each Mass. Free pictures with Bishop Dewane will also be available for the couples. To register for either Mass, please contact your local Parish office for reservations no later than one week before the event you choose to attend. For additional information, please contact Jim Gontis at 941-484-4754 or gontis@dioceseofvenice.org.

Legion of Mary group renews promises

The Annual Acies of the Manasota Curia of the Legion of Mary took place March 23, 2024, at Incarnation Parish in Venice.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane celebrated the Mass for the gathered members which represented nine different Legion of Mary praesidiums (chapters) from across the region.

Bishop Dewane praised the Legion of Mary for its commitment to carrying the message of the Blessed Virgin Mary to others. That message includes giving oneself over to the Lord by doing what He asks without question.

Annually, during the Acies ceremony, the members reconsecrate themselves to Mary by renewing their Legionary Promise, so that they may better work in union with the Blessed Virgin as they do their Legionary battle against the evils of this world. In this consecration, the members open their hearts to Mary, so that Our Lady may guide them and bless them throughout the year.

Kathy Bragdon said the annual Acies serves to rededicate each member of the Legion of Mary to Our Lady, providing the strength and guidance to continue forward with their work. Following the Mass, the Legionaries enjoyed a luncheon.

The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organization of lay Catholics focusing on Marian spirituality and apostolic works in more than 180 countries. The Legion has been active in the United States since 1931 and was endorsed by the Second Vatican Council. The main purpose of the Legion of Mary is to give glory to God through the sanctification of its members.

Members of the Legion of Mary become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and service in a family atmosphere. Works include door-to-door evangelization, parishioner visitation, visitation of the sick or aged, Catholic education, visiting the newly baptized, visiting families, and meeting the other spiritual needs of the Parish community.

Legionaries are under the guidance of a spiritual director who is appointed by the Pastor. Members meet once a week for prayer, planning and discussion in a family setting. They do two hours of work each week in pairs and under the guidance of their spiritual director.

A main apostolate of the Legion is activities directed towards Catholics and non-Catholics, encouraging them in their faith or inviting them to become Catholic. This is usually done by encouraging prayer, attending Mass, and learning more about the Catholic Faith.

For a list of Parish praesidia (chapters) in the Diocese of Venice, please visit http://www.legionofmarymiamiregia.com.

News Briefs for the week for March 29, 2024

Palm Sunday opens Holy Week

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord brought the faithful together as the Lenten Season nears a close (Holy Thursday). This is the day we remember and honor Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, greeted by cheering crowds waving palm branches that they set out on the ground along his path, before his crucifixion on Good Friday.  As is tradition, the faithful received palms upon entering church, which were then blessed by the presiding priest. During this Mass, the Passion of the Lord from the Gospel of Mark was read.

Hour-long Easter Sunday Televised Mass schedule

The Diocese of Venice in Florida will air the televised Easter Sunday Mass for a full hour. This special Mass for the homebound and celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, can be viewed at noon on the CW Network in Sarasota, Manatee, Desoto, Charlotte, Hardee and Highland counties, and at 10:30 a.m. on FOX4 in Charlotte, Lee, Collier, Hendry, Glades and Desoto counties. The Mass is also available on the Diocese of Venice website at www.dioceseofvenice.org/tvmass.

Bishop Dewane inspires high schoolers

Bishop Frank J. Dewane celebrated Mass for students at Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers on March 19, 2024. During the Mass, Bishop Dewane encouraged the students to finish Lent and the school year strong, while focusing on placing Christ before all else. The Bishop also complimented the faculty and students for their support of the wildly successful Diocesan Eucharistic Conference which was hosted by the school and included many student volunteers on March 16. Bishop Dewane said the actions of the faculty and students reflected well on the school and let others in the Diocese know what he already knew – Bishop Verot is a place where students are educated and formed to be leaders in the community.

Students learn about importance of having a vocation

Juniors and seniors at Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota were blessed to have the opportunity to learn more about hearing the call to vocations in the priesthood and religious life on March 15, 2024. Father Alex Pince, Diocese of Venice Director of Vocations and Mooney Chaplain, and Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist spoke to men and women respectively, sharing their experiences and spiritual journey to the priesthood and/or religious life. The key message was to keep one’s heart open to the call of Jesus.

Couples retreat at Ave Maria University on April 6

Missionaries to the Family is hosting a FREE half-day couples retreat from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., April 6, 2024, in the St. Scholastica Honors lounge, Ave Maria University, 5050 Ave Maria Blvd., Ave Maria. “The Art of Catholic Family Life: Building a Holy Home” is a half-day retreat open to all married and engaged couples, offering a unique opportunity to explore what it means to live the spirit of Nazareth in your home. Note, the Feast of the Annunciation Mass will be celebrated at 1 p.m. Please register at https://paradisusdei.ticketleap.com/avemaria/. The Missionaries to the Family is an Ecclesial Lay Ministry of the Catholic Church and an Initiative of Paradisus Dei, well-known for THAT MAN IS YOU!

Briefs for the week of March 22, 2024

Seminarian installed as Acolyte

Congratulations to Diocese of Venice Seminarian Joseph Bao Quoc Nguyen was one of five men installed to the ministry of Acolyte on March 15, 2024, at Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary in Weston, Massachusetts. Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley, OFM Cap., Archbishop of Boston, presided over the Mass of Institution which plays a significant role in the formation of these men as they journey towards their ordination to the priesthood. As an Acolyte, the primary responsibility will be assisting the Deacon and priest during Mass, with a focus on ensuring the altar is prepared. They may also serve as Extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass and bringing the Holy Eucharist to the sick.

Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday Televised Mass schedule

The Diocese of Venice in Florida will air the televised Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday Masses, each for a full hour. These special Masses for the homebound can be viewed at noon on the CW Network in Sarasota, Manatee, Desoto, Charlotte, Hardee and Highland counties, and at 10:30 a.m. on FOX4 in Charlotte, Lee, Collier, Hendry, Glades and Desoto counties. The Mass is also available on the Diocese of Venice website at www.dioceseofvenice.org/tvmass.

Chrism Mass at Cathedral on March 26

The Chrism Mass, which takes place during Holy Week every year, will be held at 10:30 a.m., March 26, 2024, at Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice. During this Mass, Bishop Frank J. Dewane will bless the Holy Oils which are used in the administration of the Sacraments at each parish throughout the year. Priests and Deacons celebrating 25 and 50 years of Ordination will also be recognized. All are invited and encouraged to attend in support of our clergy and to participate in this important Holy Week celebration.

Lenten school Masses continue

Following the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Bishop Frank J. Dewane continued to celebrate Mass for students at each of the 15 Diocesan Catholic schools during the Lenten Season. The most recent Masses were March 14, 2024, at Incarnation Catholic School in Sarasota, St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton on March 19 (the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary), and Donahue Academy of Ave Maria Catholic School in Ave Maria, on March 20. Bishop continued to encourage the students to finish the Lenten Season strong in preparation for Holy Week.

St. Joseph Feast celebrated in Italian

Epiphany Cathedral in Venice hosted a Mass for the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was celebrated in Italian on March 19, 2024, and included the active involvement of the Italian American Club of Venice. Following the Mass, the statue of St. Joseph was carried to the Parish Hall in a procession led by the Knights of Columbus. There, Msgr. Patrick Dubois, Cathedral Rector, blessed the traditional St. Joseph’s table of bread and sweets, which were later distributed.

School Gala has a Roaring 20’s theme

The St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School Roaring 20’s Gala & Auction took place on March 16, 2024, at the Vineyards Golf and Country Club in Naples. A vintage Duesenberg was on display as guests arrived, many of the woman in sequined flapper-style dresses with feather headbands, while the men dressed in 20’s style tuxedoes, complete with fedoras. Bishop Frank J. Dewane was the guest of honor and thanked the parents for entrusting their children’s education to St. Elizabeth Seton. In addition, Bishop Dewane praised the faculty and staff for consistently delivering a quality education centered on faith, while also managing rapid growth and improvement of the school facilities.

Cars blessed at Sarasota Parish

Priests at Incarnation Parish in Sarasota blessed about 70 vehicles on March 14, 2024. The blessing follows the tradition in Rome, Italy, where cars line up outside the Colosseum in front of the Monastery of St. Frances of Rome (the patron saint of drivers) for a blessing. This was observed by Incarnation Pastor Father Eric Scanlan and shared with drivers who drove under the church portico for their blessing and then made way for the next vehicle.

Bishop to students: It’s not too late to finish Lent strong!

In the final few weeks of Lent, leading to Holy Week and the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter, Bishop Frank J. Dewane has been encouraging Catholic school students to refocus their faith lives and finish the Lenten Season strong.

Bishop Dewane has celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for students at seven Diocesan Catholic schools in the past few weeks, with more to come before Holy Week. His message has been to pay attention to the lessons found in the Gospel of practicing their faith as Jesus did, in their prayers, in their interactions with family and friends, and in the community where they must seek the face of Christ in others.

“It is my prayer for the remainder of the Lenten Season that all of you students recommit yourselves, as you did at the time of Ash Wednesday, to live faithfully, to make the sacrifices that Jesus calls forth from you, and to take time during the rest of Lenten Season to improve your prayer life,” Bishop Dewane said during a Mass on March 13, 2024, for students at St. Martha Catholic School and St. Mary Academy in Sarasota. “Focus on your prayers for the remainder of the Lenten Season, whether alone, in school or at home; in that way you will better come to know Jesus Christ.”

It is the call of all the faithful to work to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and live as Jesus calls us to be as men and women of God. Bishop Dewane said there are basic features of being a Catholic, such as attending Mass every Sunday, having an active prayer life, knowing and living the 10 Commandments, and doing acts of charity or service.

“There is nothing stagnant in being a faithful Catholic,” Bishop Dewane said on March 11, to students at Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota. “Being Catholic is not merely a state of being, because understanding our faith necessarily makes us people of action. This originates through Baptism and when we live our faith, we do it for the Lord and we become a conduit of God’s grace in the world.”

While we are all called to live our faith daily, as humans, we are not perfect and will sometimes stumble, Bishop Dewane continued.

“We need healing in the spiritual sense, because we are all sinners,” Bishop Dewane said. “You must open yourselves to being healed by Christ through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. As you practice your faith, being men and women of God, it is how you respond; do you stand before the Lord and seek the healing you need?  The Lord calls us to respond to His call, if we stumble, the Lord heals us.”

Masses celebrated by Bishop Dewane in the past week were at St. John Neumann Catholic High School, Naples, March 7; St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School and St. Ann Catholic School, Naples, March 8; and St. Catherine Catholic School, Sebring, March 12. Additional Masses will be celebrated prior to Easter.

When time permitted, Bishop Dewane spoke with eighth grade students while also answering their questions. In addition, at St. Catherine Catholic School, the Bishop was presented with a large birthday card signed by the students. The students also sang “Happy Birthday” to him. At St. Martha Catholic School, the Bishop blessed Lenten crosses made by the sixth grade students.


Diocesan-wide opportunity for Confession March 21-22

With Holy Week fast approaching, it is not too late to ponder how well prepared we are for the Resurrection of the Lord on Easter Sunday.

One way to help in this effort is through participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation as the precept of confessing grave sins and receiving Holy Communion at least once during the Lenten Season merits a reminder to all.

To facilitate this requirement, the Diocese of Venice will have the Sacrament of Reconciliation available at the same time at ALL Parishes to allow the faithful ample opportunity to receive God’s Mercy. To make this opportunity as convenient as possible, in consultation with the Diocesan Presbyteral Council, Bishop Frank J. Dewane has designated the following days and times for Confession at Each Parish: 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., on Friday, March 22, 2024, and from 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, March 23, 2024.

Bishop Dewane said that many people view the idea of confessing one’s sins as so unbearable that they either completely avoid the Sacrament or go infrequently.

“It is heartbreaking to hear from those who have avoided confession for many years after carrying around a burden,” Bishop Dewane said. “It is heartwarming to talk to people of all ages who go to confession and are relieved and overjoyed at the benefits. Some even scold themselves for missing such a beautiful Sacrament for so long.”

Throughout the Lenten Season, Parishes have offered extended hours for the Sacrament, in addition to offering Penance Services, where multiple priests from the region were made available to hear confessions.

Pope Francis often speaks about the healing benefits of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, explaining that he goes about once every two weeks.

“In Confession, let’s give God first place,” the Holy Father said. “Once He is in charge, everything becomes beautiful and confession becomes the Sacrament of joy, not of fear and judgement, but of joy.”

As the Catechism teaches, the priest is acting in Persona Christi, that is in the person of Christ, within the confessional. So, like presenting oneself at the altar to be nourished by Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist, a person going to confession is not ultimately confessing to a priest, but confessing to and receiving forgiveness from Jesus Christ.

“The Lord comes to us when we step back from our presumptuous ego… He can bridge the distance whenever, with honesty and sincerity, we bring our weaknesses before him,” Pope Francis said. “He holds out his hand and lifts us up whenever we realize we are ‘hitting rock bottom’ and we turn back to him with a sincere heart. That is how God is. He is waiting for us, deep down, for in Jesus he chose to ‘descend to the depths.’”

The Pope emphasized that God waits for us, especially in the Sacrament of Penance, where he said the Lord touches our wounds, heals our hearts, and leaves us with inner peace.

Please contact your local Parish for additional available confession times.

Rite of Election – Record 662 set to enter Church in Diocese at Easter Vigil

A large number of women and men set to enter the Catholic Church within the Diocese of Venice at the Easter Vigil were recognized during the annual Rite of Election at Epiphany Cathedral on the First Sunday of Lent, Feb. 18, 2024. This annual tradition is a formal Rite during which catechumens are presented and their names are entered into the Book of the Elect.

The 316 catechumens (individuals who are not yet baptized) were joined by an additional 346 candidates (already-baptized Christians preparing for confirmation and First Eucharist). The candidates participate in the formal ceremony and are recognized during the celebration for answering the “Call To Their Continuing Conversion.” The Cathedral was at capacity as family members were also present to show their support.

The Rite of Election was presided over by Bishop Frank J. Dewane who said the large number of catechumens and candidates was impressive, noting that the 662 are the most ever set to enter the Church in the Diocese in a single year through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) program, topping the 2023 total of 567.

“The Diocese is blessed and graced by the presence of the catechumens and candidates,” Bishop Dewane said. “That 662 is a massive number for a Diocese our size.”

The group was complimented by Bishop Dewane for making a commitment to publicly announce the call of the Holy Spirit in a particular way by becoming active members of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Venice. “All of you should see the strength and demonstration of the Holy Spirit in bringing you together for the Rite of Election.”

The catechumens and candidates, who were recognized by Bishop Dewane, are on a continuing journey that will culminate when they come into full communion with the Catholic Church at the March 30 Easter Vigil Mass in their respective Parishes.

“As you prepare, come to realize the Lord calls you to continue your journey,” Bishop Dewane said. “That doesn’t end at the Easter Vigil. That is a continuation of the journey that the Holy Spirit has prompted from each one of you and continues to prompt you in your daily lives. If you listen and pay attention, you will come to evidence the Holy Spirit in your life to become more that man or woman of God the Lord calls us all to be.”

Bishop Dewane encouraged each catechumen and candidate telling them that they are each given a task by the Lord to continue to be the leaven to their family and those around them.

“Each one of you has received a call to holiness,” the Bishop said “What are you doing to be ever more holy? Your response is found in the Word of God. You must be aware and know that Word of God; that it is the voice of the Lord in your heart and soul. Let these words grow and resonate in your heart!”

Many who participated in the Rite of Election expressed their joy in joining with others on this important step in their faith journey. One candidate from Holy Cross Parish in Palmetto said, “What a beautiful celebration! I will remember the Rite … the rest of my life. With a deep sense of awe and gratitude I thank Almighty God for blessing me so!”

The group of catechumens and candidates come from 47 Parishes/Missions in the Diocese of Venice and are accompanied by tens of thousands of others across the country that will also join the Catholic Church this year. The largest groups of catechumens and candidates came from the following Parishes: Jesus the Worker in Fort Myers, Our Lady Queen of Heaven in LaBelle, St. Peter the Apostle in Naples, Holy Cross in Bradenton, Ave Maria in Ave Maria, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Immokalee. St. Leo the Great in Bonita Springs, and St. Katherine Drexel in Cape Coral.

The catechumens are part of the OCIA, which is for those who are unbaptized and unchurched, who come to inquire about becoming part of the Roman Catholic Faith in a process that takes about a year. Often catechumens are those who have begun to seek and understand God in their lives and have been led by the Holy Spirit to become Catholic. OCIA is a journey of discovery and faith. This is most commonly done in three distinct phases: discernment, acceptance into the catechumenate, along with purification and enlightenment.

Each catechumen will go through a series of scrutinies during which they examine their readiness to accept Christ and the Catholic Faith in the form of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation). This time culminates at the Easter Vigil when the catechumens are received through Baptism into the Catholic Church. The final period of the OCIA is the time of “Mystagogy” (post-baptismal catechesis). During the weeks following the Easter Vigil, the newly initiated live more profoundly their experience of Baptism and the Eucharist as they begin the journey of discipleship and their growing union with Christ.

For candidates, those who have been correctly baptized with a Trinitarian formula, the Catholic Church does not require re-Baptism. Candidates have already experienced a journey of faith and understand how Jesus leads us to the Father through the work of the Holy Spirit. In fact, many have been attending Mass with their families for years but may have never received the Sacrament of Holy Communion or the Sacrament of Confirmation.

The candidates are invited to the Cathedral for the Rite of Election as a form of welcome, but because they are already in the Book of the Elect as baptized Christians, they do not bring their names forward. To symbolize that baptism, and as a sign of their continuing conversion, they come forward and make the sign of the cross with holy water.

Everyone is encouraged to pray for and welcome the catechumens and candidates at their own Parish as they continue their journey of discovery in their Faith.

Ash Wednesday: Lenten Journey begins

The opening of the Lenten Season began with the traditional Ash Wednesday Mass, starting a journey which ends prior to the celebration of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, March 28, 2024.

During this journey, one must take time to live the Lenten Season in a particular way, through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, the three traditional disciplines of Lent.

On Ash Wednesday, the imposition of ashes is a solemn ritual that signals the beginning of the holy season of Lent. The ceremony is distinctive; there is no liturgical action like it throughout the entire liturgical year. Ashes come from a previous Palm Sunday. The palms are burned, the ashes collected and then crushed into a fine, sooty powder and placed into bowls, where they are blessed by the priest during the Ash Wednesday Mass after the homily. Then, in a Communion-like procession, people are invited to come forward, and the ashes are applied to each person’s forehead in the shape of a cross as the minister says either, “Turn away from sin and believe in the Gospel” (Mark 1:15), the usual prayer, or “Remember that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19), the older, more traditional invocation.

While the ashes marked on one’s forehead do not last very long, their purpose is to cleanse and purify our inner heart. Having a clean heart is a key part of living one’s faith life, and the precept of confessing grave sins at least once during the Lenten Season merits a reminder.

To facilitate this requirement, every Parish in the Diocese of Venice will be open with a confessor present 4 to 8 p.m., Friday, March 22, and 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, March 23. Check with your local Parish for additional confession times or the availability of a Penance Service. These opportunities are made available so that the faithful may find ample opportunity to receive God’s Mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.