Excited Diocesan pilgrims take on World Youth Day

Bishop Frank J. Dewane and 52 Diocese of Venice pilgrims are growing closer to Our Lord along with hundreds of thousands from across the globe during World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal.

The pilgrims, led by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, have been on a whirlwind trip with multiple stops at important religious sites enroute to Lisbon that included the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, candlelight processions, as well as visits to shrines, monasteries, churches, sacred sites and more.

Bishop Dewane told the pilgrims upon arrival in Portugal that he wants each to take time to focus on what it is Lord wants them to gain from this spiritual journey of discovery. “You have to come to an understanding of what Jesus is saying to you, and calling each of you to do. The Lord does this because He knows and loves you and wants you to become the best version of yourself, reflecting Jesus’ love and light into the world.”

Trinity Shipe of St. Martha Parish in Sarasota said that this pilgrimage was her first international travel, and she was excited “to be able to be with a bunch of other people who are our age and who are Catholic; as well as to see everyone here all together while I grow in my faith journey.”

Daisy Tejo, of Our Lady Queen of Heaven Parish in LaBelle, said after just one day in Portugal that the pilgrimage had “been such an amazing experience.” She said that being with so many young people from around the world was life-changing and she prayed the rosary and visited key sites while in Fatima, the location of multiple Marian apparitions. “I look forward to the days to come at Lisbon. I’m very excited.”

One pilgrim, Bryce Kuo of Our Lady of the Angels Parish in Lakewood Ranch, said the early part of the journey had been an incredible experience. He is traveling with his sister and mother, which has added to the experience. What struck Bryce most was the unifying nature of the World Youth Day experience. “We are speaking in different languages, but we are all united by the same faith… It’s a very moving experience. After this, it will give me the guidelines to live my life in the best way I can.”

Bishop Dewane has been with the Diocesan pilgrims every step of the way, celebrating Mass for the group several times, including during their first stop in Portugal, at a Carmelite monastery in Coimbra.

While in Fatima the group visited several sacred sites. The city, which is located in central Portugal, is famous for Marian apparitions which took place in 1917 when three children saw a series of visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The visit there included taking part in Stations of the Cross and visiting the church where the three children, St. Lucia dos Santos and her cousins, Sts. Francisco and Jacinto Marto, were baptized.

Bishop Dewane was the main celebrant for a Mass for the Diocesan pilgrims and others on July 31 in the Chapel of the Apparitions, built to mark the exact location of the apparitions. The Chapel is part of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima which is visited by at least 6 million each year.

On the evenings of July 30 and 31, the pilgrims took part in rosary and candlelight processions. During the July 31 procession, Diocesan pilgrims Ryan Cody of Our Lady of the Angels Parish in Lakewood Ranch, and Christian DiGioia, of Epiphany Cathedral, had the honor of carrying the American Flag, while Transitional Deacon Timothy “Greg” Dougherty was among the leaders of the procession.

While in Fatima the pilgrims also visited the Cenacolo Community (Fraternity Angel of Peace), which has houses around the world which help young men and women overcome addictions and depression through a program of encountering Jesus and centering their lives on prayer and service. Bishop Dewane and the Diocesan pilgrims heard powerful testimonies of the 13 men who are currently being helped by the community.

The pilgrims departed Fatima on Aug. 1, and while enroute to Lisbon, they made a stop at St. Stephen’s Church in Santarem, to see and learn about the Eucharistic Miracle of Santarem, which occurred on Feb. 16, 1274. Bishop again celebrated Mass for the Diocesan group.

Once the pilgrims checked into the hotel that they would call home for the following week, the pilgrims attended the WYD 2023 Opening Mass at Colina de Encontro (Parque Eduardo VII), which was celebrated by Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, Manuel Clemente.

Domenico Cricchio Jr. of Our Lady of the Angels summed up what many of the Diocesan pilgrims thought of the first main event at WYD. “What an experience. Amazing. It’s hard to explain these things and to prepare for them. When you are there, it’s a whole new feeling – the whole world is with you and the solidarity and community you feel for the love of Christ is unlike anything I have ever experienced. I look forward to so many more great things here in Lisbon.”

The Diocesan pilgrimage was organized by Marthamaria Morales, Diocesan Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. Morales said the group includes several priests, seminarians as well as youth and young adults from nine different Parishes.

During the main part of WYD in Lisbon, the pilgrims are taking part in daily catechesis called “Rise Up” meetings Aug. 2-4, which are intended to help the young people have an experience of faith and an encounter with Christ in an atmosphere of community and participation.

The Marian themes for the catechesis are linked to the general theme of WYD 2023 which is “Mary arose and went with haste” Luke 1:39. The biblical phrase opens the account of the Visitation (Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth). The overall goal of the catechesis is to give the young people a mission that now is the time to dream and work for a new world, just as Mary did as a young woman.

Pope Francis is scheduled to join the pilgrims on Aug. 3, for a welcome ceremony in the city center. He is also expected to preside at a Way of the Cross on Aug. 4, a prayer vigil on Aug. 5, and the WYD Closing Mass, with an anticipated crowd of a million or more, on Aug. 6. The Diocesan pilgrims are expected to be at each of these key moments at WYD 2023.

Please pray for the WYD pilgrims from the Diocese of Venice and around the world, that they may have a safe and fruitful journey and a meaningful encounter with Jesus Christ.

To follow along on the journey of the Diocesan pilgrims, please visit the Diocese Facebook page @dioceseofvenice or on Instagram @dioceseofveniceinfl, or the Diocese website, www.dioceseofvenice.org.

Early highlights of Diocesan pilgrimage to WYD 2023

The following is a list of highlights for the 52 Diocesan pilgrims who are joining Bishop Frank J. Dewane for World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal.

July 30

Arrival in Porto, Portugal and bus ride to Fatima, with a stop in Coimbra. Visited Carmelite Monastery of Coimbra, where Bishop Dewane celebrated Mass. Arrived in Fatima. That evening the group participated in a candlelight procession at the Shrine.

July 31

Mass at the Chapel of Apparitions with Bishop Dewane as the main celebrant. The small chapel is located in Cova da Iria, to mark the exact location where the three children Sts. Lucia dos Santos and her cousins, Francisco and Jacinto Marto, reported having received the famous apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Bus ride to the outskirts of Fatima in the countryside where the Aug. 19, 1917, apparition of Our Lady of Fatima took place. Pilgrims took part in two-mile Estação da Via Sacra (Stations of the Cross), or Caminho dos Pastorinhos (path of the little shepherds), which included 14 chapels that represent the different stations of the Way of the Cross. Father Alex Pince, Parochial Vicar at Epiphany Cathedral led the Diocesan group through the stations on the second anniversary of his priestly ordination.

This visit also included a stop at the Cenacolo Community (Fraternity Angel of Peace) which ministers to those suffering from addictions, as well as the Parish Church of Fatima where Sts. Lucia, Francisco and Jacinto, were baptized, as well as to the Shrine Museum. St. Francisco died in 1919 at the age of 10, Jacinto died in 1920, at the age of 9, both from the 1919 global influenza outbreak. They are the Church’s youngest saints who did not die as martyrs, with Jacinta the youngest.

Upon return to the center of Fatima, the group visited the Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity, the tombs of the saints, and participated in a rosary and candlelight procession.

Aug. 1

departed from Fatima to Lisbon with a stop at St. Stephen Church in Santarem, to see and learn about the Eucharistic Miracle of Santarem, which occurred on Feb. 16, 1274. Bishop again celebrated Mass for the Diocesan group.

Arrival in Lisbon included checking into hotel and getting credentialed for the main WYD 2023 activities throughout the city. The group then participated in the WYD opening Mass at Colina de Econtro (Parque Eduardo VII), celebrated by Cardinal Patriarch Lisbon, Manuel Clemente.

Aug. 2

Bishop Dewane met the pilgrims for breakfast before they headed out to their Rise Up catechism. This catechism took place the mornings of Aug. 2-4. Bishop Dewane celebrated Mass for the group at St. Joseph Parish.

Each afternoon of WYD a Youth Festival is taking place throughout the city. In Cidade da Alegria, is a Vocational Fair and Reconciliation Park. During the Vocational Fair, young pilgrims encounter various movements, associations, communities, religious orders, and projects of social nature. Reconciliation Park is where pilgrims encounter the Merciful Christ through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

That evening the Diocesan group joined in the WYDUSA National Gathering in Parque da Quinta das Conches. The program featured prayer, music, testimony, networking, and a Holy Hour with the Lord, led by Bishop Robert Barron of Winona-Rochester and Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth.

Aug. 3

Rise Up catechesis continues. Evening welcoming ceremony for Pope Francis at Colina de Econtro (Parque Eduardo VII). Youth Festival.

Aug. 4

Rise Up catechesis concludes. Evening includes Stations of the Cross at Colina de Econtro (Parque Eduardo VII). Youth Festival.

Aug. 5

World Youth Day Vigil at “Campo de Grace” (Parque Tejo). This is an evening and overnight celebration for the pilgrims which includes speakers, musicians, adoration and much more. Pilgrims typically spend the night at the vigil.

Aug. 6

World Youth Day 2023 closing Mass with Pope Francis at “Campo de Grace.” The Mass concludes with the announcement of where the next World Youth Day will be held. That evening, the Diocesan pilgrims will have dinner as a group with Bishop Dewane.

Aug. 7

The pilgrims leave Lisbon for Porto, Portugal, and upon arrival they will tour one of Europe’s oldest cities. Bishop Dewane will celebrate Mass for the group at the Cathedral there. Last night in Portugal.

Aug. 8

Fly from Porto to Zurich, Switzerland, with a connection to Miami, arriving in the evening. Welcome Home!!!

Answering the Call – Ordination brings blessings upon new priests, Diocese

In a public response to a “call to holiness,” Alejandro Giraldo Roldán and Daniel Joseph Scanlan were Ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Frank J. Dewane during a Mass on July 15, 2023, at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice.

The poignant and emotional Rite places Fathers Roldán and Scanlan in new roles as they are raised to the Order of the Presbyterate where they will now celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, confer the Sacraments, and teach the Gospel.

Bishop Dewane congratulated the ordinandi for answering the call to holiness and advancing in formation through prayer, discernment, guidance and direction which helped them grow closer to the Lord. Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the ordinandi are called to reflect and magnify Christ, and are sent out to build up the Church of Christ and to build up the People of God.

“You have chosen a particular life and continue to hear that call,” Bishop Dewane stated. “The Diocese is grateful for your having listened to that call to live in response to ministerial priesthood. Do it with joy. Do it with a genuine love for Christ, for others, and for yourself. It is who you are. To achieve this, keep your eyes on the example given by Christ, the High Priest, the Good Shepherd. See Him as your role model.”

Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, a priest is transformed and marked indelibly as an instrument through which others receive the Sacraments, Bishop Dewane said. “Take God in your heart as you carry out the mission of sanctifying the faithful by uniting them to Christ’s sacrifice.”

When the rite of ordination began, Roldán and Scanlan were each called forth to the presence of the Bishop by Diocese Director of Vocations Father Shawn Roser, and upon hearing their names called out, each responded, one saying “Present,” and the other “Presente.”

Following the homily, Roldán and Scanlan each knelt before the Bishop to promise respect and obedience to him and his successors. Then they lay prostrate before the altar for the Litany of Supplication/Litany of Saints. The whole assembly joined in the prayer which invoked God’s grace and the intercession of the saints in heaven.

After this solemn act of prayer, the Sacrament of Ordination was conferred when Roldán and Scanlan each knelt before Bishop Dewane. In silent prayer, the Bishop imposed his hands on the head of each ordinand as a sign of the sharing of the priesthood; each priest the present laid his hands on the head of the newly ordained.

The ordinandi again knelt before the Bishop, who then recited the consecratory Prayer of Ordination; which, together with the Bishop’s imposition of hands, is the essential to the Rite of Ordination.

After the prayer, the newly ordained were vested in the stole and chasuble, vestments which are worn when celebrating the Eucharist that symbolize the responsibility and authority in service to Christ.

Father Roldán was vested by Father Lawton Lang, the new Administrator of San Antonio Parish in Port Charlotte, while Father Scanlan was vested by his oldest brother, Father Eric Scanlan, Pastor of Incarnation Parish in Sarasota.

The palms of the new priests were anointed with the Sacred Chrism by Bishop Dewane, the sign of the special anointing of the Holy Spirit who will make the priest’s ministry fruitful. Next, the Bishop presented Fathers Roldán and Scanlan with the chalice and paten which all priests are called to present to God in the Eucharistic sacrifice saying: “Receive the oblation of the holy people, to be offered to God. Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, and conform your life to the mystery of the Lord’s Cross.”

The Rite of Ordination ended with the Bishop giving a fraternal kiss of peace to the newly ordained priests, welcoming them into the Diocesan Presbyterate or priesthood. The priests present followed the Bishop’s example. The newly ordained then joined Bishop Dewane at the altar to the applause and joy of all present.

The Liturgy of the Eucharist followed as Fathers Roldán and Scanlan joined for the first time in concelebrating the Eucharist with Bishop Dewane, offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, acting in the person of Christ. From this sacrifice their whole priestly ministry will draw its strength.

Some 700 people witnessed this joyous occasion, including more than 40 priests, men and women religious, permanent deacons, the Knights of Columbus, the Knights and Dames of the Order of Malta and the Knights and Dames of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem.

Father Roldán’s sister and several friends from his native Colombia were able to be present for the ordination, but unfortunately his mother and another sister were unable to attend. Sadly, his father passed away in April.

Father Scanlan was blessed to have his entire family present (he is the seventh of 11 children). Also present were several nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles, cousins and more.

Both men also had large groups supporting them from the several Parishes they served at during pastoral assignments as seminarians.

Father Roldán, 29, a native of Columbia, said the ordination was an overwhelming experience that brought him great joy and solace.

“Giving myself completely over to the Lord through the priesthood is something I have thought about for many years. It is finally here, and it is wonderful. I will now follow the Lord in my ministry to help others find the joy I have,” Father Roldán said.

During his discernment, Father Roldán initially studied with a religious order before later joining the Diocese of Venice as a seminarian. He studied at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami before going on to St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach. As a seminarian, he served pastoral assignments at St. Mary, Star of the Sea Parish on Longboat Key and at St. Thomas More Parish in Sarasota where he celebrated his first Mass as a priest. His first assignment is Parochial Vicar of St. Agnes Parish and St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, both in Naples given special responsibility to the Spanish-speaking community at each Parish.

Father Scanlan, 28, was born and raised in Fort Myers in a large family. He was inspired to discern a vocation to the priesthood when his oldest brother, Father Eric, told the family about his own discernment 15 years ago and then he witnessed his brother’s ordination in 2013. Fast-forward 10 years and they are both now part of the Diocesan Presbyterate.

“When I was young, it never occurred to me that becoming a priest was a thing that I would consider, but seeing my brother go through the process and growing in my own personal relationship with Jesus, when the time came, it was an easy decision” Father Scanlan said. “It was such a wonderful experience to have my whole family present to share this experience with me. Then my brother helped me put on my priestly vestments. That was amazing. This whole experience has been an affirmation of God putting me in this position as a priest, where I was called to serve Him in His earthly Kingdom.”

Father Scanlan first studied at Ave Maria University before becoming a Diocesan seminarian at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami. He later studied in Rome at the Pontifical North American College and received a degree in sacred theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University. Most recently, he initiated his studies in moral theology at the Pontifical University of Santa Croce. As a seminarian, he served pastoral assignments at the following Parishes: St. Vincent de Paul in Fort Myers; Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles in Bradenton; St. Francis Xavier in Fort Myers; St. Joseph in Bradenton; and St. Katharine Drexel in Cape Coral. Father Scanlan’s first Mass was celebrated at Ave Maria Parish in Ave Maria, where his parents reside. Following his ordination, Father is initially assisting at Epiphany Cathedral and then will serve as Parochial Vicar at St. Thomas More Parish in Sarasota, effective Aug. 9.

The Ordination to the Priesthood is considered one of the most critical events in the life of the Diocese as it ensures the continuation of the Church and the availability of the Sacraments to the faithful.

A reception followed in the Cathedral Parish Hall where the newly ordained formally greeted the public and imparted their priestly blessing upon them.

Annual seminarian convocation inspires

For three days each summer there is a gathering of men of different ages and backgrounds, each dedicated to a common goal – continuing their spiritual journey with a focus on becoming a Diocesan priest.

Some are in a seminary college formation program, while others are in advanced programs farther along in their journey, with potential Ordination to the Priesthood not too far off.

During the annual Diocese of Venice Seminarian Convocation at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center in Venice (July 17-19, 2023), the men spent time praying, reflecting on their choice of vocation, while also sharing their thoughts and their personal journey with others who are on the same path.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane celebrated a Mass for the seminarians on July 19. During the Mass, Bishop Dewane encouraged the men to continue to hear the call to holiness of Our Lord in their prayers, while reflecting Christ in the life they live.

The Bishop stressed the need to continue to grow in their relationship with the Lord, a lifelong process which will serve to guide them as they continue on their discernment journey.

The multi-day retreat occurs late in the summer as a time of prayer and reflection before each man returns to his respective seminary. During the week the seminarians were led by Father Shawn Roser, Diocese Vocations Director.

With the group assigned to four different seminaries, the gathering is an opportunity for those early in their formation process to hear from those who are further along. This mentoring aids in building a bond amongst the group, aiding each to appreciate that the discernment process is not only accomplished in the classroom but through the entire experience in seminary, during Parish pastoral assignments, and in their personal life.

A recent highlight for the group was witnessing the July 15 Ordination to the Priesthood of Fathers Alejandro Roldán and Daniel Scanlan, with many taking an active role as altar servers.

Diocese of Venice Seminarians are supported through the Diocese Catholic Faith Appeal, the Knights of Columbus, Venice Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and the generosity of the faithful.

Parishioners from around the Diocese are encouraged to help support the seminarians in their studies and choice of vocation through prayer and financial assistance. Donations can be made by visiting https://dioceseofvenice.org/ways-to-give/ or sent to: Diocese of Venice, Office of Vocations, 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285.

For more information about the seminarians or Vocations, contact Father Shawn Roser at roser@dioceseofvenice.org or 941-486-4720, or visit www.venicevocations.com.

52 pilgrims from Diocese going to World Youth Day

More than 1,300 groups, 28,600 individuals, from across the United States will travel to Lisbon, Portugal, for the International World Youth Day (WYD) gathering with Pope Francis, from Aug. 1-6, 2023.

Among the American contingent are 52 pilgrims from the Diocese of Venice. This group is led by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, and includes youth, young adults, seminarians, priests, and a few others representing nine different Parishes.

Marthamaria Morales, Diocesan Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry, helped organize the pilgrimage for the Diocese, saying that this is not a vacation but a spiritual journey for every participant, in that they will be challenged to open their hearts to the Lord and carry the lessons learned back home.

The Diocese group includes representatives from Parishes including: Epiphany Cathedral in Venice, St. Agnes in Naples, Ave Maria in Ave Maria, Jesus the Worker in Fort Myers, Our Lady of the Angels in Lakewood Ranch, Our Lady Queen of Heaven in LaBelle, Sacred Heart in Punta Gorda, St. Joseph in Bradenton, and St. Martha in Sarasota.

Among the pilgrims is Bishop Dewane, who is attending his fifth World Youth Day as Bishop of Venice. He is one of only 60 U.S. Bishops attending.

Morales explained that each morning is spent in catechesis called “Rise Up Encounters,” with time for prayer and liturgies, concerts, presentations, dialogue, service, and networking with youth from around the world.

According to the official WYD website, the theme for WYD Lisbon is: “Mary arose and went with haste.” (Luke 1:39). The biblical phrase opens the account of the Visitation (Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth).

Pope Francis will join the pilgrims on Aug. 3, for a welcome ceremony in the city center. He will also preside at a Way of the Cross on August 4, a prayer vigil on Aug. 5, and the WYD Closing Mass, with an anticipated crowd of a million or more, on Aug. 6.

To stay connected with the Diocesan group while in Lisbon, Bishop Dewane will be attending many of the activities with the pilgrims. He will also celebrate Mass for them several times, including the afternoon of Aug. 2, at St. Joseph Church, prior to a WYD USA National Gathering, sponsored by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, at Parque da Quinta das Conchas, an open park in the city.

This national gathering will include music and testimony by young adults, as well a keynote address from Bishop Robert E. Barron, Winona-Rochester, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, which oversees the U.S. involvement in WYD. Bishop Edward Burns of Dallas will lead a Holy Hour as part of the National Eucharistic Revival initiative.

While the main World Youth Day events are Aug. 1-6, the Diocesan group departs from Florida on July 29. A bus with more than half of the pilgrims leaves Epiphany Cathedral in the early morning hours for Miami International Airport and will meet the rest of the group in Miami for their flight overseas.

Upon arrival, the pilgrims head directly to Fatima, where the Angel of Peace appeared to the little shepherds, preparing them to receive the visits of Our Lady. There will also be an opportunity to see and learn about the Eucharistic Miracle of Santarem, which occurred on Feb. 16, 1274. Bishop Dewane will be celebrating Mass for the pilgrims at the Carmelite Monastery, Carmelo Santa Teresa in Coimbra, on July 30.

In a message to the Diocesan pilgrims, Bishop Dewane noted it was providential that the WYD closing Mass with the Holy Father will take place on the Feast of the Transfiguration, Aug. 6. “The experience of Peter, James, and John at the Transfiguration was a pivotal moment of transformation for them. Let this pilgrimage be similarly transformative for us.”

“During our journey to WYD, we will be able to experience the joy of encountering Christ and our brothers and sisters. Let us be open to seeing the ‘Face of Christ’ in all from different lands and cultures, but together center on celebrating our Faith,” the Bishop continued. “Now is the time to arise! Like Mary, let us ‘arise and go in haste.’ I pray for a safe and joyful journey.”

The Diocesan U.S. pilgrims will be staying in a hotel in Lisbon and will mostly use trains to get to the main WYD activities, Morales explained. Fortunately, the hotel is very close to the closing Vigil and Mass. The evening of the closing Mass, the Diocesan pilgrims will share a final group meal in Portugal with Bishop Dewane before they begin their journey back to the U.S. in the following days.

WYD officials state the biblical episode of the Visitation, the action of standing up presents Mary as both a woman of charity and a missionary woman. Leaving in haste represents the attitude depicted in Pope Francis’ indications for WYD Lisbon 2023: “may young people’s evangelization be active and missionary, for this is how they will recognize and witness the presence of the living Christ.”

Please pray for the WYD pilgrims from the Diocese of Venice and around the world.

To follow along on the journey of the Diocesan pilgrims, please visit the Diocese Facebook page @dioceseofvenice or on Instagram @dioceseofveniceinfl.

News briefs for the week of July 28, 2023


A very warm welcome is extended to Father Alejandro Roldán and Father Daniel Scanlan, the newest members to the Presbyterate of the Diocese of Venice in Florida.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane announces the following assignments:

Father Lawton Lang, appointed as Administrator of San Antonio Parish, Port Charlotte, effective July 31, 2023, and thus, is relieved of his duties as Parochial Vicar of St. Thomas More Parish, Sarasota.

Father Alejandro Roldán, as Parochial Vicar of St. Agnes Parish, Naples and St. Elizabeth Parish, Naples, effective July 17, 2023.

Father Daniel Scanlan, initially to assist at Epiphany Cathedral, Venice, and effective August 9, 2023, as Parochial Vicar of St. Thomas More Parish in Sarasota.

Knights on Bikes ride for life

The Knights on Bikes group took part in a charity ride for life on July 22, 2023. The motorcyclists met at St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Naples and prayed the rosary before proceeding to the Community Pregnancy Clinic in downtown Naples. There the Knights dropped off pampers, baby wipes, and many other supplies. They also raised and donated money to the Clinic to help support the pregnancy resource center which has four clinics throughout the Diocese, providing life-affirming solutions to real-world problems, saving thousands of lives as a result.

Sarasota parishioner earns Gold at Special Olympics

Congratulations to Mollie O’Connell, of St. Martha Parish in Sarasota, for earning a Gold Medal in the 2k Cycling Time Trial race at the Special Olympics held in Berlin, Germany, on June 21, 2023, with a winning time of 5:56.78. The Special Olympics were held from June 17-25, with more than 7,000 athletes competing in 26 sports. Well done, Mollie!

Bradenton student plays lacrosse for a cause

St. Joseph Catholic School student, Cooper Kolbe, plays on a competitive lacrosse team called Owen’s Heroes, which was named for a 5-year-old who has type 1 diabetes. The team plays and raises money for research and to help families of children struggling with juvenile diabetes. Cooper is the team goalie and this summer, Owen’s Heroes made it all the way to the Youth Lacrosse World Series competing against 25 teams from around the world. After the tournament, Owen’s Heroes was ranked #11 in the world. What a great experience, and what a great cause these young athletes have embraced!

Scam Alert

There have been recent incidents where parishioners have been contacted supposedly by their pastor and/or parish staff to send gift cards, cash or money orders via email or text. These requests are a scam and under no circumstances should you reply to these emails or comply with these requests. Nor should you divulge any personal information to anyone that is not a trusted source. If you are contacted with a request for money via email or text, and the message appears as though it is from a Diocesan priest or employee, do not reply. Instead, make direct contact with the person by calling the Parish and asking to speak with the priest or employee.

Decline to Sign Petition for Dangerous Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative

An extremely grave initiative is underway in Florida that seeks to erase pro-life protections by banning government regulation of abortion in our state constitution. Abortion activists are working to gather petition signatures to have a pro-abortion constitutional amendment placed on the statewide ballot in the November 2024 election. Floridian Catholics should not sign the petition. The amendment would hinder the Florida legislature’s ability to protect women and children from abortion. Please also continue your prayers for the protection of the unborn and spread the word to your spheres of influence.

Communal First Saturdays

Beginning Saturday, Aug. 5, 2023, and every first Saturday thereafter is an opportunity to answer our Lady’s call with Communal First Saturdays at Incarnation Parish, 2929 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota. In this call, she said, “Many souls will be saved and there will be peace,” if we satisfy her special request for Communal First Saturdays. Fulfill the First Saturday Devotion through these four practices: Holy Rosary at 7:30 a.m.; Holy Mass with Communion of Reparation at 8:30 a.m.; Confession after Mass; and an additional scriptural meditation on the mysteries of the rosary in Our Lady’s company at 9:20 a.m., with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. If you are interested, Communal First Saturdays are open to all. For more information, please contact Joe Moniz at devoted2mary@gmail.com, or 941-444-0560.

Execution Prayer Vigils Aug. 3

James Barnes is scheduled to be executed in Florida at 6 p.m. on Aug. 3, 2023. Barnes was sentenced to death for the 1988 murder of a young woman named Patricia Miller in Melbourne, and he has been on Florida’s death row since 2006. Prayer vigils will be held at 5:30 p.m., Aug. 3, at San Pedro Parish, 14380 Tamiami Trail, North Port, and at 5:30 p.m., Aug. 3, at the outdoor Last Supper table at Sacred Heart Parish, 211 W. Charlotte Ave., Punta Gorda. All are invited to attend! If you are not able to attend, please pray for Barnes and his family as well as Miller and her family, and all tasked with his execution.

Vocational Retreat in Arcadia in August

St. Paul Catholic Church is hosting a one-day “Encounter with Christ” Vocational Retreat, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Aug. 26, 2023, for males and females ages 15 to 30. The retreat will take place in the Parish Hall located at 1208 East Oak St., Arcadia. The cost for the day is $20 and includes meals and materials. Pre-registration is available by emailing retreatreg20@gmail.com. For further information contact the Parish office at 863-494-2611.

Surviving Divorce program

If you or someone you know is navigating the challenges of a separation or divorce, consider participating in the Surviving Divorce Program developed by Rose Sweet, a well-known Catholic author, and speaker. The 12-week program begins at 6:30 p.m., Aug. 17, 2023, at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 625 111th Ave., Naples. To register, contact Michael Dana at mgdana@gmail.com or 301-332-9055.

Priestly Ordination July 15 – All invited to witness important moment

The Diocese of Venice relies on dedicated men who have committed their lives to serving God. Transitional Deacons Alejandro Giraldo Roldan and Daniel Scanlan have answered that call and will be ordained to the priesthood.

Deacons Roldan and Scanlan have completed their priestly formation and have been called to ordination by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, who will be the ordaining prelate. The ordination will be at 11 a.m., July 15, 2023, at Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice.

In addition to Bishop Dewane, the Mass will include a number of priests, deacons, religious, family and friends from across the Diocese. The ordination is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend, A reception following the ordination will be held in the Epiphany Parish Center.

“This is one of the most beautiful and rarely seen Sacraments in the Church,” Bishop Dewane explained. “The Diocese of Venice is blessed that these men have heard the call of the Lord and this comes with great responsibility and accountability. At ordination these men are joined to the Bishops in the priestly office and are called to serve God’s people. It is important that the faithful support each ordination as the priest being ordained is a future link to the continuation of the Sacraments.”

During ordination to the priesthood the ordinandi freely present themselves to serve God, the Church and the Bishop of the Diocese of Venice and his successors. They will also make a renewed commitment to celibacy and promise obedience. The reward for that choice is to have their lives filled with the message of God.

Deacon Roldan, 29, a native of Columbia, approaches the ordination with great inner peace, knowing that he is blessed by gifts granted to him by God after nearly 11 years of discerning his vocation. “It is a gift I receive from God not because of my abilities but because of His great mercy and love towards me.”

A pivotal moment in the life of Deacon Alejandro was receiving his First Holy Communion, what he called one of the happiest days of his life. “It was at that moment and going forward that I experienced the love of God in a special way. That awakened my desire to become a priest.”

At the age of 17, Deacon Alejandro discerned a vocation with a religious order for a time, but the Lord allowed him to make a detour along the way. He ultimately continued at university studying theology and earning a degree as a lay person. Unfulfilled in life, God continued to call him toward a priestly vocation, and this led him to the join the Diocese of Venice as a seminarian in 2019. He first studied at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami before going on to St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach.

As a seminarian, Deacon Roldan served pastoral assignments at St. Mary, Star of the Sea Parish on Longboat Key and a pastoral year at St. Thomas More Parish in Sarasota where he will celebrate his first Mass as a priest.

Meanwhile, Deacon Scanlan, 28, was born and raised in Fort Myers in a large family, the seventh of 11 children, before they moved to Ave Maria. When he was 13, he had his first thought about becoming a priest when he heard his oldest sibling tell the family about his own discernment to the priesthood.

“I think I was fascinated because I never considered how one became a priest. I didn’t even know what a seminary was… this was a big moment in my life because the thought that my own brother might become a priest made this vocation become real and personal to me.”

It wasn’t until later in high school when the idea of a discernment surfaced again. It occurred during a Steubenville youth conference in Orlando, when at the end, all men and women who were discerning were asked to come up to the stage.

“My heart began pounding when I heard those words. I never really spoke about the priesthood to anyone and when they invited everyone up: I had to make a choice… This was the first time I had to acknowledge to myself: ‘yeah… I am discerning the priesthood.’”

That vocation journey will reach a culmination in two weeks, when his eldest brother, Father Eric Scanlan, Pastor of Incarnation Parish in Sarasota, will be vesting him during the ordination.

Deacon Daniel first studied at Ave Maria University before deciding to follow his heart to become a Diocesan seminarian at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami. He later studied in Rome at the Pontifical North American College and received a degree in sacred theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University. Most recently, he initiated his studies in moral theology at the Pontifical University of Santa Croce. Following his ordination, he will transfer to the John Paul II Institute in Washington, D.C., to study for his licentiate of Sacred Theology of Marriage and Family.

Since joining the Diocese as a seminarian, Deacon Scanlan has served pastoral assignments at the following Parishes: St. Vincent de Paul in Fort Myers; Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles in Bradenton; St. Francis Xavier in Fort Myers; St. Joseph in Bradenton; and St. Katharine Drexel in Cape Coral.

While Deacons Roldan and Scanlan are being ordained on July 15, there are several men who are at various stages in their priestly formation, either in college or at a seminary where they continue their studies toward the ordained priesthood. The seminarians are currently engaged in various summer pastoral assignments.

Seminarians are supported by the Diocese of Venice through the Catholic Faith Appeal, the Knights of Columbus, the Council of Catholic Women and the generosity of individual parishes and parishioners. Parishioners from around the Diocese are encouraged to help support the seminarians in their studies and choice of vocation.

To contribute to the education of the seminarians, send a check to the Diocese of Venice, Office of Vocations, 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285 or go to www.dioceseofvenice.org/ways-to-give. For more information about the seminarians or Vocations, contact Father Roser at 941-484-9543.


Totus Tuus continues to amaze

“My Lighthouse, my lighthouse; Shining in the darkness, I will follow You” is sung with great enthusiasm each morning during the Totus Tuus weekly program taking place this summer at 11 different host Parishes throughout the Diocese of Venice.

First and second grade students at Ave Maria Parish in Ave Maria performed the song (“My Lighthouse,” by Rend Collective), and its accompanying dance, during a classroom visit by Bishop Frank J. Dewane on June 22, 2023.

“It was so uplifting and enlightening to see these young children so full of energy and life,” Bishop Dewane said. The Bishop observed other classrooms at Ave Maria and was impressed with their knowledge and enthusiasm. He also celebrated Mass for the children.

“In each classroom everyone was so excited and alive about their love of the Lord. It is a strong reflection of the good work of the missionaries and the teen volunteers in getting this important message across; that is to grow in your relationship with the Lord, accompanied by the Blessed Virgin Mary.”

The missionaries, 12 trained college-aged men and women, teach the children of all ages to put a spotlight on sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship. The goal of the week is to help the children develop a true and lasting longing for holiness.

“Totus Tuus does a great job complementing and supplementing what the children learn from their parents; the first and best educators of their faith,” the Bishop said. “This is why Totus Tuus doesn’t stand alone. It is an additional program that is offered and makes available important components of the faith which are needed as children age and mature. In this, the Church can make a meaningful contribution.”

“Totus Tuus” is a Latin phrase meaning “Totally Yours.” It was a motto of St. John Paul II, taken from St. Louis de Montfort’s “True Devotion to Mary.” It signifies our desire to give ourselves entirely to Jesus Christ through Mary. The weeklong program are divided into two sessions, with the day component for students grades 1 – 6, and the evening session for middle school and high school students grades 7 – 12.

Carrie Harkey, Diocesan Coordinator of Family Life in the Office of Evangelization and a co-organizer of Totus Tuus, said the program is different than the traditional Vacation Bible School model.

“There is an intentionality about helping the children and youth live out a relationship with the Lord. It is really fostering those daily habits of discipleship that help with their relationship with the Lord. This is accomplished because there is a heavy emphasis on the Sacraments. Most importantly, there is daily Mass,” Harkey said. In addition, there is the opportunity for confession, holy hours, praying the rosary and much more.

The impact of the Totus Tuus program is widespread in the host Parishes, as local support is crucial for success, with teen volunteers helping during the day and adults in the evenings, and family events scheduled at key points in the week.

The example the missionaries are for not just the youngest children but for the faithful of all ages is readily apparent.

Father Jose Gonzalez, Pastor at St. Catherine Parish in Sebring, invited the missionaries to speak at Masses the weekend ahead of the program’s start (June 25-30) and the response was overwhelmingly positive.

“It is wonderful to see these impressive missionaries serve as examples for the children to learn from and to follow,” Father Gonzalez said.

So far, the program has taken place at the following Parishes: St. Katharine Drexel, Cape Coral; St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, Parrish; St. Agnes, Naples; St. Peter the Apostle, Naples; Ave Maria; and St. Catherine.

While many of the students are from the host Parishes, the reach of Totus Tuus is more regional. For example, at St. Catherine, children and youth also participated from St. James in Lake Placid, Our Lady of Grace in Avon Park, and St. Michael in Wauchula.

Missionary Abel Fernando Cordero said the positive experiences in the first four weeks of the program have been beyond his wildest dreams.

“It is an amazing opportunity. It’s most rewarding and allowing me to grow in humility before the Lord,” Cordero said. “At the end of the day, we are teaching faith and we are having fun doing it. It is showing everyone – the students, the missionaries, the volunteers, the Parish staff, and the parents – that the faith is really alive.”

The remaining Parishes hosting the program are as follows:

  • Our Lady Queen of Heaven in La Belle, July 9-14;
  • John XXIII in Fort Myers and St. Patrick in Sarasota, July 16-21;
  • Epiphany Cathedral in Venice and Our Lady of the Angels in Lakewood Ranch, July 23-28.

Several parishes still have limited openings for this program. To inquire, please contact the individual Parish religious education office by visiting https://dioceseofvenice.org/find-a-parish/. For further information regarding this program, please visit https://dioceseofvenice.org/totustuus2023/.

For additional reflections from Bishop Dewane about the Totus Tuus program, check out the June “Witnessing Faith with Bishop Dewane” radio program on Relevant Radio. The program can be heard at 8:30 a.m., June 30, on 106.7 FM and 1410 AM in Fort Myers and 93.3 FM and 1660 AM in Naples. The show can also be found at any time at https://dioceseofvenice.org/our-bishop/relevant-radio-podcasts/.

News briefs for the week of June 16, 2023

Where is Totus Tuus this Week?

Totus Tuus (a Latin phrase meaning “totally yours”) is a summer Catholic youth camp program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness and Eucharistic worship. During the week of June 12-16, 2023, the team was at St. Agnes Parish in Naples. The weeklong Parish summer catechetical camp assists parents and parishes in evangelizing and catechizing the youth by complementing the work they are already doing at the Parish and at home. This summer the program is offered at 11 parishes in the Diocese of Venice with three sessions now completed. The week-long camps are divided into two sessions, with the day camp for students entering grades 1 – 6, and the evening camp for middle school and high school students entering grades 7 – 12.

The remaining Parishes hosting the program are as follows:

  • Ave Maria in Ave Maria and St. Peter the Apostle in Naples, June 18-23;
  • Catherine in Sebring, June 25-30;
  • Our Lady Queen of Heaven in La Belle, July 9-14;
  • John XXIII in Fort Myers and St. Patrick in Sarasota, July 16-21;
  • Epiphany Cathedral in Venice and Our Lady of the Angels in Lakewood Ranch, July 23-28.

Several parishes still have limited openings for this program. To inquire, please contact the individual Parish religious education office by visiting https://dioceseofvenice.org/find-a-parish/. For further information regarding this program, please visit https://dioceseofvenice.org/totustuus2023/.

Students work to protect Everglades

A dedicated team of 12 seventh grade students from the National Junior Honor Society of St. Andrew Catholic School in Cape Coral, participated in a community service project to protect the Everglades. Our “Everglades Champions” worked for several months earlier in 2023 to understand issues involving water quality and seagrass habitats, learn about policies and practices associated with water quality, and implement goals and strategies to affect positive change in the community. Their goal was to promote healthy water quality and seagrass habitats by educating the community about the harm posed by fertilizer run-off and encourage the community to NOT fertilize lawns during the rainy season. To reach their goal, the students implemented a multi-faceted strategy. They created informational posters and artwork which is on display at the Cape Coral Library through the end of June. They delivered letters and flyers to local hardware stores, and they posted their message on social media. The students were recognized by the Everglades Foundation during a virtual celebration event on June 2, 2023.

Knights on Bikes begin evangelization efforts in Collier County

On Sunday, June 4, 2023, the Knights of Columbus Knights on Bikes rode from Ave Maria to San Marco Parish on Marco Island to participate in Mass as a Knight honor guard. The Knights on Bikes in the Diocese are under the leadership of Chair Pete Battle, whose mission is to evangelize to the Catholic community and to those willing to listen to the message of Christ, as they live and witness faith as motorcyclists. Their motto is “In God we trust and ride.” The Knights on Bikes are involved in charity rides, toy drives, fund raising rides for vocations and local Knight’s councils. The Knights on Bikes will next be participating in Mass will be at Our Lady of Light Parish, 19680 Cypress View Drive, Fort Myers, at 10:30 a.m., on July 23. Any Parish interested in hosting the Knights on Bikes can reach out to Pete Battle at 239-601-6061.

Independence Day Bike and Golf Cart Parade

The Knights of Columbus Ave Maria Assembly 3862 is hosting the 6th annual “God Bless America” Independence Day Bike and Golf Cart Parade, at 10 a.m., July 4, 2023. The ceremony starts in the Piazza of the town and will include a reflection from an Ave Maria veteran on the “Blessing of Freedom,” then patriotic songs, prayers for our country, then a “Blessing of the Bikes.” The parade, which will include bikes, trikes, golf carts, skateboards, strollers (decorated or not), will be led by a fire truck and pass through several neighborhoods, ending approximately 2 miles later back in the Piazza where there will be treats available. All are welcome. For more information, contact Dominick Micillo at 904-536-1480.

Summertime and the Giving is Easy Appeal

Every day, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., serves the area’s most vulnerable population by feeding, housing, empowering, and helping all in need. This summer, you can be the one that makes a difference. Your acts of kindness have the power to transform lives and leave a positive impact in our community. The Catholic Charities Summertime and the Giving is Easy Appeal is asking for your support. The giving is easy! Your gift will make a positive impact on our less fortunate brothers and sisters! Please visit www.catholiccharitiesdov.org or mail a check to Catholic Charities, 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285.

Ordination to the Priesthood July 15

Bishop Frank J. Dewane invites the faithful to the Ordination to the Priesthood of Transitional Deacons Alejandro Giraldo Roldan and Daniel Scanlan. The Ordination will take place at 11 a.m., Saturday, July 15, 2023, at Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this important event in the lives of Deacons Alejandro and Daniel as well as the Diocese of Venice. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall.

Free counseling services available

Did you know that Catholic Charities offers FREE counseling and Psychotherapy? If you or someone you know is ready to take the first step towards healing and wellness, call 888-249-9296. Catholic Charities serves ALL that come to us for help, regardless of race or religion.

Support pregnant mothers in need

Looking for a way to help pregnant women in need?  Your tax-deductible donation will help with rent, utilities, or other necessities.  Give to the Catholic Charities Pennies for Babies Fund, 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285 where no administrative fees are taken from any donations. Questions?  Contact Jeanne Berdeaux, Berdeaux@dioceseofvenice.org or 941-374-1068.

Totus Tuus – Faith is Fun!

What do you get when dozens of children gather for a special summer camp – a deeper understanding of their faith and lots of fun.

In just its first week, the Totus Tuus Summer Camp for children and teens is already a huge success as St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Cape Coral, and St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish in Parrish, hosted campers June 4-9, 2023.

The goal of the Totus Tuus Summer Camp is to help young people develop in their understanding of the faith and strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Totus Tuus is a Latin phrase meaning “Totally Yours.” It was a motto of St. John Paul II, taken from St. Louis de Montfort’s “True Devotion to Mary.” It signifies our desire to give ourselves entirely to Jesus Christ through Mary.

The week-long camps are divided into two sessions, with the day camp for students entering grades 1 – 6, and the evening camp for middle school and high school students entering grades 7 – 12. Led by two teams of six missionaries each, the camps also have the Parish staff and volunteers augmenting the team, together they make the week one to remember for all who participate.

Unlike in 2022, this year has two teams of six missionaries each to reach as many children as possible. This means 11 Parishes will host the summer camp in June and July. The missionaries are supported by two Diocesan seminarians.

Lessons build throughout the week as the children learn about the importance of prayer, and ways to pray, which includes the basics of the Our Father and Hail Mary through the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.

By the end of the camp, it is anticipated that the children learn about the importance of the Eucharist and how Jesus walks with them all the time, explained Carrie Harkey, Diocesan Coordinator of Marriage and Family Life. The Totus Tuus summer camp is the work of several Diocesan offices, including Evangelization, Catholic Education and Youth Outreach.

The camp for the younger children begins with music to pump the children up and get them ready for the full day ahead with a focus on learning key lessons about their faith. In addition to dancing, music and prayer, the children have time for activities such as crafts and games.

A focal point of each day is participation in daily Mass. The Mass portion of the day is more than participating in the important celebration of the Holy Eucharist. It is at this time during the camp when the children not only learn the various hymns but also learn about the different parts of the Mass and why they are so key to this important celebration.

For example, when entering the Church, the children are brought to the Holy Water Font and taught how and why they are to respectfully dip their finger in the water and bless themselves. They also learn about the need to genuflect before entering and when leaving the pew as they face the tabernacle where Jesus is present.

Throughout the week, there is also quiet reflective time in Eucharistic Adoration and the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

The teen aspect of the summer camp is confined to the evenings and focuses on allowing the Totus Tuus missionaries and seminarians to share their stories and lead discussions on topics that are important to young people today. The teens also take part in Adoration and are offered the opportunity to go to confession. Throughout the week, there is a special focus on fostering a prayer life and deepening their relationship with the Lord.

Both day and evening camps conclude with fun and games.

Rose Talbot-Babey, Director of Religious Education at St. Katharine Drexel, which hosted the first week of Totus Tuus in 2022, said this year is building upon the success of 2022. “It is a great program for children of all ages as everyone gets something out of the week. These missionaries are great!”

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Pastor Father Joseph Gates was pleased by the camp, viewing it as an opportunity to build up the religious education program at the Parish.

The 12 missionaries arrived in late May to begin a training regimen which prepared them for the Totus Tuus program and the rigors of teaching young children and teens for the entire summer.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane, who helped bring the Totus Tuus program to the Diocese in 2022, had lunch with the missionaries on June 1. He learned about their backgrounds and offered encouragement to them, stressing the importance of their work within the Diocese and how they needed to be guided by Christ in the work they are doing this summer.

The Parishes hosting Totus Tuus this summer are: St. Katherine Drexel, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini; St. Agnes in Naples, June 11-16; Ave Maria in Ave Maria and St. Peter the Apostle in Naples, June 18-23; St. Catherine in Sebring, June 25-30; Our Lady Queen of Heaven in La Belle, July 9-14; St. John XXIII in Fort Myers and St. Patrick in Sarasota, July 16-21; and Epiphany Cathedral in Venice and Our Lady of the Angels in Lakewood Ranch, July 23-28.

While many of the Parish Totus Tuus camps are full, some openings are available. To inquire, please contacting the individual Parish religious education office which can be found by visiting https://dioceseofvenice.org/find-a-parish/. For further information regarding this program please visit https://dioceseofvenice.org/totustuus2023/.