New Briefs for the week of March 28, 2025

Young Adult retreat March 30 in Sarasota

Young adults are invited to grow closer to God with a “Wounded in Christ” Lenten Retreat at St. Jude Parish, 3930 17th St., Sarasota, starting at 12:30 p.m. March 30, 2025, with this opportunity to return to Him with a whole heart. Be prepared for engaging talks, small group discussions, silent prayer and reflection. There will also be Eucharistic Adoration, opportunity for Confession, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and a communal dinner. There is no cost to attend, but registration is suggested at Contact Father Christian Chami for more information at or 941-955-3934.

Lee County men’s and women’s groups gather

A joint gathering of Faith & Ale and Faith & Wine of Lee County took place March 20, 2025, at St. John XXIII Parish in Fort Myers. The guest speaker was Dr. Tim Gray, President of The Augustine Institute, whose talk was titled: “Lent as the Model for the Spiritual Life.” Each men’s and women’s groups hold monthly gatherings to accompany men and women on their faith journey. Each group hosts a series of speakers from October through March. The next gathering of Faith & Ale is April 10, at St. Cecilia Parish, 3632 Sunrise Drive, Fort Myers. The evening starts at 6 p.m. and will feature a talk by Father Edwin Leahy, Headmaster at St. Benedict’s Preparatory School, Newark, NJ. He will speak on “The 154 Year Success Story of an Inner City School Making a Difference.” To register, please visit

Neumann band Shines at Festival Disney

The St. John Neumann Catholic High School band from Naples traveled to Orlando on March 14 – 15, 2025, to participate in Festival Disney, a prestigious student music competition bringing together talented young musicians from across the country. This festival provides an enriching and educational experience for concert bands, orchestras, and choirs at the middle school, high school, and college levels. The Neumann musicians performed exceptionally well, showcasing their dedication and musical talent. After their performance, they enjoyed some well-earned downtime exploring the theme park.

Sarasota Parish Lenten Mission March 30 to April 3

St. Jude Parish, 3930 17th Street, Sarasota, is hosting a 5-day Parish Lenten Mission from March 30, 2025, through April 3. The English session is 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m., while the Spanish session is 7:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. The theme for the Mission is “Living the Sacraments – Finding God at the Intersection of Heaven & Earth.” The five evenings are presented by Fathers Patrick Keyes and Moisés Mosqueda Ventura, CSsR. For more information, please call 941-955-3934.

Community Pregnancy Clinics Dinner Event April 5 in Naples

“Reaching Hearts” is the theme of the Community Pregnancy Clinics Dinner Event, which is 5 p.m., April 5, 2025, at the Ritz-Carlton Naples Tiburon, 2600 Tiburon Dr, Naples. A reception, dinner and keynote speaker from pro-life advocate and Blaze TV host Liz Wheeler are included. Tickets are $500. To register visit or email to learn more.

40 Days for Life Spring Campaign through April 13

The 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign (from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday, April 13, 2025) aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses. In the Diocese of Venice, 40 Days for Life campaigns are held in three locations: Sarasota – Daily from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., 736 Central Ave., or visit; Naples – Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m., 1425 Creech Road, or visit; and Fort Myers – Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m., 6418 Commerce Park Drive, or visit Please note, in Naples, In Naples there will be a meet and greet with Shawn Carney, co-founder and CEO of 40 Days for Life, April 2, noon – 1 p.m.

Easter Triduum Retreat at OLPH

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 S. Moon Drive, Venice, will host its annual Easter Triduum Retreat, April 17-20, 2025. The retreat begins with supper on Holy Thursday and ends with breakfast on Easter Sunday. There will be conferences which will focus on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of the Lord.  Celebration of the liturgies of the Lord’s Supper, Way of the Cross, Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion, Easter Vigil, and Sunrise Easter Liturgy are celebrated. Confessions will also be available. Register at, and click on “Schedule of Events.”

Chrism Mass to be celebrated in Naples on April 15

The Chrism Mass, which takes place during Holy Week every year, will be held at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 15, at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 625 111th Ave. N., Naples. During this Mass, Bishop Frank J. Dewane will bless the Holy Oils which are used in the administration of the Sacraments at each parish throughout the year. Priests and Deacons celebrating 25 and 50 years of Ordination are recognized at this Mass. The jubilarians being honored this year are:

Priests 50 Years: Father Gregory Klein, O. Carm., Father Normando Feliz, and Father Michael Mullen;

Priests 25 Years: Father Luis Pacheco, and Father Saji Ellickal Joseph, MCBS;

Deacon 25 Years: Deacon Richard Klish.

All are encouraged to attend in support of our clergy and to participate in this important Holy Week celebration. The Chrism Mass will also be livestreamed at

Theology on Tap April 24

Theology on Tap is a program for young adults in their 20s and 30s, providing an opportunity to explore faith topics in a relaxed social setting on the fourth Thursday of the month (April 24, 2025) at Oak & Stone, 5405 University Parkway, University Park. The evening begins with food and refreshments at 7p.m. Presentations and discussions about the Catholic Faith begin at 8 p.m. The next presentation will be by Father Christian Chami, Parochial Vicar at St. Jude Parish in Sarasota, and the title of his talk is “St. Charbel: Lessons in silence, faith, and obedience.” Please email Andres Prias at with any questions.

Bereavement Retreat for Hispanic parents

Deacon Roberto Landron is hosting a weekend Spanish-language retreat based on the Catholic faith to offer grieving parents a safe space of peace, comfort, and hope, as they form community with those who share their path. The retreat is April 25 – 27, 2025, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 S. Moon Drive, Venice. The retreat costs $150 for individuals and $250 for couples. Financial assistance is available. For more information call 239-592-1949.

Divine Mercy Service in Fort Myers April 27

Our Lady of Light Parish, 19680 Cypress View Drive, Fort Myers, will be hosting its annual Divine Mercy Sunday service on April 27, 2025. The prayer service opens with Adoration followed by Benediction from 1 p.m. – 2:15 p.m., to allow faithful time in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament and the Divine Mercy Image. This will be followed from 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. by a bilingual (Spanish and English) Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Consecration. All are welcome.

Weekend bereavement retreat for parents in May

The Diocese of Venice Office of Evangelization is offering “A Walk with Jesus for Grieving Parents,” weekend bereavement retreat for parents who have lost a child, no matter the child’s age or how long ago the loss occurred. The retreat will take place May 2-4, 2025, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center in Venice. Facilitated by Deacon Henry deMena, M.A., an experienced grief counselor, this retreat offers a supportive environment for healing through prayer, reflection, and shared experiences. Parents will find comfort and community as they walk together, and with Jesus, in faith. For more information or to register, please contact Jim Gontis at 941-484-4754 or

Ignatian Preached Silent Retreat in May

Father Greg Cleveland, OMV, will introduce the great themes of the Spiritual Exercises in a group setting during an Ignatian Preached Retreat, from May 9 to May 12, 2025. The schedule includes conferences each day, daily Mass, and an opportunity to meet at least once with the retreat director for Confession and/or spiritual direction. Conference topics center on Ignatian spirituality, prayer, and discernment.  Register at and click on “Schedule of Events.”

Seeking Diocesan Totus Tuus Summer Camp Missionaries

Totus Tuus is an exciting Catholic Parish Catechetical Camp for students in grades 1 – 12. The weeklong day camp held at Parishes in the Diocese of Venice is led by trained, paid missionaries. Missionary applications for the summer 2025 camp are now being accepted from anyone, age 18 or older, with an authentic, dynamic Catholic faith who is actively living the teachings of the Catholic Church. One year of college/work is preferred, but mature recent high school graduates will be considered. This is a great summer experience for anyone who wants to work in ministry, education, or with children in other settings. Visit to apply!

Volunteers Needed for Prison Outreach

Join the team of Diocesan volunteers who enter county jails and state prisons within the 10-county Diocese of Venice to do pastoral outreach, distribute the Eucharist and facilitate programs. Priests, Deacons, and lay volunteers are encouraged to assist in this ministry. Volunteers will first participate in an orientation program before entering the facility and will “shadow” experienced volunteers until they feel comfortable. Times and days vary by facility. Please contact Joe Mallof at 224-217-7139 or Bob Hiniker 863-558-0407 to learn where you can fit into this joyful opportunity.

Safe Environment Training

As part of the Safe Environment Program, the Diocese of Venice requires that all employees and those volunteers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults be fingerprinted and complete online training in Safe Environment prior to beginning employment or volunteering. To report any abuse against minors to the Florida Department of Children and Families please call 800-962-2873. Further, if Diocesan personnel or volunteers are involved, also notify the Diocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator, Susan Benton, at 941-416-6114. Please visit the Diocese of Venice website for further information.

Summer camps bring love of Christ to young faces

“Learned about Jesus!” “Learned about the Bible!” “Took part in fun and games at my Parish!” “Took a trip with friends from my Parish!” “God loves me, no matter what!” “I developed skills to help one day become an engineer!” “Gained a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary!” “Grew closer to the Lord!”

These are just some of the answers which children from across the Diocese of Venice offered to their friends and teachers when they returned to the classroom and were asked: “What did you do this summer?”

At nearly every Parish in the Diocese, there were captivating summer camps, with faith at their core. During these camps, thousands of children were engaged, and their young minds were, at least temporarily, focused on the Lord.

At 12 Parishes, the Diocese of Venice Department of Evangelization brought “Totus Tuus” camps for children and teens. This program was dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic Faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness and Eucharistic worship. The camps were directed by a team of missionaries. Parish staff and volunteers augmented the team and together they made the week memorable for all who participated.

Vacation Bible School programs were also offered at 40 Parishes in the Diocese this summer. This weeklong Bible themed camp focused on learning the important lessons of Scripture in a fun and engaging way. The most common theme this summer was “Scuba: Diving into friendship with God.” At Vacation Bible School, children attended daily Mass and participated in Eucharistic Adoration. They also learned uplifting songs and dances, made crafts and generally had a great time.

Several Parishes also hosted summer activities for the teens, some included taking part in service projects, while others went on retreat, either locally or even out-of-state.

A dozen different Diocesan groups took part in Camp Covecrest 2024, a Life Teen retreat in northern Georgia which focuses on leading teens closer to Christ. This is an intensive retreat which focuses the teens on building their relationship with the Lord through team activities, reflection, and prayer. The focus of these retreats included Eucharistic Adoration, opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and participating in Mass.

In addition, at St. Michael Parish in Wauchula, the women religious of the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará, hosted three different summer camps, one each for young boys, young girls, and for teens. These camps included taking part in the Mass and rosary processions, as well as arts and crafts, games, and a visit to an area entertainment center.

Meanwhile, multiple Diocesan Catholic schools hosted STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts and Math) camps. Some of these camps covered several weeks and introduced the eager students to new projects such as arts and crafts, engineering various objects and other activities that incorporated the different aspects of STREAM. The longer camps stressed different skills and included field trips to augment the in-class experience. The camps actively incorporated Catholic values and virtues through the Diocesan curriculum called, “The Gifts of Christ: Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Affability, Fortitude, Humility, and Prudence.”

For the athlete in many of our young people, the area Catholic high schools hosted a variety of sports camps for soccer, football, basketball, cheerleading and many others. These camps offered a chance for younger children to learn the skills needed to excel in different sports while having fun with their peers.

These are just some of the examples of the exciting activities that took place for the thousands of young people in the Diocese during the “slow” season.

News Briefs for the week of July 12, 2024


After consultation, Bishop Frank J. Dewane announces the following appointments:

Father Raùl Zamora, as Parochial Vicar of St. Leo the Great Parish, Bonita Springs, effective June 18, 2024.

Father Augustine Ignasimuthu, as Parochial Vicar of Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles Parish, Bradenton, effective June 26, 2024.

Father Joseph Duffy, F.S.S.P., as Parochial Vicar of Corpus Christi Chapel, Naples, effective July 1, 2024.


Diocesan Haitian Catholic community celebrates 35 years in Fort Myers

To mark the 35th anniversary of the Haitian Catholic Community in Fort Myers, the Mass was celebrated, and a grand commemoration followed on June 30, 2024, at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Fort Myers. Bishop Frank J. Dewane was joined by the Haitian priests of the Diocese, with Most. Rev. Jacques Fabre-Jeune, Bishop of the Diocese of Charleston, serving as the main homilist. Father Jean-Marie Fritz Ligonde, Diocesan Director of Haitian Ministry, said the Haintian Catholic community is growing in the area and celebrations such as the one on June 30 are important. In addition to St. Francis Xavier, the Mass is celebrated in Haitian-Creole weekly at five additional Diocesan Parishes, including: St. Charles Borromeo in Port Charlotte; St. Michael in Wauchula; Sacred Heart in Bradenton; Our Lady of Guadalupe in Immokalee; and St. Peter the Apostle in Naples. An annual Diocesan-wide celebration takes place on New Year’s Day, marking the independence of Haiti and the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God.

Local doctors meet with Bishop

The leadership of the Southwest Florida Guild of the Catholic Medical Association met with Bishop Frank J. Dewane at the Diocesan Catholic Center in Venice on July 10, 2024. The group provided Bishop Dewane with their annual report on their latest activities, including plans for continuing Catholic medical educational seminars within the Diocese.

Fourth of July parade displays patriotism in Ave Maria

The 8th Annual “God Bless America” Independence Day Bike and Golf Cart Parade presented by Ave Maria Parish took place on the Fourth of July, 2024. The celebration followed Mass and began in the piazza in front of the church and included patriotic songs, a reflection from Retired U.S. Navy Captain Glenn Cooper, prayers and then a parade that included about 500 people. There were motorcycles, bikes, trikes, golf carts, strollers, as well as fire trucks from the Collier County Fire Department. The event was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Ave Maria Assembly 3862. During the event, the Knights handed out pamphlets which included the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. The goal of the annual event was to pass along patriotism to the next generation.

Summertime and the Giving is Easy Appeal

Every day, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., serves in the 10 counties that constitute the Diocese of Venice the most vulnerable population by feeding, housing, empowering, and helping all in need. This summer, you can be the one that makes a difference. Your acts of kindness have the power to transform lives and leave a positive impact in our community. The Catholic Charities Summertime and the Giving is Easy Appeal is asking for your support. The giving is easy! Your gift will make a positive impact on our less fortunate brothers and sisters! To donate to Summertime and the Giving is Easy Campaign, please visit or mail a check to Catholic Charities, “Summertime and the Giving is Easy,” 1000 Pinebrook Road, Sarasota, FL 34285.

Totus Tuus summer program still going strong

The final two weeks of the Diocese of Venice Totus Tuus summer program are here. The week-long program is visiting different Parishes each week and offering day camp for students entering grades 1 – 6, as well as evening camp for middle school and high school students entering grades 7 – 12. The camp is inspiring young people to long for holiness, develop a deep desire for conversion and personally renew their faith with a stronger prayer life. Two missionary teams are going to different Parishes each week. In the first four weeks, the program has taken place at eight Parishes, with the most recent at Our Lady Queen of Heaven in LaBelle. For the week of July 14-19, the program will be at Our Lady of Light, Fort Myers during daytime and St. John XXIII in the evening; with a separate program running the same week at St. Cecilia, Fort Myers. The final week of the program runs from July 21-25 at Our Lady of the Angels in Lakewood Ranch, and St. Peter the Apostle in Naples.

Theology on Tap on July 18 in Sarasota

The next Theology on Tap, an outreach to young adults, is 7 p.m., July 18, 2024, in a new location, Big Top Brewing Brewery & Restaurant, 3045 Fruitville Commons Boulevard, Sarasota. Theology on Tap meets on the third Thursday of each month. The featured speaker for July 18 is Father Alex Pince, Diocesan Vocations Director, and the topic will be “The Interconnectedness Between Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Precious Blood of Jesus.” Theology on Tap is presented by the Diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. For more information, contact Andres Prias at or 941-484-9543.

New bus purchased for Bradenton school

A new school bus, for use at St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton, arrived July 7, 2024, just in time for the new school year. The bus was purchased thanks to the generous support of the Diocese of Venice, the James M. Doss Foundation, the Knights of Columbus, the Stephen and Jennifer Ierulli Family, and donors who supported the Community Foundation of Sarasota and The Patterson Foundation 2024 Giving Challenge. The 2025 Bluebird 71-passenger school bus will meet the many transportation needs of St. Joseph Catholic School. Bus driver, Stephanie Cannon-Waiters, was present for the delivery to review the safety features of the bus.

“Summertime and the Giving is Easy” – Catholic Charities campaign seeks to help those in need

Every day, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., serves the most vulnerable population by feeding, housing, empowering, and encouraging all in need. This summer, you can help.

Catholic Charities offers donors the opportunity to give directly to the causes they care about through the annual “Summertime and the Giving is Easy” campaign.

The Campaign gets back to the basics by reminding the generous faithful about key areas where Catholic Charities assists people throughout the 10-county Diocese of Venice region. Many people live without adequate food, shelter, education and support. Catholic Charities offers people in need in Southwest Florida the help that brings about real change in their lives.

Each year Catholic Charities serves more than 100,000 individuals and families through more than 30 programs. This is regardless of race, nationality or creed. The lingering effects of Hurricane Ian (2022) and rising costs of necessary items continue to put a strain on the resources of people throughout the region. Each day, Catholic Charities works hard to make a difference. A total of 93 cents of each dollar donated to Catholic Charities goes directly to programs and services which ranks the charity among the top in the country.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane said the support of Catholic Charities by the faithful of Southwest Florida is inspiring and critical to ensure “our brothers and sisters in Christ continue to receive the help and support they need. Catholic Charities does a wonderful job in providing programs that not only help in a crisis but assist in improving daily the lives of those they reach. Your support is appreciated, and critical!”

Christopher Root, Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, says all donations, either great or small, will enable Catholic Charities to continue to help those most vulnerable in Southwest Florida.

“We often take for granted the necessities that are basic rights,” Root said. “The annual Catholic Charities ‘Summertime and the Giving is Easy’ campaign reminds us that many people in our communities of Southwest Florida do not have the essentials required to live a healthy life. Please consider a donation for those who lack food, shelter, education and support. You can make a real difference!”

Whether your passionate is about education, food security for children and families, preventing homelessness, helping the vulnerable, please consider providing your support to the “Summertime and the Giving is Easy” campaign knowing your money will reach those in need.

Support a Child’s Success – Support Education

The children of our community will grow into strong leaders by following our guidance. Catholic Charities helps the community’s most vulnerable youth thrive. A donation of $6,500 provides a notebook computer for 20 children; $1,000 gives a backpack full of school supplies for 10 children; $250 provides a new twin mattress, frame, and bedding for a child; $125 supplies diapers, wipes, and hygiene supplies for a mother and child for one month

Give Peace of Mind – A gift that follows generations

Catholic Charities strives to create a better tomorrow – a tomorrow where children and adults can experience hope, recovery, and wellness. Mental health counseling offers the tools necessary to overcome challenges. Different levels of support can make a real difference, such as $6,408 provides life-skills classes for 22 moms for one year; $2,200 allows a child mental health counseling for an entire school year; $1,170 provides a homeless mom with 10 sessions of weekly counseling; $500 helps a survivor of human trafficking with two months of mental health counseling.

No one goes hungry – Feed many

In Florida, 1 in 8 people struggle with hunger, and 1 in 5 of note are children. Your support of the “Summertime” campaign will help combat food insecurity by providing food to children, families, and seniors. For example, a donation of $2,500 provides hot meals for a week at the Casa Maria Soup Kitchen in Immokalee where more than 245 needy individuals and families are provided essential nutrition. Another $1,600 purchases a pallet of black beans, enough to give 500 families a 5-pound bag of beans; $722 provides 250 children with weekend meals when school meals are not available; and $50 feeds a family of four from a food pantry for a week at locations in Immokalee, Arcadia, Clewiston, Naples, and Fort Myers.

Be the Change – Support Self-Sufficiency

Homelessness is an extremely complex issue that impacts both those experiencing homelessness and the entire community. Providing stable, permanent housing is essential in helping families achieve better lives. Support of $10,000 helps maintain five transitional houses for homeless families on their journey to self-sufficiency; $3,900 will house a disadvantaged family with children for two months; $1,197 houses two human trafficking survivors for one month; $75 provides a laundry basket filled with cleaning products to a family transitioning to a new home.

The “Summertime and the Giving is Easy” campaign is a chance to brighten the future for your neighbors who come to Catholic Charities for help. Your gift will make a positive impact on our less fortunate brothers and sisters in Christ.


To donate to Summertime and the Giving is Easy Campaign, please visit or mail a check to Catholic Charities, “Summertime and the Giving is Easy,” 1000 Pinebrook Road, Sarasota, FL 34285.


Thank you for your support!

Parish Mission and day camp brings delight

St. Michael Parish in Wauchula has been busy! For three weeks in June, the Parish held day camps for children

Between June 3 and June 21, 2024, dozens of children arrived each week at the Parish to take part in a weekday camp which included Mass, prayer, and lots of fun indoor and outdoor activities. Each day began with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and was followed by prayer and then breakfast before everyone transitioned to the nearby St. Michael Parish Outreach Center.

One young boy, Juan, said on June 21, the final day of the third week, that he had lots of fun during the camp. “We prayed to Jesus, and we got to draw and sing and do lots of stuff. It was great!”

Separate camps were for girls, boys and high schoolers, and they were led by the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará, women religious who serve at the Parish.

Mother Maria Therese Nikopoia Klobe, Director of Religious Education at St. Michael Parish, said the goal of each week was to build a spiritual fortitude within the boys and girls, to help them to become more spiritually fulfilled.

“We want them to become more active in their faith life. Therefore, we worked on teaching them ways to receive the Word of God and to communicate with the Lord in their everyday lives,” Sister Nikopoia said. “We want them to think about how they plan to move forward with God at their side, and to really think about how often it is that they pray. They learned that they can never pray too much.”

On the Friday of each week, a Sacred Heart Procession around the Parish property was held with an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus as the faithful sang and prayed the Holy Rosary. The procession concluded in front of a display near the front of the Church, where the religious sisters led the separate groups of boys and girls in the singing of the Litany of Saints.

News Briefs for the week of June 21, 2024


After consultation with the Priest Personnel Board, Bishop Frank J. Dewane announces the following appointments:

Father Thomas Gregory Doughtery, as Parochial Vicar of St. John XXIII Parish, Fort Myers, effective June 10, 2024.

Father Mark Heuberger, retired as Pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles Parish, Bradenton, effective June 30, 2024, and thus, is relieved of his duties as Pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles Parish.

Father Gordon Zanetti, as Pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles Parish, Bradenton, effective July 1, 2024, and thus, is relieved of his duties as Pastor of St. Thomas More Parish, Sarasota.

Father Nicholas Thompson, as Administrator of St. Thomas More Parish, Sarasota, effective July 1, 2024, and thus, is relieved of his duties as Parochial Vicar of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Naples.

Father William Adams, retired as Pastor of Ascension Parish, Fort Myers Beach, effective July 1, 2024, and thus, is relieved of his duties as Pastor of Ascension Parish.

Verot cheer team excels at Dance Camp

The Bishop Verot Catholic High School cheer team took part in the Universal Dance Association Dance Camp in Coral Gables from June 10-12, 2024. The varsity team was honored to be recognized with the Camp Leadership award, which is voted on by all the other teams at camp. Here are some other notable achievements: Home Routine: Junior Varsity 1st place, Varsity, 2nd Place; Varsity Performance Routine: Superior Rating, Choreography Award; Junior Varsity Performance Routine: Superior Rating; and Drill Downs: 3rd place, Hailey Fischer. The following competitors were recognized as All American Dancers: Junior Varsity: Mckenna Biehl and Amanda Dente; Varsity: Caylee Boeder, Celia DeMartino, Nora Drake, Camilla Motley, Hailey Fischer, Bailey Joslin, Kate Wilson and Isa Scala. Congratulations everyone!

Diocesan Totus Tuus program continues

The Diocese of Venice Totus Tuus summer program continues, inspiring young people to long for holiness, develop a deep desire for conversion and personally renew their faith with a stronger prayer life. The week-long program is divided into two sessions, with the day camp for students entering grades 1 – 6, and the evening camp for middle school and high school students entering grades 7 – 12. Led by two missionary teams, the program has the Parish staff and volunteers augmenting the team, together they make the week one to remember. In the first three weeks, the program has taken place at five Parishes, with the most recent at St. Finbarr Parish in Naples and St. Paul Parish in Arcadia. Seven more Parishes will host the program through the end of July including the following: Epiphany Cathedral, Venice, and St. Katharine Drexel, Cape Coral (June 23-28); Our Lady Queen of Heaven, LaBelle (July 7-12); Our Lady of Light, Fort Myers, and St. Cecilia, Fort Myers (July 14-19); Our Lady of the Angels, Lakewood Ranch, and St. Peter the Apostle, Naples (July 21-26). To register, please contact the hosting Parish directly. Parish contact information can be found at

Natural Family Planning introductory sessions available online

St Gianna’s Center will be offering introductory, virtual sessions (via Zoom) in The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System (CrMS). The Creighton Model is a natural family planning method, based on common biological markers. These markers help women and couples understand the woman’s fertility and can help a couple naturally avoid or achieve pregnancy. Upcoming Sessions include June 27, 2024, as well as July 18, and August 29. The two-hour sessions each begin at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested in attending a virtual session, use the QR code on the flier to register, or call St. Gianna’s Center at 813-421-4625. For more information, visit, or contact Jim Gontis,

Fourth of July Parade in Ave Maria

The 8th Annual “God Bless America” Independence Day Bike and Golf Cart Parade presented by Ave Maria Parish, 5088 Annunciation Circle, Ave Maria, will take place at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, July 4. The celebration will begin in the Piazza in front of the church and will include patriotic songs, a reflection from a veteran, prayers and then the parade that will include bikes, trikes, golf carts, strollers and more. The event is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Ave Maria Assembly 3862. For further information call 239- 348-4725.

Donations of baby supplies needed

Community Pregnancy Centers Inc. is seeking donations of diapers and clothing to support the children of the women that are served each day. Items sought include new or gently used clothes (size 12 months to 3T); baby wipes; diapers (size 4-6); baby shampoo/lotion; new clothes for babies (0-3 months); pacifiers; pull ups/training diapers. Community Pregnancy Clinics has offices in Naples, Fort Myers and Sarasota. Please call 239-326-0453 or visit for locations.



Totus Tuus 2024 – Faith is Fun!

As the song “My Lighthouse” rang out in the Parish Hall at St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish in Parrish on June 4, 2024, Totus Tuus missionaries led young children in singing and dancing, energizing everyone to be alive in the faith!

“This is so much fun,” said one young girl. “I love Jesus,” said another girl. “God loves me,” said one boy.

In the evening, teens gathered to hear the missionaries share their faith and lead discussions on topics that are important to young people today. Evenings consist of icebreaker activities, moments of deep reflection, heartfelt prayer, and, most importantly, shared joy in the Love of God.

“This was so much fun,” one teen boy said at the end of the week. “The missionaries made the faith fun, and that was cool,” noted a young lady.

St. Frances Cabrini was one of two Diocese of Venice Parishes to host the first week of the Totus Tuus program which will eventually take place at 12 Parishes this summer. St. Frances Cabrini and Our Lady of Grace Parish in Avon Park hosted campers June 2-7, 2024, and then Ave Maria Parish in Ave Maria welcomed the program from June 9-14.

The Totus Tuus program, in its third year, is the work of several Diocesan offices, including Evangelization, Catholic Education and Youth Outreach. Bishop Frank J. Dewane brought the pilot program to the Diocese in 2022 and the positive feedback has led to yearly expansions to reach more Parishes.

So far, in its first two weeks, the Totus Tuus summer program has reached more than 300 children and teens with hundreds more expected to take part as the missionaries visit more Parishes each week through July.

The goal of the Totus Tuus program is to help young people develop in their understanding of the faith and strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ. Totus Tuus is a Latin phrase meaning “Totally Yours.” It was a motto of St. John Paul II, taken from St. Louis de Montfort’s “True Devotion to Mary.” It signifies our desire to give ourselves entirely to Jesus Christ through Mary.

Missionary Natalia Abrams said the energy and enthusiasm from the younger children is infectious, while being able to reach the teens is inspiring. “It is a lot of work, but the reward, seeing the transformation of everyone from chaos to praise of God, is great.”

The week-long program is divided into two sessions, with the day camp for students entering grades 1 – 6, and the evening camp for middle school and high school students entering grades 7 – 12. Led by two missionary teams, the program has the Parish staff and volunteers augmenting the team, together they make the week one to remember.

Lessons for the younger children build upon one another during the week as they learn about the importance of prayer, and ways to pray, which includes the basics of the Our Father and Hail Mary through the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. This year, there is also a special emphasis on learning the key lessons of the Apostles’ Creed. In addition to dancing, music and prayer, the children have time for activities such as crafts and games.

A focal point of each day for the young children is participation in daily Mass. The Mass portion of the day is more than participating in the important celebration of the Holy Eucharist. It is at this time during the camp when children not only learn the various hymns but also learn about the different parts of the Mass and why they are so key to this important celebration.

Throughout the week, there is also quiet reflective time in Eucharistic Adoration and the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. By Friday, the children have learned about the importance of the Eucharist and how Jesus walks with them all the time.

The teens also take part in Eucharistic Adoration and are offered the opportunity to go to confession. Throughout the week, there is a special focus on fostering a prayer life and deepening their relationship with the Lord. On the last evening, the teens gather around a bonfire and have a more informal group talk about what they learned throughout the week and how to carry that knowledge in their spiritual life going forward.

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Pastor Father Joseph Gates said the support of the Parish and participation by the youth was a great opportunity to strengthen the Parish community. The last night of the Totus Tuus visit coincided with a Parish picnic, where more than 200 gathered in the Parish Hall.

“Everyone is so happy to see our younger parishioners learning about building up their faith,” Father Gates said. “The boys and girls go home and tell all about their day, and the excitement is infectious not just for the families but for everyone.”

The missionaries arrived in late May to begin a training regimen at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center in Venice which prepared them for the Totus Tuus program and the rigors of teaching young children and teens for the entire summer.

During their training, Bishop Dewane had dinner with the missionaries, and offered encouragement, stressing the importance of their work within the Diocese and how they needed to be guided by Christ in the work they are doing this summer.

In addition to Our Lady of Grace, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, and Ave Maria, already hosting Totus Tuus this summer, the program continues at the following Parishes: St. Finbarr, Naples, and St. Paul, Arcadia (June 16-21); Epiphany Cathedral, Venice, and St. Katharine Drexel, Cape Coral (June 23-28); Our Lady Queen of Heaven, LaBelle (July 7-12); Our Lady of Light, Fort Myers, and St. Cecilia, Fort Myers (July 14-19); Our Lady of the Angels, Lakewood Ranch, and St. Peter the Apostle, Naples (July 21-26). To register, please contact the hosting Parish directly. Parish contact information can be found at

TOTUS TUUS – Summer program returns to Diocese

Making a triumphant return to the Diocese of Venice, the successful Totus Tuus summer catechetical Parish program will soon be taking place at a Parish near you.

Eleven missionaries are undergoing final preparations as the first two Parish camps start June 2, 2024. Ultimately there will be eight separate weeks with 12 Parishes serving as hosts through the end of July. More than 1,000 young children and teens will be impacted by this special outreach.

Totus Tuus – which means “totally yours” – teaches children of all ages to put a spotlight on sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship. The goal of the week is to help the children develop a true and lasting longing for holiness.

The 2022 and 2023 programs garnered rave reviews, with host Parish priests and catechists describing how the children’s love for Christ reached new heights in a single 5-day period more than in an entire season of religious instruction.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane encouraged the pilot program be brought to the Diocese in 2022 and an expansion for 2023 to 11 host Parishes and 12 for 2024. During visits to Totus Tuus camps, Bishop Dewane said he has been impressed by the response each child had to the uplifting program. “In each classroom everyone was so excited and alive about their love of the Lord!”

Totus Tuus aims to inspire young people to develop a deep desire for conversion and personally renew their faith with a stronger prayer life. The program also seeks to foster openness to the sacrifices and blessings of the various Christian vocations in both the young participants and the missionaries.

The week-long camps (9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday to Friday) are divided into two segments, with the day camp for students entering grades 1 – 6, and an evening camp for middle school and high school students entering grades 7 – 12.

The younger children participate in four classes each day, attend daily Mass, learn the parts and liturgical songs of Mass, and participate in games, skits, songs, recess and prayer. The older students participate in instruction, small group discussions, quiet meditations, prayer and fellowship.

Most importantly, Totus Tuus works to complement what the children learn from their parents, who are the first and best educators of the faith. This is something Bishop Dewane has stressed since the program had its trial run in the Diocese in 2022.

To ensure success of the program, Totus Tuus missionaries are principally from the Diocese. The missionaries (five men and six women) went through an intensive training session from May 23-31, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center in Venice.

This training focused on the spiritual aspect of the Totus Tuus program, including daily prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, and the Mass. Other components of the training covered the fundamentals of teaching young children and youth, as well as the fun aspects of the camp including the songs and dances that everyone will learn. As their training neared its conclusion, they each expressed their enthusiasm to help make a difference in the lives of young Catholics throughout the Diocese.

The 2024 Diocese of Venice Totus Tuus Missionaries are: James Allen, Kansas State University; Anne Moultrie, Ave Maria University; Natalia Abrams, Ave Maria; Gianna Cox, Ave Maria; James Gates, St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary; Juliana Courville, University of Louisiana-Lafayette; Jesse Gomez, St. John Vianney College Seminary; Carson Stecklein, Ave Maria; Sara Prius, Georgia State University; Jesenia Cortes, University of Florida; and Max Sindlar, Ave Maria.

Parishes hosting Totus Tuus this year are: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Parrish, and Our Lady of Grace, Avon Park (June 2-7); Ave Maria, Ave Maria (June 9-14); St. Finbarr, Naples, and St. Paul, Arcadia (June 16-21); Epiphany Cathedral, Venice, and St. Katharine Drexel, Cape Coral (June 23-28); Our Lady Queen of Heaven, LaBelle (July 7-12); Our Lady of Light, Fort Myers, and St. Cecilia, Fort Myers (July 14-19); Our Lady of the Angels, Lakewood Ranch, and St. Peter the Apostle, Naples (July 21-26). To register, please contact the hosting Parish directly. Parish contact information can be found at

Please pray for the success of the Totus Tuus summer program, the campers, and the missionaries.

Camp registration information

Youth are welcome to attend any of the Totus Tuus camps, but registration is requested ahead of time. To register, please contact the hosting Parish directly. Parish contact information can be found at

For general questions about the Diocesan Totus Tuus program, please visit, or contact James Gontis at

Totus Tuus, Parish Catechetical Summer Camp returning

The Totus Tuus Parish Catechetical Summer Camp program aims to inspire young people to strive for holiness, develop a deep desire for conversion and personally renew their faith with a stronger prayer life. Through evangelization and catechesis, Totus Tuus seeks to foster openness to the sacrifices and blessings of the various Christian vocations.

The Totus Tuus program, which is open to grades 1-12, has been very well-received by young people, parents, and Parishes in the Diocese of Venice for the last two years and is returning to the Diocese of Venice this summer, beginning in June 2024.

The first camps open the week of June 2-7, and take place at a variety of Parishes throughout the summer with the final camps taking place the week of July 21-26. All camps are one-week day camps, and programs are divided according to age. The goal of the weeklong camp is to help the children develop a true and lasting longing for holiness. The Five Pillars of Totus Tuus are: The Eucharist; Marian Devotion; Catechetical Instruction; Vocation Discernment; and Fun.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane helped bring Totus Tuus – which means “totally yours” – to the Diocese of Venice in 2022. The original program began in 1987 as a Vacation Bible School program in the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas. Then, in 2022, the Diocese of Venice launched its pilot program, with great success. The Diocese received many requests from parents to continue the program; which not only has continued, but expanded in 2023 and set the hearts on fire of more than 1,000 youth.

“This program works,” Bishop Dewane said. “Totus Tuus complements what the children learn from their parents, who are the first and best educators of the faith. This is evident whenever I visit a Parish Totus Tuus camp. I am always impressed by the response each child has to the uplifting program. Whether in a group activity, or in a classroom, everyone is clearly excited and alive about their love of the Lord.”

The weeklong program is divided into two sessions, with the day component (9 a.m. – 3 p.m.) for students grades 1 – 6, and the evening session (6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.) for middle school and high school students grades 7 – 12.

The younger children participate in four classes each day, attend daily Mass, learn the parts and liturgical songs of Mass, and participate in games, skits, songs, recess and prayer. The older students participate in instruction, small group discussions, quiet meditations, adoration, prayer and fellowship.

Parishes hosting Totus Tuus this year are: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Parrish, and Our Lady of Grace, Avon Park (June 2-7); Ave Maria, Ave Maria (June 9-14); St. Finbarr, Naples, and St. Paul, Arcadia (June 16-21); Epiphany Cathedral, Venice, and St. Katharine Drexel, Cape Coral (June 23-28); Our Lady Queen of Heaven, LaBelle (July 7-12); Our Lady of Light, Fort Myers, and St. Cecilia, Fort Myers (July 14-19); Our Lady of the Angels, Lakewood Ranch, and St. Peter the Apostle, Naples (July 21-26).

Youth are welcome to attend any of the Totus Tuus camps, but registration is requested ahead of time. To register, contact the hosting Parish directly. Parish contact information can be found at

For general questions about the Diocesan Totus Tuus program, please contact Jim Gontis at

Missionaries Wanted!

The Totus Tuus program is still recruiting for a few missionaries to lead the camps! To apply, you must be a recent high school graduate or college-aged man or women who is committed to the Catholic Faith and feels called to share their faith with youth throughout the Diocese. The mission is a nine-week commitment from May 23 to July 27 (excluding the week of June 29-July 6). Application deadline is May 8. For more details and to register, please visit

News briefs for the week of Aug. 4, 2023

New Mooney athletic director named

Rafael Fernandez has been appointed as the new athletic director at Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota. Fernandez is a 1991 graduate of Mooney having played baseball at the school. He comes to Mooney from the same post at Lake Howell High School in Winter Garden. Previously he was dean of students at South Seminole Academy in Casselberry, and before that at Lancaster Elementary School in Orlando. He has a degree from the University of Central Florida and is fluent in Spanish. Much of his family still lives in the Sarasota area as he returns to his roots to take on a program that has seen great success in recent years.

Knights support school

Two Knights councils, Ponce De Leon Council 8074 in Punta Gorda and Our Lady of Victory Council 3358 in Sarasota, recently presented gifts to St. Mary Academy in Sarasota. Council 8074 generously gifted $4,000 to support the school during a July 26, 2023, reception in Punta Gorda. Council 3358 presented a check for $5,000 on July 27. St. Mary offers an exceptional education for children with learning differences. For more information, please visit

Children participate in summer camps

St. Michael Parish in Wauchula hosted two different summer camps, one for girls the week of July 10-14, 2023, and another for boys the week of July 17-21. These camps were all day and included fun activities but also had a strong component of faith, which included the participation in the Mass, prayer, adoration and taking part in Eucharistic processions. The camps were led by the religious women of the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará, who serve at the Parish, as well as many volunteers.

Scam Alert

There have been recent incidents where parishioners have been contacted supposedly by their pastor and/or parish staff to send gift cards, cash or money orders via email or text. These requests are a scam and under no circumstances should you reply to these emails or comply with these requests. Nor should you divulge any personal information to anyone that is not a trusted source. If you are contacted with a request for money via email or text, and the message appears as though it is from a Diocesan priest or employee, do not reply. Instead, make direct contact with the person by calling the Parish and asking to speak with the priest or employee.

Summertime and the Giving is Easy Appeal

Every day, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., serves in the 10 counties that constitute the Diocese of Venice the most vulnerable population by feeding, housing, empowering, and helping all in need. This summer, you can be the one that makes a difference. Your acts of kindness have the power to transform lives and leave a positive impact in our community. The Catholic Charities Summertime and the Giving is Easy Appeal is asking for your support. The giving is easy! Your gift will make a positive impact on our less fortunate brothers and sisters! Please visit or mail a check to Catholic Charities, 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285.

Retreats Returning to OLPH

Beginning this Fall, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 South Moon Drive, Venice, will be offering a variety of retreats. There is available a single-day Youth Retreat for grades 6-12. The following group retreats are open for registration: Matt Talbot Men’s Retreat scheduled for Oct. 15-17, 2023, and the Can You See Me? Retreat scheduled for Oct. 27-29. Interested in a 3-night, 5-night, or 7-night private, directed retreat schedule? Fall dates are now available. To learn more or to register for a group or private retreat, please visit, or call 941-486-0233.

Surviving Divorce

If you or someone you know is navigating the challenges of a separation or divorce, consider participating in the Surviving Divorce Program developed by Rose Sweet, a well-known Catholic author, and speaker.  The twelve-week program begins at 6:30 p.m., Aug.17, 2023, at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 625 111th Avenue, Naples. Contact Michael Dana at or 301-332-9055 to register.

Day of Reflection for Sacramental Marriage

The Office of Marriage and Family Life will be hosting a Day of Reflection for couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church.  A specially prepared team will share their experiences and information enabling couples to be more aware of the privileges and responsibilities of marriage.  This event will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sept. 9, 2023, at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 625 111th Avenue, Naples.  The cost of $50/couple covers all retreat materials and lunch.  Pre-registration is required at  Should you have questions or require additional information contact Carrie Harkey at or 941-484-9543 ext. 4748.