Catholic Charities Summer Appeal – Leave your ‘footprint’ by helping neighbors

Every day, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc. serves the most vulnerable population by feeding, housing, empowering, and helping all in need.

Proverbs 16:9 reminds us, even during the COVID-19 Pandemic, of the plans of the human heart and that the Lord directs those steps. Now is the time you can leave your footprint by helping your neighbors through giving to the annual “Summertime and the Giving is Easy” Appeal.

Catholic Charities offers the people of Southwest Florida the means to move beyond poverty and strive to achieve self-sufficiency. The appeal is critical for the continuing operations of the three dozen different programs available in locations throughout the 10-county Diocese of Venice. These programs remained functioning during the Pandemic while the demand for fundamental help skyrocketed. Between the end of March 2020 and the end of May 2021 Catholic Charities has assisted some 300,000 individuals or more than 100,000 households with items such as food, tele-mental health, financial assistance and more recently assistance in accessing vaccines.

Throughout the year, the programs help support a child’s success by helping them grow into strong leaders and the community’s most vulnerable youth thrive. This is done through providing essential school supplies, bedding for a child, or supplies for new mother.

A main focus in all of the work of Catholic Charities is striving to help give peace of mind to those who seek help by creating a better tomorrow where children and adults can experience hope, recovery, and wellness. Mental health counseling offers the tools necessary to overcome challenges. This includes life skills classes for mothers, as well as mental health counseling for children and survivors of human trafficking.

At the forefront of the homeless issue, an extremely complex matter that impacts the entire community, programs are operated to provide stable, permanent housing which is the first step in helping individuals and families achieve better lives. To accomplish this, there are programs which focuses on providing transitional housing for homeless families and human trafficking survivors as well as a program that prevents moms with babies from becoming homeless.

Of course, a key component of the work of Catholic Charities is helping to combat hunger. In Florida, 1 in 5 children struggle with hunger. Together, we can fight food insecurity by providing food to children, families and seniors to end hunger in the community. This is accomplished by providing hot meals through a soup kitchen, bags of food for a family to get through a crisis (both short-term and long-term like the Pandemic), and weekend food for children when school meals are not available.

Philomena Pereira, Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Charities, says all donations – great or small – will enable Catholic Charities to continue to help those most vulnerable in the Diocese.

“The annual ‘Summertime and the Giving is Easy’ appeal reminds us all that many people in our communities of Southwest Florida do not have the essentials,” Pereira said. “Please consider a donation. You can make a real difference!”

How to Help

To donate to the “Summertime and the Giving is Easy” appeal, please visit or mail a check to Catholic Charities, 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285. You can make your contribution in honor or memory of a loved one.

$10,000 helps maintain 5 transitional houses for homeless individuals and families.

$6,500 provides a notebook computer for 20 children.

$6,400 provides life-skills classes for 22 moms for 1 year.

$5,000 provides over 2,000 hot meals at our soup kitchen for one month.

$3,900 will house a disadvantaged mom and her baby for 2 months.

$2,800 allows a child mental health counseling for an entire school year.

$1,700 provides a homeless mom with 12 sessions of counseling.

$1,600 purchases a pallet of black beans feeding 500 families.

$1,250 houses a human trafficking survivor and family for 1 month.

$1,000 gives a backpack full of school supplies for 10 children.

$750 provides 150 children weekend meals when school meals are not available.

$600 helps a survivor of human trafficking with 2 months of mental health counseling.

$500 provides a new twin mattress, frame, and bedding for a child.

$250 supplies diapers, wipes, and hygiene supplies for a mother and child for 1 month.

$100 feeds a family of 4 for 2 weeks from a food pantry.

$75 provides a laundry basket filled with cleaning and household products to a family transitioning to a new home.

Service Locations

Arcadia, Boca Grande, Bonita Springs, Bradenton, Clewiston, Fort Myers, Immokalee, Naples, North Port, Palmetto, Port Charlotte, Sarasota, Venice, Wauchula

Programs & Services

Adult Education, Affordable Housing, After-School Programs, Anti-Human Trafficking Assistance & Housing, Case Management Services, Clothing Distribution, Counseling Services, Disaster Response & Recovery, Early Learning Centers, Career Development & Empowerment, English Classes, Farm Worker Housing, Financial Assistance, Food Assistance and Pantry, Supplemental Assistance Program (SNAP), HIV/AIDS Housing, HIV/AIDS Support Services, Home Buyer Education Class, Homeless Prevention, Housing Counseling & Foreclosure Prevention, Housing for Homeless Families, Immigration Services, Infant/Toddler Supplies, Rapid- Rehousing, Residential Program for Mothers & Children, Refugee Resettlement Services, Senior Housing, Senior Services, Soup Kitchen, Summer Youth Program, Transitional Housing, Youth Mentoring Program

Leading up to the Fourth – a time to reflect on Religious Freedom

On a recent Saturday morning Frank and Maryann Lagonigro could be found in the oppressive heat holding up signs along U.S. 41 in Naples encouraging people to pray for our country.

The uncomfortable weather was no deterrent for the couple from St. John the Evangelist Parish, who, along with others, regularly prayer to God for the protection of the country but also have real fears about the state of religious freedom in the U.S. They gathered on U.S. 41 at Pine Ridge Road across from the Waterside Shops and have been doing so since March.

“This is one of the best ways we can spread the Word of God and Blessed Sacrament in prayers for our country,” Maryann Lagonigro said.

With American flags lining the sidewalk, the group held up images of the Divine Mercy, the Blessed Mother and Child Jesus, and St. Michael the Archangel as well as a variety of signs, which read; “Pray to Save the U.S.A.,” God Have Mercy on America” and “God Save Our Country.”

The prayer vigil included the Divine Mercy Chaplet and praying of the rosary and serve no political purpose except to raise awareness.

The prayer vigil occurred July 26, 2021, during the heart of national Religious Freedom Week which was designated by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for June 22 to June 29.

The goal of Religious Freedom Week is for all Catholics across the United States to pray, reflect and take action in support of Religious Liberty in our country and abroad.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane dedicated his monthly radio show on Relevant Radio to the topic of Religious Freedom. The program debuted on June 25 and access to the program is available at

During the show, Bishop Dewane asked everyone to follow the USCCB’s lead in prayer, reflection and action by seeing “how it is the Lord calls each one of us to act on this issue central to our freedom. We need to look at recent events in our society. The rights of Catholics and other faith groups are being threatened. There are not beheadings, as was seen in Iraq, but it is still persecution. They are not so blatant, but they are there, and they are a real threat.”

The theme for Religious Freedom Week 2021 was “Solidarity in Freedom,” and stems from a Pope Francis quote: “Solidarity means much more than engaging in sporadic acts of generosity. It means thinking and acting in terms of community.” This quote is from the Pope Francis Encyclical “Fratelli tutti (On Fraternity and Social Friendship)” which was released in October 2020.

Bishop Dewane said that we do have to act when religious freedom is threatened for all faiths, not just Catholics. “It is all about solidarity; just because I am not of one particular faith does not mean I will not speak out when religious freedom is threatened anywhere…  It’s not just when it is on (Catholics), it is when it happens period.”

A recent area of concern was an effort to suppress a Catholic Charities entity in Philadelphia from allowing the agency a contract for adoption services. On July 17, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered a unanimous decision stating that the city violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services once it learned that the organization would not certify same-sex couples for adoption.

“The Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment, applicable to the States under the Fourteenth Amendment, provides that ‘Congress shall make no law . . . prohibiting the free exercise’ of religion,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote.

While this was a major victory for religious freedom, Bishop Dewane said there is much work to be done at every level of government and in the courts. Among items of ongoing concern includes seemingly never-ending battle between the Church and the HHS Mandate which requires entities to pay for abortion coverage in health care. This was actually the start of the modern religious freedom effort of the Catholic Church which dates to 2012 when massive “Religious Freedom Rallies” were held nationally and right here in the Diocese of Venice with Bishop Dewane on the front lines raising awareness.

Another example of religious freedom under attack has been the rampant acts of vandalism against Catholic Churches, synagogues and others houses of worship throughout the nation and around the world. This issue could once have been common only in developing countries, but examples here in the Diocese of Venice bring this issue home.

“This has been a trend in our society, when symbols of a faith community are attacked,” Bishop Dewane said on his radio show. “There used to be an unwritten rule of respect, but we must speak up for every House of God and faith that is disturbed or vandalized in an attempt to defame representations of faith.”

Bishop Dewane ended his remarks explaining that when it comes to having religious freedom, the Church “is not asking for something special. No, these rights were given. It is a right we do have, each one of us, as citizens of this country. We must all follow the USCCB formula – Pray – Reflect – Act – which demands the most of us, in a political way, to demonstrate and speak out for the protection of our rights.”

As we celebrate the Fourth of July, remember to pray that the freedoms celebrated on this day, including freedom of religion, continue to be respected and protected.

To learn about the what the USCCB is saying about religious liberty, please visit

 For anyone interested in participating the Naples prayer vigil, they will resume on the last Friday of October and continue monthly going forward. For more information, you can contact Patricia Bucola at

The Joy of Love: A series promoting the Year of “Amoris Laetitia Family”

By Carrie Harkey, Special to the Florida Catholic

On March 19, 2021 Pope Francis inaugurated Year of “Amoris Laetitia Family,” an initiative that offers the Church an opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the central role family plays in transmitting the Gospel and shaping society.

It is intended that the teachings reach every family through various proposals of a spiritual, pastoral and cultural nature that can be implemented in Dioceses and Parishes throughout the world. The special year will conclude on June 26, 2022 on the occasion of the next World Meeting of Families in Rome.

During this special Year of “Amoris Laetitia Family,” the family will be celebrated by being placed at the center of commitment and care from the Church. The Church is called to walk with families through all the joys and challenges of family life with special emphasis directed to efforts aimed at youth, the engaged, spouses, the elderly, and those couples that are wounded or facing a crisis. The objective of this special year is to nurture reflection, dialogue, and pastoral practices and, at the same time, to provide encouragement, stimulus and to help the family in its spiritual and concrete daily life. (AL 4)

It is through the Church that Christ bestows the grace necessary to live as intentional disciples. It is through the family that God’s covenant passes from generation to generation. May this special year be a time to recall the great gift spouses have received in the Sacrament of Marriage along with a reawakening to the important mission to which they have been called.

It is the task of the Diocese of Venice Family Life Office to help bring this effort to Catholic families in the region. This will be done by continuing to advance programming and developing many new and exciting initiatives aimed at formation encounters that assist families to embrace the universal call to holiness and live out the vocation of marriage in order to be a light to the world.

During the coming months, this “Joy of Love” column will periodically feature these ongoing efforts (conferences, workshops and access to resources resources) and invite participation as we journey together to rediscover the family as a gift – a gift from God.

Carrie Harkey is the Diocese of Venice Family Life Coordinator and can be reached at 941-484-9543 or

Seminarians begin summer assignments

The Diocese of Venice seminarians have completed another year of studies on the pathway to becoming priests and now they are actively participating in a variety of summer assignments to help broaden their experiences, either in Parishes or in the classroom.

There are currently 14 Diocesan seminarians, and each summer assignment was carefully implemented to maximize the benefit for the individual seminarian, said Father Shawn Roser, Diocese of Venice Vocations Director.

The pastoral work is intended to provide the seminarians with an opportunity to learn about the daily operation of a Parish while gaining practical experiences particularly in the area of pastoral care, Father Roser explained. Typical work includes serving at morning Mass, learning to be a sacristan, visiting the sick, helping with RCIA programs, leading a Bible study and working with youth groups.

The Parish assignments place the men with Pastors who will also serve as a mentor to them. The seminarian assignments differ each summer to provide the greatest opportunity for new learning experiences and for the men to become familiar with different parts of the Diocese. Because each seminarian is at a different stage in their formation, the workload will vary accordingly.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane said the summer work keeps the seminarians engaged as part of their commitment to a prayerful life and spiritual development.

“While seminary formation stresses growth in human, academic, spiritual as well as pastoral formation, Diocesan summer assignments give practical experience in pastoral ministry and provide the individual the means to grow and have real-life pastoral encounters,” Bishop Dewane added.

Of note, two of the group, Transitional Deacons Mark Harris and Alexander Pince are preparing for their Ordination to the Priesthood which will take place at 11 a.m., July 31, 2021 at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice.

In addition, two seminarians will be taking part in the Institute for Priestly Formation (IPF) program at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. The program assists the seminarians in growing deeper in their personal relationship with the Lord through prayer, instruction and contemplation.

The seminarians and the summer assignment locations are as follows:

  • Transitional Deacon José Gullon, Institute for Priestly Formation Spirituality Program (IPF) at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska;
  • Transitional Deacon Mark Harris, Sacred Heart, Punta Gorda;
  • Transitional Deacon Alexander Pince, St. Andrew Parish, Cape Coral;
  • Transitional Deacon David Portorreal, St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, Naples;
  • Alan Baldarelli, Epiphany Cathedral, Venice;
  • Christian Chami, St. Francis Xavier Parish, Fort Myers;
  • Juan Contreras, Institute for Priestly Formation Spirituality Program (IPF) at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska;
  • Joseph Doherty, St. Leo the Great Parish, Bonita Springs;
  • James Gates, St. Joseph Parish, Bradenton;
  • Jacob Gwynn, St. William Parish, Naples;
  • Carlos Rodriguez, Sacred Heart Parish, Bradenton;
  • Alejandro Giraldo Roldan, St. Thomas More Parish, Sarasota;
  • Danial Scanlan, Ave Maria Parish, Ave Maria;
  • Michael Young, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Venice.

Please pray for our seminarians as they take part in the summer pastoral assignments.

Diocese of Venice Seminarians are supported through the Diocese Catholic Faith Appeal, the Knights of Columbus and the generosity of the faithful.

Parishioners from around the Diocese are encouraged to help support the seminarians in their studies and choice of vocation through prayer and financial assistance. Donations may be sent to the Diocese of Venice, Office of Vocations, 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285.

For more information about the seminarians or Vocations, contact Father Shawn Roser at or 941-486-4720, or visit .

Prayer for Vocations

God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as priests, deacons, religious, and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


News Briefs for the Week of July 2, 2021

Mooney grad named Miss Florida

Congratulations to Leah Roddenberry, a graduate of Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota, for being crowned Miss Florida, June 26, 2021 at the RP Funding Center Youkey Theatre in Lakeland. She will go on to represent the state in the 100th Miss America Competition in December. Contestants are now judged on their poise, intelligence, talent, and how they are trying to make the world a better place. Roddenberry is originally from Bradenton and the 22-year-old is formerly Miss Tampa 2020, is an author of a children’s book and founder of “Be a LeadHER: Igniting the Spark Within” as a result of her own struggle with self-confidence during her youth. She graduated from Cardinal Mooney in 2017 and previously attended St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton. She is a graduate of the University of Florida with a degree in Family, Youth, and Community Sciences and is a member of the Florida Blue Key, the oldest and most prestigious leadership honorary society in the state of Florida.


Ordination to the Priesthood July 31

Bishop Frank J. Dewane invites the faithful of the Diocese to the Ordination of Transitional Deacons Mark Harris and Alexander Pince to the Priesthood. This is to take place at 11 a.m., July 31, 2021, Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this important event in the life of Deacons Harris and Pince, as well as the history of Diocese of Venice. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall.

OLPH Retreat Center Fall Schedule published

Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) Retreat and Spirituality Center in Venice has published their Fall 2021 Group Retreat Schedule. The schedule includes a Men’s Retreat in October, Ignatian Preached Retreat in November, and Advent Retreat in December. In addition, the schedule for the Monthly Day of Prayer, held on the second Sunday and Wednesday of each month starting in September, has also been published. Please see the Schedule of Events page on our website for more information and to register at If you have any questions, please call 941-486-0233.

Proyecto Raquel Retiro de Sanación Después del Aborto

¿Está usted sufriendo después de un aborto? Hay esperanza y sanación esperándola, no importa hace cuanto tiempo haya sucedido. Usted nunca es demasiado mayor para regalarse a si misma el Retiro de Sanación del Projecto Raquel. El próximo retiro en Español está programado para el sábado 14 de agosto. Para información confidencial, contacte a Sylvia al número 941-412-5860 o

Project Rachel Healing Retreat After Abortion

Are you suffering after an abortion? There is hope and healing waiting for you, no matter how long ago it happened. You are never too old to give yourself the Healing Retreat from Project Rachel. The next retreat in Spanish is scheduled for Saturday, August 14. For confidential information, contact Sylvia at 941-412-5860 or

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Pope Francis instituted the Church-wide celebration of World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Beginning this year, this special day will be held on the fourth Sunday of July (July 25), close to the liturgical Memorial of Ss. Joachim and Anne, the Grandparents of Jesus. The theme chosen by the Holy Father for this World Day is “I am with you always” (cf. Mt 28:20) which is a way of expressing the closeness of the Lord and the Church to every older person. “I am with you always” is also a promise of closeness and hope that young and old can mutually share. Not only are grandchildren and young people called upon to be present in the lives of older people, but older people and grandparents also have the mission of evangelization, proclamation and prayer, and of encouraging young people in their Faith. To learn more, please visit

2021 Marriage Preparation Retreats

The Diocesan Office of Family Life is offering “Day of Reflection” retreats for couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. A specially prepared volunteer team of married couples and a priest will share their experiences and information with the intention of enabling couples to be more aware of the privileges and responsibilities of marriage. The retreats in English are from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., on the following Saturdays: July 10, Aug. 7, and Nov. 13. Please visit to register for the English retreats. Retreats in Spanish take place: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Aug. 7 and October 30 at St. Jude Parish, 3930 17th Street, Sarasota, and 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Aug. 14 and Dec. 4, at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Parish, 355 S. Bridge Street, LaBelle. To register for a St. Jude retreat date please contact the parish at 941-955-3934. Please visit to register for a retreat at Our Lady Queen of Heaven, For further information contact Carrie Harkey at 941-484-9543 ext. 3019.

Online St. Joseph course now available

The Institute for Catholic Studies and Formation invites you to celebrate the Year of St. Joseph with a self-paced online course “Encountering St. Joseph with St. John Paul II and Pope Francis.” The class covers John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation on the Person and Mission of St Joseph (Redemptoris Custos) and Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter on St Joseph (Patris Corde). This course can be taken individually or in a group. Start the course anytime and proceed at your own pace as it includes short, pre-recorded videos, questions for personal reflection or group discussion, recommended resources and more. Course fee: $35. For information and registration visit the Institute web or call 941-766-7334.

St. Francis of Assisi Food Pantry open

The St. Francis of Assisi Food Pantry, 5265 Placida Road, Grove City, is open and distributing food from 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m., on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. For more information contact Megan at 941-697-4899, or by email at

Confirmation bestowed on 1,500 in nine months

Through the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Christian initiation is completed as the recipients become more perfectly bound to the Church as a true witness to Christ.

Confirmation is a Sacrament which must be understood as a continuation of the Faith journey, begun with Baptism, along with the Eucharist, to constitute a single saving event – Christian initiation, changed by this encounter with the Lord, Bishop Frank J. Dewane explained during a Confirmation Mass on May 30, 2021 for the youth of St. Michael Parish in Wauchula.

This May 30 Mass marked the conclusion of more than nine months of Confirmations presided over by Bishop Dewane. From early September 2020 to the end of May 2021 more than 1,500 received the Sacrament at 40 different Parishes. The total number was significantly higher during the past nine months as Parish Confirmations were necessarily put on hold from March to September 2020 due to the global Pandemic. Confirmation classes from the Spring of 2020 were rescheduled to the Fall when possible, or groups were merged into one larger Mass in 2021.

Bishop Dewane stressed the importance of ensuring the Confirmation Masses took place and scheduling them became a top priority. Some Parishes were forced to divide their groups in half or thirds to ensure social distancing was possible. For example, the St. Michael Parish Mass was held at the new St. Paul Parish Church in Arcadia to ensure all confirmandi, and their families, could participate under one roof.

At that Mass, held on Holy Trinity Sunday, Bishop Dewane told the confirmandi that they were given a great opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, a time when they publicly “give witness to who you are as followers of Jesus Christ. It is part of your Faith journey to live the commitment of believers, a beginning of a new life in the Holy Spirit and to become more the man or woman of God you are called to be.”

This Sacrament imbues the recipient with the Holy Spirit, making the person an advocate for the Lord, Bishop Dewane said. “This becomes a permanent part of who you are. Live your Faith to the fullest. Use these Gifts of the Holy Spirit every day. They must become part of who you are. The more you use them, the closer you will grow to the Lord.”

The Sacrament should not be viewed as the end of the journey, but the continuation of the journey of Faith with the new dimension of the Holy Spirit.

“You stand and give a superb witness by answering the call of Jesus Christ,” Bishop Dewane continued. “However, sometimes standing forward isn’t enough to give that witness to Christ. You need to speak up and say who you are as Catholic men and women. You must have courage to do that.”

The term ‘confirmation’ must remind one that this Sacrament involves growth from baptismal grace, Bishop Dewane explained. “It unites us more firmly with Christ; it completes our bond with the Church; it accords to us the special strength of the Holy Spirit in order to spread and to defend the Faith.”

Before the Sacred Chrism was administered, the Bishop asked the candidates to renew their baptismal promises as a sign of their personal assent to the Faith. This is the giving of their assent to a belief in Christ and His Church. The Bishop also extended his hands over the candidates during the Rite. This action is called, “The Laying on of Hands.” In this action, the Bishop imparts the Holy Spirit upon the candidates, completing the grace of their Baptism.

Finally, the candidates are individually presented to the Bishop with the sponsor placing their right hand on the candidate’s right shoulder. Then with his right thumb, the Bishop makes the sign of the cross on their forehead using the Sacred Chrism and says “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.”

The Sacrament of Confirmation requires comprehensive preparation – often years of study and spiritual growth – as it aims to lead candidates toward a personal attachment to Faith in Christ and to reawaken in them a sense of belonging to the Church.

The Diocese of Venice has a religious education program which emphasizes the importance of the Sacrament of Confirmation with a two-year program. The young women and men go through a process where they complete one phase of their Faith journey and prepare to begin the next phase as full Christians who are called to be more and reflect the love and goodness of Christ in their heart and soul.

Diocese to host Marriage Enrichment Conference Oct. 2

The Diocese of Venice recognizes the importance of forming married couples to live out their vocation in holiness and joy! As St. John Paul II famously said, “As goes the family, so goes the nation, and so goes the entire world in which we live.” It is of crucial importance that families in the Church are empowered to understand and live out their vocation.

To promote greater formation for couples, the Diocese of Venice Office of Family Life and the St. John Paul II Foundation (Houston, Texas) are working together to bring the first “Together in Holiness” Marriage Enrichment Conference to the Diocese on Saturday, Oct. 2, 2021.

The Conference will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will be hosted at two locations: St. Agnes Parish, 7775 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Naples and St. Thomas More Parish, 2506 Gulf Gate Drive, Sarasota. This one-day Conference includes dynamic presentations, vigil Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation, and on-site childcare.

This year’s theme is “Family, A School of Virtue” and the main speakers are Kevin and Lisa Cotter, who will speak at both locations.

“Together in Holiness” is unique in that it offers a place of encounter, where God’s plan for marriage and family is proclaimed and a desire for holiness is enkindled in the hearts of married couples. This is complemented by ongoing formation for spouses within a natural community of friends who accompany each other on the path to holiness by providing formation that will help learning take root in daily living.

Diocese Family Life Coordinator Carrie Harkey said the fall Conference is expected to be the first in a series of Diocesan conferences presented by the St. John Paul II Foundation and is open to all couples who desire to grow in holiness and strengthen their marriage and family life.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane has thrown his full support into this effort of promoting the vocation of marriage.

“All couples in the Diocese of Venice are encouraged to join us this fall as the Conference explores how your family can become its own ‘school of virtue’ through this marriage initiative,” Bishop Dewane said. “My hope is that each of you may be inspired to live out the beautiful vocation of marriage more fully and embrace the call to be missionary disciples. How blessed the Diocese is to offer this Conference.”

The following are just a few of the comments from past attendees across the country:

“[The] Together in Holiness Conference was wonderful. We don’t often have a lot of opportunities to sit together in a quiet room, so we really appreciated having a whole day set aside to be together. It’s important to invest time in a marriage so you can stay on the same page with your spouse. This Conferences is an investment that can continue to yield fruit for years to come!”

“We loved the good, practical information that we feel like we can apply right away.”

For those interested in attending the “Together in Holiness” Marriage Enrichment conference, the full schedule, list of speakers, and descriptions of the presentations are available at You can also contact the Conference Coordinators at or 832-779-1070 for more information.

If you have any other question, please contact Diocese Family Life Coordinator Carrie Harkey at 941-484-9543 or

News Briefs for the week of June 25, 2021

Ordination to the Priesthood July 31

Bishop Frank J. Dewane invites the faithful of the Diocese to the Ordination of Transitional Deacons Mark Harris and Alexander Pince to the Priesthood. This is to take place at 11 a.m., July 31, 2021, Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this important event in the lives of Deacons Harris and Pince as well as the Diocese of Venice. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall.

“Witnessing Faith with Bishop Dewane” available June 25

Join Bishop Frank J. Dewane, for his monthly radio program on Relevant Radio. “Witnessing Faith with Bishop Dewane” can be heard at 8:30 a.m., June 25, 2021 addressing the topic of Religious Freedom. Access to the program is available at

“Franciscan at Home” online workshops

The Diocese of Venice Institute for Catholic Studies and Formation presents “Franciscan at Home,” which offers online workshops for anyone who wants to grow deeper in the Catholic Faith. This is a program sponsored by your Parish at no cost to you. Workshops are available on parenting, youth ministry, prayer, Catholic social teaching, theology of the body, Scripture and much more. Many workshops are available in Spanish. For more information, please call the at 941-766-7334, or visit

Grove City Food Pantry open

The St. Francis of Assisi Parish Food Pantry, 5265 Placida Road, Grove City, is open and distributing food from 9:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m., on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. For more information contact Megan at 941-697-4899, or by email at

ZOOM Surviving Divorce Facilitator Training July 8

Nationally known author Rose Sweet will be offering an online “Surviving Divorce” facilitator training via ZOOM 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., July 8, 2021. This is training for the Surviving Divorce: Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family program. Whether you’re a seasoned leader or considering starting a group, everyone can learn something of value to best love and support the divorced. This outreach goes to the deepest aches of the heart and the wounds are complex. While facilitators are not called to bring healing (that is God’s job) they are called to be as skilled as you can be at understanding minds, hearts, and the truth and power of the fullness of Catholic teaching. Sweet is a pioneer in the divorce healing world and will help integrate Catholic principles and practical realities into this outreach. To register, please visit For more information contact Carrie Harkey in the Family Life Office at

Institute starting new course in August

The Institute for Catholic Studies and Formation of the Diocese of Venice is offering a 16-week graduate level online course starting Aug. 24 that introduces students to the principles, practices, and sources of Catholic Theology. The course “What is Catholic Theology? (Ecclesial Nature and Mission of Theology)” counts as a pre-requisite for those beginning the online MA in Theology and Christian Ministry at Franciscan University of Steubenville. (Franciscan offers Diocese of Venice students discounted tuition for this online MA). This course is also available to those who wish to attend for their own personal enrichment. For cost and other information and to register for the course, visit the Institute website or call 941-766-7334.

Tele-Mental Health Counseling Services

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice Inc. is offering Mental Health Counseling for adults and children provided by licensed mental health therapists. If you or someone you know is feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, depressed, or helpless, Catholic Charities can help. For more information, please call 239-455-2655. There is no charge for this service.

2021 Marriage Preparation Retreats

The Diocesan Office of Family Life is offering “Day of Reflection” retreats for couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. A specially prepared volunteer team of married couples and a priest will share their experiences and information with the intention of enabling couples to be more aware of the privileges and responsibilities of marriage. The retreats in English are from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., on the following Saturdays: July 10, August 7, and November 13. Please visit to register for the English retreats. Retreats in Spanish take place: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., August 7 and October 30 at St. Jude Parish, 3930 17th Street, Sarasota, and 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., August 14 and December 4, at Our Lady Queen of Heaven, 355 S. Bridge Street, LaBelle. To register for a St. Jude retreat date please contact the parish at 941-955-3934. Please visit to register for a retreat at Our Lady Queen of Heaven, For further information contact Carrie Harkey at 941-484-9543 ext. 3019.

Public Prayer for God’s Mercy Upon America!

Join lay Catholics and others in public prayer asking for God’s Mercy for the United States the last Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. on the east side of U.S. 41, immediately north of Pine Ridge Road, Naples, and opposite the Waterside shops. This public witness of our Faith offers the opportunity to turn to God for His merciful help during this time of great need. The Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary will be prayed. Please bring folding chairs, shade umbrellas, bottled water, and signs if you wish. Parking is available in adjacent lots. If you have questions or require additional information, please email

Ave Maria University 12th Annual Youth Conference

All high school age youth from incoming freshman to outgoing seniors are invited to join us for the 12th Annual Ave Maria University Youth Conference “FEARLESS” July 9-11. This incredible weekend will be full of faith, fellowship, music, and great speakers! The special rate for this year’s conference is only $130 per person and includes lodging, meals, and conference fee and a t-shirt. Call or email 239-348-4725 or or visit us at for more information.

Free Rosary Repair Service

Send your broken rosaries in a padded envelope to Betty and Dick Holden, 7930 Estero Blvd. #502, Fort Myers, FL 33931. Rosaries will be repaired and returned within the week of receipt. Donations of old rosaries are also accepted which will be repaired and sent to missions. Include a note indicating repair or donation. For more details, please call 239-463-3993 or email

Reflect upon St. Joseph this Father’s Day

“With a father’s heart: that is how Joseph loved Jesus, whom all four Gospels refer to as ‘the son of Joseph.’”

This was the opening sentence of the apostolic letter “Patris Corde” of Pope Francis on the 150th Anniversary of the proclamation of St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX in his decree Quemadmodum Deus.

The 1870 decree stated, “Jesus Christ our Lord… whom countless kings and prophets had desired to see, Joseph not only saw but conversed with, and embraced in paternal affection, and kissed. He most diligently reared Him whom the faithful were to receive as the bread that came down from heaven whereby, they might obtain eternal life.”

Therefore, it is appropriate to reflect on this most honored of Saints as a second Father’s Day is taking place during a global Pandemic on June 20, 2021.

In his apostolic letter, released in conjunction with the start of the “Universal Year of St. Joseph” which began Dec. 8, 2020 and concludes on Dec. 8, 2021, Pope Francis reflected on the fatherly qualities of St. Joseph, describing him as beloved, tender and loving, obedient, accepting, and “creatively courageous.” He also underlined that he was a working father.

The Holy Father referred to the Saint as “a father in the shadows,” citing the novel “The Shadow of the Father,” published by the Polish author Jan Dobraczyński in 1977.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane, who for the Diocese of Venice instituted a “Year of St. Joseph” on March 19, 2020 in the context of the Pandemic and under the title of Protector of the Universal Church, proclaimed “St. Joseph is a figure who led by example, while also offering powerful prayer and protection.” The Diocesan celebration of the “Year of St. Joseph” was extended to coincide with the “Universal Year of St. Joseph” and will continue until Dec. 8, 2021.

As a model of obedience of what God asked of him, Bishop Dewane, said St. Joseph freely and willingly accepted a vision he was given in life… “to be the foster father of Jesus but also the head of the Holy Family; the provider and the Protector.”

Saints and Popes through the centuries have spoken on St. Joseph’s influence to intercede as the faithful have turned to the Saint as a powerful patron and faithful guardian, father and friend. Many seek the intercessions of St. Joseph for healing and conversion, help with their children, a new job or home, and for all their needs of body and soul.

Pope Leo XIII presented St. Joseph as a model at a time when the world and the Church were wrestling with the challenges posed by modernity wrote in his 1889 encyclical on devotion to St. Joseph “Quamquam pluries,” “Men of every rank and country should fly to the trust and guard of the blessed Joseph.”

In his own 2020 letter, Pope Francis wrote: “The greatness of St. Joseph is that he was the spouse of Mary and the father of Jesus. In this way, he placed himself, in the words of St. John Chrysostom, “at the service of the entire plan of salvation.”

Pope Francis also cited St. Paul VI who pointed out that St. Joseph concretely expressed his fatherhood “by making his life a sacrificial service to the mystery of the incarnation and its redemptive purpose. He employed his legal authority over the Holy Family to devote himself completely to them in his life and work. He turned his human vocation to domestic love into a superhuman oblation of himself, his heart and all his abilities, a love placed at the service of the Messiah who was growing to maturity in his home.”

At the conclusion of his apostolic letter, Pope Francis explained that his goal was to increase “our love for this great saint, to encourage us to implore his intercession and to imitate his virtues and is zeal.”

The saints help all the faithful “to strive for the holiness and perfection of their particular state of life,” the Holy Father added. Their lives are concrete proof that it is possible to put the Gospel into practice.

“Jesus told us: ‘Learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart’ (Mt 11:29). The lives of the saints too are examples to be imitated. St. Paul explicitly says this: ‘Be imitators of me!’ (1 Cor 4:16). By his eloquent silence, St. Joseph says the same.”

Therefore, on this Father’s Day, turn to St. Joseph as an example to follow as we all strive to grow closer to the Lord.

For links to the Apostolic letter (in English and Spanish) or other resources in celebration of the ongoing “Year of St. Joseph,” please visit

Parish holds dual celebration

An installation of a new Pastor is a punctuation in the life of a Parish, and a recent one was made more memorable because it also coincided with the Parish Feast Day.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane installed Father Elbano Muñoz as Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Bradenton on June 11, 2021, the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The installation was within the context of the Mass, celebrated in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole, reflecting the different cultural members of the community.

A Pastor is someone who serves the faithful but at the same time leads them in a closer relationship to Christ, Bishop Dewane said. A Pastor needs the support of the faithful in order to succeed in his task, which is to call on people to be true disciples, evangelizers and messengers of their Faith.

“You are all witnesses of the Faith,” the Bishop continued. “Your presence here in support of your new Pastor shows that Father has the support he will need to succeed… Let this moment be a new chapter in the history of Sacred Heart Parish here in Bradenton.”

Father Muñoz expressed his gratitude to Bishop Dewane for having the confidence in him as the new Pastor. He thanked the faithful for their support and understanding since his arrival. Father also recognized his fellow priests, nine of whom concelebrated Mass with several having had connections to the Parish.

The history of the Parish dates to the post-Civil War era, when in 1868 Jesuit missionaries established a mission in Bradenton dedicated the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Eventually, when a new church, St. Joseph, was built nearby, Sacred Heart became a Chapel at its current location on 12th Avenue. It was not until 1968 when it was elevated to Parish status. The Parish Center and administration building were built in the following years while the Parish Church received several upgrades to include new stained glass and a renovation of the sanctuary. A Grotto of Our Lady of Guadalupe was added in 2004. There are approximately 800 families with Mass celebrated in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole.

As part of the installation process, Bishop Dewane first introduces the priest as Pastor to the parishioners. The priest later recites a profession of faith for all to hear, including an additional part solely for him. The new Pastor then recites an Oath of Fidelity and promises to “adhere to the teachings, which either the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops enunciate when they exercise authentic magisterium.” The installation also includes prayers to provide the new Pastor the wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit to lead the Parish.

The ceremony concluded with the signing of documents by the Bishop, the new Pastor, and two official witnesses of the Parish community, who serve as witnesses for all of the parishioners.

A celebratory reception was held in the Parish Hall with dinner and several cakes honoring both Father Muñoz and the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.