Online Bible Study series begins

Due to the restrictions people have been going through, the Diocese of Venice Office of Evangelization has sought to offer easy and effective ways to reach out to the faithful in their homes.

Joshua Mazrin, Diocesan Director of Evangelization, recently began offering a 12-part online Bible Study series from 2-3 p.m., Tuesdays through the Diocese of Venice Facebook page. The weekly offering is live, and participants can ask questions of Mazrin and other experts. For those unable to watch live, the videos will remain on the Diocese Facebook page

“There is no reason we cannot still bring about the beautiful teachings of the Faith to everyone and create an opportunity for people to still interact,” Mazrin explained. “Since our relationship with God is both communal and individual, the Bible Study offered aims to provide a resource to those who participate and aid them in their personal understanding of Scripture, by placing it in the context of the whole Church. The element of participation is also integral here; it allows those taking part from home the ability to interact with one another as the Church normally does in gatherings.”

The Bible Study is built upon the “Genesis to Jesus” video series from the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, which has been previously offered in the Diocese. The video series is hosted by Matthew Leonard and was created by Scott Hahn and Franciscan University of Steubenville.

“’Genesis to Jesus’ is a great streamlined program that outlines the ‘big picture’ of the Bible,” Mazrin said. “It is a quick walkthrough of all of Scripture, hitting on the major figures and events, and then connecting the dots. This study provides a sort-of framework for people to follow – especially if they desire to pick up the Bible themselves later  It will give them a context to understand what they are reading and at which point in the story of Salvation History it occurred.”

Joining Mazrin in the interactive Bible Study are Father Shawn Roser, Diocese of Venice Vocations Director and Parochial Vicar of St. Joseph Parish in Bradenton; Natalie Campbell, Director of Religious Education at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Naples; Aileen Vasquez, Director of Religious Education at St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Cape Coral;  and Spence McSorley, Director of Religious Education at Our Lady of the Angels Parish in Lakewood Ranch.

The structure of the Bible Study offers a weekly introduction, prayer and then jumps into the weekly video. After the video is concluded, the viewers are challenged to answer thought-provoking questions related to what they learned.

For example, questions included “Can you think of a time in your life when you experienced a “burning heart” encountering Jesus in a personal way?”

The response has been very positive, the first Bible Study had 115 live viewers and nearly 1,800 people have viewed the session since it was posted.

Comments included: “Thank you God for giving us this technology to stay connected and keep discovering how much You love us.” “Wonderful summary… discussion and panel very helpful. Faith sharing builds up the Body… again thank you.” “The blessing of this pandemic is that we have been given the time to turn to God. He again has come to us on our level through technology.”

Mazrin said he is very pleased with the turn out from the first live-stream and the interaction of those who participated live or viewed later.

“The Bible often feels like a difficult text to approach, which it may be without help,” Mazrin continued. “But it is also the inspired living written Word of God, and we are a religion of the Word! This Bible Study is an easy and straightforward way to become more comfortable with Scripture in a way that is stress-free, informative, and entertaining. The personal reading of Scripture will bring great blessings to your life, but the personal reading of Scripture understood through the Church’s interpretation will entirely transform your life!”

Fort Myers Parish gives “Words of Encouragement”

Fort Myers Parish gives “Words of Encouragement”

The COVID-19 pandemic has shut down social gatherings within Parishes throughout the Diocese of Venice, but through the initiative of staff and the faithful, with a little help from technology (social media and Parish websites), alternative ways of reaching out have been developed.

One example of this can be found at St. John XXIII Parish in Fort Myers, which began an online video series called “Words of Encouragement.” This series of short videos – one minute or less – include reflections from leaders of various Parish outreach programs as well as everyday parishioners who wanted to share their thoughts about staying strong in the Faith during the pandemic.

Jennifer Engelman, Coordinator of Parish Engagement, who compiles and edits the videos for length, said the first “Words of Encouragement” video was posted in mid-April, and the response has been great.

“We sent out a request for videos asking parishioners to share a prayer that strikes them; what they are doing when anxious or concerned; how they shelter in place with Faith,” Engelman explained. “We based it on how people were coping while staying at home. It is a whole new life away from Church, but also away from each other.”

The video series content generated a great deal of interest among the parishioners. Some videos include prayers, others offer music or information about a devotion to find comfort in difficult times, such as to Our Lady, Christ or a specific saint.

Judy Siegel of St. John XXIII Parish in Fort Myers speaks during a segment of the “Words of Encouragement” video series online.

One video message was from Judy Siegel, a sacristan and member of the Crafty Ladies. She encouraged everyone to focus on the Light of Christ, the Good Shepherd, who will help everyone get through these dark times. “He will do it. He will never leave us. He chose each and every one of us, and His love is eternal.” Siegel concluded her video by reminding everyone to wash their hands and wear a mask when they go out.

“We are thrilled with those who stepped forward,” Engelman said. “They range in age from 8 ½-years-old to 90. We’ve had such a good response that some days we’ve posted videos in the morning and afternoon. Much of what is being shared is relevant and timely. Initially the comments were people recognizing friends, but it really has opened an avenue to comment. It’s a nice way to keep the parishioners engaged when we are not coming to Mass or being together and socializing.”

The idea of the video series came out of the regular Parish strategic planning committee and is a spin-off of the regular spiritual reflections from Pastor Father Bob Tabbert.

“The response to the Father Tabbert videos made people feel good about the Church and gave comfort in knowing that the priests were praying for them,” Engelman said. “People felt very good seeing their Pastor and from that the idea of having others share their ideas was born.”

To view the “Words of Encouragement” video messages, go to Facebook and search for St. John XXII Catholic Church in Fort Myers.

This is just another example of the many ongoing outreach efforts from Parishes throughout the Diocese of Venice as they try to keep the faithful engaged while most Parish activities are indefinitely suspended.

Religious Education continues meeting virtually

Every weekday (except Tuesdays) the Directors of Religious Education (DRE) across the Diocese of Venice gather virtually to stay connected amongst themselves while also receiving direction on how to continue their work of sharing the Good News of the Lord for students of all ages.

Since mid-March, Anne Chrzan, Diocesan Director of Religious Education, has been leading these virtual meetings on Zoom (online video conferencing), in the wake of the indefinite suspension of in-room Religious Education classes within the Diocese.

Each virtual meeting begins with prayer and includes check-ins, learning how everyone is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, both within their own family and among the parishioners and their students, Chrzan said. The group is learning about effective virtual teaching and sharing best practices.

Chrzan said everyone on the call shares ideas on topics such as creating fun virtual lesson plans, engaging parishioners and hosting virtual retreats.

The DREs from across the Diocese report that parents and children enjoy staying connected to Religious Education classes and are loving the break from “schoolwork” and taking the time to pause and pray during the day.

One initiative from Chrzan is the offering of weekly lessons online for each Sunday during the Easter Season. These lessons are accessible to parents and students who are enrolled in the Catholic schools and in the religious education programs.

Since all learning is now virtual, every Wednesday, Chrzan sends out instructions in English and in Spanish with a new Sunday lesson code to the DREs and Catholic school principals. The lessons are being created weekly by using an online platform named Nearpod. These lessons are coded so each week the family receives a new, age-appropriate lesson, geared for ages ranging from two-years-old to adult.

In the lessons, families can watch the live stream of their Parish Mass or Mass presided by Bishop Frank J. Dewane (9:15 a.m. 7-days-a-week) which is found on the Diocese of Venice website. Following the livestream of the Mass, the families are instructed to participate in an activity centered around the Gospel message. The lessons are in English and in Spanish. There are also Catholic videos embedded in the lesson for the family to watch throughout the week. This gives families the opportunity to live the Gospel throughout the week by choosing an activity each day.

For example, during the week of the Fourth Sunday of Easter, the families had an opportunity to watch a “virtual May Crowning” as well as creating a May Crowning for their home.

Feedback from the families has been very positive, Chrzan said. “Many families have sent the lesson to friends in other Dioceses who can benefit from the family-centered lessons.”

This initiative will continue through Pentecost (May 31, 2020). Additional initiatives are under development and will be made available to DREs at the appropriate time.

For further information about Diocese of Venice Religious Education initiatives, please contact Anne Chrzan at 941-484-9543 or

Online classes on matter of faith becoming more common

Buoyed by the success of online daily and Sunday Mass, and while there is no physical location to attend a religious education class, several Parishes across the Diocese have turned to online courses.

These courses offer a broad opportunity for the faithful to continue to grow closer to the Lord through the shared experience of learning.

For example, Dr. David Glasow, of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and Theology teacher at Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota, used Facebook Live to provide six nights of commentary for the online Bible study program “Genesis to Jesus” from the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.

Meanwhile, Father Shawn Monahan, Oblate of the Virgin Mary, and Parochial Vicar at Epiphany Cathedral, lead a three-part series called “Rejoice in the Resurrection – How we can live more the Risen Life Jesus invites us to live.” The sessions, also available on Facebook, followed the Divine Mercy Chaplet from the Cathedral Adoration Chapel in Venice.

At Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish in Sarasota, Parochial Vicar, Third Order Franciscan Father Timothy Harris, leads a regular online reflection, as does Father Joseph Gates, Administrator at St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish in Parrish.

These are just a few of the examples of how Parishes and priests are working to stay connected with the Faithful. To find these, and more, online presentations, either visit your parish website, or go to the associated Facebook pages. Most of the talks will remain online indefinitely.

Religious Education and School news briefs from the week of April 6

Religious Education resources online

Anne Chrzan, Diocesan Director of Religious Education, offers hope and comfort to those who feel cut off from teaching and practicing our Faith. She reminds us that no one is alone. Through phone, email, live streaming and social media, we can reconnect with the faithful and remain committed to serve others by serving our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. For a detailed list of free and highly discounted online resources for catechetical leaders and families, visit and click on the link to the Coronavirus response page, where a link to a Schools & Coronavirus page is located.

Homemade cards for religious sisters

The Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco run St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples and use the teachings of St. John Bosco as the core basis for learning. Students are selected each year to attend retreats and leadership programs to help them learn the Salesian way.

Neumann Key Club students used their extended Spring Break to make homemade cards for the Salesian Sisters at the Provincial House in New Jersey. Hundreds of cards were created and were sent as a sign of gratitude and love during this time of uncertainty in the world. Many of the cards included key Salesian messages and Bible quotes, as well as many smiles and notes that the students in Naples were thinking of the religious sisters in New Jersey.

Tree planting going on

As with every Diocese of Venice Catholic School, the Donahue Academy of Ave Maria began distance learning in March. While there are no students on campus it was decided that this is the perfect time to install some big trees. The installation of the new trees planned months ago and they will provide needed shade for the students in the play area and be something for them to enjoy when in-school classes resume.




Students helping out at home

At St. Martha Catholic School in Sarasota Teacher Sheila Coffey had her Math Class complete a survey about how they were helping at home during their extended Spring Break and now distance learning from home. The top responses included washing dishes, making their beds, helping to take care of pets, dusting, mopping and cleaning. “We’re very proud of them for helping their parents and doing their schoolwork!”

Bishop responds to pandemic crisis

Bishop Frank J. Dewane has been at the forefront in responding to the ever-evolving coronavirus pandemic within the 10-county Diocese of Venice.

The announcement to suspend all Masses and Parish activities effective March 20, and continuing through at least Easter, was the culmination of a series of meetings, conference calls and consultation from the priests of the Diocese and other advisors, while also following guidance from local, state and federal officials. The dramatic limitations of all public gatherings ultimately affected the decision to suspend Mass.

In a March 18 letter to the faithful, Bishop Dewane explained his decision noting that it “was made after prayer and discernment, as well as hearing from the priests and the Faithful.” The decision to suspend the Mass came several days after Bishop Dewane dispensed all of the obligation to attend Mass during the same period.

“This is acknowledged as a sacrifice for the Catholic Faithful, who have a great love for the Holy Eucharist and depend on the Most Blessed Sacrament for their spiritual lives,” the Bishop wrote in his letter. “Do recall that Faithful Catholics, throughout the history of the Church, have kept the faith alive through trying times. By prayer and devotion, as well as spiritual solidarity with each other, the life of faith continued to be a source of strength and perseverance during persecutions and other times of public crisis.  Tomorrow, on the Feast of St. Joseph, I will dedicate the Diocese of Venice to the care of the Foster Father of Jesus. Let us be united in prayer to St. Joseph for his intercession and protection.”

In the same March 18 letter, Bishop Dewane announced the suspension of all activities in Parishes, including events and religious education programs. Parish offices will have limited staff and it is requested that, when possible, business be conducted by phone or email. Funerals will be limited to immediate family only, weddings – if they cannot be postponed – are to have limited participation, and baptisms will only be celebrated in cases of emergency. Priests are required to take all necessary precautions, so the Anointing of the Sick is being limited to a genuine need for the dying. Diocesan Catholic Schools were placed on an extended Spring Break, returning to virtual learning beginning March 31 for the foreseeable future.

Bishop Dewane has called upon the priests to draw upon the Church’s rich tradition of prayer and devotion to ensure that the spiritual life of parishioners is nourished and remains vibrant through means which are prudently adapted to the current circumstances.

Leading the way, Bishop Dewane recorded a video message to the Faithful encouraging everyone to turn toward prayer. In addition, Mass has aired daily at 9:15 a.m., live from the Catholic Center in Venice, with the Bishop as the celebrant. This Mass in available through Facebook and links to this and many other resources are available through the Diocesan website.

Encouraged by the leadership of Bishop Dewane, most Parishes within the Diocese have begun to live stream the daily Mass on their websites and social media accounts. Many also responded to suggestions to begin offering the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation by car beginning March 21, and then late in the week of March 23, outdoor Communion was being offered at some Parishes.

Bishop Dewane also reassured the Faithful that the Diocese will continue to function and serve the community through the outreach of Catholic Charities and other ministries.

“Through prayer and trust be confident in the belief that God does not abandon us in times of peril, in fact, the Lord will draw us close and protect us,” Bishop Dewane said.

“Please continue to pray for everyone impacted by this pandemic – the sick, their caregivers, courageous medical personnel, and those reaching out in charity to help our brothers and sisters in Christ.”

“Seeking the intercessions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and in particular, her spouse, St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, pray for protection and guidance through these troubling times,” the Bishop continued. “Through the Word of the Lord, that is Sacred Scripture, it is possible to overcome fear and courageously face the challenging days ahead.”

Religious Education goes online

Religious Education classes across the Diocese of Venice were put on hold with the suspension of all Parish activities through at least Easter.

This does not mean that religious education teachers are not staying connected to their pupils. Through an agreement with the Augustine Institute, both religious educators and students have been granted free access to FORMED, an online religious education resource with thousands of movies, programs, classes and books made available.

Diocese of Venice Director of Religious Education, Anne Chrzan, provided catechists across the Diocese with a resource guide for religious education classes that are now online.

A note was sent to parents to inform them of the opportunity to continue the exploration of the Catholic Faith through the Augustine Institute for free. “FORMED is a great way to help you and your entire family understand, live and share the Catholic faith… (allowing) instant access to faith-fueling, inspiring and informative stories, teaching and more. Feel free to share this link and information with your friends and family.

Additional outreach from the Diocese and Parishes to parents and students will continue as long as in-person classroom instruction is not an option.

Periodic pertinent updates will be forthcoming as soon as possible with regard to those in Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) programs, as well as the status of confirmation classes and others seeking First Holy Communion.

Bishop Dewane letter on Coronavirus response

The following is a letter from Bishop Frank J. Dewane to the faithful of the Diocese of Venice. Below the letter is some additional important information. (Please read the entire contents of this notice.)

March 14, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,

As Holy Mother Church makes her pilgrimage through the Lenten Season, please be assured of my continuing prayerful encouragement and support. As mentioned in my recent letter, together with our Priests and Diocesan Staff, I have been closely monitoring developments regarding the threat posed by the Coronavirus, particularly for the most vulnerable among us.

For this reason, out of pastoral concern, a dispensation has been issued from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass for those effected by the Coronavirus. Now that a national emergency has been declared and the State of Florida has provided further guidance, many of the Catholic Faithful may deem it prudent to avoid large gatherings. Therefore, out of an abundance of spiritual concern, I now extend the dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass to all the Catholic Faithful until further notice.

The celebration of the Holy Eucharist will continue in our churches with the necessary precautions. All the Catholic Faithful are asked to observe the Lord’s Day with reverence and in spiritual communion with one another, whether you attend Mass or not during this time.

Let us be united in prayer that God, who is our refuge and strength, will give us courage and perseverance in charity during this time, that we might remain healthy and encourage our brothers and sisters who are ill.

Through the intercession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, may you be kept safe from all harm and uplifted by your Lenten prayer and fasting.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

+ Frank J. Dewane
Bishop of the Diocese of
Venice in Florida


The following additional precautions are effective immediately throughout the Diocese of Venice:

  • Classes will be suspended in all Catholic Schools within the Diocese of Venice until March 30, 2020.
  • All Parish Religious Education and Youth activities will be suspended until March 30, 2020.
  • Parish events should be postponed or canceled through March 30, 2020.
  • Parish and Diocesan offices will remain open during this time.

The Diocese continues to closely monitor the situation and will issue updates as appropriate on the Diocesan website .

Thank you again for your patience and understanding.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

+ Frank J. Dewane

Bishop of the Diocese of

Venice in Florida

Winners announced in ‘Disciple of Christ’ showcase

To celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the founding of the Diocese of Venice in Florida students at Catholic middle schools were asked to answer the question: “What does it mean to be ‘A Disciple of Christ?’” Each student could respond in one of three ways, through language arts, visual arts or video production.

The response from the students to the 35th Anniversary Student Showcase Competition was impressive and overwhelming as a select committee went through 277 submissions to choose the winners. Announced in mid-January, the winners and honorable mention for each category were as follows:

  • Visual Arts – Winner: Sara Blandon, 8th grader, St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School, Naples; Honorable mention: Taylor Copeland, 8th grade, St. Francis Xavier Catholic School, Fort Myers;
  • Language Arts (Essay) – Winner: Ava Irion, 8th grade, St. Francis Xavier Catholic School, Fort Myers; Honorable mention: Christopher Wasdin, 8th grade, St. Mary Academy, Sarasota;
  • Video Production – Winner: Jasmine Aviles, 8th grade, St. Catherine Catholic School, Sebring; Honorable mention: Theresa Harwell, 7th grade, St. Martha Catholic School, Sarasota.

As Ava Irion says to start her winning essay: “There are many ways in which a person can be a disciple of Christ.”

This was true with the essay, art and video submissions, reflecting the different ways in which Catholic middle school-aged students view this important idea.

The select committee reviewed each submission and struggle to come up with the winners. The criteria that helped to narrow the choice was based on who most closely related their submission to the contest guidelines and prompt: “What does it mean to be ‘A Disciple of Christ?’”

Jennifer Falestiny, Diocesan Curriculum Specialist, was one of the judges and said the quality of the submissions was impressive. “It was difficult, but we were able to narrow it down to know that we made the right choice.”

Each of the winners will receive a $100 gift card and be presented with a certificate a ribbon and later an ice cream truck will come for a formal celebration. The honorable mention recipients will each receive a ribbon and certificate.

Ave Irion’s essay states that using the traits of Jesus as an example in one’s life is critical to becoming “A Disciple of Christ.” These include kindness, acceptance to others and a strong character. Each can turn an ordinary person into someone who loves Jesus with all of their heart, mind, and soul.

In her video submission, Jasmin Aviles cited the Gospel of Matthew 28: 19-20, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

Jasmin went on to say that disciples “are called to love, obey, keep an eye on heaven, and carry crosses. Discipleship has to start somewhere.”

Bishop Frank J. Dewane initiated the idea of being a “Disciple of Christ at the start of the academic year when he went to each Catholic School in the Diocese and celebrated Mass. It was then that he noted how 2019 was the 35th Anniversary of the Diocese so it was appropriate to initiate a new initiative, that they learn how to become “A Disciple of Christ.”

Sara Blandon, winner of the Visual Arts category drew a stunning image of St. Teresa of Calcutta holding a malnourished baby along with an accompanying poem. She wrote that her mind went directly went to the saint when thinking of “A Disciple of Christ.”

The image represents “the love that she put in caring for those who were in need. St. Mother Teresa has exerted a great influence on all individuals. She loved people with all her heart, even those with the worst diseases… With the devotion she gave, she became that true reflection of our Lord. A true disciple is one who gives up everything and helps those who truly need help. But most importantly, a true disciple is one who leads people closer to God.”

The Honorable Mention artwork by Taylor Copeland, 8th grade, St. Francis Xavier Catholic School, Fort Myers, is a drawing of St. Dorcas, also known as St. Tabitha, who is noted by scholars as the first woman disciple. Known for helping the sick and poor, when St. Dorcas died, St. Peter came to her and said “Tabitha, get up.” She then opened her eyes.

Beginning with the Advent Season of 2019 and to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the Diocese of Venice, the Diocese formally launched a campaign for all to become “A Disciple of Christ.” The campaign is running through the Liturgical Seasons; it began with Advent, then Christmas, and now a portion of Ordinary Time, to be followed by Lent, Easter, and concluding with Pentecost. A Bishop Dewane wrote in a letter to the faithful, these Seasons allow each of us to discover and experience what it means to be A Disciple of Christ. The Liturgical Calendar provides an emphasis on how to live during each Season with its special focus; how to personally follow Jesus and become more united to Him in the daily life of each Liturgical Season.

The call to be “A Disciple of Christ” requires a response from everyone. It may involve speaking out, giving up certain things in your life, or even taking on extra responsibilities, Bishop Dewane wrote. “To be ‘A Disciple of Christ’ does not mean only to follow Him in external practices and the traditions of the Church, but to respond to Jesus from the heart in loving obedience and trust.”

In this regard, Pope Francis said, “We cannot be tepid disciples. The Church needs our courage in order to give witness to truth.”

As Bishop Dewane stated: “You may think, ‘I am already following Christ’ but the call is to intentionally choose to become ‘A Disciple of Christ’ each and every day. Every moment provides an opportunity to be filled with Christ’s love. Allow it to transform your heart and life. Then bring this love to your family, your friends, and as well to your enemies.”


Disciple of Christ: Student Showcase Essay

The Diocese of Venice in Florida congratulates Ava Irion, 8th grader St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Fort Myers for taking 1st Place (ESSAY) in the Disciple of Christ Diocese of Venice 35th Anniversary Student Showcase! This was chosen by a select committee out of 106 submission based on the content and its closeness to relating to the theme: “What does it mean to be a Disciple of Christ.” The complete essay is here:

By Ava Irion, 8th grade, St. Francis Xavier Catholic School

There are many ways in which a person can be a disciple of Christ. If someone is a disciple of Christ, he or she respects and loves all humankind no matter the circumstance. Even more importantly, a disciple of Christ loves God more than their possessions and even more than their family. For example, John 8:31 states that, “A disciple loves others as Jesus has loved him.” By following the Ten Commandments, by helping others in everyday life, and by evangelizing, anyone can become a wonderful disciple of Christ. This is not an easy task, but someone who is a true disciple will surrender everything for God. The following will focus on traits that true disciples display: kindness, acceptance, and character.

To begin, kindness is one of the prime traits that someone needs in order to be a discipline of Christ and to live the way Jesus did. Kindness was displayed by Jesus in many ways throughout his life. He did this by healing, caring, and showing mercy for others. He never judged nor thought that he was better than others. Instead, he helped those who were different. No matter who they were or where they came from, Jesus showed kindness to everyone he came across. Some might think that this would be easy to do, however Jesus even showed immense kindness toward his enemies. Matthew 5:44 explains, “I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” Jesus followed these words and was kind to those who persecuted him and to those who cursed him. So the challenge is to live and act the way that Jesus did in his life. If we use kindness towards our neighbors, loved ones, and enemies more often in our everyday lives, we will be closer to living as a disciple of Christ.

Next, Jesus showed acceptance to others in his life. Acceptance of those who may look or act differently is very hard to do. However, all people need to be treated with human dignity and respect. Jesus showed acceptance many times in the Bible. One example is in Matthew 8:14 when Jesus touched the untouchable. Back in the time of Jesus, people who were visibly ill were outcasts. They were the “scraps” of the society. However, Jesus still loved them very much. In Matthew 8:14, a leprous man approached Jesus as he was walking up a mountain side. The man begged Jesus to be healed. Jesus broke all of the laws and boundaries as he walked up to the leper man and touched him. In one small, single touch, the leper was healed and was free to live the rest of his life. The man was cast out from society because of his differences but Jesus accepted him. Jesus was the only one who still saw this man as a human and not as some sort of monster. This acceptance from Jesus changed the man’s life. Jesus chose to see him as a real person and not as a plague. This enabled the man to be cured. Acceptance was powerful and life-changing, as it can be in each person’s daily life.

Finally, character is a trait that can turn an ordinary person into someone who loves Jesus with all of their heart, mind, and soul. Character can mean that someone is a role model, and that this person cares for others. Parents are a great example of this, as they are role models to their children. Parents can teach lifelong lessons such as, “Treat others how you want to be treated.” Parents model behavior for their children to learn and to act upon as the children grow into adults. Parents show their children how to treat others with respect. No matter what life throws at someone, that person can look to the character of their parents and think about what they would do in that situation. Another role model with strong character is Jesus. Jesus displayed character by showing forgiveness, love, and compassion. To act like Jesus means to not hold a grudge, to never wish harm to anyone, and to never try to one up someone to feel superior. Jesus forgave the people that killed him. Forgiveness in today’s world might not have to be that extreme, but one should never hold a grudge and should learn to love those who hurt them. The love of Jesus is the most radiant and powerful love ever. People need to love as he does. They need to love their neighbors and love him, with all of their hearts, minds, and souls. Finally, Jesus always had compassion for everyone he came across. Instead of worrying for himself, he thought of others and how he could help them. If humans learn from their parents and demonstrate the great character of Jesus, anyone can become a disciple of Christ.

Overall, a disciple of Christ needs to have the traits of kindness, acceptance, and character. If someone can demonstrate these virtues to others the way that Jesus did, they are becoming a disciple of Christ. The core of being a disciple of Christ is interesting and complex, but, ultimately, it means living like Jesus did. If people truly love Jesus and act with kindness, acceptance, and character, they can be one of the strongest and most amazing disciples of Christ. How will you use these traits to become a disciple of Christ?