The Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Christian Life

During the month of May, more than 3,000 young boys and girls throughout the Diocese of Venice will take part in the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time.

At St. Michael Parish in Wauchula, the First Communion group of 86 children was so large that two Masses were needed on May 6, 2023.

The girls in white dresses and boys in suits or white shirts with ties solemnly came forward as they reached this important milestone in their spiritual journey of faith. Sitting behind the First Communicants were their parents who beamed with joy.

Before Mass, the children were given final instructions by the catechists, told to clasp their hands together in prayer and then processed into the Church in two lines, boys and girls.

During his homily, Father Wilner Durosier, CS, Administrator of St. Michael Parish, explained the idea of the miracle of the Eucharist to the First Communicants. “It is through a miracle Jesus turned mere bread into the Body of Christ. This is why your priest will say: ‘The Body of Christ’ when giving you the Eucharist each time.”

Father Durosier asked the children if they recall in the lessons about the Last Supper, when Jesus turned bread into His Body, to make sure everyone knows He is there all of the time for everyone who receives Him.

“Jesus gave Himself over to us. Take advantage of the gift Jesus has made available for us at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,” Father continued. “Jesus is always there, waiting for you to return. While today you receive your First Communion, I pray that today will be the beginning of many, many Communions so that your heart may always, like today, be festive and full of joy and above all be blessed. Jesus will be waiting for you.”

The children at St. Michael also consecrated themselves to Mary after receiving their First Communion. After the Mass, a group picture was taken and the children proudly stood for individual photos with Father Durosier.

One of the girls, Gabriella, said she was nervous about receiving Jesus in the weeks leading up to her First Communion but was comforted when one of the women religious who serve at the Parish comforted her by saying that if she wasn’t ready, she could wait until she felt she was truly prepared to allow Jesus to become a greater part of her life.

“I am so happy right now,” Gabriella said after the Mass. “I love Jesus so much.”

Similar scenes have taken place at other Parishes in the Diocese or will occur throughout the month. At Our Lady of Grace Parish in Avon Park, the First Communion Mass was also on May 6. There, each child first gathered in the Parish Hall and processed to the church together before coming forward to receive their First Communion while on a kneeler.

At San Marco Parish, in Marco Island, the First Communion was incorporated into the Mass for the Fifth Sunday of Easter on May 7. While there were only 10 First Communicants, the importance for the children, parents, and Holy Mother Church was no less significant.

During a 2019 trip to Bulgaria, Pope Francis told First Communicants how the Lord wants them to share the joy of the Eucharist with others.

“Making your First Communion shows that you want to be closer to Jesus every day, to grow in friendship with Him and to lead other people to share in the joy He wants us to feel,” the Holy Father said. “The Lord needs you because He wants to work the miracle of bringing His joy to many of your friends and family members.”

The 3,000-plus First Communions taking place in the Diocese of Venice throughout May occur during a time of a National Eucharistic Revival. This revival is a three-year effort of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to reinforce the devotion to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane spoke during a March 2023 Eucharistic Congress in Fort Myers, held as part of the National Eucharistic Revival, before groups of teens and adults about the importance of the Holy Eucharist in the life of every Catholic, from the youngest who receive their First Communion to the oldest.

“It is in a precise way in the Eucharist, the Lord is given to us, and we receive Him… Put yourself in a relationship with Jesus Christ, through the Eucharist. It is Christ. It is His Body and Blood. It is His Real Presence!” Bishop Dewane said. “Let His Real Presence in the Eucharist fill your heart, fill your mind, fill your soul with His indication of what it is He wants from you and for you to do in your life.”

Please pray for all children receiving their First Holy Communion during May, that they love the Lord with all their hearts and forever live faithfully.

Osprey Pastor installed

Bishop Frank J. Dewane installed Carmelite Father Anthony Armstrong as Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Osprey on May 7, 2023, in the context of the Mass.

“We are all called to go forth, responding every more faithfully to the Lord, with ever more strength. Holy Mother Church calls for a Pastor to accomplish that in each Parish, and I, as Bishop, am called to appoint them,” Bishop Dewane said. “Father has been here a while, and you have come to know him, to understand his ways as he has come to know this community here at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. I ask that you continue to pray for him as he leads your Parish into the future.”

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish was established in 2000 as a Chapel of Epiphany Cathedral in Venice under the care of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It was in 2002 when Our Lady of Mount Carmel was elevated to a Parish. The current building used for the liturgy was opened in 2004 with a Parish Hall, located a short distance away, added in 2019. The Parish has approximately 1,000 families. Father Armstrong is the fifth Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

As part of the installation process, Bishop Dewane first called Father Armstrong to the ambo following the homily. Father then recited, along with the faithful, the profession of faith, including additional parts solely for him. He then recited an Oath of Fidelity in which he promises to “adhere to the teachings, which either the Roman Pontiff or the college of bishops enunciate when they exercise authentic magisterium.” The installation also includes prayers to provide the new Pastor the wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit to lead the Parish.

The Bishop then presented Father Armstrong as the new Pastor to the faithful gathered. Documents are later signed by the Bishop, the new Pastor, and two official witnesses of the Parish Community, who serve as witnesses on behalf of all of the parishioners. Copies of these documents are put in the Diocesan files for the Parish and Father, while a copy is kept at the Parish.


After Mass, Father Armstrong first thanked Bishop Dewane for the honor of appointing him, and then the faithful for being so supportive since his appointment in 2022.


“I am well aware of the awesome responsibilities I am undertaking, and I am well aware of my need for your prayers for me as your Pastor,” Father said. “I know that, without your prayers, and without God’s grace, I will not be able to fulfill the role that I have been given.”


A reception followed in the Parish Hall.

Bishop celebrates Baccalaureate Mass for university

Bishop Frank J. Dewane was the main celebrant at the Baccalaureate Mass for Ave Maria University on May 5, 2023, in Ave Maria.

A Baccalaureate Mass is a Mass of Thanksgiving for God’s many blessings upon the graduates.

During the Mass, Bishop Dewane encouraged the graduates to use what they have learned, combined with the gifts God has bestowed upon them, to bring the light of Christ and the message of the Good News that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead, into the world.

Citing the missionary spirt of the Second Vatican Council and its transformational document Lumen Gentium, the Bishop said each graduate is called to live out that document which calls upon all Catholics to evangelize. They must do this accompanied by Christ, that includes opening up to the Lord in their daily life, their family, their job, in public and in private.

“Your parents sacrificed for you to be here. The faculty has educated and formed you so that as graduates you can realize your potential,” Bishop Dewane continued. “You have been prepared to enter the world. It is my prayer that you will use your influence of faith to make the light of Christ present in whatever position you achieve or vocation you follow as you move forward. That is what being a graduate of a Catholic university is about.”

Bishop Dewane concluded his remarks by telling the new graduates that now that they have received the necessary skills during their time at Ave Maria University, to “go forth as agents of that evangelization; willing to instill that into others during a time when it is ever more necessary. My prayer is that you are blessed to take up the challenge to render the light of Christ wherever you may find yourself.”

Following the Mass, Bishop Dewane greeted the graduates outside of the church and many complimented him on his words and support of the university.

Ave Maria University is celebrating its largest graduating class in its 25-year history, with 297 students receiving their diplomas during Commencement Exercises on May 6.

The commencement speaker was Patrick Lencioni, president of Table Group and bestselling author of 13 books, including The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.

News Briefs for the week of May 12, 2023

Bishop leads prayer service to honor Our Lady

Bishop Frank J. Dewane led a prayer service for the staff of the Catholic Center in Venice on May 3, 2023, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary who we celebrate throughout the month of May.

Artist recognized during exhibition

Valentina Montes, a graduating senior at St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples, has been invited by Artis Naples to display her art pieces at the 14th Annual Student Exhibition. The event runs from May 6 to July 23, 2023. Valentina will continue her art education in the fall at Florida Atlantic University.

Fun run held in Cape Coral

St. Andrew Catholic School students participated in the Boosterthon Fun Run in Cape Coral on May 5, 2023. Families and extended families helped the school reach and exceed its goal of $40,000. Students not only ran but participated in a number of fun activities as part of the celebration. Funds will be used to enhance school security and plan for future expansion.

Cinco de Mayo celebrated in Naples

The Spanish classes at St. Ann Catholic School in Naples celebrated Cinco de Mayo (May 5, 2023) in style with traditional food and fun times honoring the Mexican culture.

Seniors have last day in school

The graduating seniors at Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School had fun on their last formal day of class on May 4, 2023, in Sarasota. There were lots of hugs, smiles and a few tears as the students were cheered as they exited the school building at the end of the day by teachers and the freshman, sophomore and junior students.

May dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Blessed Virgin Mary’s path of faith and hope serves as an example to all.

This is just one of the reasons that the Universal Church dedicates the Month of May to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The month serves as an opportunity to reflect upon the season of the Liturgical Year which largely corresponds with the fifty days of Easter. Therefore, time should be taken to reflect on Our Lady’s participation in the Paschal mystery and in Pentecost with which the Church begins.

Pope Francis said “the message of hope contained in God’s blessing was fully realized in a woman, Mary, who was destined to become the Mother of God, and it was fulfilled in her before any other creature.” The Holy Father added that “our journey of faith is the same as that of Mary, and so we feel that she is particularly close to us.”

May is also the time when young Catholics often receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time and is appropriately when Mother’s Day is celebrated. Parishes and Catholic Schools in the Diocese have May Crowning ceremonies in which a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary is given a crown of flowers.

On May 3, 2023, Bishop Frank J. Dewane presided at a May Crowning ceremony for the Diocesan staff of the Catholic Center in Venice. The ceremony included prayers, songs and sought the intercession of Mary for all throughout the Diocese of Venice.

Bishop Dewane also said May is the perfect time for the faithful to renew a commitment to the “simple and effective” prayer of the Mysteries of the Rosary (Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous). Our Lady has 117 titles but selected this title at Fatima: “I am the Lady of the Rosary.” St. Francis de Sales said the greatest method of praying is to “Pray the Rosary.”

“Praying the Mysteries of the Rosary strengthens us in faith, in our vocation and in our mission,” Bishop Dewane added. “By her example of humility and openness to God’s will, she helps us to transmit our faith in a joyful proclamation of the Gospel to all, without any reservation.”

Pope Paul VI wrote an encyclical in 1965 citing the Month of Mary devotion as a means of obtaining prayers for peace. May is the “month which the piety of the faithful has been especially dedicated to Our Blessed Lady,” Pope Paul VI wrote, and May is the time for a “moving tribute of faith and love which Catholics in every part of the world [pay] to the Queen of Heaven. During this month Christians, both in church and in the privacy of their homes, offer up to Mary from their hearts an especially fervent and loving homage of prayer and veneration. In this month, too, the benefits of God’s mercy come down to us from her throne in greater abundance.”

The Christian custom of dedicating the month of May to the Blessed Virgin arose at the end of the 13th century. In this way, the Church was able to Christianize the secular feasts which were wont to take place at that time. In the 16th century, books appeared and fostered this devotion.

Pope Francis, in his 2018 Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate, described the Blessed Virgin Mary as follows: “She is that woman who rejoiced in the presence of God, who treasured everything in her heart, and who let herself be pierced by the sword. Mary is the saint among the saints, blessed above all others. She teaches us the way of holiness and she walks ever at our side. She does not let us remain fallen and at times she takes us into her arms without judging us.”

For this reason, Pope Francis has called upon the faithful to consecrate themselves to Mary. The Vatican’s Dicastery for Divine worship defines consecration to Mary as an overt recognition of the “singular role of Mary in the mystery of Christ and of the Church, of the universal and exemplary importance of her witness to the Gospel, of trust in her intercession, and of the efficacy of her patronage.”

In the past, several popes have consecrated the Church and the world to Mary. Pope Pius XII consecrated the entire world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on Oct. 31, 1942.

St. John Paul II – who consecrated the entire Church and world to Mary three times during his pontificate – taught that by consecrating oneself to Mary, we accept her help in offering ourselves fully to Christ.

Golden Rose honors young ladies

There are 26 high school girls who now have the distinct honor of being named Venice Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (VDCCW) Golden Rose Award recipients.

The Golden Rose Awards were presented during an April 29, 2023, luncheon at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice. The Golden Rose Award seeks to recognize the tenets of the Council of Catholic Women – spirituality, leadership and service.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane and Josephine Weiss, VDCCW President, presented the awards while Father Jay Jancarz, VDCCW Spiritual Advisor and Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Venice, gave each young lady a rose. Receives

Bishop Dewane congratulated the young ladies for living out a particular call in their lives and encouraged them to carry that call forward into the future.

“Thank you for what you do in your Parishes… There is a tremendous talent pool amongst you young ladies,” the Bishop continued. “Your generation has many skills that were never needed before. As you move forward in life, consider continued service to the Church, because there is always a need for good people like yourselves.”

Golden Rose recipient Raquel Rodriguez Martinez of St. Catherine Parish in Sebring, said it was an honor to be recognized by the CCW. The 15-year-old student at Sebring High School is an altar server, lector, helps in religious education programs for young children, and is active in the youth program. Raquel previously attended St. Catherine Catholic School and said “I am so blessed to be able to give back to the Parish.”

Samantha Mitchell, 15, a student at Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers and parishioner at St. Cecilia Parish, was nominated for the Golden Rose Award by her Pastor, Father Paul Dechant, Oblate of St. Francis de Sales. Father Dechant was present for the awards ceremony and said Samantha “is a blessing for St. Cecilia’s.” Father explained how Samantha is very active in the Parish as an altar server, regular volunteer at activities and was the driving force behind a new rosary garden.

Josephine Weiss, VDCCW President, said it is important for the VDCCW to recognize these worthy recipients who were each nominated by their respective Parishes and Catholic schools. Nominees must currently be in high school, active in their Parish, and a practicing Catholic who regularly attends Sunday Mass, while also completing a meaningful service project.

Ellen Bachman, VDCCW Past-President, helped bring the Golden Rose Award to Venice having learned about similar recognition taking place by CCW groups in other Dioceses. Bachman said the nomination write-ups on the young ladies “were both amazing and inspiring. They are our future Church.”

“You are our future. You receive awards for sports, for your academics, but you don’t receive awards for your faith, until now,” Bachman said. “We found reading about you that Christ is alive in the things you are doing.”

Each Golden Rose Award recipient was presented with a certificate and golden rose, as well as a membership into the National Council of Catholic Women.

The Golden Rose Award was first awarded in 2020 following the example of CCW affiliates, with the first in-person Venice Diocesan ceremony held in April 2021.

Those receiving awards this year were: Silvia Zak, St. Agnes Parish, Naples; Kristen Carder, Sacred Heart Parish, Punta Gorda; Alyson Mizanin, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Venice; Carson Garcia, Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish, Sarasota; Cecilia Cosgrove, Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Lakewood Ranch; Karin Osborn and Diana Sanchez, Holy Cross Parish, Palmetto, Marissa Iveth Cisneros and Claire Consbruck, Epiphany Cathedral, Venice; Valentina Barretta and Celeste Harrell, Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School, Sarasota; Caroline O’Halloran, Bishop Verot Catholic High School, Fort Myers; Martina Licheri, Ave Maria; Jena Jones and Gloria Markey, St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Fort Myers; Lily Mae Stewart and Bailey Barnes, St. Thomas More Parish, Sarasota; Linda (Rubi) Flores, St. Michael, Wauchula; Lucy Sonsone, St. Katharine Drexel, Cape Coral; Edith Villagomez and Maddi Davenport, St. Joseph, Bradenton; Serene Aviles, St. John Neumann Catholic High School, Naples; Monica Chillemi, St. James, Lake Placid; Samantha Mitchell, St. Cecilia, Fort Myers; Raquel Rodriguez Martinez, St. Catherine, Sebring; Melana Mourad, St. John the Evangelist, Naples.

Lion Cup II – Diocesan STREAM Robotics competition a huge success

The second annual Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools Lion Cup robotics competition was a huge success as 39 teams and more than 220 students gathered April 22, 2023, at St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Fort Myers.

The Lion Cup – a STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, Math) middle and high school robotics tournament, included competitors and teams representing all 15 Diocesan Catholic schools. The competition was fierce, and the intensity built as the day progressed and the participants became laser-focused on being the best.

“I am very impressed,” said Bishop Frank J. Dewane to all the competitors during the closing awards ceremony. “Everyone was at such a great level. Well done!”

Bishop Dewane said his support for the STREAM program, and robotics component, grew out of the concept of preparing students for the future.

“Whether in high school or middle school, we must prepare you to have the skills and exposure to this kind of process. STREAM and robotics introduce the skills that will be used in many different areas, and this faith-infused program enforces the virtues that are instilled into the very fabric of this program,” Bishop Dewane said.

The Bishop also thanked the Diocesan Education team, the teachers, coaches, parents and the students for embracing the STREAM initiative at all grade levels.

Leah Chung of the middle school Falcons 23 team from St. Francis Xavier said the team had been practicing intensely leading up to the competition, giving them the confidence to succeed.

“We worked so hard to get ready and it was so much fun to compete against the other schools,” Leah, an 8th grader said. “We used our different skills to become a real team and it showed today. We are all so happy.”

The winning high school team, Team NIC (Neumann in Control), was one of four teams competing from St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples. After winning the top prize by one point, the teammates said their key strategy to success was how they focused on having fun, thus allowing the pressure of the competition to go away.

The competition was fierce as teams programmed their robots to accomplish various tasks in a specific order in a limited amount of time. The middle school robots are made from Lego pieces and traversed an obstacle course, attempting to pick up items along the way. Teamwork came into play in design, construction and strategy. The high school robots are 10 times larger and are both autonomous and have a remote control as they do assigned tasks.

The teams participated in a round robin format with each team getting the chance to have their robot compete at least twice. The top eight made the quarterfinals, four to the finals and an eventual winner was crowned. As each level commenced, the emotions ran high. In between the intense competition the teams had pizza and sweets served from food trucks.

Father John Belmonte, SJ, Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Education, said the few hours of competition brought out the best from the students and reflected their core Catholic virtues.

Jennifer Falestiny, Diocese Curriculum Specialist, organized the event and was pleased to see so many competitors, nearly double the inaugural 2022 Lion Cup. “This is so wonderful to see everyone get so involved and excited about STREAM and robotics.”

The Lion Cup honors St. Mark, one of the patron saints of the Diocese of Venice, whose symbol features a winged lion. The competition also pays homage to Leonardo da Vinci, inventor of many of the first robots, one of which resembles a lion.

“Da Vinci’s works incorporate three design attributes developed by Vitruvius, a famous Roman architect and engineer: Firmitas (strength), Utilitas (utility) and Venustas (beauty),” said Father Belmonte.

Special awards were presented to the teams that reflected the attributes of Firmitas, Utilitas, and Venustas.

The day concluded with special guest Shevin McCullough, of Studio 3:16, a popular social media channel geared toward middle school students, who energized the students with music and key phrases to get the students excited about God.

The winning teams were:

Middle school

1st – Falcons 23 – St. Francis Xavier Catholic School

2nd – Stars Team 01 – St. Andrew Catholic School

3rd – St. Joes 6 – St. Joseph Catholic School

High School

1st – Team NIC (Neumann in Control) – St. John Neumann Catholic High School

2nd – Black & Gold Warriors (BGW) – Bishop Verot Catholic High School

3rd – Nerds Inc. – Bishop Verot Catholic High School

Venustas – Beauty – Our Lady – robotic design, innovation and creativity

Middle school – Phoenix #2 – St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School

High school – Academic Weapons, St. John Neuman Catholic High School

Utilitas – Utility – St. Marcina – Patron Saint of Robots – robotic design and function

Middle school – Falcons 23 – St. Francis Xavier Catholic School

High school – Team NIC (Neumann in Control) – St. John Neumann Catholic High School

Firmitas – Strength – St. Mark – Co-Patron of the Diocese of Venice – positive Catholic strength, culture and character

Middle school – ECS Tigers 1 – Epiphany Cathedral Catholic School

High school – Black & Gold Warriors (BGW) – Bishop Verot Catholic High School

Devotion to Most Holy Eucharist promoted in Catholic schools

When students create an image of the Most Holy Eucharist, the results can be inspirational.

Using vivid colors and inspiring imagery, seven Diocesan Catholic schools students were recently honored for their artwork as part of “The Most Holy Eucharist: The Riches of His Glorious Inheritance” devotional project. The theme was approved and encouraged by Bishop Frank J. Dewane as it supports the ongoing National Eucharistic Revival, led by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The recognition came on April 20, 2023, at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice, where a Most Holy Eucharist Devotional Mass was celebrated by Father John Belmonte, SJ, Diocese Superintendent of Catholic Education.

Father Belmonte said the goal of this year’s devotional project was to bring students a deeper awareness and more ardent love of our Lord’s Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist.

Invited to the Mass were the artists and their families (see below for winning artwork), as well as principals, art teachers and junior catechists from each of the 12 Diocese elementary schools who helped deliver the devotional message to their respective classmates. High school students were taught about the 15 Eucharistic miracles during their theology classes.

Another element of the devotional project was to encourage students to get into the habit of visiting the Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist by going to Mass or attending adoration. The Blessed Sacrament visitation tracker was created to allow schools to log their progress from November through April. In the first five months, more than 50,000 visits to the Most Holy Eucharist had been made by the students.

For the art project, seven winning artists were selected from among more than 200 entries from Diocesan Catholic students and were recognized at a reception in the Parish Hall following the Mass. Honorees were selected by representatives from the Diocesan Department of Catholic Education.

Emmanuel Ronquillo, a 6th grader at St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton, created an image of Christ crucified with the Most Holy Eucharist emanating from behind the cross to shine its light on the world. “This is what the Most Holy Eucharist is all about – Christ dying on the cross for us all.”

As part of the recognition, the artists received an enlarged framed and printed version of their winning artwork with a ribbon and holy cards. The cards were distributed for use at each school and on the reverse includes the prayer: “Devotional Prayer to the Most Holy Eucharist.”

The Diocesan devotional project during the 2021-2022 academic year was the Saints and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Saints, and during the 2020-2021 academic year it was St. Joseph.

The art contest winners are:

Rosalie Bartsch, kindergarten, Donahue Academy of Ave Maria Catholic School, Ave Maria;

Owen Wessal, 3rd grade, St. Catherine Catholic School, Sebring;

Gabriela Wilk, 5th grade, St. Martha Catholic School, Sarasota;

Emmanuel Ronquillo, 6th grade, St. Joseph Catholic School, Bradenton;

Vance Byrd, 9th grade, Bishop Verot Catholic High School, Fort Myers;

Grace Breen, 10th grade, Bishop Verot;

Hailey Renner, 11th grade, Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School, Sarasota.

Mass held to remember victims of child abuse

Bishop Frank J. Dewane celebrated a Mass for Victims of Child Abuse at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice on April 25, 2023.

This is the 16th year the Diocese has held a Mass to pray for the victims of abuse, which takes place in April to coincide with National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Mass was celebrated on behalf of the victims of child abuse – to pray that the deep and unrelenting pain and wounds, they still suffer, are healed through the loving grace of Our Lord.

Bishop Dewane remarked that it was appropriate that the Mass was April 25, the Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, Co-Patron Saint of the Diocese. St. Mark was a missionary who recorded what he saw in the early Church and today it is the responsibility of all to report what they see and respond to the crime of child abuse, in the Church, in the community or in the world.

“In this Mass we all pray for victims of that scourge that is child abuse. Through our hearts and minds of faith we reach out not only to those present (at the Mass) but throughout the Diocese and throughout the whole world, raising our voices to the Lord, asking Him to place a healing hand on those victims,” Bishop Dewane said.

“The sins of abuse in society and in the Church are toxic in their effect on faith, hope and on the lives of so many. Some victims have been able to hold fast to their faith while many others are no longer involved in the Church or in their faith because of the total betrayal they experienced. This betrayal is a great sin the Church must bear. Many victims have shown great courage in speaking out. To all victims, a loving response must be given, as these voices put a real light on a darkness that has existed for far too long.”

All Bishops, Pope Francis says, must carry out their pastoral ministry with utmost care to foster a protection for minors but also utmost care of those who have been abused.

“We are spurred every day to do more. Is the Church perfect? No. But as our Holy Father says, the Church has a very special role to play, and I as a Bishop certainly do also here in the Diocese. But we all have roles to play. Please be the eyes and ears in the community as we work together to end this scourge,” Bishop Dewane said.

Through a comprehensive Safe Environment program, the Diocese of Venice, and its entities, take very seriously the safety of all young people and vulnerable adults. The Diocese has a zero-tolerance policy, and works to prevent any instances of abuse, particularly against minors and vulnerable adults. This comprehensive program aims to protect the most vulnerable from all types of abuse while raising awareness to prevent abuse from happening in the first place.

Report any abuse against minors to the Florida Department of Children and Families at 800-962-2873. Further, if Diocesan personnel or volunteers are involved, also notify the Diocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator, Susan Benton, at 941-416-6114.

For more detailed information about what the Diocese of Venice does to prevent abuse or how to sign up for a Safe Environment class, please visit



During April, the Secretariat of the USCCB encourages the faithful to recite the Prayer for Healing Victims of Abuse.

God of endless love, ever caring, ever strong, always present, always just: You gave your only Son to save us by his blood on the cross. Gentle Jesus, shepherd of peace, join to your own suffering the pain of all who have been hurt in body, mind, and spirit by those who betrayed the trust placed in them.

Hear the cries of our brothers and sisters who have been gravely harmed, and the cries of those who love them. Soothe their restless hearts with hope, steady their shaken spirits with faith. Grant them justice for their cause, enlightened by your truth.

Holy Spirit, comforter of hearts, heal your people’s wounds and transform brokenness into wholeness. Grant us the courage and wisdom, humility and grace, to act with justice. Breathe wisdom into our prayers and labors. Grant that all harmed by abuse may find peace in justice.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Courtesy of the Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


Dios del amor infinito, Siempre presente, siempre justo; Tú nos cuidas y nos proteges Y nos diste a tu único Hijo Para salvarnos con su sangre en la cruz.

Jesús manso, pastor de la paz, Dígnate unir a tu propio sufrimiento El dolor de todos los que han sido heridos De cuerpo, mente y espíritu Por parte de aquellos que traicionaron la confianza puesta en ellos.

Escucha el clamor de nuestros hermanos y hermanas Que han sido lastimados gravemente, Así como el clamor de aquellos que los aman. Dales la esperanza que mitigue el desosiego de sus corazones, Dales la fe que calme sus espíritus perturbados. Concédeles justicia para su causa, Ilumínalos con tu verdad.

Espíritu Santo, consolador de corazones, Cura las heridas de tus hijos e hijas Y devuelve la integridad a lo que ha sido quebrantado. Concédenos el valor y la sabiduría, La humildad y la gracia, para actuar con justicia. Sopla tu sabiduría en nuestras oraciones y empeños. Que todos los que han sido heridos por el abuso encuentren paz y justicia.

Te lo pedimos por Cristo, nuestro Señor. Amén.

Courtesy of the Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Sanibel recovery progressing

Each Sunday, the bulletin at St. Isabel Parish on Sanibel offers an update on the latest efforts to recover from the devastating impacts of Hurricane Ian after the barrier island and Parish were overwhelmed by storm surge and wind damage.

It is Pastor Father Edward Martin’s goal to ensure that the rebuild goes as quickly and smoothly as possible. Father also wants to be sure to keep parishioners appraised on what is taking place and how the Parish is moving forward through the complicated process while dealing with city code and compliance requirements, contractors and much more.

While each step in the recovery is important, it can sometimes be difficult to envision when the work will be done when delays are taking place due to supply-chain issues or other factors. When Hurricane Ian roared ashore with winds near 155 mph and a storm surge of 10 feet inundating Sanibel, the storm and severely impacted every home and business. The storm wrecked the Parish priest rectory, while saltwater intruded into the Parish church and hall. While the amount of water inside was only a few inches, the impacts were severe.

The severity was caused by the corrosive nature of saltwater, combined with a lack of access to the island for several weeks as the Sanibel Causeway was repaired. A Diocesan team accessed the island by boat to view the damage and determine what needed to be done to prevent further damage, but by the time the Causeway reopened and the island, county, state, and federal authorities determined it was safe to allow access for contractors, more damage had occurred.

This delay meant the water had time to be absorbed by the drywall, flooring, furniture, equipment doors, and pews. Once the property was accessible, contractors brought in heavy equipment and dryers to help mitigate further damage. This is the standard process for the Diocese Buildings Department for areas impacted by natural disasters.

Once detailed assessments were made of the property, it was determined that the rectory was a total loss and that the drywall and floors of the church and hall needed to be removed. Some additional drywall and ceiling work was needed because of damage to the roof and HVAC systems in both buildings. In addition, nearly the entire contents of both buildings needed to be replaced.

Father Martin said there have been great improvements made at the Parish and across the island since Hurricane Ian, but most understand why all the work isn’t completed as they deal with their own recovery.

“Everyone here on Sanibel has suffered. We are going through this together,” Father Martin said. “People are buoyed by any progress, and when you hear stories of the work being done each day, that is uplifting for everyone. Here, the work to clean up the property and fix the landscaping has made a huge difference in how everyone feels. It is good to see, and we are blessed with all of the support we have received since the hurricane.”

Joe Rego, Diocese of Venice Director of Building and Construction said “by mid-April the drywall work in the church and hall were completed. Next, we are in the process of securing flooring proposals as well as waterproofing in the church.”

The main doors to the church and hall are being replaced. However, due to their size and a need to ensure they can handle any future hurricanes, getting them replaced is still a few months away.

Another example of both progress and delays are the new pews. Rego explained how the replacements were ordered three months ago, but there is up to an eight-month lead time to get them delivered and installed. The progress in the hall is further along, but the floors and kitchen are still in process, again due to unforeseen delays. Meanwhile, the HVAC systems to both buildings have been replaced, but final repairs to the roof are awaiting materials.

“This is not unique to St. Isabel. We are seeing these issues everywhere within the disaster zone. If we had all the supplies available, we’d be much further along in the recovery, but that just isn’t the reality,” Rego said.

The initial progress of mitigation was first evident Dec. 11, 2022, when the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass returned after an absence of 74 days.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane celebrated the first Mass after Hurricane Ian, saying he was humbled to be with the parishioners and to pray with them in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Bishop Dewane said that we are united in the Holy Eucharist, and prayed that the grace of the Lord gives the faithful the strength needed to rebuild from Hurricane Ian.

The Bishop stressed that as difficult as it was to see the church and Parish property with such extensive damage, “the physical church is just a building. You are the Church! What is strong is the people who make up the Church.”

During his visit, Bishop Dewane was given a tour of the property to see firsthand the extent of the damage and what was needed for a complete recovery.

Since that Sunday in December, Father Martin has been celebrating Mass as mats cover a floor which was stripped bare to the concrete base. With the pews removed, folding chairs are in their place.

“We were blessed that the main sanctuary, where the altar and tabernacle are located, was untouched by the hurricane. What we have left is a bit primitive, but it works,” Father said.

When the work in the hall is completed, the Mass will be temporarily transferred to help facilitate the reconstruction of the church.

The repair work will take time to be completed, as the devastation is unprecedented, not only to the people of Sanibel, but to the entire region which received extreme damage from Hurricane Ian while displacing thousands.

If you would like to support the rebuilding effort for St. Isabel Parish, please visit or go to