In persona Christi – Ordination brings blessings upon new priest

In a public response to a “call to holiness” Thomas Gregory Dougherty, 55, was Ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Frank J. Dewane during a Mass on June 8, 2024, at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Venice.

The poignant and emotional rite places Father Dougherty in a new role as he is raised to the Order of the Presbyterate where he will now celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, confer the Sacraments and teach the Gospel. The ordination fell on the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, chosen by Father Dougherty because has a strong devotion to Our Lady. The location was changed to Our Lady of Lourdes due to the ongoing reconstruction of Epiphany Cathedral.

Following his ordination, Father Dougherty said the entire experience was otherworldly and beautiful. “Praise be to God; I can’t think of a better way of entering into the priesthood than through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” noting the Memorial to the Sacred Heart of Jesus took place on June 7.

Bishop Dewane congratulated the ordinand for answering the call to holiness and advancing in formation through prayer, discernment, guidance and direction which helped him grow closer to the Lord. Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the ordinand is called to reflect and magnify Christ and bring others closer to Christ. The priesthood was established as coworkers with the Order of Bishops, with whom they are joined in a priestly office, and with whom they are called to the service of the people of God.

“Through ordination you are conformed more fully to Christ, the Son of God,” Bishop Dewane said. “These are words we all need to hear – you are more fully committed to Christ. In receiving the Sacrament, the hard work is still ahead, and it will begin to happen in a more profound way. Focus on that man of prayer you are called to be, it is that prayer which, over and over again, supports the ministerial priesthood and lifts us up. Be open to what it is the Lord asks.”

Bishop Dewane said the change that happens upon priestly ordination is drastic, but he reminded Father Dougherty to let the Lord guide him on his new path, having been chosen by God from among His people and to be anointed on their behalf.

“Fulfill the ministry of Christ. the priest, and do it with joy and with love,” Bishop Dewane said. “You have been blessed with many talents; but know the Lord has an idea of how you are to go about your ministry. In this, strive to gather the faithful into the family, so that you may lead them to God, through Christ.”

When the Rite of ordination began, Dougherty was called forth to the presence of the Bishop by Diocese Director of Vocations Father Alex Pince, and upon hearing his name called out, he answered “Present.” After the homily, Dougherty knelt before the Bishop to promise respect and obedience to him and his successors. Then he lay prostrate before the altar for the Litany of Supplication/Litany of Saints. The whole assembly joined in the prayer which invoked God’s grace and the intercession of the saints in heaven.

After this solemn act of prayer, the Sacrament of Ordination was conferred when Dougherty knelt before Bishop Dewane, who in silent prayer, imposed his hands on the head of the ordinand. In the sharing of the priesthood, each priest present laid their hands on the head of the newly ordained Father Dougherty, one at a time.

The ordinand then knelt once again before the Bishop, who then recited the consecratory Prayer of Ordination; the prayer, together with the Bishop’s imposition of hands, is the essential Rite of the Sacrament of Holy Orders.

After the prayer, the newly ordained was vested in the stole and chasuble, vestments which are worn when celebrating the Eucharist and symbolize the responsibility and authority in service to Christ. Father Dougherty was vested by Father Michael Scheip, a retired priest who assists at Incarnation Parish in Sarasota and was a spiritual advisor when Father Dougherty assisted at the Parish while in seminary.

The palms of the new priest were then anointed with the Sacred Chrism by Bishop Dewane, the sign of the special anointing of the Holy Spirit who will make the priest’s ministry fruitful. Next, the Bishop presented Father Dougherty with the chalice and paten which all priests are called to present to God in the Eucharistic sacrifice saying: “Receive the oblation of the holy people, to be offered to God. Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, and conform your life to the mystery of the Lord’s Cross.”

The Rite of Ordination ended with the Bishop giving a fraternal kiss of peace to the newly ordained priest, welcoming him into the Diocesan Presbyterate or priesthood. The priests present then followed the Bishop’s example. The newly ordained Father Dougherty then joined Bishop Dewane at the altar to the applause and joy of all present.

The Liturgy of the Eucharist followed. Father Dougherty joined all the priests for the first time in concelebrating the Eucharist with Bishop Dewane, reciting together the words of consecration. For the first time, he offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, acting in persona Christi. From this sacrifice his whole priestly ministry will draw its strength.

Although a late vocation, Father Dougherty said he thought about becoming a priest in high school, even enrolling in a minor seminary but never attended because he was conflicted about his decision. He attended Bradley University before going on to graduate from Middle Tennessee State University, becoming an elementary school teacher in Winchester, Tennessee. He transitioned into industrial sales for several years before following the call of God by returning to teaching, developing catechetical programs for Catholic education in Cincinnati, Ohio, just prior to entering seminary at Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary in Weston, Massachusetts.

As a seminarian for the Diocese, Father Dougherty had pastoral assignments at Incarnation Parish in Sarasota and Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles Parish in Bradenton. While in seminary, Deacon Dougherty’s pastoral assignment was with the Archdiocese of Boston’s Pro-Life Office. Father Dougherty celebrated his first Mass at Incarnation Parish in Sarasota and has been appointed as Parochial Vicar at St. John XXIII Parish in Fort Myers.

Present for the ordination were two of his siblings, as well as other relatives and friends from his life in Ohio, Tennessee and the seminary in Massachusetts. Among others present were more than 40 priests, including Msgr. Brian R. Kiely, Rector of Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, men and women religious, Permanent Deacons, Knights and Dames of the Order of Malta, Knights and Dames of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, the Knights of Columbus Color Corps, as well as hundreds of the faithful.

The Ordination to the Priesthood is considered one of the most important events in the life of a Diocese as it ensures the continuation of the Church and the availability of the Sacraments to the faithful.

A reception followed in the Parish Hall where Father Dougherty formally greeted the public and imparted his priestly blessing upon them, smiling all the while.

Priestly Ordination June 8 – All invited to witness important moment for Diocese

The Diocese of Venice relies on dedicated men who have committed their lives to serving God. One such man will be ordained to the priesthood on June 8, 2024, at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Venice.

Transitional Deacon Thomas Gregory Dougherty has completed his priestly formation and has been called to ordination by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, who will be the presiding prelate. The ordination will be 11 a.m., June 8, at Our Lady of Lourdes, 1301 Center Road, Venice, while Epiphany Cathedral undergoes reconstruction.

In addition to Bishop Dewane, the Mass will include a number of priests, deacons, religious, family and friends from across the Diocese.

“This is one of the most beautiful and rarely seen Sacraments in the Church,” Bishop Dewane explained. “It is a public response to the Call to Holiness, which comes with great responsibility and accountability. The Diocese of Venice is blessed that, year after year, men are hearing the call of the Lord, and responding.”

All are welcome and encouraged to attend the Ordination, said Bishop Dewane. “It is important the faithful support each Ordination as the Priest is a future link to the continuation of the Sacraments. This is a life-changing, lifelong commitment and Priests, especially new Priests, need the support and encouragement of the faithful.”

During Ordination to the Priesthood, Deacon Dougherty will freely present himself to serve God, the Church and the Bishop of the Diocese of Venice and his successors. He will also make a renewed commitment to celibacy and promise obedience.

Deacon Dougherty, 55, has been studying at Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary in Weston, Massachusetts, which specializes in formation for later vocations. He was raised in East Dundee, Illinois, a quiet suburb of Chicago. Although a later vocation, Deacon Dougherty said he thought about becoming a priest in high school, even enrolling in a minor seminary but never attended because he was conflicted about his decision. He graduated from Bradley University and Middle Tennessee State University, becoming an elementary school teacher in Winchester, Tennessee. He transitioned into industrial sales for several years before following the call of God by returning to teaching, developing catechetical programs for Catholic education just prior to entering seminary.

“The noise of the world muffled the call for several years, but God directly intervened in my life at the age of 39, which reawakened that call,” Deacon Dougherty said. As a seminarian within the Diocese, Deacon Dougherty has had pastoral assignments at Incarnation Parish in Sarasota and Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles Parish in Bradenton. While in seminary, Deacon Dougherty’s pastoral assignment was with the Archdiocese of Boston’s Pro-Life Office.

Deacon Dougherty said he is humbled by all that the ordination means. “I have a strong devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and am active in spreading that devotion to others. I look forward to the day I will serve Holy Mother Church as a priest. This opportunity is truly a blessing, and I am overwhelmed by God’s grace and mercy through the generosity of Bishop Dewane and the many others who have made this journey possible.”

While Deacon Doughtery will be ordained on June 8, there are still other men in the Diocese of Venice who are at various stages in their priestly formation, either in college or at a seminary where they continue their studies toward the ordained priesthood. The Diocese of Venice asks that the faithful remember Deacon Dougherty, and all those discerning priesthood, in their prayers.

Parishioners are encouraged to help support Diocesan seminarians in their studies and choice of vocation. To contribute to the education of seminarians, send a check to the Diocese of Venice, Office of Vocations, 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285 or visit the website at

For those considering a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, please visit, or contact Diocesan Director of Vocations, Father Alex Pince at

News Briefs for the week of May 24, 2024

Vote No on 4!  Spread the word.

To learn the facts about Amendment 4 and how it is designed to mislead voters, visit the websites of the Florida Voters Against Extremism,, the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops,, and the Diocese of Venice Respect Life Office, To get involved and help defeat this dangerous pro-abortion amendment, contact Jeanne Berdeaux, Diocese of Venice Director of Respect Life,, 941-374-1068.

Students meet pen pals

Third grade students at St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton had the opportunity to meet their cursive pen pals from nearby Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles Parish at a year-end party on May 16, 2024. As part of this enrichment, students and volunteers exchanged letters that would then help develop the penmanship skills of the third graders. It was a wonderful experience for all involved, and they enjoyed a fun-filled celebration with great conversations and lots of smiles.

Urgent need for sidewalk counselors and prayer partners in Fort Myers and Naples

As the weather turns hotter there is an urgent need for sidewalk counselors and prayer partners to provide coverage to stand as peaceful witnesses for life at the Planned Parenthood abortion facilities at 6418 Commerce Park Drive, Fort Myers. and 1425 Creech Road, Naples. No training is necessary to be a prayer partner – just bring a hat and a rosary. For those interested in counseling, training and necessary resource materials will be provided. In addition, during this process an experienced counselor will be present. Prayer partners and counselors are a vital component in the Pro-Life movement, as they ensure a constant presence in front of abortion facilities, showing that women, and their unborn children, in crisis are not abandoned in their time of need. To learn more details, please call Mary Claire Dant at 239-200-8117.

Ordination to the Priesthood June 8

Bishop Frank J. Dewane invites the faithful to the Ordination to the Priesthood of Transitional Deacon Thomas Gregory Dougherty. The Ordination will take place at 11 a.m., Saturday, June 8, 2024, at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 1301 Center Road, Venice. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this important event in the life of Deacon Greg as well as the Diocese of Venice. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall.

Totus Tuus, Parish Catechetical Summer Program coming soon

The Totus Tuus Parish Catechetical Summer Camp program, open to grades 1-12, will be available in the Diocese of Venice again this summer beginning in June 2024. Totus Tuus aims to inspire young people to long for holiness, develop a deep desire for conversion and personally renew their faith with a stronger prayer life. All camps are one-week day camps, and programs are divided according to age. Youth are welcome to attend any of the Totus Tuus camps, but registration is requested ahead of time. Parishes hosting Totus Tuus this year are: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Parrish, and Our Lady of Grace, Avon Park (June 2-7); Ave Maria, Ave Maria (June 9-14); St. Finbarr, Naples, and St. Paul, Arcadia (June 16-21); Epiphany Cathedral, Venice, and St. Katharine Drexel, Cape Coral (June 23-28); Our Lady Queen of Heaven, LaBelle (July 7-12); Our Lady of Light, Fort Myers, and St. Cecilia, Fort Myers (July 14-19); Our Lady of the Angels, Lakewood Ranch, and St. Peter the Apostle, Naples (July 21-26). To register, contact the hosting Parish directly. Parish contact information can be found at  For general questions about the Diocesan Totus Tuus program, please visit, or contact Jim Gontis at

Retreat For Mothers Grieving the Loss of a Child

Red Bird Ministries, a non-profit Catholic grief support ministry, is hosting a Grieving Mother’s Retreat from June 7 – 9, 2024, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 South Moon Drive, Venice. This retreat is for women who have experienced the loss of a child at any age, from pregnancy through adulthood.  Mothers will be helped in addressing the profound healing that needs to happen while also honoring the memory of the child throughout their grief journey. Please visit for information and registration.

Ave Maria Youth Conference registration open

All high school age youth from incoming freshman to outgoing seniors are invited to attend the 15th Annual Ave Maria University High School Youth Conference, “CALLED,” from July 12 – 14, 2024. This faith-filled weekend will be full of fellowship, music, and great speakers, including Father Timothy Anastos from the Diocese of Chicago who is currently serving as a National Eucharistic Preacher and featured regularly on “Reel Homilies”, Noelle Garcia a Catholic recording artist who shares her faith through scripture and music, nationally known chastity speaker Pam Stenzel, and Father Joseph Lugalambi, Adjunct Professor of Theology at Ave Maria University. Music will be provided by EPIC Music Ministries. The cost is $190 per person, which includes lodging in the dorms, meals, conference fee, and a cool t-shirt! Register now by visiting For more information call 239- 348-4725, or email


News Briefs for the week of May 10, 2023

Catholic Center hosts prayer service for Blessed Virgin

The staff of the Diocese of Venice Catholic Center took part in a prayer service, led by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary on May 8, 2024. Bishop Dewane noted how the month of May is dedicated to Our Lady and it is appropriate to honor her seeking the Blessed Virgin’s intercession on our behalf. During the prayer service, the Catholic Center staff prayed Litany of Our Lady of Loretto, the Hail Mary, and sang the Salve Regina.


Pro-Life training sessions May 13 and 15 

If you’d like to volunteer to help educate people on the truth about the pro-abortion amendment on the November ballot, plan to attend a training opportunity within the Diocese of Venice in May (one of two). The first training is Monday, May 13, 2024, from 11:45 a.m. to 3 p.m., at St. Patrick Parish Hall (new location), 7900 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota.  The second session is also from 11:45 a.m., Wednesday, May 15, at St. John XXIII Parish Center, 13060 Palomino Lane, Fort Myers. Lunch will be included at both sessions.  Register online at for either session. If you have questions, please contact Jeanne Berdeaux at 941-374-1068 or

Students learn about business and finances

Fourth and fifth grade students from St. Martha Catholic School in Sarasota took part in a school trip to experience a day in the workplace at JA BizTown in Tampa on April 30, 2024. JA BizTown combines in-class learning with a day-long visit to a simulated town where students receive hands-on experience as both employees and consumers, paying rent, taxes and utilities, purchasing insurance, depositing paychecks and buying other business products, handling customer service, and more. The interactive, project-based program not only teaches students how to manage their own personal finances and the importance of becoming a successful professional within the community, but it also empowers them to take responsibility for their professional and educational futures.

Fort Myers Catholic youth to participate in national Spelling Bee

The faithful of St. Cecilia Parish in Fort Myers will be cheering on one of their own during the 96th Scripps National Spelling Bee from May 28-30, 2024. David Nicasio, 13, who is an active member of St. Cecilia, as an altar server, lector, as well as in the middle school and youth groups, won a series of local competitions to qualify as one of 245 students from across the nation to reach the national Spelling Bee. The competition has four levels: preliminaries, quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals. The competition will air on the ION network from 8-10 p.m. May 29 and 30. The earlier rounds will be available on ION Plus, a digital platform. Just for making the National Spelling Bee, David will receive a number of gifts and prizes related to learning. Prizes increase to a top prize of $50,000 and a championship trophy for the winner.

Retreat For Mothers Grieving the Loss of a Child

Red Bird Ministries, a non-profit Catholic grief support ministry is hosting a Grieving Mother’s Retreat from June 7 – 9, 2024, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 South Moon Drive, Venice. This retreat is for women who have experienced the loss of a child from pregnancy through adulthood.  Mothers will be helped in addressing the profound healing that needs to happen while also honoring the memory of the child throughout their grief journey. Please visit for information and registration.

Ordination to the Priesthood June 8

Bishop Frank J. Dewane invites the faithful to the Ordination to the Priesthood of Transitional Deacon Thomas Gregory Dougherty.  The Ordination will take place at 11 a.m., Saturday, June 8, 2024, at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 1301 Center Road, Venice.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend this important event in the life of Deacon Greg as well as the Diocese of Venice. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall.

Two seminarians ordained to Transitional Diaconate

Jacob (Jake) Christian Gwynn and William Patrick (Pat) Long were ordained to the Transitional Diaconate on Saturday, April 13, 2024. The pair followed different calls of the Lord in their lives, but their answers were the same, leading the two Diocese of Venice seminarians on a journey toward the priesthood.

Deacons Gwynn and Long were among 10 ordained at St. Joan of Arc Parish in Boca Raton by Most Rev. Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of the Diocese of Palm Beach. The men, from different Dioceses across Florida, are studying at either St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach or Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary in Weston, Massachusetts.

Following his ordination, Deacon Gwynn said, “The theme that was said many times on my day of ordination continues to resound in my heart today: ‘This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad’ (Ps 118:24). I am eternally grateful for the call to serve the Lord and His people through the ministry of the Diaconate and eventually as a priest!”

Deacon Long said the ordination brought “tremendous peace, joy and gratitude; gratitude to God for His great love, and for the opportunity to share that love with many as a newly ordained Deacon in His Church.”
The first of three ranks of ordained ministry in the Church, Deacons perform many services to the Church in conjunction with the ministries of priests and Bishops. Among their many duties, they will preach, perform baptisms, witness marriages, and preside over wakes and funerals.

Bishop Barbarito opened by giving thanks to the Lord for calling the ordinandi to the ministry of Holy Orders in service to all, and then by giving thanks to each of the men and their supporters.

“We also give thanks to each of them for discerning and accepting the call of the Lord, as well as to all of you, their family members and friends in supporting them in their discernment,” the Bishop said.

To the men, Bishop Barbarito stressed the importance of the day, after years of prayer and preparation.

“Holy Orders is the ordering of our lives toward Christ… Today, you will make three significant promises to Him and to His Church which will intimately affect your lives – a lifelong commitment of celibacy; to prayer; and to the service of Church as expressed in obedience. All of them become one in handing yourselves over to the Lord completely and totally.”

Following the homily, the men approached Bishop Barbarito one-by-one, knelt and promised respect and obedience, each to his own Bishop and his successors. To signify humble submission before God, the men then lay prostrate in the sanctuary while the assembly sang the Litany of Saints. The faithful remained standing during the Litany as the ordination took place during the Easter Season.

Each man again approached the Bishop who imposed his hands on the candidate and proclaimed a prayer of consecration, to confer the Holy Spirit to guide their ministries. This is the moment the men were ordained. The Deacons then received a stole and dalmatic (the exterior garb of a deacon), signifying the Office of Diaconate and the deacon’s role in the celebration of the Eucharist.

Next, the newly ordained Deacons knelt before the Bishop who presented them each with the Book of the Gospels, and said: “Receive the Gospels of Christ, whose herald you have become. Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.” The receiving of the Book of Gospels is a symbol of their new ministry of proclaiming the Gospel and preaching. The Rite of Ordination concluded with the fraternal kiss of peace.

Deacon Gwynn is studying at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, having graduated from St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami in 2020. Born and raised in Palmetto, Deacon Jake is the third of four children. Deacon Jake recalls that becoming a priest was one of his earliest aspirations. One of his mentors from a young age was Msgr. Joseph Ferraro, a retired priest who also served as a U.S. Navy Chaplain, who inspired him to pursue a path to not only the priesthood but also in the Navy Chaplaincy. Following that inspiration, he was sworn in as an officer of the U.S. Navy in 2021 and is currently a Lt. (j.g), in the U.S. Navy Reserves.

As a Diocesan seminarian, Deacon Gwynn has had summer assignments at the following Parishes: St. William in Naples, St. Agnes in Naples; Our Lady of Lourdes in Venice; and Our Lady of Grace in Avon Park. He served a pastoral year at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice. In addition, he has taken part in the Navy Officer Development School and later the Navy Chaplain Basic Leadership School, both in Newport, Rhode Island. Deacon Gwynn is pursuing his priesthood for the Diocese of Venice and the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA. Deacon Gwynn was vested by Deaon Craig Dutka of Holy Cross Parish in Palmetto.

Deacon Long has been studying at St. John XXIII National Seminary in Massachusetts which specializes in formation for later vocations. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, but raised in Sarasota, the second of six children, Deacon Pat is a graduate of St. Martha Catholic School and Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota. He graduated with a degree from Florida State. While pursuing a marketing career in the health care industry, he kept ties to the faith as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, religious education teacher, youth group leader and in Pro-Life work. Feeling God was calling him to the priesthood, with the help of a spiritual director he opted to enter seminary. As a seminarian for the Diocese of Venice, Deacon Long served at Incarnation Parish in Sarasota, St. Martha Parish in Sarasota, attended the Institute for Priestly Formation at Creighton University in Nebraska, and participated in the Spanish Summer Immersion Program in Guatemala. During his ordination, Deacon Long was vested by Deacon Stephen Beck of Incarnation Parish.

Please pray for these men as they continue their spiritual journey.

Answering the Call – Ordination brings blessings upon new priest

In a public response to a “call to holiness” Alan Baldarelli Jr., 41, was Ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Frank J. Dewane during a Mass on Feb. 10, 2024, at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice.

The poignant and emotional rite places Father Baldarelli in a new role as he is raised to the Order of the Presbyterate where he will now celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, confer the Sacraments and teach the Gospel.

Bishop Dewane congratulated the ordinand for answering the call to holiness and advancing in formation through prayer, discernment, guidance and direction which helped him grow closer to the Lord. Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the ordinand is called to reflect and magnify Christ and bring others closer to Christ. The priesthood was established as coworkers with the Order of Bishops, with whom they are joined in a priestly office, and with whom they are called to the service of the people of God.

“The call for you today is to configure yourself to Christ,” the Bishop said. “It is really for everyone, but for those in the priesthood, there is a particular call to follow in the footsteps and likeness of Jesus Christ as we strive in our humanness to serve the Lord and to be that representative of Christ here on earth.”

Joined to the priesthood, Bishop Dewane said Father Baldarelli is consecrated as a true priest in the New Testament, to preach the Gospel, to shepherd God’s people, and to celebrate Divine Worship – the Holy Sacrifice at the Table of the Lord. By being raised to the Order of the Priesthood, the new priest will exercise the sacred office of teaching – to impart the Word of God upon the world. A priest is called upon to live that life as an example of holiness for others to follow as they invite the faithful to enter into the mystery of the Lord’s death, and to journey with them, pointing always in the direction of the resurrection. This holiness is not developed overnight but is a continual part of the priestly journey.

“It is the joy of that Word that gives inspiration to the people of God, to hear it, to be encouraged to live it, to let it resonate,” the Bishop said. “The life of a priest is to exemplify that Word of the Lord – as we go out – to live, to teach. Keep the example of the one who came to serve and not be served.”

“In the ministering of the Sacraments, be always kind and gentle, aware of following in the footsteps of our Savior Jesus Christ. This is a role that has been given in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, in the saving of those with whom we have contact. May you be blessed with the ability to call others closer to the Lord.”

When the Rite of ordination began, Baldarelli was called forth to the presence of the Bishop by Diocese Director of Vocations Father Shawn Roser, and upon hearing his name called out, he answered “Present.” After the homily, Baldarelli knelt before the Bishop to promise respect and obedience to him and his successors. Then he lay prostrate before the altar for the Litany of Supplication/Litany of Saints. The whole assembly joined in the prayer which invoked God’s grace and the intercession of the saints in heaven.

After this solemn act of prayer, the Sacrament of Ordination was conferred when Baldarelli knelt before Bishop Dewane, who in silent prayer, imposed his hands on the head the ordinand. In the sharing of the priesthood, each priest present laid their hands on the head of the newly ordained Father Baldarelli, one at a time.

The ordinand then knelt once again before the Bishop, who then recited the consecratory Prayer of Ordination; the prayer, together with the Bishop’s imposition of hands, is the essential Rite of the Sacrament of Holy Orders.

After the prayer, the newly ordained was vested in the stole and chasuble, vestments which are worn when celebrating the Eucharist and symbolize the responsibility and authority in service to Christ. Father Baldarelli was vested by Father Dennis Gonzales, who was is a Pastor at St. Vincent Ferrer Parish in Delray Beach, and served as a spiritual advisor when Father Baldarelli assisted at the Parish while in seminary.

The palms of the new priest were then anointed with the Sacred Chrism by Bishop Dewane, the sign of the special anointing of the Holy Spirit who will make the priest’s ministry fruitful. Next, the Bishop presented Father Baldarelli with the chalice and paten which all priests are called to present to God in the Eucharistic sacrifice saying: “Receive the oblation of the holy people, to be offered to God. Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, and conform your life to the mystery of the Lord’s Cross.”

The Rite of Ordination ended with the Bishop giving a fraternal kiss of peace to the newly ordained priest, welcoming him into the Diocesan Presbyterate or priesthood. The priests present then followed the Bishop’s example. The newly ordained Father Baldarelli then joined Bishop Dewane at the altar to the applause and joy of all present.

The Liturgy of the Eucharist followed. Father Baldarelli joined all the priests for the first time in concelebrating the Eucharist with Bishop Dewane, reciting together the words of consecration. For the first time, he offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, acting in persona Christi. From this sacrifice his whole priestly ministry will draw its strength.

Present for the ordination were his parents and four siblings, as well as other relatives and friends. In addition, present were more than 40 priests, men and women religious, Permanent Deacons, Knights and Dames of the Order of Malta, Knights and Dames of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, the Knights of Columbus, as well as hundreds of the faithful.

Originally from Hermitage, Pennsylvania, Father Baldarelli grew up in a loving, faith-filled family. He went on to earn a degree in international business from John Carroll University before working in sales and marketing in various corporate jobs. Not satisfied with the path his life was on, a stray comment from a family friend that he should consider becoming a priest began his path to the priesthood and while working at a university job, he began taking courses on Sacred Scripture.

An annual visitor to Southwest Florida with his family from a young age, Father Baldarelli sought to become a seminarian for the Diocese of Venice.  His formation took place at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami and then at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach. He was ordained as a Transitional Deacon in 2022.

With an easy smile in all humility, on Feb. 11 Father Baldarelli was very emotional while celebrating his first Mass at St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Port Charlotte. St. Charles Borromeo is where Father had been on pastoral assignment as a Transitional Deacon in the time leading up to his priestly ordination. Father thanked the faithful for their prayers and encouragement while he served the community.

“It is so profound to be able to do this for Christ and for all of you,” Father Baldarelli said of celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. “This was an imperfectly perfect celebration. We all make mistakes; we trip, we fall, we get back up, but God brushes us off and we are able to go out and be reinvigorated, proclaiming that Jesus is Lord and Savior.”

As a seminarian, Father Baldarelli served pastoral assignments at Holy Cross in Palmetto, St. Paul in Arcadia, St. William in Naples, Our Lady Queen of Heaven in Labelle, Epiphany Cathedral in Venice, as well as at St. Charles Borromeo.

The Ordination to the Priesthood is considered one of the most critical events in the life of the Diocese as it ensures the continuation of the Church and the availability of the Sacraments to the faithful.

A reception followed in the Cathedral Parish Hall where Father Baldarelli formally greeted the public and imparted his priestly blessing upon them, smiling all the while.

Priestly Ordination February 10

The Diocese of Venice relies on dedicated men who have committed their lives to serving God. One such man will be ordained to the priesthood on Feb. 10, 2024, at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice.

Transitional Deacon Alan J. Baldarelli Jr. has completed his priestly formation and has been called to ordination by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, who will be the ordaining prelate. The ordination will be at 11 a.m., at the Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice.

In addition to Bishop Dewane, the Mass will include a number of priests, deacons, religious, family and friends from across the Diocese.

“This is one of the most beautiful and rarely seen Sacraments in the Church,” Bishop Dewane explained. “It is a public response to the Call to Holiness, which comes with great responsibility and accountability. The Diocese of Venice is blessed that, year after year, men are hearing the call of the Lord, and responding.”

All are welcome and encouraged to attend the Ordination, said Bishop Dewane. “It is important the faithful support each Ordination as the Priest is a future link to the continuation of the Sacraments. This is a life-changing, lifelong, commitment, and Priests, especially new Priests, need the support and encouragement of the faithful.”

During Ordination to the Priesthood, Deacon Baldarelli will freely present himself to serve God, the Church and the Bishop of the Diocese of Venice and his successors. He will also make a renewed commitment to celibacy and promise obedience.

Deacon Baldarelli, 41, is originally from Hermitage, Pennsylvania, and is the oldest of four children. His parent, Alan Joseph Baldarelli Sr. and Holly Louise Baldarelli, will be celebrating their 43rd wedding anniversary on Feb. 14, Ash Wednesday, which falls on Valentine’s Day this year, just a few days after the ordination of their son. Deacon Baldarelli’s siblings are Jenna Lynn Peltz, Matthew J. Baldarelli, and Rita Marie Hartenstein.

Upon graduating high school, Deacon Baldarelli earned an international business degree from John Carroll University and worked in sales and marketing in various corporate jobs. Not satisfied with the path his life was on, a stray comment from a family friend that he should consider becoming a priest began his path to the priesthood and while working at a university job, he began taking courses on Sacred Scripture.

An annual visitor to Southwest Florida with his family from a young age, Deacon Baldarelli sought to become a seminarian for the Diocese of Venice.  His formation took place at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami and then at St. Vincent de Paul regional Seminary in Boynton Beach. He was ordained as a Transitional Deacon in 2022.

As a seminarian, Deacon Baldarelli served pastoral assignments at Holy Cross in Palmetto, St. Paul in Arcadia, St. William in Naples, Our Lady Queen of Heaven in Labelle, and Epiphany Cathedral in Venice. Most recently, he has been serving at St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Port Charlotte.

When asked about his upcoming ordination, Deacon Baldarelli said, “There is a healthy mix of excitement, nervousness, and contentment in knowing that the call received from the Lord is being answered.”

While Deacon Baldarelli will be ordained on Feb. 10, there are men in the Diocese of Venice who are at various stages in their priestly formation, either in college or at a seminary where they continue their studies toward the ordained priesthood. The Diocese of Venice asks that the faithful remember Deacon Baldarelli, and all those discerning priesthood, in their prayers.

Parishioners are encouraged to help support Diocesan seminarians in their studies and choice of vocation. To contribute to the education of seminarians, send a check to the Diocese of Venice, Office of Vocations, 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285 or visit the website at

For those considering a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, please contact the Diocesan Director of Vocations, Father Sean Roser, at

News Briefs for the week of January 26, 2024

Ordination to the Priesthood Feb. 10

Bishop Frank J. Dewane invites the faithful to the Ordination to the Priesthood of Transitional Deacon Alan Baldarelli.  The Ordination will take place at 11 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024, at Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this important event in the life of Deacon Alan as well as the Diocese of Venice. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall. The ordination will be livestreamed at

Youth make sandwiches for homeless

Middle schoolers who are part of the Our Lady of Light Parish religious education program in Fort Myers made more than 400 sandwiches during their Jan. 18, 2024, gathering. These sandwiches were donated for distribution by the Lee County Homeless Coalition. The simple act of making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches provided the youth a valuable lesson about giving back to the community, as we are all “Called to Serve” our brothers and sisters in Christ. Well done!

Fort Myers Knights have successful “Coats for Kids” drive

The Knights of Columbus Council 2596 at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Fort Myers conducted a “Coats for Kids” program by purchasing a number of jackets and hoodies for children in need. This was done to provide children with nice outerwear during the winter months to not only ward off the chill but to give them something new that they are happy to wear. On Jan. 22, 2024, the Knights were able to provide more than 120 new fleece-lined zip-up jackets for distribution with their partner, Child Care SWFL, a local non-profit that provides a myriad of support and educational services to families in need and at-risk children. Coats were supplied to Child Care’s five learning centers in Fort Myers, Lehigh Acres, and LaBelle. The Knights also presented Child Care with $500 to assist with their ongoing efforts.

Charismatic Day of Renewal and Formation Feb. 3

The Diocese of Venice Catholic Charismatic Renewal Commission invites all to the “Come Holy Spirit, Come” day of renewal from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Feb. 3, 2024, at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, 1441 Spear St., Port Charlotte. There is a $10 fee, which includes a continental breakfast and lunch. Seating is limited and the deadline to register is Jan. 31.  Please register at Questions, please contact Theresa Salvo at 804-387-8282 or, or Margie DeFrancesca at 239-595-1938 or

National Marriage Week, and World Marriage Day!

The observances of National Marriage Week from Feb. 7 -14, 2024, and World Marriage Day, Sunday, Feb. 11 are opportunities to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family. The theme for 2024 is “Love Beyond Words.”  For resources from the USCCB Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth to help celebrate and live the great gift of married life, please visit Celebrate National Marriage Week 2024 – For Your Marriage. Resources are available in both English and Spanish.

Wedding Anniversary Masses in February

All couples celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or more than 50 years of marriage are invited by Bishop Frank J. Dewane to an Anniversary Mass in their honor. The Diocese hosts two Anniversary Masses each year (one in the northern part of the Diocese and the second in the southern part) to accommodate the demand. The first Mass is 11 a.m., Feb. 3, 2024, at St. Leo the Great Parish, 28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs. The second Mass is 11 a.m., Feb. 24 at Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice. A luncheon follows each Mass. Free pictures with Bishop Dewane will also be available for the couples. To register for either Mass, please contact your local Parish office for reservations no later than one week before the event you choose to attend. For additional information, please contact the Diocesan Office of Marriage and Family Life at 941-484-9543.

Health Care Ethics Conference Feb. 17

Medical professionals, students, and interested laypeople are invited to the first annual Converging Roads health care ethics conference on Feb. 17, 2024, at St. Leo the Great Parish, 28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs! This one-day conference will offer continuing education credits for health care professionals with presentations centered on the theme of Catholic Medicine in a Secular Society. For information, contact Carrie Harkey at, and to register, go to


After consultation, Bishop Frank J. Dewane announces the following:

Father Michael P. Orsi, is relieved of his duties as Parochial Vicar of St. Agnes Parish and Chaplain of St. John Neumann Catholic High School, in Naples, effective January 17, 2024. Father Orsi requested retirement and thus, was granted, while retaining priestly faculties.


Answering the Call – Ordination brings blessings upon new priests, Diocese

In a public response to a “call to holiness,” Alejandro Giraldo Roldán and Daniel Joseph Scanlan were Ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Frank J. Dewane during a Mass on July 15, 2023, at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice.

The poignant and emotional Rite places Fathers Roldán and Scanlan in new roles as they are raised to the Order of the Presbyterate where they will now celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, confer the Sacraments, and teach the Gospel.

Bishop Dewane congratulated the ordinandi for answering the call to holiness and advancing in formation through prayer, discernment, guidance and direction which helped them grow closer to the Lord. Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the ordinandi are called to reflect and magnify Christ, and are sent out to build up the Church of Christ and to build up the People of God.

“You have chosen a particular life and continue to hear that call,” Bishop Dewane stated. “The Diocese is grateful for your having listened to that call to live in response to ministerial priesthood. Do it with joy. Do it with a genuine love for Christ, for others, and for yourself. It is who you are. To achieve this, keep your eyes on the example given by Christ, the High Priest, the Good Shepherd. See Him as your role model.”

Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, a priest is transformed and marked indelibly as an instrument through which others receive the Sacraments, Bishop Dewane said. “Take God in your heart as you carry out the mission of sanctifying the faithful by uniting them to Christ’s sacrifice.”

When the rite of ordination began, Roldán and Scanlan were each called forth to the presence of the Bishop by Diocese Director of Vocations Father Shawn Roser, and upon hearing their names called out, each responded, one saying “Present,” and the other “Presente.”

Following the homily, Roldán and Scanlan each knelt before the Bishop to promise respect and obedience to him and his successors. Then they lay prostrate before the altar for the Litany of Supplication/Litany of Saints. The whole assembly joined in the prayer which invoked God’s grace and the intercession of the saints in heaven.

After this solemn act of prayer, the Sacrament of Ordination was conferred when Roldán and Scanlan each knelt before Bishop Dewane. In silent prayer, the Bishop imposed his hands on the head of each ordinand as a sign of the sharing of the priesthood; each priest the present laid his hands on the head of the newly ordained.

The ordinandi again knelt before the Bishop, who then recited the consecratory Prayer of Ordination; which, together with the Bishop’s imposition of hands, is the essential to the Rite of Ordination.

After the prayer, the newly ordained were vested in the stole and chasuble, vestments which are worn when celebrating the Eucharist that symbolize the responsibility and authority in service to Christ.

Father Roldán was vested by Father Lawton Lang, the new Administrator of San Antonio Parish in Port Charlotte, while Father Scanlan was vested by his oldest brother, Father Eric Scanlan, Pastor of Incarnation Parish in Sarasota.

The palms of the new priests were anointed with the Sacred Chrism by Bishop Dewane, the sign of the special anointing of the Holy Spirit who will make the priest’s ministry fruitful. Next, the Bishop presented Fathers Roldán and Scanlan with the chalice and paten which all priests are called to present to God in the Eucharistic sacrifice saying: “Receive the oblation of the holy people, to be offered to God. Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, and conform your life to the mystery of the Lord’s Cross.”

The Rite of Ordination ended with the Bishop giving a fraternal kiss of peace to the newly ordained priests, welcoming them into the Diocesan Presbyterate or priesthood. The priests present followed the Bishop’s example. The newly ordained then joined Bishop Dewane at the altar to the applause and joy of all present.

The Liturgy of the Eucharist followed as Fathers Roldán and Scanlan joined for the first time in concelebrating the Eucharist with Bishop Dewane, offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, acting in the person of Christ. From this sacrifice their whole priestly ministry will draw its strength.

Some 700 people witnessed this joyous occasion, including more than 40 priests, men and women religious, permanent deacons, the Knights of Columbus, the Knights and Dames of the Order of Malta and the Knights and Dames of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem.

Father Roldán’s sister and several friends from his native Colombia were able to be present for the ordination, but unfortunately his mother and another sister were unable to attend. Sadly, his father passed away in April.

Father Scanlan was blessed to have his entire family present (he is the seventh of 11 children). Also present were several nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles, cousins and more.

Both men also had large groups supporting them from the several Parishes they served at during pastoral assignments as seminarians.

Father Roldán, 29, a native of Columbia, said the ordination was an overwhelming experience that brought him great joy and solace.

“Giving myself completely over to the Lord through the priesthood is something I have thought about for many years. It is finally here, and it is wonderful. I will now follow the Lord in my ministry to help others find the joy I have,” Father Roldán said.

During his discernment, Father Roldán initially studied with a religious order before later joining the Diocese of Venice as a seminarian. He studied at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami before going on to St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach. As a seminarian, he served pastoral assignments at St. Mary, Star of the Sea Parish on Longboat Key and at St. Thomas More Parish in Sarasota where he celebrated his first Mass as a priest. His first assignment is Parochial Vicar of St. Agnes Parish and St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, both in Naples given special responsibility to the Spanish-speaking community at each Parish.

Father Scanlan, 28, was born and raised in Fort Myers in a large family. He was inspired to discern a vocation to the priesthood when his oldest brother, Father Eric, told the family about his own discernment 15 years ago and then he witnessed his brother’s ordination in 2013. Fast-forward 10 years and they are both now part of the Diocesan Presbyterate.

“When I was young, it never occurred to me that becoming a priest was a thing that I would consider, but seeing my brother go through the process and growing in my own personal relationship with Jesus, when the time came, it was an easy decision” Father Scanlan said. “It was such a wonderful experience to have my whole family present to share this experience with me. Then my brother helped me put on my priestly vestments. That was amazing. This whole experience has been an affirmation of God putting me in this position as a priest, where I was called to serve Him in His earthly Kingdom.”

Father Scanlan first studied at Ave Maria University before becoming a Diocesan seminarian at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami. He later studied in Rome at the Pontifical North American College and received a degree in sacred theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University. Most recently, he initiated his studies in moral theology at the Pontifical University of Santa Croce. As a seminarian, he served pastoral assignments at the following Parishes: St. Vincent de Paul in Fort Myers; Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles in Bradenton; St. Francis Xavier in Fort Myers; St. Joseph in Bradenton; and St. Katharine Drexel in Cape Coral. Father Scanlan’s first Mass was celebrated at Ave Maria Parish in Ave Maria, where his parents reside. Following his ordination, Father is initially assisting at Epiphany Cathedral and then will serve as Parochial Vicar at St. Thomas More Parish in Sarasota, effective Aug. 9.

The Ordination to the Priesthood is considered one of the most critical events in the life of the Diocese as it ensures the continuation of the Church and the availability of the Sacraments to the faithful.

A reception followed in the Cathedral Parish Hall where the newly ordained formally greeted the public and imparted their priestly blessing upon them.

Priestly Ordination July 15 – All invited to witness important moment

The Diocese of Venice relies on dedicated men who have committed their lives to serving God. Transitional Deacons Alejandro Giraldo Roldan and Daniel Scanlan have answered that call and will be ordained to the priesthood.

Deacons Roldan and Scanlan have completed their priestly formation and have been called to ordination by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, who will be the ordaining prelate. The ordination will be at 11 a.m., July 15, 2023, at Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice.

In addition to Bishop Dewane, the Mass will include a number of priests, deacons, religious, family and friends from across the Diocese. The ordination is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend, A reception following the ordination will be held in the Epiphany Parish Center.

“This is one of the most beautiful and rarely seen Sacraments in the Church,” Bishop Dewane explained. “The Diocese of Venice is blessed that these men have heard the call of the Lord and this comes with great responsibility and accountability. At ordination these men are joined to the Bishops in the priestly office and are called to serve God’s people. It is important that the faithful support each ordination as the priest being ordained is a future link to the continuation of the Sacraments.”

During ordination to the priesthood the ordinandi freely present themselves to serve God, the Church and the Bishop of the Diocese of Venice and his successors. They will also make a renewed commitment to celibacy and promise obedience. The reward for that choice is to have their lives filled with the message of God.

Deacon Roldan, 29, a native of Columbia, approaches the ordination with great inner peace, knowing that he is blessed by gifts granted to him by God after nearly 11 years of discerning his vocation. “It is a gift I receive from God not because of my abilities but because of His great mercy and love towards me.”

A pivotal moment in the life of Deacon Alejandro was receiving his First Holy Communion, what he called one of the happiest days of his life. “It was at that moment and going forward that I experienced the love of God in a special way. That awakened my desire to become a priest.”

At the age of 17, Deacon Alejandro discerned a vocation with a religious order for a time, but the Lord allowed him to make a detour along the way. He ultimately continued at university studying theology and earning a degree as a lay person. Unfulfilled in life, God continued to call him toward a priestly vocation, and this led him to the join the Diocese of Venice as a seminarian in 2019. He first studied at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami before going on to St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach.

As a seminarian, Deacon Roldan served pastoral assignments at St. Mary, Star of the Sea Parish on Longboat Key and a pastoral year at St. Thomas More Parish in Sarasota where he will celebrate his first Mass as a priest.

Meanwhile, Deacon Scanlan, 28, was born and raised in Fort Myers in a large family, the seventh of 11 children, before they moved to Ave Maria. When he was 13, he had his first thought about becoming a priest when he heard his oldest sibling tell the family about his own discernment to the priesthood.

“I think I was fascinated because I never considered how one became a priest. I didn’t even know what a seminary was… this was a big moment in my life because the thought that my own brother might become a priest made this vocation become real and personal to me.”

It wasn’t until later in high school when the idea of a discernment surfaced again. It occurred during a Steubenville youth conference in Orlando, when at the end, all men and women who were discerning were asked to come up to the stage.

“My heart began pounding when I heard those words. I never really spoke about the priesthood to anyone and when they invited everyone up: I had to make a choice… This was the first time I had to acknowledge to myself: ‘yeah… I am discerning the priesthood.’”

That vocation journey will reach a culmination in two weeks, when his eldest brother, Father Eric Scanlan, Pastor of Incarnation Parish in Sarasota, will be vesting him during the ordination.

Deacon Daniel first studied at Ave Maria University before deciding to follow his heart to become a Diocesan seminarian at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami. He later studied in Rome at the Pontifical North American College and received a degree in sacred theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University. Most recently, he initiated his studies in moral theology at the Pontifical University of Santa Croce. Following his ordination, he will transfer to the John Paul II Institute in Washington, D.C., to study for his licentiate of Sacred Theology of Marriage and Family.

Since joining the Diocese as a seminarian, Deacon Scanlan has served pastoral assignments at the following Parishes: St. Vincent de Paul in Fort Myers; Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles in Bradenton; St. Francis Xavier in Fort Myers; St. Joseph in Bradenton; and St. Katharine Drexel in Cape Coral.

While Deacons Roldan and Scanlan are being ordained on July 15, there are several men who are at various stages in their priestly formation, either in college or at a seminary where they continue their studies toward the ordained priesthood. The seminarians are currently engaged in various summer pastoral assignments.

Seminarians are supported by the Diocese of Venice through the Catholic Faith Appeal, the Knights of Columbus, the Council of Catholic Women and the generosity of individual parishes and parishioners. Parishioners from around the Diocese are encouraged to help support the seminarians in their studies and choice of vocation.

To contribute to the education of the seminarians, send a check to the Diocese of Venice, Office of Vocations, 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285 or go to For more information about the seminarians or Vocations, contact Father Roser at 941-484-9543.