News Briefs for the week of March 21, 2025

Bishop celebrates Mass for students in Sarasota

Bishop Frank J. Dewane celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for students at Incarnation Catholic School in Sarasota on March 13, 2025. This was the latest in a series of Masses Bishop Dewane celebrates throughout the Lenten Season at Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools. Following the Mass, the Bishop spoke to the eighth graders, urging them to finish the Lenten Season strong as they strive to grow closer to the Lord. The Bishop also encouraged the students to continue their education at nearby Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School. The eighth graders were also allowed to ask the Bishop any question before a group photo was taken.

Verot soccer player earns high honor

Caroline Pelkofski, a senior soccer player at Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers was named the Florida Dairy Farmers – Girls Soccer FHSAA Class 3A Player of the Year! This season, Caroline scored 20 goals and added 22 assists in leading her squad to a 15-3-1 record and a Region 3A-3 Final. She is now eligible for the athlete-of-the-year award. She will continue playing soccer at the University of South Florida. Congratulations Caroline!

Students in Naples participate in St. Patrick’s Day Parade

St. Ann Catholic School students showed off their Irish pride when they participated in the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Naples on March 15, 2025. Faculty, families and students came together to celebrate with smiles, spirit, and lots of Irish pride.

HOPE Gala a huge success

The inaugural HOPE Gala at St. William Parish in Naples was a huge success on March 8, 2025. The Gala raised funds for the HOPE (Homeless Outreach Program for Empowerment) outreach of St. William Parish. The program is dedicated to helping the homeless and those at risk of homelessness in Naples. Through partnerships with Catholic Charities and other local organizations, the program provides essential resources such as food, clothing, casework support, and pathways to better life, ensuring that those in need receive both immediate relief and long-term assistance.

Verot Regency Garden Gala wows

An unforgettable night took place on March 15, 2025, at the Bishop Verot Catholic High School Regency Garden Gala which took place in Bonita Springs. It was a beautiful evening filled with elegance, joy, and Viking spirit. Bishop Frank J. Dewane offered a prayer before the meal and praised the community for helping to make Bishop Verot a shining example of Catholic Education in Lee County.

Emerald Ball March 26 in Naples

The Catholic Charities Emerald Ball is 5:30 p.m., March 26, 2025, at the Ritz-Carlton Tiburon Golf Resort, 2600 Tiburon Drive, Naples. This year’s theme, “Pilgrims of Hope,” inspired by Pope Francis in honor of the Jubilee Year, reflects Catholic Charities’ commitment to providing help and hope to all individuals, regardless of race, nationality, or religion. Tickets are $400. Register online at For more information, call 239-455-2655 or email

Witnessing Faith with Bishop Dewane on Relevant Radio March 28

Join Bishop Frank J. Dewane for his monthly radio program on Relevant Radio on 106.7 FM and 1410 AM in Fort Myers and 93.3 FM and 1660 AM in Naples. Witnessing Faith with Bishop Dewane can be heard at 8:30 a.m. on the last Friday of every month, or anytime at The next episode will air on March 28, 2025, and features a discussion about the February Eucharistic Pilgrimage held in the eastern part of the Diocese, the March 29 Diocesan Eucharistic Conference in Punta Gorda and the ongoing Jubilee Year of Hope. Special guests for this month’s show are Sister Maria Therese Nikopoia, SSVM, Director of Religious Education at St. Michael Parish in Wauchula, and Jim Gontis, Diocese of Venice Director of Evangelization.

Sarasota Parish Lenten Mission March 30 to April 3

St. Jude Parish, 3930 17th Street, Sarasota, is hosting a 5-day Parish Lenten Mission from March 30, 2025, through April 3. The English session is 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m., while the Spanish session is 7:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. The theme for the Mission is “Living the Sacraments – Finding God at the Intersection of Heaven & Earth.” The five evenings are presented by Fathers Patrick Keyes and Moisés Mosqueda Ventura, CSsR. For more information, please call 941-955-3934.

40 Days for Life Spring Campaign through April 13

The 40 days for Life Spring Campaign (from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday, April 13, 2025) aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses. In the Diocese of Venice, 40 Days for Life campaigns are held in three locations: Sarasota – Daily from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., 736 Central Ave., or visit; Naples – Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m., 1425 Creech Road, or visit; and Fort Myers – Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m., 6418 Commerce Park Drive, or visit Please note, in Naples, In Naples there will be a meet and greet with Shawn Carney, co-founder and CEO of 40 Days for Life, April 2, noon – 1 p.m.

Community Pregnancy Clinics Dinner Event April 5 in Naples

“Reaching Hearts” is the theme of the Community Pregnancy Clinics Dinner Event, which is 5 p.m., April 5, 2025, at the Ritz-Carlton Naples Tiburon, 2600 Tiburon Dr, Naples. A reception, dinner and keynote speaker from pro-life advocate and Blaze TV host Liz Wheeler are included. Tickets are $500. To register visit or email to learn more.

Easter Triduum Retreat at OLPH

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 S. Moon Drive, Venice, will host its annual Easter Triduum Retreat, April 17-20, 2025. The retreat begins with supper on Holy Thursday and ends with breakfast on Easter Sunday. There will be conferences which will focus on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of the Lord.  Celebration of the liturgies of the Lord’s Supper, Way of the Cross, Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion, Easter Vigil, and Sunrise Easter Liturgy are celebrated. Confessions will also be available. Register at, and click on “Schedule of Events.”

Chrism Mass to be celebrated in Naples on April 15

The Chrism Mass, which takes place during Holy Week every year, will be held at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 15, at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 625 111th Ave. N., Naples. During this Mass, Bishop Frank J. Dewane will bless the Holy Oils which are used in the administration of the Sacraments at each parish throughout the year. Priests and Deacons celebrating 25 and 50 years of Ordination are recognized at this Mass. The jubilarians being honored this year are:

  • Priests 50 Years: Father Gregory Klein, O. Carm., Father Normando Feliz, and Father Michael Mullen;
  • Priests 25 Years: Father Luis Pacheco, and Father Saji Ellickal Joseph, MCBS;
  • Deacon 25 Years: Deacon Richard Klish.

All are encouraged to attend in support of our clergy and to participate in this important Holy Week celebration.

Divine Mercy Service in Fort Myers April 24

Our Lady of Light Parish, 19680 Cypress View Drive, Fort Myers, will be hosting its annual Divine Mercy Sunday service on April 24, 2025. The prayer service opens with Adoration followed by Benediction from 1 p.m. – 2:15 p.m., to allow faithful time in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament and the Divine Mercy Image. This will be followed from 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. by a bilingual (Spanish and English) Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Consecration. All are welcome.

Weekend bereavement retreat for parents in May

The Diocese of Venice Office of Evangelization is offering “A Walk with Jesus for Grieving Parents,” weekend bereavement retreat for parents who have lost a child, no matter the child’s age or how long ago the loss occurred. The retreat will take place May 2-4, 2025, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center in Venice. Facilitated by Deacon Henry deMena, M.A., an experienced grief counselor, this retreat offers a supportive environment for healing through prayer, reflection, and shared experiences. Parents will find comfort and community as they walk together, and with Jesus, in faith. For more information or to register, please contact Jim Gontis at 941-484-4754 or

Ignatian Preached Silent Retreat in May

Father Greg Cleveland, OMV, will introduce the great themes of the Spiritual Exercises in a group setting during an Ignatian Preached Retreat, from May 9 to May 12, 2025. The schedule includes conferences each day, daily Mass, and an opportunity to meet at least once with the retreat director for Confession and/or spiritual direction. Conference topics center on Ignatian spirituality, prayer, and discernment.  Register at and click on “Schedule of Events.”

Seeking Diocesan Totus Tuus Summer Camp Missionaries

Totus Tuus is an exciting Catholic Parish Catechetical Camp for students in grades 1 – 12. The weeklong day camp held at Parishes in the Diocese of Venice is led by trained, paid missionaries. Missionary applications for the summer 2025 camp are now being accepted from anyone, age 18 or older, with an authentic, dynamic Catholic faith who is actively living the teachings of the Catholic Church. One year of college/work is preferred, but mature recent high school graduates will be considered. This is a great summer experience for anyone who wants to work in ministry, education, or with children in other settings. Visit to apply!

Volunteers Needed for Prison Outreach

Join the team of Diocesan volunteers who enter county jails and state prisons within the 10-county Diocese of Venice to do pastoral outreach, distribute the Eucharist and facilitate programs. Priests, Deacons, and lay volunteers are encouraged to assist in this ministry. Volunteers will first participate in an orientation program before entering the facility and will “shadow” experienced volunteers until they feel comfortable. Times and days vary by facility. Please contact Joe Mallof at 224-217-7139 or Bob Hiniker 863-558-0407 to learn where you can fit into this joyful opportunity.

Safe Environment Training

As part of the Safe Environment Program, the Diocese of Venice requires that all employees and those volunteers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults be fingerprinted and complete online training in Safe Environment prior to beginning employment or volunteering. To report any abuse against minors to the Florida Department of Children and Families please call 800-962-2873. Further, if Diocesan personnel or volunteers are involved, also notify the Diocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator, Susan Benton, at 941-416-6114. Please visit the Diocese of Venice website for further information.

News Briefs for the week of February 28, 2025

Two seminarians receive Ministry of Acolyte

Diocese of Venice Seminarians Alexander J. Baugh and Terry P. Gastauer, studying for the priesthood at Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts, were among seven men conferred to the Ministry of Acolyte on February 19, 2025. Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, J.C.D, Archbishop for the Military Services, USA and current President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), presided over the Rite. As an Acolyte, the men’s primary role will be assisting the Deacon and Priest during Mass, with a focus on ensuring the altar is prepared. They may serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass and bring Holy Eucharist to the sick. They will also participate in various tasks as needed, while aiding the Priest and Deacon during liturgical celebrations. Congratulations Seminarians Baugh and Gastauer!

Boots & Bandanas rustles up support for Catholic Charities

It was a night under the stars for the always fun Boots & Bandanas to support the programs of Catholic Charities in DeSoto County, on Feb. 22, 2025, at The Barn at Thousand Pines Ranch, Venice. This western-themed evening included plenty of cowboy hats, boots and lots of bandanas. The Catholic Charities programs in DeSoto County include Casa San Juan Bosco farmworker housing, St. John Paul II Villas senior housing, a food pantry, and much more. There were live and silent auctions and toe-tapping country and western music that brought many to the dance floor.

School Gala has Derby theme

The annual St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School Gala had a Kentucky Derby theme on Feb. 22, 2025, with ladies wearing their most elegant hats, and live horses present to greet the participants at the Heritage Bay Golf and Country Club in Naples. Bishop Frank J. Dewane provided the invocation and took time to praise the school for its impact on the region, noting how the faculty and staff have overcome many obstacles to ensure its students and their families become witnesses for Christ in the community.

Four Verot students named National Merit School finalists

Andrew Marino, Samantha Mitchell, Sophia Smith, and Tyler Wyman, seniors at Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers have been named Finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program. The honor places the four among the top one percent of U.S. high school seniors. As National Merit Finalists, each has an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 7,500 National Merit Scholarships worth more than $30 million. The process to become a Finalist included submitting a detailed application with information about academic record, participation in school and community activities, demonstrated leadership abilities, employment, as well as honors and awards received.

Kindergarteners learn about cardiology in a fun way

Teachers at St. Martha Catholic School in Sarasota brought to life cardiology and anatomy in a fun way for kindergarten students on Feb. 21, 2025. The students performed a variety of “procedures” and “operations” focusing on colors, syllables, adding and spelling. They did this while wearing ID badges, hair nets and hospital scrubs and getting their hands dirty by handling colored noodles. Everyone had fun and learned so much.

Knight’s Silver Rose stops in Naples

Each year, from late February through mid-December, Silver Roses are stewarded by Knights of Columbus councils along eight routes from the U.S. and Canada to Mexico. Every stop the Silver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners, and community members to pray for respect for life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe. On Feb. 21, 2025, St. Ann Parish in Naples was the first stop the Silver Rose made along Route 5. Students from St. Ann Catholic School were the first to learn about the Silver Rose which was put on temporary display in the Parish Church. The Silver Rose will continue through Florida and then on to Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and finally Mexico.

Application deadline for Foundation college scholarships is March 2

The deadline for entry for college and vocational scholarships for the 2025-2026 academic year from the Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida is 11:59 p.m., Sunday, March 2, 2025. To apply for all available scholarships, visit For more information contact Anna Kollmeyer at 941-486-4722 or

Adoration Night of Worship March 6 in Sarasota

All are invited to an “Adoration Night of Worship: The Fount & Apex,” at Incarnation Parish, 2901 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., March 6, 2025. The evening includes a mix of Adoration, Confession, and worship music that spans from the traditional “O Salutaris Hostia” and “Tantum Ergo” to “Praise,” “Lord I Need You” and other contemporary Christian music. All are welcome. For more information, please call the Parish at 941-921-6631.

Vocation Awareness Weekend in March

Discover what seminarian life is all about during the weekend of March 7-9, 2025, at St. John Vianney College Seminary, 2900 SW 87th Ave, Miami. Participants will travel together for a weekend of fellowship, prayer and fun. Speak with seminarian students and teachers about their journey. Transportation is provided. For questions or to register contact Lina Johnson at or 941-486-4720.

Second Anniversary Mass in Sarasota on March 8

Register now for the second of two Anniversary Masses for married couples recognizing milestone anniversaries (25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 50 years plus) at 11 a.m., March 8, 2025, St. Thomas More Parish, 2506 Gulf Gate Drive, Sarasota. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, followed by a reception, and the availability of a photo with Bishop Dewane.  If you would like to attend, registration is through the Parishes, but walk-ins are welcome.

Magnificat Catholic Women’s Ministry Breakfast March 8

The next Magnificat Catholic Women’s Ministry Breakfast is 9:30 a.m., March 8, 2025, at the Crown Plaza Fort Myers Gulf Coast, 9931 Interstate Commerce Drive, Fort Myers. Join us for breakfast, fellowship, praise and worship. Reservations can be made online until noon on Monday, March 3 at For more information, contact Margaret Mengle at 239-826-7475.

Event to support homeless outreach in Naples on March 8

St. William Parish in Naples is hosting “A Night of Building HOPE,” an event dedicated to fostering community support and raising awareness for the homeless. The event will take place on March 8, 2025, in the Parish Center at 750 Seagate Drive, Naples. Tickets and sponsorships are available by visiting: For more information about “A Night of Building HOPE” please contact Sharon Tolnai at or 239-330-2267.

Walks for Life March 8 in Punta Gorda and Arcadia

Pregnancy Solutions is hosting two Walks for Life – “A Mosaic of Hope” on March 8, 2025. One is at Maxine Barritt Park, 1800 Harbor Drive S., Venice, and the other is at Morgan Park, 100 W Hickory St., Arcadia. Each walk begins at 9 a.m. Since 2001, Pregnancy Solutions has protected the vulnerable with an approach that is life-affirming, solutions-based, and Christ-centered with clinics in Port Charlotte, Venice, North Port and Arcadia. Pregnancy Solutions serves babies who have no voice to speak for themselves, moms and dads with the support they need to confidently step into the role God has called them to, and students as they navigate relationships and make healthy, Godly choices. For more information, or to register, please visit

Bowling Bash 2025 in North Port March 9

Support San Pedro Parish’s “Reason for Our Hope” campaign for the Bowling Bash 2025, at 11 a.m., March 9, 2025, at Treasure Lanes, 1059 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte. For more information and to register visit

Verot Gala March 15

Bishop Verot Catholic High School presents a formal evening of timeless regency elegance with The Regency Garden Gala, 5:30 p.m., March 15, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point, 5001 Coconut Road, Bonita Springs. Dress is formal and proceeds benefit the high school. To secure tickets visit Call the school at 239-274-6700 for additional information.

Next Youth Jubilee Adoration Night March 22

The Office of Youth and Young Adult Outreach is offering Youth Jubilee Adoration Nights as part of the Jubilee Year 2025. The evenings include Eucharistic Adoration, an inspirational talk, prayer, music, and the opportunity to take part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, all before concluding with Benediction. While the Youth Jubilee Adoration Nights are geared toward younger Catholics, with youth-centric music and talks, all are welcome. Each Adoration Night is 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Upcoming opportunities to participate are: Saturday, March 22, St. Patrick Parish, 7900 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota; and Friday, May 2, St. Paul Parish, 1330 E. Oak. St., Arcadia. There is no cost to attend. For more information contact Andres Prias at 941-441-1122 or

Venetian Ball March 22 in Bonita Springs

The Catholic Charities Venetian Charity Ball is 6 p.m., March 22, 2025, at St. Leo the Great Parish Hall, 28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs. This event supports the programs in Lee, Hendry, and Glades counties, and the communities still recovering from Hurricane Ian in 2022. Tickets are $250. Register online at For more information, call 239.342.1620 or email

Emerald Ball March 26 in Naples

The Catholic Charities Emerald Ball is 5:30 p.m., March 26, 2025, at the Ritz-Carlton Tiburon Golf Resort, 2600 Tiburon Drive, Naples. This year’s theme, “Pilgrims of Hope,” inspired by Pope Francis in honor of the Jubilee Year, reflects Catholic Charities’ commitment to providing help and hope to all individuals, regardless of race, nationality, or religion. Tickets are $400. Register online at For more information, call 239-455-2655 or email

Third Diocese of Venice Eucharistic Conference March 29

The third Diocese of Venice Eucharistic Conference will take place Saturday, March 29, at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center in Punta Gorda. The theme for the day-long event is inspired by the Jubilee Year 2025 while also building upon the three-year National Eucharistic Revival. The theme for the Conference is “Becoming Eucharistic Missionaries,” and it offers an opportunity to celebrate the Catholic faith with others. The Diocesan Eucharistic Conference will feature Mass celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane. There will also be dynamic presentations by nationally renowned Catholic speakers, with the keynote given by Dr. Scott Hahn, a theologian and Catholic apologist, who has written numerous books. There will be breakout sessions in Spanish. In addition, there will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the opportunity for Confession, as well as Catholic vendors and exhibitors. The cost to attend is $35. per person and includes lunch. To learn more and register, visit For more information, contact Jim Gontis at 941-486-4754 or

Community Pregnancy Clinics Dinner Event April 5 in Naples

“Reaching Hearts” is the theme of the Community Pregnancy Clinics Dinner Event, which is 5 p.m., April 5, 2025, at the Ritz-Carlton Naples Tiburon, 2600 Tiburon Dr, Naples. A reception, dinner and keynote speaker from pro-life advocate and Blaze TV host Liz Wheeler are included. Tickets are $500. To register visit or email to learn more.

Easter Triduum Retreat at OLPH

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, 3989 S. Moon Drive, Venice, will host its annual Easter Triduum Retreat, April 17-20, 2025. The retreat begins with supper on Holy Thursday and ends with breakfast on Easter Sunday. There will be conferences which will focus on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of the Lord.  Celebration of the liturgies of the Lord’s Supper, Way of the Cross, Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion, Easter Vigil, and Sunrise Easter Liturgy are celebrated. Confessions will also be available. Register at, and click on “Schedule of Events.”

Chrism Mass to be celebrated in Naples on April 15

The Chrism Mass, which takes place during Holy Week every year, will be held at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 15, at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 625 111th Ave. N., Naples. During this Mass, Bishop Frank J. Dewane will bless the Holy Oils which are used in the administration of the Sacraments at each parish throughout the year. Priests and Deacons celebrating 25 and 50 years of Ordination are recognized at this Mass. All are encouraged to attend in support of our clergy and to participate in this important Holy Week celebration. The jubilarians being honored this year are:

Priests 50 Years: Father Gregory Klein, O. Carm., Father Normando Feliz, and Father Michael Mullen; Priests 25 Years: Father Luis Pacheco, and Father Saji Ellickal Joseph, MCBS; Deacons 25 Years: Deacon Richard Klish.

One-day Eastern Deanery Eucharistic Pilgrimage a huge success

“Beautiful!” “Inspiring!” “Exhilarating!” “Thrilling!” “Moving!” “Refreshing!” “Motivating!” “Rewarding!” “Wonderful!”

The hundreds who participated in a day-long Eucharistic Pilgrimage in the eastern part of the Diocese of Feb. 15, 2025, had nothing but good things to say about the event. Many were moved beyond words as they travelled to five different Parishes for Mass and Eucharistic Processions.

“The impact on the faithful, by being in the presence of the Lord through the Most Blessed Sacrament, was made in large and small ways with some stating that such a day focused them on keeping Christ at the center of their lives,” Bishop Frank J. Dewane said. “Others found the fellowship of the day to be just as important, with hundreds traveling by vehicle from Parish to Parish, all focused upon sharing, and celebrating, their Catholic faith together.”

“My heart is full of love for God,” said Arelia Fernandez of St. Catherine Parish in Sebring. “Each stop brought us to a different Parish, and we joined in prayer before Christ in the Holy Eucharist. That is what our faith is all about.”

Tom and Susan Flynn of St. Patrick Parish in Sarasota only intended to take part in one or two stops on the pilgrimage route but they were inspired to stay for the whole day. “It was all so impressive and inspirational,” Susan Flynn said. “Each Parish and each stop along the procession was unique and beautiful in its own way so that we felt we had to keep going, and it was worth it. It’s a day we will never forget.”

From before dawn until after dusk, hundreds of the faithful took part in a one-day Eucharistic Pilgrimage to five Parishes in the Eastern Deanery in response to the call of the ongoing National Eucharistic Revival Mission and to celebrate the Jubilee Year 2025, which has a theme of “Pilgrims of Hope.”

The Eucharistic Pilgrimage was organized by Sister Maria Nikopoia, SSVM (Servant Sister of the Virgin of Matara), from St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Wauchula, with the intent of allowing the faithful “to spend the day with Jesus, to show our love for Him, and to make Him known and loved.”

Appropriately, the day opened and closed with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, first at St. James, and later at St. Paul, a designated Diocesan Jubilee Year Pilgrimage Site.

At the start of the pilgrimage, Sister Nikopoia challenged the participants to think about the four things that make up a true pilgrimage: reflection, sacrifice, joy, and hope.

First, the pilgrims needed to reflect upon why they were participating, and to ask what virtues/good habits they need most from God, and who needs their prayers.

“Bring your intentions with you on your journey today,” Sister said. “Pray hard for what you and others need and give thanks for what we have received.”

Sister Nikopoia noted that a true pilgrimage requires sacrifice, annoyances and trials, but that this was a unique opportunity to give thanks for these hardships by taking the opportunity to unite their suffering with the Lord.

Importantly, as Catholics, Sister Nikopoia reminded everyone that we must be joyful. “Look around at your fellow Catholic pilgrims on this journey. Talk to them and get to know each other.”

As “Pilgrims of Hope,” Sister Nikopoia said we each have the opportunity to reflect on the future “glory of heaven that we are all called to enter – to be the great saint that God has made us to be. Pray as well for ‘Hope’ in this world and how you can become more a person of hope.”

At St. Paul, Bishop Dewane spoke to the pilgrims, congratulating them on making the journey and growing closer to the Lord through the Blessed Sacrament.

Bishop Dewane was impressed by the number of enthusiastic pilgrims and praised the organizers as well as the host Parishes for being so welcoming. The Bishop added that the success of the Eucharistic Pilgrimage should serve to inspire others to take part in a Eucharistic Procession or Adoration during this Jubilee Year 2025, adding that he was inspired to do so.

The response from the faithful of the Eastern Deanery and beyond was impressive, with each host Parish, St. James in Lake Placid, St. Catherine in Sebring, Our Lady of Grace in Avon Park, St. Michael the Archangel in Wauchula, and St. Paul in Arcadia, warmly welcoming the hundreds of pilgrims. While not everyone was able to go to each of the five sites, a core group of about 300 participated in the entire pilgrimage. Some travelled from as far as Naples and Clewiston, while others came from Bradenton, Sarasota and Fort Myers. Three charter buses carried some pilgrims to each stop, and many others traveled in their own vehicles.

Each Eucharistic Procession opened in the Parish church and was led outside with the Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance, carried by priest, protected from the elements under a canopy as incense prepared its path.

The processions led to temporary altars, where a Gospel reading from the Passion of Christ was read and prayers made; the entire day culminated in a complete Way of the Cross. While walking from altar to altar, the faithful sang hymns, recited prayers, and prayed the rosary in English and Spanish. Prayers included the Litany of the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Divine Praises, and more. Following the procession, the faithful returned to the host church for the closing Benediction.

At each Parish, a core group of volunteers, including the Knights of Columbus, the Columbiettes, the Council of Catholic Women and more, guided the pilgrims into the churches and along the Eucharistic Procession routes. The processions mostly circled the Parish property, but in at least one case the faithful walked on the neighborhood streets in a public display of the faith.

Father Jose Gonzalez, Pastor of St. Catherine Parish, said he was impressed by the huge crowd that filled the church and took part in such a “beautiful celebration of the Eucharist.”

Breakfast was hosted by St. James Parish, with lunch at Our Lady of Grace Parish and snacks and additional food offered at other sites. A dinner was offered following the closing Mass at St. Paul. At each Parish, priests were available for the faithful to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Pro-Life fight continues, 52 years post-Roe

In the 52 years since the U.S. Supreme Court paved the way for legalized abortion in the United States in the infamous Roe v. Wade decision, more than 65 million innocent lives have been lost. However, since Roe was overturned by the Supreme Court by the Dobbs decision in 2022, great progress has been made to protect women and their preborn children in Florida.

“While significant gains to protect women and preborn children in recent years have been put in place, abortion in Florida will continue at a very high rate under our current laws,” Bishop Frank J. Dewane said. “The attempt to pass the extreme, pro-abortion, Amendment 4 on the November ballot reminds us all that much work remains to open hearts and minds to the dignity and goodness of life in the womb and at every stage.”

Bishop Dewane, along with all Florida Bishops, has vowed to continue to proclaim in Parishes and in the public square the value of every human life and to highlight that there is a better way forward for women, families and society than abortion.

Keeping the unborn at the forefront of the public discussion remains critical, as Jan. 22, 2025, the Roe v. Wade anniversary, is now known as the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.

In a January 7, 2025, statement from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops regarding the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, the Bishops “praise God for the great opportunity state and federal legislators now have to protect pre-born children. While God, in His mercy, ended the nearly 50-year nationwide regime of abortion on demand (via the 2022 Dobbs decision), right now state and federal laws, in many instances, are still hostile to pre-born children. So, great prayer and advocacy is very needed.”

In Florida, a 15-week abortion limit was put into effect in 2022 and the State Legislature further limited abortion to six-weeks of gestation, which went into effect in 2024 and was challenged by the extreme Amendment 4.

Activities within the Diocese of Venice continue to advance the pro-life mission. For example, on Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025, is the 4th Annual March for Life hosted by Ave Maria Parish in Ave Maria. The event begins at 10 a.m. at the Ave Maria University Football Stadium with guest speakers, including Bishop Frank J. Dewane. The walk will leave the stadium and continue through the Ave Maria University campus before concluding with closing prayers in front of the Ave Maria Parish Church in the town square.

Then, a group of about 150 teens from Diocese of Venice Catholic high schools, as well as students from Ave Maria University and the Ave Maria School of Law, will be attending the National March for Life on Jan. 24, in Washington, D.C., joining thousands in standing up as a voice for the unborn. This annual event marks the anniversary of Roe. (For more information, please visit

Coming during in Lent, March 5 to April 13, will be the 40 Days for Life Spring campaign in Sarasota, Fort Myers and Naples. This is part of a national effort to take part in a peaceful vigil in front of abortion facilities to pray for the unborn and encourage moms to save their babies. (For details, please visit

Through different outreach efforts, the Diocese of Venice will continue to support, accompany and assist pregnant women and young families. The Diocese of Venice is a proud partner in the “Walking with Moms in Need” initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. This program educates the Parish staff and ultimately the faithful on where to send a pregnant woman for assistance. This program is crucial, as, for years, the Diocese has partnered with pregnancy help centers throughout the 10-county region. This is to ensure that pregnant moms have access to the support and resources needed and are encouraged to choose life, that they are accompanied by members of their faith community; it is important that mothers know they are not alone.

For women or men who have been scarred by abortion, the Diocese offers “Project Rachel,” an outreach of the Catholic Church to those who are suffering and in need of healing following an abortion. This program offers help through the sacraments, retreats, and referrals for professional counseling, all confidentially. For assistance, please contact, Sylvia Jimenez, Project Rachel Coordinator, at 941-412-5860 (English and en Español), or The Diocese also works with “Support After Abortion,” a national outreach to provide individualized care for individuals impacted by abortion. For details, visit

News Briefs for the week of January 10, 2025


After consultation, Bishop Frank J. Dewane announces the following appointments:

Father Leland Thorpe, O.M.V., as Assistant Director of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, Venice, effective December 10, 2024.

Father Mark Yavarone, O.M.V., is relieved of his duties as Director of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center, Venice, effective December 24, 2024, and thus will return to his Religious Community.

Father Greg Cleveland, O.M.V., as Director of Our Lady of Perpetual Retreat and Spirituality Center, Venice, effective December 24, 2024, and thus is relieved of his duties as Assistant Director of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center.

Father Steven Clemente, as Pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Fort Myers, effective December 20, 2024, and thus, is relieved of his duties as Administrator of St. Francis Xavier Parish.

Father Jean Woady Louis, as Pastor of St. Margaret Parish, Clewiston, effective December 20, 2024, and thus, is relieved of his duties as Administrator of St. Margaret Parish.

Father Luis Pacheco, as Pastor of St. Paul Parish, Arcadia, effective December 20, 2024, and thus, is relieved of his duties as Administrator of St. Paul Parish.

Father Jayabalan Raju, as Pastor of St. John XXIII Parish, Fort Myers, effective December 20, 2024, and thus, is relieved of his duties as Administrator of St. John XXIII Parish.

Father Reji Joseph, OSFS, as Administrator of Our Lady of Light Parish, Fort Myers, effective January 2, 2025, and will be relieved of his duties as Parochial Vicar of St. Ann Parish, Naples on that date.

Two religious priests die

The Diocese of Venice is saddened by the passing of two religious priests on Dec. 27, 2024. Father Marcel George Dubé, O. Carm., was 95, and Father Michael Vogt, O.S.F.S., was 66. Father Dubé was ordained to the priesthood on May 29, 1954, as a member of the Order of Carmelite. For the Diocese of Venice, Father Dubé served as Parochial Vicar at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Grove City from 2001 until his retirement in 2012. In retirement, Father resided at the Carmel at Mission Valley in Nokomis and assisted at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Osprey and St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Sarasota. A Funeral Mass will be held Jan. 16, 2025, at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish. Father Vogt was ordained to the priesthood on Jan. 27, 2012, as a member of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. For the Diocese of Venice, Father Vogt served a Parochial Vicar at St. Ann Parish in Naples from 2019 to 2021 and had recently returned to assist at the Parish. A Mass of Christan Burial for Father Vogt was celebrated Jan. 7, 2024, in Childs, Maryland. A Memorial Mass was celebrated on Jan. 9, 2024, at St. Ann Parish. Please pray for the repose of the souls of Father Dubé and Father Vogt and the consolation of their families. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

Bishop speaks at Theology on Tap

The speaker for the Dec. 19, 2024, gathering of the Theology on Tap in Sarasota was Bishop Frank J. Dewane. Theology on Tap is a program for young adults in their 20s and 30s, providing an opportunity to explore faith topics in a relaxed and social setting at the Oak & Stone, 5405 University Parkway, Sarasota. The evening begins with food and refreshments and presentations, and discussions about the Catholic Faith. Bishop Dewane spoke the document from Pope Francis (Spes non confundit) on hope. In addition, he spoke about the waning days of Advent in preparation for Christmas while sharing his thoughts on the Catholic Church within the Diocese of Venice before answering a wide variety of questions. For information about upcoming gatherings of Theology on Tap, please contact Andres Prias, Diocesan Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, at

Verot basketball player reaches career milestone

Jerry Ashley, a senior forward on the Bishop Verot Catholic High School Boys’s Basketball Team, scored his 1,000th career point on Dec. 30, 2024, during Holiday Hoopfest Championship Game in Fort Myers. Congratulations Jerry!

Student recognized for artwork

Natalia Lesniewski, a sixth-grade student at St. Martha Catholic School in Sarasota, was formally recognized by her school on Dec. 20, 2024, for earning the grand prize at the Missionary Childhood Association (MCA) Christmas Artwork Contest. The congratulatory ceremony took place following Mass on the last day before the Christmas break and included Alixandra Holden, National Director of the Missionary Childhood Association, who presented Natalia with a commemorative plaque. Her proud parents were also present for the ceremony. Natalia learned of the win several months prior. Her art, and that of the 17 top artists from across the county was on display throughout the Advent and Christmas Seasons at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. In addition, Natalia’s art, and that of the other grand prize winner, was featured on the official Christmas cards of The Pontifical Mission Societies, which were sent to hundreds of people, including Pope Francis.

Parish celebrates Epiphany with parade

St. Elizabeth Seton Parish in Naples had a parade to celebrate Epiphany of Lord on Jan. 5, 2025, the commemoration of the worship of Jesus by the Magi and God’s revelation to the nations. The celebration followed Mass, and consisted of a small parade of the three kings with their camels as they followed the star. The three kings then presented their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh and paid their homage to the Christ Child. The celebration concluded with a solemn Epiphany blessing from the Pastor, Father Casey Jones.

Catholic Charities Annual Christmas Appeal needs your support!

The Annual Catholic Charities Christmas Appeal is still underway and needs your support! The Christmas Appeal continues through January 2025 and is Catholic Charities’ largest annual fundraiser, which is critical to meeting the operating needs of this social service organization. Gifts provide funding for the many Catholic Charities programs and services available throughout Southwest Florida. Your generosity enables Catholic Charities to serve those seeking help all year long. To donate please mail a contribution to Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285, or visit

Faith & Ale Fort Myers Jan. 16 in Fort Myers

The next gathering of Faith & Ale Lee County, “A Gather of Catholic Men,” is at 6 p.m., Jan. 16, 2025, at Bishop Verot Catholic High School, 5598 Sunrise Drive, Fort Myers. The speaker is John Beilein, a retired basketball coach at the University of Michigan and Cleveland Cavaliers. His talk is titled “Leadership in Basketball and Beyond.” Register at A donation of $10 is appreciated. For additional information, please contact Damian Hanley at

Fourth Annual March for Life in Ave Maria Jan. 18

Ave Maria Parish in Ave Maria is hosting its 4th Annual March for Life at 10 a.m., Jan. 18, 2025, at the Ave Maria University Football Stadium. Participants will hear from Bishop Frank J. Dewane, special guest speaker Steve Mosher, a social scientist and author, as well as Kimberly King, Vice President of Student Affairs at Ave Maria University. The walk will leave the stadium and continue through the Ave Maria University campus before concluding with closing prayers in front of the Ave Maria Parish Church in the town square. For more information, please email

Retreat for Grieving Parents Jan. 18 in Port Charlotte

The Diocese of Venice Office of Evangelization is offering a one-day retreat for parents who grieve the loss of a child. The retreat is 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Jan. 18, 2025, at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, 1441 Spear Street, Port Charlotte. The retreat will be led by Deacon Henry de Mena, M.A. Registration is required, please register online at dioceseofvenice.regfox. For more information, please contact Jim Gontis at

Faith & Wine Lee County Jan. 23

The Faith & Wine Lee County will have its next gathering of the season at 6:30 p.m., Jan. 23, 2025, at St. John XXIII Parish, Parish Life Center, 13060 Palomino Lane, Fort Myers. The speaker is Stephanie Burke, and the title of the talk is “The Perfume of Our Tears: God Heals Broken Hearts.” Tickets are $28 and include dinner with wine followed by the presentation and the opportunity to connect with other faith-based women. For more information and to register online please visit

Young Adult Evening with Padre Pio in Sarasota

Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish, 833 Magellan Drive, Sarasota, is hosting a Catholic Young Adult Evening with St. Padre Pio, on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025. The evening begins with the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation at 3 p.m., followed by 4 p.m. Mass with prayer intentions for the saint. Following Mass, there will be the praying of the St. Padre Pio Rosary, prayer devotions and a blessing with a first-class relic. Participants will also be encouraged to attend a dinner at Olive Garden. For details and to reserve your seat for dinner, please contact Erica Lesak at

Sunshine State Championship Steak Cook-Off Jan. 25 in Ave Maria

The 15th Annual Sunshine State Championship Steak Cook-Off is 2 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Jan. 25, 2025, in the Ave Maria Town Center. Tickets are $30 in advance ($35 the day of the event), and include a 16 oz. boneless ribeye, potato salad and water. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. The day will also include an arts and crafts festival, beer vendors, live music and a bounce house. Tickets are available now at www/ All proceeds benefit local charities supported by the Knights of Columbus.

2025 Catholic Charities Ball Feb. 1 in Sarasota

The 2025 Catholic Charities Ball will be held at the St. Regis Longboat Key Resort, 1601 Gulf of Mexico Drive, at 6 p.m., Feb. 1, 2025, to benefit the programs and services in Sarasota County. Please join Catholic Charities for an elegant evening to celebrate the program’s mission to serve all of those in need who come for help, regardless of race or religion. “Creating Miracles Through Faith and Service.” Tickets are $500. Register at For more information, call 941-376-7854 or email

Milestone Anniversary Masses

All couples celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or more than 50 years of marriage are invited by Bishop Frank J. Dewane to an Anniversary Mass in their honor. The Diocese hosts two Anniversary Masses each year (one in the northern part of the Diocese and the second in the southern part) to accommodate the demand. The first Mass is at 11 a.m., Feb. 1, 2025, at St. Leo the Great Parish, 28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs. The second Mass is at 11 a.m., March 8, 2025, at St. Thomas More Parish, 2506 Gulf Gate Drive, Sarasota.  A luncheon follows each Mass. Free pictures with Bishop Dewane will also be available for the couples. To register for either Mass, please contact your local Parish office for reservations no later than one week before the event you choose to attend. For additional information, please contact Jim Gontis at 941-484-4754 or

Save the Date! 3rd Annual Eucharistic Conference

As part of the three-year National Eucharistic Revival called for by the Bishops of the United States, as as part of the 2025 Jubilee Year, the Diocese of Venice will host its third annual Eucharistic Conference on Saturday, March 29, 2025. The day-long event provides an opportunity to celebrate your Catholic faith with others and be inspired!  The Eucharistic Conference will include dynamic presentations by nationally renowned Catholic speakers, including Dr. Scott Hahn, Mrs. Kimberly Hahn, Mrs. Mary Ann Wiesinger-Puig, and more. The event will also include Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the opportunity for Confession, and Catholic vendors and exhibitors. The cost to attend is $35. per person. Further details and registration information coming soon!  Save the date!

Volunteers Needed for Prison Outreach

Join the team of Diocesan volunteers who enter county jails and state prisons within the 10-county Diocese of Venice for pastoral outreach, distribution of the Eucharist and to facilitate programs. Priests, Deacons, and lay volunteers are encouraged to assist in this ministry. Volunteers will first participate in an orientation program before entering the facility and will “shadow” experienced volunteers until they feel comfortable. Times and days vary by facility. Please contact Joe Mallof at 224-217-7139 or Bob Hiniker at 863-558-0407 to learn where you can fit into this joyful opportunity.

Longtime Pastor of Our Lady of Light dies 

Funeral information below

Father Hugh J. McGuigan, Oblate of St. Francis de Sales, who has served as Pastor at Our Lady of Light Parish in Fort Myers for the past 20 years, died on Nov. 23, 2024. He was 71.

Father McGuigan was a professed Oblate for 50 years, first as a Brother for 23 years, then as a priest since 1997. Before serving at Our Lady of Light, Father served at Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers, first as a Dean of Students and then from 2000 to 2003 as Principal.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane expressed his sorrow regarding the passing of Father McGuigan, and said the faithful of Our Lady of Light Parish were in his prayers.

“Father Hugh was a friend and a true servant of God who lived his faith each day, being an example for others to follow,” Bishop Dewane said.

Known for his warm smile, humor, dancing, love for the Church and Her people, and of course for his passion for the Philadelphia Eagles, Father Hugh will be missed by the faithful at Our Lady of Light Parish. Comments made on social media focused on the countless lives he touched through his caring and kindness.

Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the second of nine children, he began his college studies at Allentown College (now de Sales University), in Center Valley, Pennsylvania; De Sales School of Theology with Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.; and Nova Southeastern University. After serving as a brother with the Oblates for 23 years, Father McGuigan was Ordained to the Priesthood on May 31, 1997, in Wilmington, Delaware.

While serving at Bishop Verot, on weekends, Father assisted at St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Cape Coral, Resurrection of Our Lord Parish, St. Cecilia Parish, St. Vincent de Paul Parish and Our Lady of Light Parish, all in Fort Myers.

He was assigned to Our Lady of Light as a Parochial Vicar in 2003 before his appointment as Pastor in 2004. While Pastor, Father McGuigan oversaw the construction of the Parish church which was completed in 2007. In addition, a Carilion Bell Tower was constructed in the plaza between the church and Parsh Hall. Father McGuigan also took special care to minister to the students at nearby Florida Gulf Coast University inviting them to Mass and also regularly celebrating Mass for the students in the Student Union.

For the Diocese of Venice, Father McGuigan previously served on the College of Consultors as well as Religious Representative on the Presbyteral Council. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus and was the Chaplain for the Notre Dame Club of Southwest Florida.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 11 a.m. Friday Dec. 6., at Our Lady of Light Parish, 19680 Cypress View Drive, Fort Myers. The Reception of the Body will take place at 4 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 5, at the Parish. This will be followed by Evening Prayer and visitation from 5-8 p.m. Additional visitation will take place from 9-10:45 a.m., Friday Dec. 6.

A Memorial Mass will take place at 10 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 14, at Immaculate Conception Parish, Elkton, Maryland. Burial will follow in the Oblate Cemetery in Childs, Maryland.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Our Lady of Light Parish at, or Bishop Verot Catholic High School at, or to the Oblates of St. Frances de Sales Retirement Fund at

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Father McGuigan and the consolation of his family. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in eternal peace.

Saints and Souls a focus in November

During the month of November, the Church remembers in a particular way all those who have died, as She celebrates the Solemnity of All Saints and that of All Souls’ Day.

All Saints’ Day is celebrated each year on Nov. 1, a day on which we honor all the Saints in heaven, both those known and unknown. All Saints’ Day is a Holy Day of Obligation, meaning all Catholics are required to attend Mass on that day. This is followed by the Feast of All Souls on Nov. 2. The month of November is also known as the Month of All Souls in the Universal Church.

All Saints’ Day and the Feast of All Souls were the topic of the Oct. 25, 2024, “Witnessing Faith with Bishop Dewane” show on Relevant Radio, when Bishop Frank J. Dewane was joined by special guests, Father John Belmonte, SJ, who is the Diocese of Venice Superintendent of Catholic Education, and Jim Gontis, Diocesan Director of Evangelization. The monthly program is available at

St. Teresa of Kolkata is seen in this undated photo. (CNS photo/courtesy

Bishop Dewane shared that All Saints’ Day, together with All Souls’ Day, stems from the belief that the living are linked to those in Heaven. It is vital in Christianity to remember the deceased, especially those who were faithful during their lifetimes.

“During this special remembrance in the Church, we harken back to those men and women who lived particularly good lives according to the teachings of Jesus Christ,” Bishop Dewane said. “The saints are an important part of Salvation history. This is a time to remember the role the saints play in giving a particular witness to the Lord during their lifetime, particularly as part of their family and society. Christianity has always held up saints in how we should live our lives. Importantly, we need to follow those footsteps and strive to do the same.”

Responding to the oft-heard criticism that Catholics worship the saints, Bishop Dewane said that is not true, but that we ask the saints to intercede on our behalf due to the good lives they led and due to the recognition of their spiritual strength to intercede with the Lord.

The Bishop said he personally prays to his namesake, St. Francis of Assisi, as well as to St. Mother Teresa, St. John Paul II, and St. Gregory the Great.

Father Belmonte added that is through the Most Holy Eucharist that we are connected to the saints.

“We remember our beloved dead and the saints at that sacred moment,” Father explained. “We pray for them. They pray for us. So, we are united in that most Sacred moment. We worship God but venerate saints in their own holiness while also asking for the intercession for our own needs. It comes together at the Mass in beautiful ways.”

It is during the Mass, that the Church recognizes all the Apostles, and the great saints of the Church, which is the Church truly praying together united with heaven, Father Belmonte added. “That emphasizes the importance of worship and prayer but is veneration, not worshiping the saints.”

Gontis said that in official Church documents the saints are defined as intercessors and models. “They are models to show us how to live and they are powerful prayers for us – God’s Hall of Famers,” Gontis said. “We worship God alone.”

Speaking on the Commemoration of All Souls, Gontis said on this day, the Church remembers and prays for the souls of the faithful departed, especially for those still undergoing purification in purgatory as they await their heavenly rewards.

Purgatory, which is a concept with strong Biblical backing, is mistakenly believed to be a middle ground between heaven and hell, Gontis said.

“It is a vestibule to heaven – the front porch to the mansion,” Gontis continued. “Their salvation is guaranteed. They died sanctified, in a state of holiness, but they still need to be cleansed to be perfectly purified. They wouldn’t even feel right going into heaven until that is taken care of. It is a teaching and reality of both God’s justice and mercy. Our prayers can help them to get to heaven sooner. They can pray for us but they can’t pray for themselves.”

Bishop Dewane said we pray for the souls of those who have died before us – those who have fallen asleep in the Lord – at every Mass.

“Mass is an important time when we celebrate and honor the Communion of Saints,” the Bishop said. “Saints serve the Lord by praying for people. We can pray for people in purgatory so they can advance to a life with the Lord. Some don’t like that because we have to think about dying, but it is addressed in every Mass. Death is part of life.”

Joining in the conversation, Father Belmonte spoke about a devotion of St. Gertrude the Great, a medieval saint and Benedictine abbess. It is said that if anyone learned and recited her simple prayer, a thousand souls would be saved from purgatory.

The “Prayer of St. Gertrude: Releasing Souls from Purgatory” is presented below:

Eternal Father, I offer You the most Precious Blood of Your Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Universal Church, those in my own home, and within my family. Amen.

Father shared that he once had a student who recited the prayer more than a thousand times, keeping tracked each time he said the prayer in a notebook. “It was through this young man that a million souls were saved.”

During November, it is encouraged to have a Mass offered for the intention of the soul of someone who has died. In addition, an indulgence is granted to the faithful who visit a cemetery and pray, even if only mentally, for the dead. This indulgence is applicable only to the souls in purgatory. This indulgence is a plenary one from Nov. 1 through Nov. 8 and can be gained on each one of these days.

Catholic Culture focus of Diocesan educators

The faculty and teachers of the 15 Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools gathered for a retreat to focus on building a Catholic Culture at their respective schools.

The retreat was Sept. 13, 2024, at St. John XXIII Parish in Fort Myers, and led by Father John Belmonte, SJ, Diocese of Venice Superintendent of Catholic Education, and Jennifer Falestiny, Diocesan Curriculum Director.

The more than 610 teachers and faculty first gathered for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, during which Father Belmonte explained how “God has called you to your classroom, to your school, to do great work of Catholic education in the Diocese of Venice… Our Lord has given each of us the courage to live out this vocation, providing protection, peace and calm to hear His voice speaking in our hearts.”

Father Belmonte, in later presenting to the group, described Catholic School Culture as the vision, values, systems, language, expectations, behaviors, and beliefs that increase a school’s and Diocese’s chances of accomplishing the strategy of fulfilling its mission: to introduce the world to its Savior. The need to develop a strong Catholic culture is more important than ever as each Diocesan school has seen massive growth in the past four years to a record enrollment of 6,524 this academic year.

Falestiny and four Diocesan principals shared examples of how important building a Catholic Culture is in shaping the way the faculty, staff, students, parents, and the greater community view a school. Ensuring that everyone is focused on putting Christ first in deeds and in actions is critical to achieving this goal.

“It means building up the faith-life of the students and families with whom you will interact,” Falestiny said.

In addition to focusing on promoting a Catholic Culture in each classroom, Father Belmonte asked the educators to focus on the Gift of Christ: Courage. This is the strength given to each educator by the Lord to live out the mission of Catholic education in the Diocese of Venice, that is to introduce the Lord and Savior to the world.

“Aside from administration of sacraments, there is no better mission,” Father Belmonte said. “Take courage in doing what we do – to teach young people to live the. Support each other in this mission, that is to teach the Gospel in this world.”

By introducing students to Jesus, the Catholic educator leads people to discuss not only who Jesus is, but to discover who we are in relation to Him, so that we can answer the fundamental question of life for ourselves and for the students, Father concluded.

The educators also heard a presentation from the creators of the Hallow APP. This online application offers a variety of educational resources which focus on meditation and prayer and allows users to grow closer to the Lord. Diocesan Catholic schools will be given access to the application for use as part of an educational component of the company.

Longtime Diocesan priest retires

For the past four decades Father Mark Heuberger has served the faithful of Southwest Florida in several different capacities, celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, administering the sacraments and proclaiming the Word of God to the faithful. Most importantly he has strived to live out his call to holiness as a priest through prayer and being an example for others to follow.

After 43 years as a priest, Father Heuberger is retiring effective June 30, 2024, shortly after reaching his 70th birthday. In that time, Father served at 11 Parishes ranging from Fort Myers and Cape Coral to St. Petersburg, on the faculty at three Catholic high schools, two terms on the faculty of the regional seminary, and appointments on numerous seminary and Diocesan advisory boards.

A dual birthday and retirement celebration took place on June 23 at Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles Parish in Bradenton, where he has served as Pastor for the past 14 years. The celebration began appropriately with Mass and was followed by a reception all with intention of thanking Father Mark for his many years of service to the people of God and to wish him well going forward.

Father Heuberger said that prior to the celebration he was trying to think of the number weddings, baptism and funerals he presided over for just the people who were coming to honor him and couldn’t do it. When reflecting on the full 42 years of his priesthood, the numbers become huge and only reflect a small part of his priestly service.

“I am so grateful to have been able to be a small part of so many lives,” Father Heuberger said. “I am so blessed. Thank you.”

During the reception, Bishop Frank J. Dewane, many Diocesan priests and religious, as well as friends from nearly each of his many assignments, recognized Father Mark for his lifelong achievements as a priest. This included a special proclamation in Father’s honor presented to him by Bradenton Mayor Gene Brown, a longtime parishioner.

“We remember him was he was a Transitional Deacon and began serving at Bishop Verot (Catholic High School in Fort Myers),” said current Verot teacher Mark Latell. “He was such an inspiration then, just as he is today.”

Father Heuberger was born in Shelby, Ohio, but grew up in Bradenton, going to St. Joseph Catholic School from 1960-1968 and then to Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota, graduating in 1972. He went directly into seminary, discerning the priesthood at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami and then at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1980 for the Diocese of St. Petersburg.

The first six years of his priesthood included working on the faculty at three different Catholic high schools, including Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers (1980-1982), and Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota (1984-1986) within the Diocese of Venice. While at these schools, Father Heuberger was assigned as Parochial Vicar at St. Cecilia Parish in Fort Myers; Epiphany Parish in Venice; St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Sarasota; and finally at St. Martha Parish in Sarasota, as well as at two Parish in St. Petersburg. He then became the first Diocese of Venice Youth Director (1985-1989)

A founding member of the Presbyterate of the Diocese of Venice in Florida, it was in 1988 when Father Mark became founding Pastor of St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Port Charlotte where he served from 1988 to 1994. During this time, Father also earned an additional advanced degree in 1993 from St. Joseph College in West Hartford, Connecticut. He was then assigned a term to serve on the faculty of St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary as Dean of Pastoral Formation from 1994-1999. Father then had a brief assignment as Pastor of St. Thomas More Parish in Sarasota (1999-2000), before returning the faculty at the regional seminary from 2000-2003.

Having completed his time in academia, Father Heuberger was appointed as Pastor of St. Andrew Parish in Cape Coral, serving from 2003 to 2010, before finally being appointed to Saints Peter and Paul the Apostle, returning to his roots in Bradenton.

“The timing for retirement is right as I am healthy and will be able to enjoy myself,” Father said.

Founding Pastor of Venice Parish dies

Father Vincent J. Sheehy, founding Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Venice and priest for 63 years, died June 13, 2024, at the age of 89.

Father Sheehy was born in Chicago, Illinois, and first had the idea of becoming a priest at the age of 13. His family moved to Florida when he was 17 before he decided to enter the seminary. As a seminarian, he studied at St. Columbans College in Milton, Massachusetts, and St. Bernard Seminary in Rochester, New York. He was Ordained to the Priesthood on May 14, 1961, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Miami by the ordaining prelate Bishop Coleman Francis Carroll.

For the Archdiocese of Miami he served at parishes in Miami, West Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale, Miami Beach, North Miami Beach and Riviera Beach. For the Archdiocese, Father also served as the treasurer, chairman of the building commission, Chaplain to the Miami Dolphins (1969-1984, including their perfect season in 1972), and consultor to the Archbishops.

When the Diocese of Venice was erected in 1984, Father Sheehy was incardinated and first served as Parochial Vicar at St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Sarasota before becoming founding Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Venice in July 1986.

While at Our Lady of Lourdes, Father Sheehy oversaw the construction of a new Church, education building, Parish Hall, and other buildings on the property, and a rectory. During his 21 years at Our Lady of Lourdes the Parish grew to serve more than 2,000 registered families.

Upon retirement in 2007, Father Sheehy continued to assist at Our Lady of Lourdes, and at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Port Charlotte, and during the summer months at a Parish in Newport Beach, California.

A strong supporter of the Pro-Life movement, Father Sheehy set up several scholarships, through the Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida Inc., for Catholic school students from families who are actively involved in the Pro-Life outreach at their home Parishes.

Father Sheehy was a Knight Commander of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre and member of the Knights of Columbus.

A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on June 18, 2024, at Our Lady of Lourdes with Bishop Frank J. Dewane as the principal celebrant. The burial will occur on Monday, June 24, 2024, at 2:30 p.m., at Our Lady of Mercy Cemetery in Doral, Florida.

Bishop Dewane said that Father Sheehy put the Gifts of God he was given into the work he did but much of what he did was not visible to all.

“By being the example, being the doer, he radiated that presence of the Lord in the concern he had for the people of the Parish and the Diocese,” Bishop Dewane said. “We are in debt to Father Vincent and give thanks for the gift he has given and life he lived.”

Father Janusz “Jay” Jancarz, Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes, described Father Sheehy as someone who lived the Gospel in all he said and did. “He did not seek anything to profit himself. He was humble, he was obedient, and he was meticulous in guarding the truth.”

Father Sheehy is survived by several nieces and nephews and many friends.

Please pray for the repose of his soul and consolation of his family. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in eternal peace.