Bishop ignites 40 Days Spring Campaign

The 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign seeking an end to abortion in the U.S. commenced on Ash Wednesday. Present at the opening vigil in Fort Myers were more than 200 people, including students from two Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane was at the head of the vigil on Feb. 17, 2021, encouraging everyone present to be strong as they stand up to end an evil that plagues society: the taking of innocent life. “It is part of our Lenten journey to give ever more to life in every way, and participation in this vigil is an important step,” Bishop Dewane said.

Students from Bishop Verot Catholic High School and Donahue Academy of Ave Maria took part in the vigil. First, they took part in an opening procession as escorts of a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary to a podium across from the Planned Parenthood abortion facility. The students then led the praying of the rosary and heard from several speakers who shared their passion for life while holding up signs such as “Pray to End Abortion,” “Smile, Your Parents Chose Life,” and more.

The sight of the students filled the hearts of the older participants with joy upon hearing that the youth were part of the respective school’s Pro-Life club. The students are actively learning and sharing what they know about Church Teaching and the sanctity of all life from conception to natural deaths with their peers, while participating in a variety of other activities throughout the year.

“It is heartwarming to see the young people out here,” said 72-year-old Susan Byrd of St. Cecilia Parish in Fort Myers. “It is their generation that is being harmed and we need them to take up the mantle in speaking out for the unborn.”

One Bishop Verot student said she was proud to be a part of the opening for the 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign and plans to return during the coming weeks. “We were not able to go to the national March for Life because of the Pandemic, but I am so glad we could be here. The message of life needs to be heard here!”

Another 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign can be found in Sarasota, where more than 80 took part in the opening vigil. The two Diocesan campaigns are part of the larger national effort which this year include 567 cities and continues through March 28.

Bishop Dewane said that many make the issue of life a political one, when in reality it is a moral issue.

“Failing to protect life is a moral evil that threatens the dignity of each and every human being in the world today,” the Bishop continued. “For this reason, the Catholic Church and U.S. Bishops have been unwavering and outspoken in their stance on this issue.”

For more information about how you can participate in the 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign within the Diocese, go to and click on the location nearest you. You can also contact your Parish Life Coordinator for specific information about your Parish’s commitment days.

News Briefs for the week of February 26, 2021

Mooney Girl’s Basketball reaches first State Final

The Lady Cougars of Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in the State Final! The team won the Class 3A State Semifinal over The Master’s Academy of Oviedo on Feb. 24, 2021 at the RP Funding Center in Lakeland.  The Cougars will be competing in the State Final against Miami Country Day on March 5, a game which was postponed from Feb. 26. The team took the Class 3A Regional Championship over the Community School of Naples in Naples on Feb. 19. The Lady Cougars are 20-8 this season and appearing in their first State Final.

Retired priest dies

Father Carl A. Birarelli, a retired priest who assisted at Parishes in Sarasota and Manatee counties died on February 12, 2021, in Sarasota. He was 94. Born in Everett, Massachusetts, Father Birarelli was ordained in June 15, 1958 and was a Priest of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati until his retirement in 1994. Throughout his ministry he served in several parishes throughout the United States and Canada. Within the Diocese of Venice, he assisted at Our Lady of the Angels Parish in Lakewood Ranch, Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles Parish in Bradenton and Incarnation Parish in Sarasota. He is survived by many nieces and nephews who were extremely devoted to him throughout his life and ministry. A Mass of Christian Burial was held Feb. 22 at Our Lady of the Angels. Burial followed at Palms Memorial Park in Sarasota.

Safe Haven Sunday March 7

Pornography is one of the leading causes of addictions, abuse, adultery, divorce, and even human trafficking: it is, in short, a pervasive evil inflicting grave wounds on our families. Pornography creates unsafe environments for children and confuses others about attitudes towards sex and marriage. It is a moral issue. For this reason, March 7, 2021 has been designated as Safe Haven Sunday in the Diocese of Venice. This day for awareness will give an opportunity to address the harmfulness of pornography in marriages, families, and culture, while providing helpful resources for all. Detailed information about the implementation of this program will be shared in the coming weeks through your Parishes. Join the Safe Digital Family Challenge by texting SECURE to 66866 to receive seven days of emailed digital tips to create a safe haven in your home. If you have any questions, please contact Carrie Harkey, Diocesan Coordinator of Family Life at or 941-484-9543.

Advisors help students achieve their college dreams

It is the dream of many high school students to one day graduate and go off to the college or university of their choice to pursue their dreams in whatever career path they choose.

With competition fierce for entrance into colleges and universities, having an edge is a priority. Fortunately for the students at St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples, their edge comes from a group of dedicated advisors who help them through every step of the complicated process.

These advisors, who are teachers at Neumann and work closely and are coordinated through the Guidance Office, are a key factor why every graduate of Neumann who has had a desire to seek higher education has been able to do so in the past 10 years. In fact, Neumann graduates regularly go on to some of the best colleges and universities in the county. In addition, the Class of 2020 was offered more than $11.5 million in scholarships.

Because of this, students and parents rave about the college advisory process and often cite it as an factor for choosing St. John Neumann Catholic High School.

The rigorous college prep curriculum at Neumann creates a framework that guides students on a path to achieve their goals for college acceptances. Course offerings, college advisory program and a service-minded culture ensure students are well prepared for success at the next level of their education.

All students meet quarterly with their assigned advisors in an interview style setting to discuss current progress and set upcoming goals directed toward college application readiness. Students are on a first name basis with the guidance counselor and advisors, who all actively support both the student and parents through the college application and financial aid submission processes.

The intensive support from the advisors begins with freshman orientation and goes through graduation, explained Laura Roszkowski, Neumann Director of Guidance and Counseling. These regular meetings occur as an effort to review academic progress, discover strengths and interests, and to match those qualities to desired college majors and career paths.

Having this one-on-one time with students during the 2020-2021 Academic Year has been crucial as normal college planning and expectations have been altered to match the changing world amid the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic.

“Because Neumann is a family, and the goal is for all students to feel cared for, the advisors are providing a steadying influence during this challenging process,” Roszkowski said. “These meetings provide a time for students to form a connection on campus. As the world is filled with many uncertainties, the students are reassured that the entire Neumann community is there for them.”

In the pre-Pandemic-world, the support for college-bound students included a College Fair, visits to the school by college recruiters, organized trips by students and advisors to Florida colleges and universities, and much more.

COVID restrictions meant students logged into electronic college fairs to ask their questions from the comfort of their homes. Students – both on campus and remote learners – have video-chatted with college representatives responsible for reading their application, Roszkowski said. In this way, students can ask specific questions, get clarification on the application process, and hear directly from the source for how they should handle the dreaded application essays.

The advisory process at Neumann jumps into high gear during the senior year when support is necessary for students to juggle the demands of applications, in addition to sports, clubs, volunteering, work, and their academic commitments.

Unlike when applications were done through the regular mail, the process is much more complicated in 2021 as some college and universities require students to fill out forms on up to seven different websites just to complete an application for one school.

“This is a huge amount of stress for each student and Neumann has created an environment that allows advisors to take time during the school day to alleviate some of that stress,” Roszkowski said. “The four years of support culminates with acceptances, scholarship offers, and students feeling prepared for wherever life takes them after Neumann.”

To learn more about St. John Neumann Catholic High School, please visit

News briefs for week of February 26, 2021

Verot artists shine in chalk

The Bishop Verot Catholic High School Art Club members participated in the Chalk Block contest on Feb. 5-6, 2021 on the waterfront in Fort Myers. More than 40 Lee County high school teams participated in the Chalk Block event which was sponsored by Lee Health and Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida.


Verot seniors Angela Hopkinson, Letitia Tiranayake-Siriwardena, and Rachelle Hartig won the Golisano Children’s Hospital “Sunny and Sparkle” award in addition to taking third place overall. Ainsleigh Ellis, Sophie Purdue, and MacKenzie Housler won a judge’s award for their sun garden. The theme this year was CommUNITY. The girls are currently considering making their chalk block design into a t-shirt that will raise money for art therapy programs at the Children’s Hospital.


Sarasota Charity Ball a success

The 2021 Sarasota Charity Ball was a huge success on Feb. 13 at the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in downtown Sarasota. The proceeds from the event will benefit the programs of Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice in Sarasota and Manatee counties including the St. Martha Early Learning Center, Bethesda House, Our Mother’s House, North Port Family Haven and more, all which help to serve the needy in the area.

The elegant evening included a live auction and dinner catered by Michael’s on East and was chaired by Bridget Speiss.

Mooney student medals in State Weightlifting

Congratulations to Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School student McKayla Cantrell who medaled and finished 4th in the 2021 Class 1A Girls Weightlifting State Championship on Feb. 12, 2021 at Suwanee High School in Live Oak. Her combined lift was 305 pounds (165 pounds in the bench press and 140 in the clean and jerk). McKayla is Mooney’s first state medalist in this event.

Parish adds spiritual touch to food distribution

St. Elizabeth Seton Parish in Naples are now partnering with St. Matthew’s House for a weekly food distribution. This outreach began in January and more than 400 families are coming by for food each week. In addition to giving food, the Parish Prayer Team provides something different to help the recipients connect to the Lord. For example, the team recently provided rosaries along with information in the Divine Mercy Devotion. As the team prays with their guests, they also learn if there are any other needs, such as rent or utilities, which are then addressed by the Parish St. Vincent DePaul Society.

Migrant Care Grants deadline Feb. 28

Grant requests for funding of 2021 projects from the Foundation for the Care of the Migrant Poor are available and need to be submitted no later than Feb. 28, 2021. To be considered by the Board of Directors for a Grant, the project must clearly be seen as a service to the migrant poor or new immigrants. Preference will be given to those projects under Catholic auspices. Applications can be submitted by going to the Foundation page on the Diocese website at

Volunteers needed

The St. Vincent de Paul Society thrift stores in Bonita Springs and Naples are in need of more volunteers. If you feel you can help, please contact Samantha Maturo, Program/Volunteer Coordinator, at or 239-775-2907 ext. 1014.

Safe Haven Sunday

Pornography is one of the leading causes of addictions, abuse, adultery, divorce, and even human trafficking: it is, in short, a pervasive evil inflicting grave wounds on our families. Pornography creates unsafe environments for children and confuses others about attitudes towards sex and marriage. It is a moral issue. For this reason, March 7 has been designated as Safe Haven Sunday in the Diocese of Venice. This day for awareness will give an opportunity to address the harmfulness of pornography in marriages, families, and culture, while providing helpful resources for all. Detailed information about the implementation of this program will be shared in the coming weeks through your Parishes. If you have any questions, please contact Carrie Harkey, Diocesan Coordinator of Family Life at or 941-484-9543.

Women’s Conference March 13

Registration is now open for the 2021 Women’s Conference on March 13, which will feature speakers Kimberly Hahn and Mary Ann Weisinger-Puig. The Conference will be held at Bishop Verot Catholic High School, 5598 Sunrise Drive, Fort Myers. The Conference is 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (doors open at 8 a.m.) with Mass celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane. Confession will be available all day. For more information or to register, please visit

40 Days for Life now until Palm Sunday

Join other Christians from now through March 28, for the Spring 40 Days for Life campaign. This Campaign encompasses 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. Stand and peacefully pray during vigils in the public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood in Fort Myers or Sarasota. For more information, go to and click on the location nearest you.

Catholic Schools Week showcases faith-based education

Behind all of the fun and games which take place during the celebration of Catholic Schools Week each year is faith, which shines forth in everything that is done at all 15 of the Diocesan Catholic schools.

Catholic Schools Week 2021 ran from Jan. 31- Feb. 6 with each day focused on different themes, including celebrating the students, faculty and staff, families, Parish, vocations, community and nation.

Using those broad topics as a springboard for different activities, the more than 4,600 students took part in fields days, STREAM (science, technology, religion, engineering, arts and math) activities, academic competitions, collections for the needy, chances for prayer and reflection as well as the celebration of Mass.

Father John Belmonte, SJ, Superintendent of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Venice, celebrated Mass at several Diocesan schools throughout the week. Father delivered the message of how Catholic schools are places of big dreams, bigger than academic or athletic success, but in fact they are where students will grow and deepen in their Faith.

“You are Catholic School students, born to follow your dreams, born to stand out, not stand back,” Father Belmonte told students at St. John Neumann Catholic High School on Feb. 2, 2021. Father stressed that Catholic school students must be known for their Faith. This obligation manifests itself in the way each student prays and believes; in how they make the world a better place; the service they render to the poor and needy; their intellect; and in the peace and love that they desire.

“Everyone should have evidence of the dreams that you have,” Father continued. “We long for Jesus Our Savior. We will meet Our Lord in this church right here at this altar. Let us receive Him into our hearts and souls, realizing this dream every time we celebrate the Most Holy Eucharist.”

In addition to participating in Mass during the week, schools also prayed the rosary. At St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton students wrote prayers for safety during the Pandemic, as well as prayers for their families, teachers, friends and country. The prayers were linked together to form a chain that circled the campus as a reminder that God is with them each day. At the Donahue Academy of Ave Maria, the entire student body participated in an outdoor Eucharistic Procession.

Each school had a day focused on celebrating vocations with most inviting a priest or religious to speak to students. This was done either in person or through a video chat. This time of sharing allowed the students to learn that these men and women have similar interests, but also how they chose to serve God by answering a call to a life in the priesthood or religious life. Some schools wrote letters to the priests and area religious, thanking them for the support of the faith-life at the school.

Throughout the week many schools also helped to give back to the community by collecting food, blankets or toiletries which were then presented to area charitable organizations.

This is only a small sample of what took place during Catholic Schools Week 2021 with the Diocese. Check with each school’s social media accounts to see descriptions and images from throughout the week.

To learn more about Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools, please visit

Bradenton student takes Knights State Spelling Bee title

Michelle Lupescu, a seventh-grade student at St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton, won the Florida State Council of the Knights of Columbus Spelling Bee in Kissimmee on Feb. 6, 2021.

Michelle began the competitions at the local level with the Knights of Columbus St. Joseph Council 5604, based in Bradenton. She came in first for the seventh and eighth grade division at the school, district, and regional competitions, before moving on to the state level. The competition is held annually for private and Catholic schools throughout the state. The state level competition includes the top spellers from each of the Florida regions.

She credits much of her success to her language skills. Michelle’s family is from Romania and English is her second language.  In addition, she is enrolled in High School Level Spanish I at St. Joseph Catholic School.

Michelle appeared calm and confident even when she faced multiple rounds with the second and third place winners. Many of the adults in the room were commenting that they would have missed several of the words these students spelled with ease.

Principal Deborah Suddarth of St. Joseph Catholic School was present and congratulated Michelle, praising her excellent academic achievements that led to her victory. The general programs director for the Florida State Council of the Knights of Columbus, presented Michelle with a plaque and a $125 check.

Michelle is the daughter of Rev. Fr. Ioan Lupescu, a Romanian Orthodox priest, and Cami Lupescu.

Catholic Schools Week off to strong start

Students from Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota started off Catholic Schools Week 2021 on Sunday, Jan. 31, by visiting and speaking before the faithful at Masses in different Parishes. At St. Catherine Catholic School in Sebring, the principal and select teachers and students were recognized during Masses on Jan. 31 as well.

This was the start of a week celebrating Catholic Education at the 15 Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Venice. As the week progresses, there were days to celebrate the family, the community, the nation, vocations and more.

In a video message marking Catholic Schools Week, Bishop Frank J. Dewane said it is a fun and exciting time to celebrate Catholic Schools within the Diocese. “It is a celebration of the values and high standards that are part and parcel of Catholic Schools… Our Catholic Schools have been and will always be a place where they will learn about God’s dream for them.” (Bishop Dewane’s Catholic Schools Week message can be found following this link

Epiphany Cathedral Catholic School students heard a video message from the Vice Mayor of Venice who proclaimed the week of Jan. 31-Feb. 6, 2021 at Catholic Schools Week.

Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers started the week off with an Academic Awards A-Team challenge, a trivia competition with teachers in front of the entire student body on the football field.

St. Francis Xavier Catholic School, also in Fort Myers, kicked off Catholic Schools Week with the celebration of the 100th day of school. Students were encouraged to either wear a shirt with 100 items on it, or dress like a 100-year-old.

Throughout the week, students will be participating in various projects to support the community including fundraising and collections to help Catholic Charities, veterans, homeless, those who are sick due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and much more.

Please check the Diocese of Venice Facebook page to follow some of these events and be sure to check the Feb. 12, 2021 e-Edition of The Florida Catholic for a complete wrap-up of Catholic Schools Week activities.

News briefs for the week of Jan. 26, 2021

Children’s Festival held in Wauchula

The annual Children’s Festival was held at St. Michael Parish in Wauchula on Jan. 23, 2021. The Festival brings children from kindergarten through fifth grade to the Parish for a day of prayer and fun.

The day included Mass, a Eucharistic Procession, as well as presentations about how they can grow in their Faith. In addition, there were various games, many of which had a faith-based theme. The women religious who serve the Parish, Sisters Servant of Lord and the Virgin of Matara, organized the festival.

“A Seminarian Story” sixth installment available

The Diocese of Venice in Florida Office of Vocations launched a video series titled, “A Seminarian Story,” to celebrate the 16 Seminarians currently in formation. The first four videos have been released and more will follow approximately every few weeks. The most recent video is about Seminarian David Portorreal who is doing formation at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach.

Developed with the assistance of the Diocese Communications Department, the goal of the series is to inspire others to follow in the path to the priesthood or religious life, as well as encourage the faithful to continue to support the seminarians as they continue their formation process at different seminaries. “A Seminarian Story” featuring David Portorreal can be found at

Men’s & Women’s Conferences 2021

Registration is now open for the 2021 Men’s & Women’s Conferences! The Men’s Conference will feature speakers Patrick Madrid and Joel Stepanek on Saturday February 20th.

The Women’s Conference will feature speakers Kimberly Hahn and Mary Ann Weisinger-Puig on Saturday March 13. Both conferences will be held at Bishop Verot High School in Fort Myers from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (doors open at 8:00 a.m.) with Mass celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane and Confession available all day. To register, please visit

Anniversary Masses

All couples celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or more than 50 years of marriage are invited by Bishop Frank J. Dewane to an Anniversary Mass in their honor to be celebrated in two locations. This year, considering the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, each location will have two Masses to allow for appropriate social distancing. The Masses are 10 a.m. and noon on Feb. 6, 2021, Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice, and 10 a.m. and noon, March 6, 2021, St. Leo the Great Parish, 28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs. All registration is being handled through your local Parish. Please reserve seats at least one week before the Mass you wish to attend.

Begin your year with Jesus in the Eucharist

What better way to begin 2021 than in the presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament? The Office of Evangelization will be hosting several evenings of Eucharistic Adoration with Confession available, music, reflection, and time for silent prayer. Jesus, who makes “All Things New” will bring a newness to your faith in this new year. Locations include Our Lady of Light Parish, Fort Myers, Feb. 2; Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Lakewood Ranch, Feb. 3; St. John the Evangelist Parish, Naples, Feb. 4; Incarnation Parish, Sarasota, Feb. 11; and St. Joseph Parish, Bradenton, Feb. 16. Adoration begins at 7 p.m. and goes until 8:30 p.m.

Bibles presented to Bradenton students

Father Rafal Ligenza, Administrator of St. Joseph Parish in Bradenton, presented bibles to each of the seventh and eighth graders at St. Joseph Catholic School on Jan. 21, 2021. Father Ligenza presented the bibles as gifts from the Parish and then prayed with the students.

Encountering God in Prayer: A Lenten Journey

Spend this Lent growing in prayer! “Encountering God in Prayer: A Lenten Journey” is a theological and practical online course offered by the Institute for Catholic Studies and Formation. The course will guide you through the rich and beautiful teaching on personal prayer found in part four of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Short video lectures, online discussions, prayer exercises and other learning activities will constitute the class content. Students log in each week at times most convenient to them. The instructor, Dr. John Gresham, Executive Director of the Institute, has extensive experience teaching on prayer in courses, workshops, and retreats. The course is $25 and runs from Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021 to April 5. For more information, visit, call 941-766-7334 or email

Water bottle stations make an impact

Each Diocesan Catholic school strives to be good steward of God’s creation, including making every effort to limit the amount of trash. At St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples, water bottle filling station were installed to cut down on the waste caused by plastic water bottles. On Jan. 22, 2021 Neumann Senior Tommy Anderson was recognized as the 10,000th water bottle filler at one of the stations on campus. Principal Sister Patricia Roche, Salesian Sister of St. John Bosco, presented Anderson with a certificate during morning prayers/announcements. The stations were installed thanks to the Home and School Association. Since the start of the Academic Year, 31,609 water bottles have been saved from entering the landfill.

Verot student to attend Congress of Future Medical Leaders

Eric Avin, a ninth grader at Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers, will serve as a Delegate to the Congress of Future Medical Leaders this March. The Congress is an honors-only program for high school students striving for a career as a physician or in a medical research field. The event is designed to honor, inspire, motivate and direct some of the brightest students in the country and to provide a path, plan and resources to help them reach their goal. He was chosen based on the recommendations of a teacher and a Nobel laureate, and on his academic achievement, leadership potential and determination to serve humanity in the field of medicine. During the two-day virtual Congress, Eric will have the chance to hear Nobel Laureates and National Medal of Science Winners talk about leading medical research; learn about cutting-edge advances and the future in medicine and medical technology and much more.

Safe Haven Sunday

Pornography is one of the leading causes of addictions, abuse, adultery, divorce, and even human trafficking: it is, in short, a pervasive evil inflicting grave wounds on our families. Pornography creates unsafe environments for children and confuses others about attitudes towards sex and marriage. It is a moral issue. For this reason, March 7 has been designated as Safe Haven Sunday in the Diocese of Venice. This day for awareness will give an opportunity to address the harmfulness of pornography in marriages, families, and culture, while providing helpful resources for all. Detailed information about the implementation of this program will be shared in the coming weeks through your Parishes. If you have any questions, please contact Carrie Harkey, Diocesan Coordinator of Family Life at or 941-484-9543.

Faith and Wine Lee County Feb. 25

The next gathering of Faith and Wine Lee County will be a virtual Zoom event beginning at 7 p.m., Feb. 25, 2021. The speaker is Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, who will present “Small Things with Great Love: To Love like Mother Teresa.” To see the complete line-up of speakers, or to register, visit


Diocese partners to broaden STREAM curriculum

A major investment in the students at Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools today will have lasting benefits that go beyond the classroom.

This initiative to benefit Diocesan Catholic Schools came about through a unique partnership with FIRST (For the Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), the leading robotics competition in the world. The Diocese is an official partner in the program that engage all students from kindergarten through high school in exciting, mentor-based, research and robotics programs, which encourage students to become science and technology leaders, and well-rounded contributors to society.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane has backed the effort to introduce this new, comprehensive STREAM (science, technology, religion, engineering, arts and mathematics) initiative. The forward-thinking effort will enhance the existing STREAM curriculum of the 15 Diocesan schools, placing students ahead of the curve in primary fields while continuing to promote core Catholic virtues.

“This is an example of looking to the future and positioning our Diocesan schools, and more importantly, our students, for success,” Bishop Dewane said. “This program has a strong science, math and engineering component, but it enhances everything we are already doing that distinguishes Diocesan Catholic schools from others in the region.”

The commitment to the program is seen through the initial investment in equipment, fast-tracking the effort into all schools to ensure they are ready to start implementation for all students by the start of the 2021-2022 Academic Year.

“Every student going through Diocese of Venice Catholic schools from this point forward will have this curriculum and these activities as part of his/her regular experience,” Explained Father John Belmonte, SJ, Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Education. “This program will be integrated into all aspects of education, not just the existing STREAM efforts in the schools.”

The Diocese is one of only 25 nationwide partners and is unique nationally in that the Diocese program includes a strong religious component, something Bishop Dewane stressed.

“We are not only teaching science and technology but building into this the basic foundations of Catholic Faith in action,” Father Belmonte said.

While FIRST robotics core values are discovery, innovation, impact, inclusion, teamwork and fun, the Diocese team created C.H.R.I.S.T. Gifts – Catholic Habits and Responses in School and Teams. These gifts are truth, beauty, goodness, humility, fortitude, prudence and affability.

“This is not as an add-on, but it enhances existing FIRST concepts to fit them into the Diocesan program,” Father Belmonte added. “We have aligned this program with the Florida Catholic Conference, creating a unique opportunity to teach children and teachers about Catholic virtues in education. Students will learn about these virtues both intellectually and in practice.”

Jennifer Falestiny, Diocesan Curriculum Specialist, who helped to facilitate the partnership between the Diocese and FIRST, said five pilot schools (which already have strong STREAM programs) will begin integrating the FIRST program for the final quarter of the 2021 Academic Year. The balance of all schools and teachers will be introduced to the project in June for implementation in the fall.

“This will be integrated in varying capacities into all schools by the fall, with full implementation within five years,” Falestiny said. “The FIRST program teaches students a new way of thinking that will be foundational when determining how to express their ideas. Students will develop their agility, knowledge and experience in the use of different technologies, preparing them for the future. This cultivates a group of innovative thinkers and problem solvers. This is a new way to learn in the context of Faith.”

In the classroom, students will be introduced to age-appropriate program kits which are the tools to teach the curriculum. These kits use LEGO products, such as Duplo blocks for the youngest students, and more traditional blocks for older students. Each progressive kit increases with difficulty and broadens the concepts learned in earlier years. By middle and high school levels, schools will be building competition robots.

The FIRST program is designed to be plugged into a school at any grade, Falestiny said. This means new participants, either in the first year of the initiative or new to Diocesan schools, will already have the foundational concepts that are appropriate for their grade level. “Once entered, they will catapult because they will have added enrichment and enhanced equipment, tools and activities.”

While robots are a major part of the FIRST program, it is just a tool that expands upon the idea of project-based learning and cognitive thought processes, helping to develop skills such as leadership, communication, complex problem solving, teamwork and creativity. All of this with an added dimension of Faith.

In the coming months, more information will be shared about the partnership between the Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools and FIRST.

News briefs for the week of Jan. 20, 2021

Students learn about St. Joseph

During this “Year of St. Joseph,” St. Ann Catholic School 8th grade Junior Catechists Mariana Franco and Jack McGovern taught 1st grade students to create a shrine for St. Joseph during the week dedicated to the Saint. This is part of the ongoing St. Joseph Devotional Project taking place at all Diocesan elementary schools. The “Year of St. Joseph” was established by Bishop Frank J. Dewane in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic on March 19, 2020 and will continue through Dec. 8, 2021 as directed by Pope Francis. St. Joseph is the Protector of the Universal Church.

Marriage Prep Retreats for 2021

The Diocese Office of Family Life is offering a “Day of Reflection” retreats for couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. A specially prepared volunteer team of married couples and a priest will share their experiences and information with the intention of enabling couples to be more aware of the privileges and responsibilities of marriage. The retreats in English are from 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., April 17, Aug. 7 and Nov. 13, 2021. Retreats in Spanish are at the same time and will be March 6, Aug. 7 and Oct. 30. To register for the English retreats, please visit and to register for the Spanish retreat, please contact St. Jude Parish in Sarasota at 941-955-3934. For more information or to inquire about a virtual option contact Carrie Harkey at 941-484-9543 ext. 3019.

St. Joseph student takes second place in state soccer competition

Emmanuel, a student at St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton took second place in the state for his age division in the Knights of Columbus State Soccer Challenge held on Jan. 16, 2021, in Melbourne. Emmanuel, and classmate Connor, won at local, regional and district levels of the Knights Soccer Challenge qualifying for the state events. Well done!

Institute provides Lenten offering

Spend this Lent growing in prayer! “Encountering God in Prayer: A Lenten Journey” is a theological and practical online course offered by the Institute for Catholic Studies and Formation. The course will guide you through the rich and beautiful teaching on personal prayer found in part four of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Short video lectures, online discussions, prayer exercises and other learning activities which constitute the class content. Students log in each week at times most convenient to them. The instructor, Dr. John Gresham, Executive Director of the Institute, has extensive experience teaching on prayer in courses, workshops, and retreats. The course runs from Ash Wednesday Feb. 17, 2021 to April 5. For more information visit the Institute website, call 941-766-7334 or email

Updated times for Sunday Mass on radio in Spanish

St. Jude Parish in Sarasota broadcasts the Holy Mass in Spanish, celebrated by Father Celestino Gutierrez, every Sunday at 8 a.m. on radio station FM 99.1 and 10 a.m. on FM 105.3. We are grateful to the sponsors and SOLMART Media for their collaboration in this effort.

“Child’s Play” virtual fundraiser Feb. 25

Our Mother’s House, a program of Catholic Charities which provides housing and support for homeless mothers and their infant children, is having a virtual fundraiser titled “Child’s Play.” This night of interactive fun begins at 7 p.m., Feb. 25, 2021 with funds raised used to ensure that the mothers and their children receive the suport they need as they strive for self-sufficiency. For information about the event, contact Lisa Ventura at Lisa.Ventura@CatholicCharitiesDov.Org or 941-485-6264. A generous donor has offered to match all donations up to a total of $125,000. Please participate and help make a difference.

Projector installed in school Chapel

The Our Lady of the Angels Chapel at St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples has a new addition of a projector courtesy of the Salesian Sisters Education Fund. Installed on Jan. 11, 2021, the projector allows the text and music for the Mass to be seen by all, removing the need to print worship aids for each Mass or prayer service.

Surviving divorce program beginning in February

A 12-week program called “Surviving Divorce … Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family” will begin Feb. 16, 2021 at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Venice. There will be monthly group gatherings and weekly on-line Zoom meetings. Content includes internet access to a weekly video, group sharing and discussion. Participants will be provided assurance that they are not alone and a place to tell one’s story and be heard. The cost of the program is $25 and includes a Participant’s Workbook and access to all videos. For more information and to register, contact Bob and Chris Smialek at or 815-275-5305

Naples Catholic School Virtual Gala Feb. 3

The Saint Ann School Foundation is hosting its annual Heart for Education Gala, which will be a virtual event on Feb. 3, 2021. The Foundation is dedicated to ensuring a faith-based education remains accessible to all families desiring it for their children, regardless of income. Many of our families have experienced great hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The need is greater now as more families have asked for additional scholarship funds. To register to receive a link to the Virtual Gala, please visit or contact Pamela Macia at 239-262-4110 ext. 307 or or

Cathedral School Gala April 16

The Epiphany Gala is one of our most successful fundraisers for Epiphany Cathedral Catholic School and will take place April 16, 2021 at Plantation Golf and Country Club in Venice. The Gala theme is the Amalfi Coast and features both live and silent auctions as well as a dinner and dancing. This year’s Shining Stars are Troy and Joyce Sacco. For more detail, please contact Leah Mihm at 941-615-0284 or Note, this event may become a Virtual Gala if conditions require.