Bishop celebrates Masses at Parishes throughout Diocese

Bishop Frank J. Dewane was the main celebrant for the Vigil Mass on June 6, 2020 at the Church of St. Patrick Parish in Sarasota,

This visit was the latest in a series of Masses being celebrated by Bishop Dewane throughout the Diocese of Venice since public Masses resumed May 18, 2020 in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The Bishop celebrated Mass on the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord and Pentecost at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice, as well as on May 31, 2020 at St. Isabel Parish in Sanibel. In addition, the Bishop presided over a Baccalaureate Mass at Ave Maria Parish for the graduating students of the Donahue Catholic Academy of Ave Maria on June 5, 2020.

“Since we have begun existing the way we do now I try to be out and about in the Diocese at various Parishes,” Bishop Dewane explained. “We certainly have a new normal.”

Public Masses resumed in the Diocese of Venice on May 18, 2020 and now Parishes are functioning at up to 50 percent capacity while also ensuring parishioners are wearing face coverings and maintaining appropriate social distancing. In addition to other safety and health precautions, extra sanitizing is taking place between Masses.

“The good thing is that we gather as a community when we come to Mass – or are watching via livestream – and know that the Lord sees the good that you do,” Bishop Dewane said at St. Patrick Parish. “It’s not ideal to have masks on and not being able to see people as they are, but we need to do that right now.”

During this time of Pandemic, the Bishop said the faithful must acknowledge that Christ calls us to be a people of hope. “We must remain believers and hope for the best – for one another, for ourselves, but most of all for our Faith. We have to have hope in Jesus Christ.”

For those who are older, are vulnerable to illness. or they are not fully comfortable to return to Mass, the dispensation of the obligation to attend Sunday Mass continues through June 28, 2020.

The live streaming Masses from the Diocese of Venice will continue (available on Facebook or at from the Catholic Center at 9:15 a.m. daily through June 28, 2020.

Catholic Community Foundation presents new scholarship

The Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida is proud to provide the Frederick W. Schaerf, M.D., Ph.D. Neuroscience Scholarship to a graduating senior from Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers who is interested in pursuing a career in neuroscience or a similar field.

Frederick W. Schaerf, M.D., Ph.D., the namesake of the Frederick W. Schaerf, M.D., Ph.D. Neuroscience Scholarship which is being adminsitered by the Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida Inc.

The Schaerf Scholarship provides one $4,000 one-time scholarship. The first recipient is Andrew Taikas, a parishioner at St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Cape Coral who will be attending Duke University in North Carolina in the fall with a double major using biology and chemistry to focus on a career in neuroscience.

“This scholarship will help me to alleviate the financial debt for my family and allow me to have more opportunities,” Taikas said. “I want to learn and understand genetics and the environment influences and how certain mental illnesses, and diseases come about.”

The scholarship was presented virtually during a May 20, 2020 awards ceremony which included recognition for 15 other Catholic Community Foundation scholars.

Foundation Executive Director Michael Morse said the late Dr. Schaerf and his wife Melissa Schaerf, M.S., A.R.N.P., founded and managed the Neuropsychiatric Research Center of Southwest Florida, which has become a globally recognized clinical research site, specializing in Alzheimer’s disease and related memory disorders.

The family chose to create a scholarship with the Catholic Community Foundation to honor Dr. Schaerf and to reward and recognize a student interested in pursuing a career in the field that meant so much to them, Morse added.

“They chose the Catholic Community Foundation because they wanted to support a student graduating from their beloved Bishop Verot Catholic High School, and they wanted the scholarship to be managed by a Foundation dedicated to fulfilling the mission of Christ,” he said.

Andrew Taikas is the 2020 Frederick W. Schaerf M.D. Ph.D. Neuroscience Scholarship recipient from Bishop Verot Catholic High School.

During the virtual ceremony, Morse told all of the scholars that they are already winners in life in what they have shown and that the Foundation is very proud to award the Schaerf Scholarship, and others, to worthy students.

“It is our privilege to share these scholarships,” Morse said. “This is individuals and families that believe very much in education and supporting education for our youth. They established these scholarships years ago to provide these dollars going forward.”

Bishop Frank J. Dewane, joined by members of the Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida Inc. Board, led the virtual presentation ceremony from the Catholic Center in Venice.

The recipients of the Schaerf, Mary Fran Carroll and Coseglia scholarships were recognized for their outstanding academic achievements and for their commitment of continuing their education. The ceremony is typically held in person, but the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the virtual ceremony.

The Foundation Scholarship Committee carefully reviewed applications before determining the worthiest applicant.

The Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida Inc. was established to provide philanthropic opportunities for individuals, such as Schaerf scholarship, to create lasting gifts in support of Catholic programs and ministries within the Diocese of Venice. Last year alone, the Foundation distributed $1.2 million in endowed support for Catholic Schools, Parishes, Seminarian education, programs for the needy, college scholarships and more.

To learn more about the Catholic Community Foundation, please contact Michael Morse at 941-441-1124 or by email at  You can also visit the Foundation website at

St. Martha 6th graders share lessons learned during lockdown

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and extended distance learning forced upon Catholic school students in the Diocese of Venice, is likely difficult to quantify.

One St. Martha Catholic School teacher in Sarasota created a document for her sixth-grade students to evaluate the time of eLearning. Sister Cathy Bonfield, School Sister of Notre Dame, added to that evaluation the following question: “What life lesson did you learn that you can apply to your future?”

“As a teacher for 50+ years, I believe that it is important to help students process situations and learn from them,” Sister Cathy explained. “For sure, this is a moment in history that they will remember.  Hopefully, they will also remember the life lessons learned and apply them in their futures.”

As one might imagine, the responses covered a wide spectrum of topics from being happy to sleep in late, to proclaiming time management and organization are needed to succeed at distance learning. However, others offered a more practical and sometimes philosophical response.

The 100 responses were posted on the St. Martha Catholic School Facebook page. Here is a small sampling:

  • Even in bad times, we’ll all have to be there for each other.
  • I do not have to be afraid of failing because God is with me.
  • Washing your hands is very important.
  • I have learned how to manage my time, spend quality time with my family, and have fun.
  • If you don’t have something you’re used to, you tend to miss it a lot.
  • Life can throw anything at you, but you have to push through.
  • I learned that I am very fortunate to have these (online Google classroom) Meets and being able to have an education.
  • Family is one of the most important things in my life.
  • Be grateful for what you have, appreciating healthcare workers more, making sure that your family knows that you love them.
  • This experience really has been making me even more sure that I want to be a teacher.
  • It is so important to spend quality time with your family. Hanging out with them more… allows me to see what their lives are like in the day.
  • I learned that teachers are working very hard to allow us to even get a learning component during quarantine.
  • My anxiety shouldn’t stop me from doing things… because coronavirus can’t and shouldn’t stop me from doing these things.
  • You have to learn to deal with whatever comes your way.
  • The government makes lots of decisions.
  • It takes a lot of time to make a vaccine. It takes a lot of time for things to happen.
  • I can help my family during this hard time.
  • Life is boring during this time. I want to see my friends. I just miss school.
  • My family is always there for me.
  • A small thing can become a worldwide disaster.
  • Staying healthy is important.
  • Being with your family 24/7 for a few months is not as bad as it sounds, even with having two older sisters.
  • Life is precious, and it needs to be taken seriously because everything can change quickly and (you) usually end up missing something.
  • Things can come at any time. I learned not to live in fear.
  • Change is unexpected and teaches you lessons. Do not take anything for granted and enjoy every moment.

Diocesan Catholic schools say farewell until August

When the 2019-2020 academic year began for the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Venice in August 2019, the joy and anticipation could be seen on the faces of incoming students as well as the teachers and faculty welcoming students back to school.

This is video capture of a last-day-of-school parade May 28, 2020 at St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Fort Myers.

Fast forward to the end of May 2020 and faces from everyone were the same, if only hidden by facemasks or viewed from afar as everyone ensured proper social distancing.

Diocese Catholic Schools are rooted in Faith and it was that Faith which helped turn a school year that was disrupted in ways like never before into one of unity and celebration.

St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School leadership greets parents and students on the last day of school on May 28, 2020 in Naples.

Distance learning kept students and teachers physically apart but the learning process continued and thrived. Whether it was mathematics, language arts, science or art the thirst for knowledge from the young minds overcame the many distractions, obstacles and frustrations faced while being forced to learn through an electronic device.

Thank you signs adorn this vehicle during a farewell parade on May 27, 2020, marking the end of the school year at St. Andrew Catholic School in Cape Coral.

This happened thanks in no small part to the passion that each teacher offered, imparting knowledge under difficult circumstances. The final layer of support which made the 2019-2020 school years success possible was primarily behind-the-scenes from dedicated faculty.

As is at the end of any school year, Diocesan Catholic schools held celebrations to mark the occasion. While big assemblies were out of the question, leave it to educators to figure a way to make sure the last day was special.

Faculty and Staff from St. Ann Catholic School in Naples May 28, 2020 maintain social distancing as they wait for students and parents for a farewell parade on the last day of school.

At St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Fort Myers, an eighth-grade graduation parade a week earlier inspired the school to have a drive-thru farewell. The parade had the teachers and faculty in the parking lot while the vehicles with the students and their parents slowly worker their way through the parking lot. Many of the vehicles were decorated for the occasion offering well-wishes and prayers for a heathy and safe summer and a return to school in August.

“We are excited to thank all of our families for everything they have done for us all year,” said John Gulley, St. Francis Xavier Principal. “We are looking forward to seeing you all next year.”

Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota created a faculty farewell video. Two teachers at St. Martha Catholic School, who were known for sharing their favorite recipes while distance learning, offered tips for quick, healthy and refreshing summer snacks.

Maggie, a St. Joseph Catholic School Kindergartner is ready for her summer reading project and first grade after finishing her SuperKids program in Bradenton. The school wrapped up distance learning on May 27, 2020.

The end of the school year for pre-K3 and pre-K4 students at St. Ann Catholic School included a visit to the Naples school. The students were each given gift bags of goodies including a bucket and shovel to use at the beach. The teachers, wearing masks, held up a colorful sign which proclaimed: “We love our pre-K students! Have a great summer!”

These are just a few of the examples of last day fun at the Diocesan Catholic schools.

To learn more about Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools, please visit

Coseglia Scholarships awarded

The Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida Inc. has awarded four outstanding Diocese of Venice Catholic high school graduates with the 2020 Frank & Florence Coseglia Scholarship. The winners were recognized for their academic standing, service to their Parish and school, as well as an essay on what their Catholic Education has meant to them.

The scholarship recipients are Mary Castillo of Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers; Faith Giovine of Donahue Catholic Academy of Ave Maria; Grant Wojcik of St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples; and Anna Kollmeyer of Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota.

The Catholic Community Foundation Coseglia Scholarship was established in 2012 to fulfill the dreams of Frank and Florence Coseglia. The Coseglias wanted to provide financial support to deserving Catholic high school graduates pursuing degrees at accredited colleges or universities, and they wanted that financial support to last far beyond their lifetimes. For these reasons, the Coseglias chose to create a Catholic Legacy by establishing an endowed scholarship fund with the Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida.

The winners were nominated by their high schools and approved by the Catholic Community Foundation Board of Directors. Each will receive a one-time scholarship of $1,117 toward the cost of their college/university studies. This is the ninth year the Catholic Community Foundation Coseglia Scholarship has been awarded.

Mary Castillo a graduating senior from Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers.

Castillo was accepted to St. Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana, where she will be pursuing a degree in nursing with a minor in Spanish. Through her voluntary work in missions while in high school she is dedicated to helping those in need in third world countries. She credits Bishop Verot with providing her an “amazing education.”

Faith Giovine is a graduate of Donahue Academy Catholic School of Ave Maria.

Giovine will be going to Ave Maria University to follow her passion for nursing and the sciences. “This scholarship will help me to achieve that goal.”

Grant Wojcik is a graduating senior at St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples.

Wojcik was accepted to Florida State University to obtain degrees in finance and pre-law, with plans to go to law school to become a wills and trust attorney. Grant has a passion to help and protect those who need it, something he credits to the Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco who run St. John Neumann. “They helped me to build a connection with my whole community.”

Anna Kollmeyer is a graduate of Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota.

Kollmeyer was born in China and adopted by a family in the United States.  She will be attending the University of Nebraska-Omaha where she will be living in the St. John Paul II Newman Center. In high school she worked with the Miracle Aid Club and will seek a degree in helping children with special needs.

The Coseglia Scholars were recognized during a May 20, 2020, virtual awards presentation. Bishop Frank J. Dewane joined Catholic Community Foundation Executive Director Michael Morse and Diocese Chancellor Dr. Volodymyr Smeyrk on a Zoom conference call from the Catholic Center.

Bishop Dewane said he was impressed by each scholar’s achievements in their respective Catholic high schools and expected great things from them going forward.

Morse said the Coseglia Scholarship is a wonderful example of how one family chose to support the good works of the Catholic Church by investing in the education of our youth.

Those interested in learning how to set up an annual scholarship in their name, or the name of a loved one, should contact the Catholic Community Foundation at 941-441-1124, by email at  You can also visit the Foundation website at

News briefs for the week of June 1 2020

School shares virtual May Crowning images

These two students from St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School in Naples pray before a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary during May.

St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School did not want to let the COVID-19 pandemic cancel a favorite annual tradition, the May Crowning of Mary. Seton families were sent a request to submit pictures of students at home praying the rosary, placing flowers at a statue of Mary, coloring pages of the Blessed Mother, etc., and the results were inspiring. The results were so impressive that the school created and shared a short video which can be found on the school’s Facebook page. What a great way to honor Our Lady during the Month of May.

These are some of the drawings created by students from St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School in Naples created to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary during May 2020.

Bishop Dewane celebrates Pentecost Vigil at Cathedral


Sarasota student continues to help front line workers

Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School student Malory Albritton helped pack and load the donations of blueberries to Manatee Memorial Hospital in Bradenton in mid-May 2020.

Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School student Malory Albritton is continuing to serve the community during COVID-19 pandemic. She helped pack and load the donations of blueberries from Albritton Fruit Farms made to Manatee Memorial Hospital nursing staff and doctors. Thank you for all that you do!

Ordination to the Priesthood June 27

The Ordination to the Priesthood of Transitional Deacon Franckel Fils-Aime will take place at 11 a.m., June 27, 2020 at Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this important event in the life of Deacon Franckel and the Diocese of Venice. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall.

New basketball coach for Mooney

Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota announced the appointment of Clayton Slentz as the new head varsity coach for the boys’ basketball team. Coach Slentz will continue to build on the growing strength of the Cougar athletic program. He has been an assistant varsity basketball coach with the Cougars for the past three years and currently teaches history at Cardinal Mooney. Slentz earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida in 2015 and his master’s degree in history in 2017. For nine years, Slentz has been coaching basketball at the high school level.

Incarnation student receives honor for writing play

Incarnation Catholic School student Cora Thayer was one of 20 script submissions selected from more than 7,600 entries as part of the Florida Studio Theater “Write-A-Play” program. A participant in the Florida Studio Theater’s Writing Workshop, Cora’s “Big Dreams Under the Big Top,” will be performed during the Young Playwright’s Festival in the Spring of 2021. Her play is about a tiny inchworm named Illianna who overcomes many obstacles to become a circus Ringmaster.

Incarnation Catholic School in Sarasota hosted a Florida Studio Theater Writing Workshop for students in January.

Online Preached Retreats

During the current health crisis, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center in Venice is offering online 3-day, 5-day, and 8-day retreats based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. In these online retreats, Father Mark Yavarone, OMV, or Father Lino Estradilla, OMV, trained spiritual directors, will meet with you for an hour each day via a link provided to you, to help you to pray and to recognize how God is speaking to you. A Bible and journal should be available for your use. Participants will be emailed any additional materials needed as the retreat unfolds. The cost is as follows: 3-day online retreat, $132.23; 5-day online retreat, $203.98; and 8-day online retreat, $306.48. All information will be confidential, and password protected. If you would like to participate in an online retreat, please email Denise Riley at and a code will be provided for your online registration as well as an application. For planning purposes, please allow 7 days from your completed application until the beginning of your retreat.

Catholic Community Foundation presents 16 scholarships

Bishop Frank J. Dewane, joined by members of the Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida Inc. Board, led a virtual presentation ceremony on May 20, 2020 from the Catholic Center in Venice to honor 16 Foundation scholarship winners.

The recipients of the Mary Fran Carroll, Coseglia and Schaerf scholarships were recognized for their outstanding academic achievements and for their commitment of continuing their education in pursuit of wide-ranging career paths such as nursing, pediatrician, veterinarian, engineering and more. The ceremony is typically held in person, but the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the virtual ceremony.

Bishop Dewane opened the presentation with prayer and said he was impressed with the new Foundation Scholars adding that many are interested in going into the medical field, where there is a great need. “God has blessed you each with different gifts. Enjoy what you are going to do but keep an eye on that goal.”

Michael Morse, Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation, congratulated the new scholars, saying the young men and women are worthy to forever be known as Foundation Scholars. “Every one of you, from what we learned, is unique, special, strong and smart; embrace that.”

The Mary Fran Carroll Scholarship provides a total of 11 academic scholarships, each valued at $3,000, to residents of Sarasota County and is available for tuition, books and fees. This year there were 10 traditional scholarship winners (high school graduates pursuing an undergraduate degree) and one non-traditional winner (an adult learner seeking an advanced education after being away from school for a number of years). Scholarship applicants were asked to complete an online application and financial needs assessment in addition to submitting a clearly articulated career plan describing their chosen course of study. Traditional students needed to be accepted into an accredited college or university and non-traditional students needed to be accepted into an accredited college, university or vocational program. Scholarships may also be renewed annually up to a total of five academic years for students maintaining a minimum unweighted GPA of 3.2 or greater, while also making progress toward their career goal.

The Frank and Florence Coseglia Scholarship provides a one-time scholarship of $1,117.00 to one graduating senior from each of the four Catholic High Schools within the Diocese of Venice. The winners were nominated by their high schools and approved by the Foundation Board.

The newest award offered through the Foundation is the Frederick W. Schaerf M.D. Ph.D. Neuroscience Scholarship, which provides one $4,000 one-time scholarship to a graduating senior from Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers interested in pursuing a career in neuroscience.

The Foundation Scholarship Committee carefully reviewed applications before determining the worthiest applicants.

During the virtual scholarship ceremony, the recipients shared their personal experiences as well as college and career goals. Each expressed their appreciation for the scholarship from the Foundation. Many specifically explained how the scholarship money will assist in lessening the financial burden of attending college and pursuing their career goals.

Mary Fran Carroll Scholar Elizabeth Steindorf graduated from Riverview High School and is a parishioner at Christ the King Parish in Sarasota, who will be attending the Louisiana State University Ogden Honors College to study chemistry on a pre-med track in hopes of becoming either a general pediatrician or pediatric surgeon. “Thank you. This scholarship will help pay for my undergrad so I can focus my funds toward medical school in the future.”

Board President Dominick Cavuato summed up the sentiments of the Board when he noted how the new Foundation Scholars are an impressive group of young women and men.

“We congratulate you on the journey you have taken so far, and we look forward to hearing great things in the future,” Cavuato said.

The Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida Inc. was established to provide philanthropic opportunities for individuals, such as Mary Fran Carroll, to create lasting gifts in support of Catholic programs and ministries within the Diocese of Venice. Last year alone, the Foundation distributed $1.2 million in endowed support for Catholic Schools, Parishes, Seminarian education, programs for the needy, college scholarships and more.

To learn more about the Catholic Community Foundation, please contact Michael Morse at 941-441-1124 or by email at  You can also visit the Foundation website at

Eighth grade graduations 2020-style

Catholic Schools pride themselves in providing students with a well-rounded faith-filled education all with a little fun in the mix.

A scene from the outdoor eighth grade graduation st St. Andrew Catholic School in Cape Coral on May 20, 2020.

It should come as no surprise that when it came to the eighth-grade graduation ceremonies and events recognizing these students, fun affairs complete with caps and gowns were organized.

For example, St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton, where a formal graduation is tentatively planned for July, it was decided that a socially distanced parade would be a good way to honor the eighth graders.

On May 21, 2020, with Bradenton Police, Manatee County Sheriff’s Office and Manatee County Fire Rescue vehicles in the lead, the sirens and honking horns of dozens of vehicles brought smiles from the students and their proud parents. Alumni, schoolmates, teachers, community members and family members were invited to participate. Vehicles were decorated with messages recognizing the school, students and teachers alike. Several vehicles were covered in balloons or had colorful writing on windows, while others had cheering adults and children waving signs.

As the vehicles passed the students, with their family, stood about 10 feet apart along the fence line, next to a sign with their formal class portrait. The eighth graders reciprocated by waving and cheering when they saw their schoolmates and teachers with whom they have been apart these past two months.

Principal Deborah Suddarth said the parade was a huge success and was pleased with the turnout of supporters. “You feel bad for these students to have lost out on some of the best parts of being an eighth grader. This was a gift to them because they truly were a special group of students that made St. Joseph Catholic School a great place. We are going to miss them.

This car is decorated for the May 21, 2020, eighth grade parking lot graduation at St. Martha Catholic School and St. Mary Academy in Sarasota.

A few days earlier, St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Fort Myers held a drive-thru graduation which began as a tailgate party in the school parking lot on May 20, 2020. Once the official ceremony began, the vehicles worked their way through the parking lot and before exiting onto Heitman Street, across from the main entrance to the school, the vehicles stopped, and each new graduate was presented with their diploma.

Other Diocesan elementary schools did variations of graduations and recognitions. Graduations at St. Andrew Catholic School in Cape Coral, and St. Martha Catholic School and St. Mary Academy in Sarasota, were held in the parking lot, with only students coming forward and receiving their diplomas.

Epiphany Cathedral Catholic School was the first to have a graduation ceremony that was closest to what would have been expected pre-pandemic. The biggest difference in the event inside the Cathedral was that there was no Mass and the ceremony May 22, 2020 was limited to immediate family only.

Camillus Project provides PPE for frontline workers

By John Carkeet – Special to the Florida Catholic

Cathy Grippi (left) and Morena McCormacki, Catholic Charities volunteers at Our Mother’s House in Venice, assisted in the assembly and packing of face shields May 20, 2020 at the Catholic Center in Venice as part of the Office of Education Camillus Project to donate 3D printer constructed shields to people working on the frontlines of the pandemic response.

Volunteers and staff members gathered at the Diocese of Venice Catholic Center on May 20, 2020 to assemble more than 50 face shields and ear saver kits for those serving on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. The first wave will go to Diocesan clergy and staff and volunteers at Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice Inc. food distribution sites.

The kits were made possible by dozens of people throughout the Diocese who joined the Camillus Project. Named after St. Camillus de Lellis, the patron saint for doctors, nurses and the sick, this philanthropic campaign uses 3D printing technology to create Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

“As soon as I heard the 3D CAD (Computer Aided Design) community was printing PPE, I knew we had to do our part and help too,” said Jennifer Falestiny, founder and lead designer of the Camillus Project.

Falestiny, who also serves as the Diocesan Curriculum Coordinator, collaborated with the Diocese’s Department of Education and its schools to recruit volunteers with 3D printers to create the components necessary to build the kits.

“We have several individuals and even a school who joined the Camillus Project,” Falestiny said. “Together they have printed hundreds of face shields and ear savers, and they plan to print hundreds more in the coming weeks.”

Each kit contains a face shield, ear saver (a component which allows someone to secure the face shield without having to loop it around their ears), instructions, informational material about the Camillus Project and a thank you card from the Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools Community.

Morena McCormack and Cathy Grippi, Catholic Charities volunteers at Our Mother’s House in Venice, assisted in the assembly of the first waves of face shields. They both were grateful for the opportunity to help provide the much needed PPE.

Jennifer Falestiny, founder and lead designer of the Camillus Project, and Diocesan Curriculum Coordinator, is seen with her children at the Catholic Center in Venice. The project helps build face shields with 3D printers to be donated to people working on the frontlines of the pandemic response.

“It’s more than just finding a bunch of people to fire up their 3D printers,” Falestiny said. “The success of this project also hinges on people testing designs, identifying recipients, assembling kits and delivering these kits to those who need them most… This is a team effort that requires creativity, coordination and a little elbow grease.”

According to Falestiny, the kits will arrive in several waves from May through July. Clergy, staff members and volunteers with Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice Inc., who assist food distribution centers within the Diocese will receive the first wave. The next waves of completed kits will be delivered to doctors, nurses and first responders at Bayfront Health in Port Charlotte and Lee Health Systems in Fort Myers.

“Clergy at the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools alumni who are currently serving on the front lines of the coronavirus crisis will receive kits as well,” Falestiny added.

Although the Camillus Project is primarily a product of the COVID-19 pandemic, Falestiny sees its impact resonating throughout the Diocese for years to come. “The Camillus Project demonstrates the power of STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, Mathematics). Our schools have incorporated STREAM into their curriculum for several years. When the world cried for help, we had the faith, knowledge and experience to answer the call.”

To learn more about the Camillus Project and register as a volunteer, visit

Graduations loom as school-year winds down

The Diocese of Venice Catholic school 2020 graduating class, whether seniors in high school or eighth graders finishing up elementary school, are soon departing their respective schools in a way like no other. Not with a huge celebration and graduation but with fond wishes and prayer through a computer screen.

Donahue Catholic Academy of Ave Maria put is lawn signs recognizing their graduating seniors in early May 2020 in Ave Maria.

To make this end of year special for the 2020 graduates, each Diocesan school made a special effort to reach out to their graduates, delivering lawn signs, cap and gowns and gift baskets, all as a sign to show these students that their time in school made an impact, in particular on the faculty and staff.

this graduating eight grader from St. Mary Catholic Academy in Sarasota makes her choice from the Purple Belle Ice Cream Truck in Sarasota in early May 2020.

St. Mary Academy in Sarasota not only delivered a cap and gown but offered sweet treats from the Purple Belle Ice Cream Truck which was there to sweeten the moment. At the Donahue Catholic Academy of Ave Maria, signs of the graduating seniors lined the street in front of the school. During the delivery to his students, Donahue Catholic Academy Principal Dr. Dan Guernsey played the bagpipes for each.

This proud parents stands with their eighth grade student in front a lawn signs announcing his graduation from St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School in Naples.

The gift baskets to the eighth graders from St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School in Naples included a note from their homeroom teacher, which read in part: “Congratulations on graduating from SES! We are so glad you came to SES. You have helped make this one of the Best 8th grade classes. It has been a pleasure to teach you and I am really going to miss you.”

While the graduates are missing out on some time-honored traditions such as dances, field days, trips, sports and academic awards, as well as graduations, the special, in-person deliveries from teachers and principals helped lessen the disappointment of the students as they transition on to the next phase of their life.

For the graduates of the high schools, contingency plans to offer a proper in-person graduation are in place, but some are two months away and will only take place if the health and safety of all can be guaranteed.

Donahue Catholic Academy of Ave Maria play the bagpipes for this graduating senior in early May 2020.

That is some consolation to make up for the lost months of in-class instruction and building of lasting friendships before moving on with their lives. This experience is being viewed by many as a bonding experience, something that unites the 2020 group for having overcome an actual pandemic to graduate.

In addition to the lawn signs, each school made an effort to post information about their graduates online and through social media. For Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota, Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers, St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples and the Donahue Catholic Academy of Ave Maria, the postings have included personal, academic and sports achievements as well as their plans for the future – university, military, first responders, and a few becoming professional athletes.

The photos shared with the high school postings were taken before the outbreak of the pandemic and subsequent suspension of in-classroom instruction. The images show happy young men and women with their entire future before them. Their future is still there and as bright as ever as they leave with a quality Christ-filled education from a Diocese of Venice Catholic high school and each student is prepared and ready to face the next challenge.

The eight graders have also been receiving social media attention. In addition, the schools shared some background, favorite memories and reflections of the students.

So, when the last exam was taken, through distance learning online, instead of a party atmosphere with hugs, slaps on the back and fond farewells; this year it was a quick good-bye and a click of a button as the computer is disconnected, ending years of a quality faith-forming education.

There is little doubt that in the future the 2020 Catholic school graduates will be able to look back fondly upon a most unusual and memorable final year of school.