Leaders encouraged to live out the mission of the Church

The Diocese of Venice Office of Evangelization teamed up with the Augustine Institute to provide a day of formation and renewal for 120 Parish and Catholic school leaders.

This special day, with a theme “You Go into the Vineyard Too” (Matthew 20:7), took place Jan. 13, 2024, at Sacred Heart Parish in Punta Gorda. Bishop Frank J. Dewane offered the opening prayer, and was the main celebrant at Mass.

Bishop Dewane said the Gospel reading for the day (Mark 2:13-17) was apropos for the gathering. This Gospel message related how Jesus saw Levi (the Apostle Matthew, the tax collector), sitting at the custom post. “Jesus said to him, ‘Follow me.’  And he got up and followed Jesus.” Later, when the Pharisees asked the disciples why Jesus was eating with sinners and tax collectors, “Jesus heard this and said to them, ‘Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.’”

Whether one serves the Catholic Church in a Diocesan Parish or Catholic school, Bishop Dewane said, the Lord says “Follow Me” to all of us.

“And the response we give is shown in the way we live our lives,” the Bishop said. “Jesus said two short words to Matthew, ‘Follow me.’ With a few words, Mathew is set free from self-hatred as a tax collector. These are words of mercy, because the Lord knows who Matthew is, and what he has done. Then the mercy washes over Matthew. It changed his world.”

While each of the leaders present at the training day have stepped forward to do the work of the Lord in the Parishes and schools, Bishop Dewane said they must each continue to answer that call in their daily lives.

“Find the forgiveness of the Lord; find the Mercy of the Lord, and appeal to Him,” the Bishop said. “We need to give that same mercy to others. In a sense, pass it on. We do it in faith; we do it in the love of the Lord; we do it in the hope of the promise of Salvation.”

Jim Gontis, Diocese of Venice Director of Evangelization, said the day was designed to assist those in Parish and Catholic school leadership to live out and convey the mission of the Church and the work of evangelization central to that mission.

Among those participating were priests, school principals, directors of religious education, youth directors, teachers, and religious education instructors.

The day focused on reminding the Parish and Catholic school leaders that as disciples of Christ, they must continue to learn through the reading of Sacred Scripture and be nourished by God’s word.

One school leader remarked how it is important to remember to always strive to grow closer to the Lord, and this can be done by gaining a better understanding of one’s place in Salvation History.

A Parish leader said it was good to reflect on the love and mercy that the Lord provides each of us, as it can fade into the background of daily life. Each speaker offered a step in the process of finding that love and mercy in the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and through the Sacraments.

“Being a disciple is not a static thing,” said Dr. James Prothro, of the Augustine Institute. “We must see ourselves as part of the ongoing story of Salvation History as told to us in the Bible. The Word of God must give us meaning. When we read the Bible, it must drive our life, in prayer, in service, and in love of God.”

Prothro also focused on the healing benefits of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which offers forgiveness and restoration for those who falter, “which is a category we each fall into.”

Dr. Sean Innerest, also of the Augustine Institute, spoke about reengaging in in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, explaining how the structure and content of the Catechism show us how a deeper engagement with our faith will yield an increase in hope and love for ourselves and those who we service.

Innerest also spoke about the “National Eucharistic Revival,” the ongoing initiative of the U.S. Bishops to build a greater appreciation for the Most Holy Eucharist, in the context of mystagogy. This ancient form of liturgical catechesis shows us how to build that appreciation effectively; to heighten Eucharistic faith by moving from mere “facts” to “fascination” in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

News Briefs for the week of January 19, 2024

Naples Catholic Street Evangelization training Jan. 23

Anyone interested in learning about Catholic Street Evangelization needs to register now for the Jan. 27, 2024, Saint Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE) training at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 625 111th Ave N, Naples. Registration deadline is January 23. SPSE is a response to the mandate of Jesus Christ to “preach the Gospel to all nations…” taking the Catholic Faith to the streets. The organization seeks to train the faithful to witness effectively to the truth, beauty, and goodness of Jesus and His Church in the public square in a non-confrontational way. Saint Paul Street Evangelization is supported and encouraged by Bishop Frank J. Dewane. All Catholics who are 18 years of age and older are cordially invited to participate. The daily Mass is at 8 a.m., and the workshops are from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. A “Live Lab” will follow. The cost is $15 per person and includes continental breakfast and lunch. To register, please visit https://dioceseofvenice.regfox.com/2024-st-paul-street-evangelization. For additional questions, please contact Jim Gontis at gontis@dioceseofvenice.org.

Health Care Ethics Conference Feb. 17

Medical professionals, students, and interested laypeople are invited to the first annual Converging Roads health care ethics conference on Feb. 17, 2024, at St. Leo the Great Parish, 28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs! This one-day conference will offer continuing education credits for health care professionals with presentations centered on the theme of Catholic Medicine in a Secular Society. For more information or to register, visit convergingroads.com/venice. For information, contact Carrie Harkey at harkey@dioceseofvenice.org or call 941-484-9543.

Migrant Care Grants application period open

Grant requests for funding of projects in 2024 are available from the Foundation for the Care of the Migrant Poor Fund and need to be submitted no later than Monday, April 1, 2024. To be considered a grant, the project must clearly be seen as a service to the migrant poor or new immigrants. Preference will be given to those projects under Catholic auspices. Applications can be submitted by visiting https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=ccfsf.

Religious sisters complete half marathon

Two Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco, Sister Nicole Daly and Sister Juliana Alfonso, completed the BCC Naples Half Marathon on Jan. 14, 2024. The St. John Neumann Catholic High School teachers completed the 13 miles run while wearing their religious habits. Congratulations to Sisters Nicole and Juliana for their dedication, strength, endurance, and inspiration for all.

Blue Mass in Naples on Jan. 27

St. Agnes Parish, 7775 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Naples, is hosting the annual Blue Mass for Law Enforcement, Firefighters, and First Responders at 11 a.m., Jan. 27, 2024. The guest is Msgr. Steven P. Hurley, Pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Wilmington, Delaware. Before entering the seminary, Msgr. Hurley served a policeman and eventually detective for eight years in Ocean City, Maryland. This Mass is dedicated to honoring the sacrifice and service of all law enforcement, firefighters and first responders in the community. Hospitality will follow in the Parish Hall.

“Three Kings” Mass brings students together

Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers hosted a “Three Kings” Mass for first graders from St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Fort Myers and St. Andrew Catholic School in Cape Coral on Jan. 9, 2024. The Feast of the Three Kings, or the Epiphany (Jan. 7), represents the arrival of the three kings in Bethlehem to praise and honor the Baby Jesus. The Mass was celebrated by Jesuit Father John Belmonte, Diocese of Venice Superintendent of Catholic Education. The first graders serenaded everyone with numerous songs. Father Belmonte queried the young children about what they got for Christmas (and what they would give Jesus for Christmas), and made everyone smile the entire time. Following Mass, representatives from both schools were selected as the three “Kings” for this year.


National Eucharistic Revival continue

Placing a greater emphasis on the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist has been the ongoing focus of the National Eucharistic Revival, is an initiative called for in June 2022 by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

In support of the National Eucharistic Revival, Bishop Frank J. Dewane directed that the resources of the Diocese of Venice focus on engaging the faithful through a series of events celebrating the Most Holy Eucharist.

Foremost of these events was the March 2023 Diocesan Eucharistic Congress. During the Congress, an estimated 4,400 (middle school students, youth and adults) participated in three unique events during the course of two days, at a venue on the Fort Myers riverfront. “What a wonderful time to be together celebrating our Faith in the Most Holy Eucharist,” Bishop Dewane said at the opening of the Congress.

The high point for the Diocesan Eucharistic Congress included the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being celebrated each day (one for youth, one for adults).

There were also three group Eucharistic Adorations (two outdoors for the younger participants and one indoors for the adults); a 1,600-person-strong public Eucharistic Procession in the streets of Fort Myers; inspirational talks in both Spanish and English; live music; and fellowship as participants shared the beauty of the Most Holy Eucharist.

Other Diocesan activities throughout the year further supported efforts to celebrate the Source and Summit of our Faith, the Most Holy Eucharist. The Office of Evangelization promoted the Traveling Rosary Congress in October 2023. This Rosary Congress was a unique opportunity to place all prayers and the needs of the faithful into the loving arms of the Mother of God, including a the intention to recognize the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Hosted by 31 Parishes, many had 24 hours of adoration and prayer with different ministries scheduled each hour. Even when the Rosary Congress didn’t last 24 hours, the gatherings always included the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and the praying of the Holy Rosary.

Additionally, there was a concerted effort to expand the That Man Is You (TMIY) Catholic men’s program from its base of two Parishes. Training sessions throughout the summer bore fruit as 11 new Parishes signed on to start this important weekly outreach in September. At those Parishes, the number of participants has been well beyond what was expected and the effect on the Parish life has been noted by several Pastors. The resonance of the program stems from its focus to honestly address the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. Each weekly session has a segment focused on the Most Holy Eucharist and often follows Mass.

Also, throughout 2023, the Office of Marriage and Family hosted a series of events promoting the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, each with a theme stressing the Most Holy Eucharist. This included the two annual anniversary Masses, celebrated by Bishop Dewane, held to honor couples who have dedicated their lives to God and their marriage. The Masses, held in the northern and southern parts of the Diocese to accommodate the large response, recognize couples enjoying significant wedding anniversaries; with many of those present celebrating more than 50 years of marriage while some marked more than 70 years. Between the two Masses, the 630 couples represented a combined 32,500+ years of marriage. Bishop Dewane stressed that the marriages of those present were bound by God, noting how these couples represent a shining example of the important Sacrament of the Eucharist. The 2024 Anniversary Masses will take place at 11 a.m. Feb. 3, at St. Leo the Great Parish in Bonita Springs, and 11 a.m. Feb. 24, at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice. A reception follows these free event. Registration is handled through local Parishes.

The Diocese of Venice hosted the third “Together in Holiness” Marriage Conference in Fort Myers in October. Again, the theme focused on the Most Holy Eucharist, and the important role in building, and strengthening, a holy marriage. More than 125 couples, representing 31 Parishes, took part in this event. The day included the Mass, celebrated by Bishop Dewane, the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and the availability of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The conference allowed couples to grow together in holiness and their closeness to the Lord; to learn to form their children in the Catholic Faith; to enjoy a day of quality time with their spouse; and to witness dynamic presentations. Plans are already underway for the 2024 conference to take place this fall.

In 2023, the focus of the National Eucharistic Revival switched to Parish outreach. Parishes throughout the Diocese organized Catholic speakers, adoration, Eucharistic processions, and other exciting events.

With the support of the Office of Evangelization and Department of Communications and the USCCB committee for the National Eucharistic Revival, a number or resources have been provided to Parishes. This was done to refresh the teaching of the faithful about the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist, and its history dating back to the Last Supper of Christ. Resources also include details about the importance of Eucharistic Adoration, and a list of speakers who are available to speak on this topic.

As a result, many Parishes have expanded their adoration time. Several Parishes have added new days, or extended existing hours, all with positive results. A few Parishes have even begun an adoration focused on teens and families, with participation correspondingly increasing. Through early 2024, several Parishes have brought in numerous high-profile guests to speak about the Most Holy Eucharist and Real Presence, with many more scheduled in the coming months. The attendance at these presentations has been impressive. Resources for this outreach can be found at https://dioceseofvenice.org/eucharistic-congress/year-of-parish-revival/.

Building on the success of the first Diocesan Eucharistic Conference, the second Conference is set for March 16, at Bishop Verot Catholic High School, 3398 Sunrise Drive, Fort Myers. All are invited to attend the all-day event of faith and fellowship, featuring inspirational Catholic speakers, including nationally acclaimed Catholic speaker and author Steven Ray, Crystalina Evert, Father Elvis Gonzalez, Katia Aranga, and Tim Glemkowski. English and Spanish sessions will be offered. The day will include the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as well as Eucharistic Adoration, and confessions. Space is limited so early registration is encouraged. For more information and to register, please visit https://dioceseofvenice.org/eucharistic-conference-2024/.

The National Eucharistic Revival will culminate in the first National Eucharistic Congress in the United States in almost 50 years. This historic gathering will take place in Indianapolis from July 17 to 21, 2024. Bishop Dewane is leading a pilgrimage to the National Congress which the Bishop describes as “a pivotal moment in the Church, and a unique opportunity for participants to draw into a deeper, more intimate relationship with Our Lord.”

The cost of the Diocese of Venice pilgrimage package is $1,049. With the package, pilgrims receive the National Eucharistic Congress 5-day pass, which provides access to all speakers and events, as well as four nights’ accommodations in a 4-star hotel within walking distance of the convention center. Please note, the pilgrimage package does not include transportation or meals. Space is limited! Learn more by visiting https://dioceseofvenice.org/offices/offices-departments/evangelization/pilgrimage-to-national-eucharistic-congress/.

Please visit the Diocese of Venice website, https://dioceseofvenice.org/, to learn about any additional information about the Diocesan activities to promote the National Eucharistic Revival, and check with your Parish to learn more about local Eucharistic events!.

News Briefs for the week of January 12, 2024

Annual Mass held for circus and traveling show workers

Each year the circus and travelling show workers of the United States gather for three days to thank God for their continued blessings. This retreat was Jan. 5-7, 2024, at St. Martha Parish in downtown Sarasota, which is designated the “National Circus Parish.” The pastoral workers, who ensure that the Sacraments are available and maintained for travelling show people, function under the direction of U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat of Cultural Diversity’s Subcommittee on the Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees and Travelers (PCMRT). Bishop Frank J. Dewane is the Episcopal Liaison for the Circus Ministry of the PCMRT. Bishop Dewane celebrated the closing Mass on Jan. 7, the Epiphany of the Lord, and he was assisted by several of the priests who serve the circus and traveling show workers. A special moment during the Mass occurred when Sister Joanna Okereke, a Handmaid of the Holy Child Jesus and assistant director of the PCMRT subcommittee, renewed her religious vows. This is done annually on the Epiphany of the Lord, and was presided over by Bishop Dewane, and witnessed by the faithful present.

9 Days for Life novena begins Jan. 16

The faithful are encouraged to pray “9 Days for Life,” an annual Respect Life novena starting Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024. In the Catholic Church, a ‘novena’ consists of prayers over nine successive days, and this particular novena is an opportunity for prayer and reparation in observance of the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children on Jan. 22. The overarching intention of the novena is the end to abortion. Each daily prayer intention highlights a related topic and is accompanied by a reflection, educational information, and suggested daily actions. Participants may access the novena and also subscribe to receive the daily prayers by email or text message in English at 9daysforlife.com or in Spanish at respectlife.org/9-dias-por-la-vida.

Migrant Care Grants application period open

Grant requests for funding of projects in 2024 are available from the Foundation for the Care of the Migrant Poor Fund and need to be submitted no later than Friday, March 31, 2024. To be considered a grant, the project must clearly be seen as a service to the migrant poor or new immigrants. Preference will be given to those projects under Catholic auspices. Applications can be submitted by visiting https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=ccfsf.

New mural adorns Verot building

Students returned back from Christmas break at Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers on Jan. 8, 2024, and were greeted by a new sight on campus! Eric Riemenschneider, a graphic design teacher, was busy during the past few weeks working on a new mural outside, in the cafeteria courtyard. The mural reads VEROT in bold letters on a blue background. Within the letters are symbols of school life, hands clasped together in prayer, caps tossed at graduation, St. Francis de Sales and Bishop Verot, patrons of the school, athletes in action, and the school Viking logo. Above the VEROT image is a large white cross. The mural is not complete, weather delayed the progress, but judging by its look so far, it will inspire Bishop Verot students for years to come.

Prayer Walk for Life Jan. 20 in Ave Maria

The Respect Life Ministry of Ave Maria Parish in Ave Maria is hosting its 3rd annual Prayer Walk for Life, 10 a.m., Jan. 20. The walk begins with remarks from Bishop Frank J. Dewane and other dignitaries at the university football stadium and will then proceed through the university and conclude in the town square. More than 1,000 took part in 2023.

Knights on Bikes deliver toys to Clewiston mission

The Knights on Bikes, a motorcycle club of the Knights of Columbus, rode out to Santa Rosa de Lima Mission in Montura Ranch Estates, just south of Clewiston, on Jan. 6, 2024, the Feast of the Epiphany. There they delivered and distributed toys to migrant children in the community.  The Knights on Bikes mission is to promote and adhere to the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, and evangelize through fellowship, charity, and service.

WARNING – Text/Email SCAM Alert

It has once again been brought to the attention of the Diocese of Venice that parishioners have received text/email messages from people pretending to be clergy – including Bishop Frank J. Dewane – or Parish/school staff, requesting donations in the form of gift cards and/or wire transfers. It is Diocesan policy that neither the Bishop, nor priests or staff request donations in the form of gift cards, PayPal, MoneyGram, etc. Without this awareness, some have responded to the spoofed messages, with consequences, including loss of funds. There is an established process in place on how parishioners can make donations and participate in the life of the Diocese/Parish/school. If you receive such a SCAM text or email, please immediately contact the Diocesan/Parish/school directly!

Christmas celebrated across Diocese

The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:10-14

Passed through generations, the retelling of the coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in such a humble way, born in a manger to reign over the world, should cause everyone to pause and reflect on the gifts of grace that have come to each one of us through His birth.

This pause and time of reflection is at the heart of what Christmas is all about. This moment was celebrated throughout the Diocese of Venice in a variety of ways, most significantly through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane celebrated a pre-recorded TV Mass for the Homebound from St. Bernard Parish in Holmes Beach. This hour-long Christmas Mass reaches thousands of those who are unable to attend Mass for a variety of reasons.

Bishop Dewane also celebrated Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Mass at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice. At the Midnight Mass, the Bishop brought forth the Child Jesus and placed Him in the manger as “O Come All Ye Faithful” was sung.

During the Midnight Mass, Bishop Dewane reminded the faithful that we are all part of Salvation History, and as such, we are called to a life within the Church, a Church not like the Roman Empire of Jesus’ time, but the new Kingdom built for us all.

“We are part of a new Kingdom, which started in a humble manger, with the Baby Jesus dressed in swaddling clothes,” Bishop Dewane said. “It is a different type of Kingdom from the time of Caesar Augustus when the individual meant little. The new Kingdom was built for us all. Jesus Christ does care about each one of us.”

Because of this new Kingdom, which is the Church on earth, led by the successors of Peter, we each have an obligation and responsibility to stand and speak up for the Church, the Bishop said.

“Jesus Christ has built for us a Church, a home for you and for me, and for many of our brothers and sisters. We are blessed to receive the goodness of the Lord by the love we express to Him, by our presence and active participation as we live our lives within the Church; being a full member; going to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass each week; and praying to the Lord. This is who we are all called to be,” Bishop Dewane said.

The manger, or Nativity scene, is a celebratory focus of the Christmas Season. Several Diocesan Parishes and each Catholic school took time to have a retelling of the birth of Jesus with young children and in some cases with live animals.

For example, St. Michael Parish in Wauchula held a living Nativity play on Dec. 17, 2024, included a donkey, horses and many angels and shepherds. This community celebration is organized by the religious sisters who serve the Parish, the Sister Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara, and includes a festival and the distribution of gifts for the children in the area.

Epiphany Cathedral Parish in Venice and St. William Parish in Naples hosted meals for those in need, the homeless, and the lonely. Epiphany hosted a Christmas Day dinner in the Parish Hall. The St. William luncheon took place at the Judy Sullivan Family Resource Center of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., on Dec. 26, and was coordinated with nearby St. Peter the Apostle Parish and Catholic Charities. Many volunteers supported each effort, including Bishop Dewane who worked the serving line at the Cathedral dinner, bringing smiles to the faces of those who came for a hot meal.

Christmas is also a time to help others so donations for the needy were piled high and distributed. The most common form of collecting items for needy children is through an Angel Tree, where the ornaments are a wish list item for a child or family.

The Angel Tree at St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish in Parrish brought in a massive number of toys of all types, as well as more than $4,000 in gift card donations.

In Naples, at St. Ann Parish, the annual Council of Catholic Women Family 2 Family Christmas Gift Giving Program was a huge success, as it is each year. The effort collected more than 600 gift bags filled with needed items and then were distributed to several local charities.

As was the case at each Parish, many gave from their heart and brought bags of items well beyond what was sought. Naturally, no donated item was turned away and it just meant more people were granted a Merry Christmas.

Catholic schools spent much of the month in preparation for Christmas with pageants, recitals, concerts, parties, and other fun, such as creating handmade presents for family members or building and decorating gingerbread houses. At the same time, the schools teach students the true meaning of Christmas, including needing to spread the love of Christ, that is in their hearts, out to the world.

Young carolers from schools throughout the Diocese visited nearby assisted living facilities to spread holiday cheer by singing Christmas carols.

In addition, each school has a service component where students do work, volunteer or obtain funds or gifts to give back to the community. This effort goes into high gear during the Christmas Season.

At St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton, the students collected canned goods for the St. Joseph Food Pantry, and toys and other goodies for needy children in the area.

The Knights on Bikes, a motorcycle club of the Knights of Columbus, donated more than 300 unwrapped Christmas presents for the more than 100 children at the Golisano Childrens Hospital in Fort Myers. Following their drop-off, the Knights gathered around the flagpole in front of the hospital and prayed a rosary for the children.

The “Good News of great joy” was widely celebrated throughout the Diocese of Venice during the Christmas Season, which continues through Jan. 8, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. This year, many of the Diocesan faithful thought not only of their own family and friends but also of others, especially those most in need.

Scholarship applications deadline Feb. 29

Do you have a high school senior graduating this year, and pursuing further education, or someone in your family thinking of returning to school? The Catholic Community Foundation of Southwest Florida has opened the 2024-25 online scholarship applications. There are currently five different scholarships available from the Foundation. Applications close on Feb. 29, 2024.

The Mary Fran Carroll Scholarship is available again this year for residents of Sarasota County. There are two versions of this scholarship. The Traditional Scholarship is for students who are graduating high school in 2024 or graduated in 2023. The Non-Traditional Scholarship is for those who have been out of school for 3+ years with difficult financial circumstances that prohibited them from pursuing their educational objectives immediately after high school. This year, the Foundation will be awarding multiple $3,500 annual Mary Fran Carroll scholarships which each have a renewable worth of $17,500 over five years. The Traditional and Non-Traditional scholarship can both be used for tuition, books and fees at an accredited college, university, or vocational program.

“During the past 10 years, the Catholic Community Foundation has awarded more than $687,000 in scholarships to 131 students attending universities, colleges, and vocational programs,” said Michael Morse, Executive Director of the Foundation. “In addition, millions of dollars have been provided to the Catholic Schools within the Diocese of Venice from Foundation endowment funds, donor advised funds, and outright donations for scholarships and tuition assistance for needy students.”

In addition to the Mary Fran Carroll Scholarships, the Foundation is offering:

  • The Frank and Florence Coseglia Scholarship, which provides a onetime scholarship of approximately $1,100 to one financially needy college-bound student graduating from each of the four Catholic High Schools within the Diocese of Venice.
  • The James & Margaret Schwarz Scholarship, for a graduating senior at Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota, who is interested in pursuing a career in education. This year, the Foundation will be awarding a single academic scholarship of approximately $7,500.
  • The Frederick Schaerf M.D., Ph. D. Neuroscience Scholarship, for students at Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers, who are interested in pursuing a career in neuroscience or similar field. This year, the Foundation will be awarding a single $4,000 academic scholarship.

All applications and supporting documents for each of the scholarships must be submitted electronically by no later than Feb. 29, 2024.

To find out which Catholic Community Foundation scholarship you qualify for, please visit www.ccfdioceseofvenice.org/scholarships.

News briefs for the week of January 5, 2024

High school club honors veterans

The Bishop Verot Catholic High School club Vikings for Heroes spent time helping the “Wreaths Across America” program on Dec. 14, 2023. This program took place at cemeteries across the entire nation, and the purpose was to “Remember the fallen. Honor those who serve. Teach the next generation the value of freedom.” Students spent the day decorating headstones at Fort Myers Memorial Gardens in preparation of the Christmas holiday. Vikings for Heroes is led by Pete Orsita, a military veteran himself who teaches science. Orsita’s passion to help other veterans is clear in how he has helped with outreach efforts such as “Wreaths Across America,” the Veteran’s Day assembly, and support for Honor Flights, which enables veterans to visit the memorials in Washington, D.C.

Boat building challenges robotics students

Congratulations to the ingenious 6th, 7th, and 8th grade robotics students at St. Andrew Catholic School in Cape Corel. On Dec. 21, 2023, the students embarked on an aluminum boat-building challenge, showcasing problem-solving skills, collaboration and creativity that left us in awe! Special kudos went to 7th graders, Ryder and Matias, whose boat sailed to victory, holding an impressive load of 50 pennies, an example of true innovation at work. The project was a testament to teamwork, critical thinking, and the sheer joy of hands-on learning. All 15 Diocese of Venice Catholic schools offer a comprehensive STREAM (science, technology, religion, engineering, art and math) learning model which is combined with the Diocesan curriculum called, “The Gifts of Christ: Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Affability, Fortitude, Humility, and Prudence,” creating students equipped to succeed in the world of today.

Catholic Charities Annual Christmas Appeal needs your support!

The 22nd Annual Catholic Charities Christmas Appeal needs your support! The Christmas Appeal continues through the end of January 2024 and is Catholic Charities’ largest annual fundraiser, critical to operating this critical social service organization. Gifts provide funding for the many Catholic Charities programs and services available throughout Southwest Florida. Your generosity enables Catholic Charities to serve those seeking help all year long. To donate please visit https://catholiccharitiesdov.org/donate, or mail a contribution to Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285.

Catholic Street Evangelization training in Naples

Interested in learning about Catholic Street Evangelization? Register now for the January 27 Saint Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE) training at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 625 111th Ave N, Naples.  Registration deadline is January 23. SPSE is supported and encouraged by Bishop Frank J. Dewane and is a response to the mandate of Jesus Christ to “preach the Gospel to all nations…” taking the Catholic Faith to the public square. The organization seeks to train others to witness effectively to the truth, beauty, and goodness of Jesus and His Church in a non-confrontational way. All Catholics who are 18 years of age and older are cordially invited to register. The daily Mass is at 8 a.m., and the workshops are from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. A “Live Lab” will follow. The cost is $15 per person and includes continental breakfast and lunch. Please visit https://dioceseofvenice.regfox.com/2024-st-paul-street-evangelization to register. For other questions, please contact Jim Gontis at gontis@dioceseofvenice.org.

Volunteers Needed for Prison Outreach

Join the team of Diocesan volunteers who enter county jails and state prisons within the 10-county Diocese of Venice to do pastoral outreach, distribute the Eucharist and facilitate programs. Priests, Deacons, and lay volunteers are encouraged to assist in this ministry. Volunteers will first participate in an orientation program before entering the facility and will “shadow” experienced volunteers until they feel comfortable. Times and days vary by facility. Please contact Joe Mallof at 224-217-7139 or Bob Hiniker 863-558-0407 to learn where you can fit into this joyful opportunity.


Mooney celebrates state title

Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School hosted a victory rally for the state champion Cougar football team before a jubilant crowd in their home stadium in Sarasota on Dec. 19, 2023.

The team earned the Florida High School Athletic Association Class 1S state championship in Tallahassee on Dec. 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was 51 years to the day, in 1972, since the last football state championship was won by Cardinal Mooney.

Following a highlight video, the players ran onto the field to the adoring cheers of family, faculty, students, and alumni. Cardinal Mooney Chaplain Father Eric Scanlan offered the opening prayer, followed by remarks from Principal Ben Hopper. A Proclamation was then read by Sarasota City Vice Mayor Jen Ahearn-Koch, Mooney Class of 1982.

Athletic Director Rafael Fernandez addressed the team, stating how proud he was of the players and how the state title was just the first step in creating a championship legacy at Cardinal Mooney. Fernandez brought five senior stars onto the stage to unveil the new championship banner. The banner will be on permanent display in the school gymnasium.

Head Coach Jared Clark got emotional when talking about the team, their heart, grit and determination, overcoming all challenges to achieve the ultimate goal – a state title. He also spoke about the many who worked behind the scenes, including the athletic trainers, assistant coaches, and their families. Coach Clark stressed that the players were brothers for life, and no matter where life takes them, they will always be Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School state champions.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane offered the closing prayer, saying that the team has shown that they will succeed in sports and now they are encouraged to succeed in life, with the Lord accompanying them along the way.

The rally concluded with a fireworks display, and the players signing team photos for fans.

News Briefs for the week of December 12, 2023

Haitian Independence Mass

Bishop Frank J. Dewane invites all to participate in the Annual Mass celebrating the 220th Anniversary of Haitian Independence on Monday, Jan. 1, 2024, at St. Leo the Great Parish, 28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs. The 1:30 p.m. Mass, which takes place on the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, brings together the various Haitian communities within the Diocese of Venice for one celebration. Bishop Dewane and priests serving the Haitian Catholic community of the Diocese welcome Most. Rev. Charles Peters Barthelus, Bishop of the Diocese of Port-de-Paix, who will be the Principal Celebrant and Homilist. There is a reception after the Mass in the Parish Hall. For more information, please contact Father Fritz Ligondé at 239-210-1018.

WARNING – Text/Email SCAM Alert

It has once again been brought to the attention of the Diocese of Venice that parishioners have received text/email messages from people pretending to be clergy – including Bishop Frank J. Dewane – or Parish/school staff, requesting donations in the form of gift cards and/or wire transfers. These messages, which are more frequent during the Christmas Season, often come from text/emails that look similar to official Diocesan/Parish/school numbers or accounts and often greet the recipient by name and have the priest’s, Bishop’s, or staff member’s name in the “From” line and/or closing signature of the message. The SPAM often claims that the priest/Bishop/staff member is in need of gift cards or money to aid a sick child, relative, or parishioner. The message then asks the person to purchase gift cards/money and then to text/email the redemption code and PIN number. It is Diocesan policy that neither the Bishop, nor priests or staff request donations in the form of gift cards, PayPal, MoneyGram, etc. Without this awareness, some have responded to the spoofed messages, with consequences, including loss of funds. There is an established process in place on how parishioners can make donations and participate in the life of the Diocese, Parish, or school. If you receive such a SCAM text or email, please immediately contact the Diocesan/Parish/school directly!

Catholic Charities Annual Christmas Appeal needs your support!

The 22nd Annual Catholic Charities Christmas Appeal is underway and needs your support! The Christmas Appeal continues through January 2024 and is Catholic Charities’ largest annual fundraiser, critical to operating this social service organization. Gifts provide funding for the many Catholic Charities programs and services available throughout Southwest Florida. Your generosity enables Catholic Charities to serve those seeking help all year long. To donate please mail a contribution to Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc., 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285, or visit https://catholiccharitiesdov.org/donate.

Christmas Luau in Naples

The staff and faculty of St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples welcomed its generous 2022-23 donors to campus for a Christmas Luau on Dec. 13, 2023. From tiki torches to a roasted pig, the celebration in the school courtyard brought the magic of the islands to the celebration. Bishop Frank J. Dewane was present and gave the blessing and the Principal, Salesian Sister Patricia Roche, gave the State of the School address. Participants learned about the positive impact that their gifts have had on the school and the exciting news that the school is growing! The faculty and staff expressed their gratitude to those who were able to join them and to those who were unable to attend this year. There are already plans to do it again next year!

Midterm exam support offered in Sarasota and Fort Myers

The Senior Ministry Club of Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota delivered hand-written notes to all freshmen on Dec. 14, 2023, wishing them good luck on their midterm exams. Along with the note came a “Smarties” candy. Meanwhile, at Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Fort Myers, the student services faculty brought in furry friends on Dec. 15, to help alleviate the stress as students prepared for their exams. Petting a dog, or giving a few hugs, offered a break from the intensive studies and testing that takes place every year before the Christmas holiday break.

Mooney State Champs! First time in 51 years

The Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School football team earned the Florida High School Athletic Association Class 1S state championship in Tallahassee on Dec. 8, 2023, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

This is the first Cardinal Mooney Cougar state football title since 1972.

The Sarasota team defeated Trinity Catholic High School of Ocala with the final score of 31-27, at Ken Riley Field at Bragg Memorial Stadium (Tallahassee), home of Florida A&M University. The team scored the winning touchdown with 47 seconds to play in the game. An interception on the last play of the game sealed the victory.

The star of the game was junior wide receiver/defensive back Chris Mccorkle who scored on a 39-yard touchdown pass from senior quarterback Michael Valentino. Mccorkle then intercepted a desperate “Hail Mary” pass in the end zone with all zeroes on the play clock.

The exciting game was hard fought, with Trinity Catholic scoring first before Cardinal Mooney rattled off three touchdowns by early in the second quarter. They included a 75-yard pass from sophomore quarterback Devin Mignery to Mccorkle to tie the score at 7. Then a four-yard touchdown run from senior Carson Beach brought the score to 14-7. This was followed by an 82-yard pass from Valentino to wide receiver Teddy Foster, bringing the score to 21-7.

However, Trinity managed to tie the game by halftime. A 33-yard field goal from Nino Scheitz put the Cougars up 24-21 in the third quarter, but two field goals from Trinity, including a 49-yarder with 1:10 to play in the game, put the Cougars behind. Just 23 seconds later, the game-winning pass and reception brought a long-awaited championship to the Sarasota team.

An emotional Head Coach Jared Clark, who spoke after the game, said “This is a special group of young men… We won this (championship) 51 years to the day of the last one… Some of the ‘72 guys were on the sidelines. There is so much love from the alumni… I’m so proud of these kids… It is these young men and the coaching staff. These guys are amazing!”

Senior quarterback Valentino, who suffered from a punctured lung and broken ribs early in the season posted on social media, “What a journey. Thank you Jesus for the ups and the downs. Love this team! Jeremiah 29:11.”

Sophomore quarterback Mignery posted to social media as well, saying “All the hard work finally showed yesterday! Love all my brothers!”

In an interview after the game, Mccorkle, who finished the game with two catches for 116 yards and two touchdowns, plus an interception, said, “It feels great. I don’t even know what to say right now. I’m shocked we even won this. My mindset and where I wanted to be, we got where we needed to be. (Trinity Catholic) thought they were just going to run right through us.”

During the game, each of the Cougar coaches wore a special shirt for the game, which had an American Flag motif, with stripes down the left arm and stars on a field on blue on the right arm, with the word “FAITH” in Cougar red on the back.

A large contingent of fans, including parents, students, and faculty, travelled to cheer on the Cougars, who finished the season 12-2. Many more gathered to watch the game at viewing parties at both Miller’s Ale House and the Daiquiri Deck in Sarasota.

At Miller’s Ale House, the atmosphere was more like a professional or college championship versus a high school one. The passion for the Cougars was clear as everyone wore Cardinal Mooney colors, “State Bound” shirts and more, cheering the great plays and moaning when the final result was in doubt in the final minute of the game.

No matter, the Cougar fans erupted in delirium in both the stadium and at the viewing parties when the final touchdown was scored. More raucous celebrations commenced when the “Hail Mary” pass from Trinity was intercepted in the end zone, sealing a long-awaited victory.

A community-wide celebration for the Cougars will take place in the Mooney Stadium on Fruitville Road at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 19. A highlight film will be played on an inflatable screen. Each player will be called up and given a “State Championship” shirt. The celebration is delayed because of exams at the school.

Prior to leaving for Tallahassee on Dec. 7, a pep rally was held in the Mooney gymnasium for the students and supporters. Deacon Jack Milholland Jr., Mooney Class of 1977 and Permanent Deacon at Our Lady of the Angels Parish in Lakewood Ranch, provided an invocation and blessed the players with holy water.

The cheerleaders then performed before the players made one last run through the tunnel and through the gym to the cheers of the students and supporters. Parents with signs of support lined the driveway as the buses carrying the team, with a Sheriff’s Office escort, headed for Tallahassee.

The team made a stop at neighboring St. Martha Catholic School and St. Mary Academy where the students lined the driveway with their own signs of support. The players took the time to get out of the buses and give their youngest fans fist-bumps and high-fives.

Enroute, the team stopped at the University of Florida in Gainesville to visit their football training facilities.

Upon arrival in Tallahassee the team took part in a practice before ending their day at the Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More.

This victory by the Cougar football team will be savored by the players, the coaches, the students, the faculty, and the alumni for many years to come. The 1972 team is still spoken about with reverence 51 years later, with several of the players regularly returning to the school to watch games and be recognized.

Congratulations State Champion Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School Cougars!!!