News Briefs for the week of March 26, 2021

Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday Televised Mass

The Diocese of Venice in Florida will air the televised Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday Masses, each for a full hour. The Masses can be viewed at 9 a.m. on the CW Network in Sarasota, Manatee, Desoto, Charlotte, Hardee and Highland counties, and at 10:30 a.m. on FOX4 in Charlotte, Lee, Collier, Hendry, Glades and Desoto counties. The Mass is also available on the Diocese of Venice website at

Holy Week Mass times

The Holy Week Mass times for each Diocese of Venice Parish/Mission have been compiled and are available for viewing at The list is in alphabetical order by city and includes the address and contact information for more information.

Catholic Center daily livestream to end March 31

The livestream of the Daily Mass from the Catholic Center will end on the final day of Lent, Wednesday, March 31, 2021. The 8 a.m. livestream of the Daily Mass from Epiphany Cathedral in Venice will still be available for viewing through the Diocese of Venice and Cathedral Facebook pages. As usual, this stream is available for viewing throughout the day.

Knight receives honor for military valor

Knights of Columbus member Salvatore (Sal) Naimo, of the Our Lady of Victory Council 3358, served in the U.S. Marine Corps in the 1950s including during the Korean War. On his 89th birthday, March 17, 2021, the veteran received one of the military’s highest honors for his heroic actions nearly 70 years ago. Colonel John Polidoro, Chief of Staff for Marine Corps Forces, Central Command, awarded Cpl. Naimo the Silver Star in a ceremony at the Knights Hall in Sarasota.

It was September 1951 when Cpl. Naimo put his own life at risk by carrying two fellow Marines who were severely injured in a mortar attack to get aid. Naimo was nominated for the honor years ago but only recently was it approved and awarded.

“What I did in 1951, it is long gone in the past, but this will remind me of it forever,” Naimo said to local media who were present for the ceremony. “It was a day that I won’t forget. It is just something that I won’t probably talk about again.”

Divine Mercy items of interest

A Divine Mercy Novena begins on Good Friday, April 2, 2021 and concludes Saturday, April 10. In private revelations to St. Faustina, Jesus asked that the Feast of Divine Mercy be preceded by a novena praying for nine intentions with the Divine Mercy Chaplet. It is particularly appropriate for anyone who has been touched by abortion or is nearing death. The novena can be accessed online at

In addition, there will be a Divine Mercy Sunday Prayer Service on April 11, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave, West, Venice. Everyone is invited to participate in the prayer service for forgiveness and healing from pregnancy loss. The prayer service will also be livestreamed at

For information about either the Divine Mercy Novena of the Prayer Service, please contact Sylvia at 941-412-5860 or

Bishop celebrates Mass for students in Sarasota and Bradenton

Bishop Frank J. Dewane continued celebrating Mass for students in Diocese of Venice Catholic schools with the latest stops on March 8, 2021, at Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota, March 19 at St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton and March 23 at St. Martha Catholic School and St. Mary Academy in Sarasota.

During these Masses, Bishop Dewane stressed how the Lenten Season is a time for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as we prepare to celebrate the Paschal Mystery of our Faith.

Freshman Retreat

The Bishop Verot Catholic High School Class of 2024 enjoyed the much-anticipated Freshman Retreat on March 17, 2021. Seniors led the event, including a scavenger hunt, small group discussions, ice cream social, and candlelight prayer service in the courtyard. The key moment of the retreat was the celebration of Mass. This retreat was postponed from before the start of the academic year due to necessary pandemic restrictions.



STREAM initiative has big roll out

The Diocese of Venice is uniformly strengthening STREAM education in 15 Diocesan Catholics Schools through investment in a partnership with FIRST®, a global robotics community, “For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology,” placing students ahead of the curve in primary fields while continuing to promote core Catholic virtues.

This initiative came about under the direction of Bishop Frank J. Dewane who said the investment is a means to an end, an upping of the skills taught at each Diocesan Catholic school.

“It is all about investing in our students because they are our mission and we want them to succeed; to become the leaders, the professionals, the faith witnesses of tomorrow,” Bishop Dewane added. “This will develop our students into who they are becoming as men and women of God; and therefore, who they will become ethical scientists, ethical business people, ethical engineers and all of that has to be built upon a base of Faith.”

A gift of 500 robots and curricular resources were presented by Bishop Dewane to Diocesan Catholic Schools on March 10, 2021 in the Zazarino Center of St. Martha Catholic School and St. Mary Academy in Sarasota. Present in support of the announcement were Catholic school principals and numerous priests. Greg Harrell, a Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School alum, who is an engineer and designs bridges, praised the Diocesan initiative and said “You had me at robots!”

Bishop Dewane explained that he understands the students of today and tomorrow need to be rigorously challenged through STREAM – Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts and Math. As an educational leader, the Bishop is making a long-term investment in student success through his pledge to provide all Diocesan Catholic schools with age-appropriate kits and robots to compete at the highest levels of competition through FIRST® while integrating Catholic values and virtues through the Diocesan curriculum called, “The Gifts of Christ: Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Affability, Fortitude, Humility, and Prudence.”

These kits use LEGO products, such as Duplo blocks for the youngest students, and more traditional blocks for older students. Each progressive kit increases with difficulty and broadens the concepts learned in earlier years. By middle and high school levels, students will be building competition robots.

Students from PK-3 through Grade 12 will join others worldwide for age-appropriate learning, designing, and building robots of all sizes while offering young people a chance to proudly dream of working as true leaders in science and technology fields. Through teamwork and competition, students gain self-confidence and valuable, real-world skills that can open pathways for all types of career choices in STREAM.

The March 10 presentation included a press conference and demonstration of robots by students from St. Martha and St. Mary. The students showed Bishop Dewane how they use a computer to program a small robot through an obstacle course while doing various tasks. The younger students shared different projects they worked on in the days leading up to the event. Each student expressed to the Bishop how exciting it is to work with the robots and blocks all while learning many skills.

St. Martha and St. Mary joined St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School in Port Charlotte, St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Fort Myers and St. Andrew Catholic School in Cape Coral in being part of the pilot introduction for the robotics program.

While robots are a major part of the FIRST® program, it is just a tool that expands upon the idea of project-based learning and cognitive thought processes, helping to develop skills such as leadership, communication, complex problem solving, teamwork and creativity. All of this is being done with an added dimension of our Catholic Faith which remains the first job of all Diocesan schools.

“Every student attending Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools from this point forward will have this curriculum and these activities on a daily basis,” said Father John Belmonte, SJ, Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Education. “We are the only Diocese in full partnership with FIRST, and the K-12 program combines to position our students to learn lessons and develop the skills necessary to be leaders of the future.”

Jennifer Falestiny, Diocesan Curriculum Specialist, who helped to facilitate the partnership between the Diocese and FIRST®, said schools will begin integrating the program for the final quarter of the 2021 academic year. The balance of schools and teachers will be introduced to the project in June for implementation in the 2021-2022 academic year.

Future bright in Diocese One Year into Pandemic

What a difference a year makes.

It was on March 19, 2020 that the celebration of public Masses was suspended within the Diocese of Venice. On that day, the Solemnity of St. Joseph, sadness and worry prevailed for an occasion normally set aside to celebrate and honor the foster-father of Jesus Christ, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Patron of the Universal Church who is also guardian and protector of the Church and Her faithful.

It was also on that day the Diocese of Venice began its celebration of a “Year of St. Joseph.” “Particularly in this time of uncertainty in light of the coronavirus Pandemic,” Bishop Frank J. Dewane said at the time: “It is appropriate to seek the intercession of St. Joseph, a saint whom we look for guidance and protection.”

One year later, the Solemnity in 2021 takes on a new meaning of hope as the Diocese has made great strides in the effort to return to all pre-pandemic activities. Numerous successful events, including conferences, Masses and prayer walks, have brought an approach of normalcy to people of the Diocese, through spreading the “Good News of the Lord.”

For the Solemnity this year, the Bishop is celebrating a traditional Mass in Italian. Diocesan school children who have been taking part in a St. Joseph Devotional Project will also be recognized at a special event. The Diocesan “Year of St. Joseph” has been extended to Dec. 8, 2021 to coincide with a Universal Year dedicated by Pope Francis.

The Diocese resumed public Masses on May 18, 2020 with up to 50 percent capacity, social distancing, and mask requirements, as well as enhanced cleaning protocols, all of which remain in place to this day. While visiting any Parish within the Diocese of Venice there are signs requiring all to wear masks and maintain social distancing. The ubiquitous hand sanitizer is also there. Behind the scenes are dedicated people who do deep cleaning.

Catholic schools and Parish religious education programs went to virtual learning in the spring and summer of 2020 before a massive effort was made to enable in-person instruction by August at all schools and for most religious education students.

The results have been inspiring during a time of great sorrow and struggle as everyone was impacted by the Pandemic in some way. There have been no outbreaks linked to the celebration of Mass in the Diocese, in-person instruction or for that matter at Diocesan or Parish events. Therefore, confidence has built in the effectiveness of the Diocesan safety precautions. Therefore, the number of people returning to Sunday Mass has steadily increased while at the same time the number of students learning virtually has correspondingly dropped for the same reason. In fact, only 3.4 percent of all Diocesan Catholic school students are currently remote learning.

This success has come about through the leadership of Bishop Dewane, in conjunction and consultation with the priests, principals, Chancery and numerous internal and external professionals, in coordinating the Diocesan efforts during this evolving process while implementing these policies across 61 Parishes and 15 schools.

As we celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph, let us reflect upon the past year in remembrance of those we have lost and those who have struggled in any way.

The Holy Father in declaring the Universal Year of St. Joseph against the backdrop of the Pandemic, which, he stated, has helped us see more clearly the importance of “ordinary” people who, though far from the limelight, exercise patience and offer hope every day. In this, they resemble St. Joseph, “the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence, who nonetheless played an incomparable role in the history of salvation.”

St. Andrew students shine at science fairs

A group of middle schoolers from St. Andrew Catholic School in Cape Coral recently participated and excelled during the 64th Annual Thomas Alva Edison Regional Science and Engineering Fair and the Thomas A. Edison Festival of Lights Inventors Fair.

These are the largest science competitions in Southwest Florida where hundreds of students from Lee and Charlotte counties present their inventions and/or science research projects bringing together 1,000 competitors.

Held in February 2021, the St. Andrew students “demonstrated Christ’s gift of fortitude as they successfully overcame the many challenges posed by the pandemic to excel during the virtual competitions,” proclaimed Principal David Nelson.

“Congratulations to ALL of our 2021 Science & Inventor Fair’s Regional Finalists,” Nelson said. “Not only are you resilient, but you embody the passion and spirit of Thomas Edison, the namesake for the regional science and invention fair. Congratulations on your STREAM (Science Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts and Math) accomplishments!”

An impressive 13 St. Andrew were recognized for their exceptional science and invention projects at the virtual awards ceremonies on March 11, 2021. Several will be moving on to compete in national competitions. Winners and awards include:

Sarah Engel, 6th grade, was awarded 1st place for Environmental Engineering (Junior Division), for her project “Oil and Water Don’t Mix.” Sarah received multiple honors and is also a 2021 Grand Award Winner and will virtually present her project at the 66th Annual State Science & Engineering Fair of Florida this spring.

Christopher Carranza was awarded 2nd place for 8th grade Inventions for his invention “Fix-A-Flat with the Easy Screw.” Christopher was invited to present his invention at the National Invention Competition and received special recognition and special awards.

Sofia Mayus, 7th grade, was awarded 1st place for Animal Sciences (Junior Division) for her project “What Color are Insects Most Attracted To?” Sofia received special recognition with multiple awards.

Zachary Engel, 8th grade, was awarded 2nd place for Earth & Environmental Sciences (Junior Division), for his project “Monarchs vs the Length of Day.”  Zachary received special recognition and awards.

Sephora Esperance, 6th grade, was awarded 2nd place for Environmental Engineering (Junior Division), for her project “What is the Most Efficient Way to Position the Solar Panel?”  Sephora received special recognition with a cash award from AIM Engineering & Surveying, Inc.

Christopher Pino, 7th grade, was awarded 2nd place for Animal Sciences (Junior Division) for his project “The Affect of Different Photosynthetically Active Radiation Values on Coral Growth.” Christopher received special recognition with multiple awards including the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Sophia Smith, 8th grade, was awarded 2nd place for Chemistry (Junior Division) for her project “How Does Wax Type Affect Burn Rate and Soot Concentration of Candles?”  Sophia received special recognition.

Laura Cerna was awarded 3rd place for 6th grade Inventions for her invention “Solar Powered Dollhouse.” Laura was invited to present her invention at the National Invention Competition and received a cash award from Florida Power & Light’s Energy Wise Scholarship, as well as special recognition in the category of Practical & Precious Innovations for the Greater Good.

Ellianna Trunkett, 8th Grade, received special recognition for her project “Altitude Impact,” and multiple awards including from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA Earth System Science Award).

Others receiving awards were: Kyle Benson, 3rd place for 8th grade Inventions for his invention to help fishermen; Ana Cerna 8th grade, was awarded 3rd place for Physics & Astronomy (Junior Division); Sabrina Kosmala, 7th grade, Honorable Mention for Physics & Astronomy (Junior Division); Noah Rodriguez, 6th grade, 3rd place for Behavioral & Social Sciences (Junior Division).

News Briefs for the Week of March 19, 2021

Bishop celebrates Mass at Donahue Academy

Bishop Frank J. Dewane continued celebrating Mass for students in Diocese of Venice Catholic schools with the latest stop on March 16, 2021, at the Donahue Academy of Ave Maria. During these Masses, Bishop Dewane stressed how the Lenten Season is a time for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as we prepare to celebrate the Paschal Mystery of our Faith.

Religious education group makes lunches for homeless

The St. Martha Parish religious education program and service club in Sarasota took part in a “It takes and village – Made with love,” project on March 9, 2021 to make bag lunches for the homeless in the area.

Each bag included a colored drawing and inspirational message, as well as a sticker that read: “Made with love & care by the St. Martha Service Club.”

Divine Mercy Sunday Prayer Service

On Divine Mercy Sunday, April 11, 2021, everyone is invited to participate in a Prayer Service for Forgiveness and Healing from Pregnancy Loss. The service will take place from 2:30-3:30 p.m. at Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice, and will be available for viewing online at Contact Sylvia at 941-412-5860 or for any questions.

Divine Mercy Sunday in Naples

Come to the Feast of Divine Mercy as St. William Parish, 601 Seagate Drive, Naples, celebrates with a special service from 2:15-3:30 p.m., Divine Mercy Sunday, April 11. The service will start with the rosary, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, chanting of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, a reflection on Divine Mercy followed by Benediction. All are welcomed. For information, please contact Fred or Barb Goduti at 239-261-4810

Parent cyber security event in April

The Diocese of Venice Offices of Family Life and Religious Education are hosting a free parent event “Protecting God’s Children Online in a Hyper Digital Age.” Cyber security expert Liz Repking will cover keeping kids safe from cyber bullying, online predators, sexting, online gaming, and how to help children create an escape plan when trouble arises. Two opportunities to attend: April 14, 2021 at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 1301 Center Road, Venice, and April 15 at St. Francis Xavier Parish, 2057 Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers. Both presentations are from 6:30-8 p.m. There is no cost. Registration is required for planning purposes by April 10 at

Marriage prep retreat for couples over 55 in April

The Diocese Office of Family life is hosting a one-day sacramental marriage preparation retreat for those couples over 55 years of age preparing for marriage or convalidation from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., April 24 Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 1301 Center Road, Venice. Lunch is included. Preregistration is required at The program builds an appreciation for the joy of sacramental marriage while offering insight and tools to address the unique challenges and responsibilities.

Shifting from Condemnation to Compassion

Do you know someone who has had an abortion?  Chances are they don’t know where to go for help.  Have you ever heard someone condemning a person for having an abortion?  The Church does not condemn them; we welcome them and want to help them with compassion and healing that will change their lives.  In our diocese, Project Rachel, the Church’s healing after abortion outreach, is partnering with Support After Abortion, a new worldwide networking organization that sees healing as a necessary part of ending the demand for abortion. Change the way you see Pro-Life.  Go to to read an article that will give you a new perspective. Questions?  Contact Sylvia at 941-412-5860 or

Students encouraged to sacrifice during Lent

In order to sit at the table of the Lord, we must all make sacrifices.

“The challenge is to do what Christ asks,” Bishop Frank J. Dewane told students during a number of Lenten Masses he celebrated at schools throughout the Diocese of Venice in early March. “We need to take seriously our prayers, fasting, and almsgiving, following the example of Christ.”

Just as Christ served as our Savior, so must we all go out and serve our brothers and sisters in need. “It is the Lord who asks you to respond to this call,” Bishop Dewane continued. “It is not always easy, but this is a time of sacrifice, and Lent is the perfect opportunity to respond and live out that call to serve others as Children of God. Can you do that?” The students at each Mass gave a resounding: “Yes!”

Each Lent, Bishop Dewane takes the time to celebrate Mass at as many Diocesan Catholic schools as possible. The goal is not only to highlight the importance of the Lenten Season, but to also show support for the students and schools as they continue through their academic year.

After each Mass for elementary schools, the Bishop met privately with the eighth graders. First encouraging the group to continue their education at a Diocesan Catholic high school, and then Bishop Dewane also fields any and all questions from the students.

The Bishop celebrated Masses for students at St. John Neumann Catholic High School and St. Ann Catholic School in Naples on March 3, 2021; for St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School in Naples on March 4; and then for St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School in Port Charlotte on March 5. Additional Masses will take place later in March.


Diocese-wide Opportunity for Sacrament of Reconciliation late March

Confessionals will open for extended hours throughout the Diocese of Venice in late March to allow everyone ample opportunity to receive God’s Mercy through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

In consultation with the Diocesan Presbyteral Council, Bishop Frank J. Dewane has designated the following days and times for Confession at EACH Parish: 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Friday, March 26, 2021, and 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Saturday, March 27.

This Diocesan-wide opportunity for Confession has been made available each Lent since 2012. These times are offered in addition to already scheduled Parish Confession times or planned Penance Services.

The precept of confessing grave sins and receiving Holy Communion at least once during the Lenten Season merits a reminder to all to take advantage of this opportunity.

Pope Francis often speaks about the healing benefits of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, saying that he goes about once every two weeks. “When I go to confession,” the Holy Father added,” it is in order to be healed, to heal my soul, to heal my heart and to be healed of some wrongdoing.”

The Pope also reminds us no one is free from sin and that feeling a little “ashamed before God is a grace… Going to confession is going to an encounter with the Lord who forgives us, who loves us and our shame is what we offer him… When one is in line to go to Confession, one feels all these things, even shame, but then when one finishes Confession one leaves free… forgiven, happy. This is the beauty of Confession! Jesus is there…and He receives you with so much love!”

As the Catechism teaches, the priest is acting in Persona Christi (in the person of Christ), within the confessional. So, like presenting oneself at the altar to be nourished by Christ in the Eucharist, a person going to Confession, is not ultimately confessing to a priest, but confessing to and receiving forgiveness from Jesus Christ.

It was Christ who desired that the faithful “receive forgiveness by means of the ministers of the community,” Pope Francis continued. And it is Christ “who gives this power.”

The Pope notes, through the presence and words of a priest, penitents have “the certainty of forgiveness in the name of the Church…this is having the surety that God forgives us always. He never tires of forgiving us and we must never tire of going to ask for forgiveness.”

Reconciliation in Schools

For the same reasons, Diocese of Venice Catholic Schools have been setting aside time to make the Sacrament of Reconciliation available for students.

For example, at St. John Neumann Catholic High School in Naples, the student, faculty and staff participated in a Lenten Penance Service on Feb. 23. Many of the students took advantage of the opportunity to go to confession with one of the several priests present.

Three priests were available to hear confessions from second and third graders March 4 at St. Andrew Catholic School in Cape Coral. In addition, numerous students from St. Martha Catholic School and St. Mary Academy in Sarasota received the Sacrament for the first time on March 7.

Lady Cougars have historic season

The Cardinal Money Catholic High School Lady Cougars basketball team fell short of their goal of winning a State Championship, but they ended an historic season with their heads held high.

The Lady Cougars fell to Miami Country Day 59-34 in the March 5, 2021 State Class 3A Final at RP Funding Center in Lakeland. The team struggled offensively and fell behind early against a team which is ranked nationally and claimed their seventh state title in eight years.

This was the deepest run for the Lady Cougars whose previous trip to the State Final Four was in 1997. There are no seniors on the 9-player roster, so the future looks bright for the team which finished its season 20-9.

The Sarasota team won the Class 3A Semifinal over The Master’s Academy of Oviedo (47-32) on Feb. 24 in Lakeland and expected to play the State Final on Feb. 26. That game was postponed a week, rescheduled to the morning of March 5 when a smothering defense and poor shooting ended their hopes of victory.

Sophomores Jordyn Byrd and Olivia Davis, who had been the foundation for the team all season, were showcased in the final with Byrd scoring nine points and collecting 14 rebounds, and Davis scoring six points.

Speaking to reporters after the game, Coach Rico Antonio and each player expressed their heartbreak at the loss but refocused on the potential the team has moving forward.

If social media comments are any measure, the Lady Cougars returned to their school community as inspirations to others for representing Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School.

The day before the game, School Chaplain Father Eric Scanlan gave the girls a pre-game blessing and marked each with a cross on the back of their hand.

Mooney Girls in State Final March 5

Mooney Girls in State Final March 5


The Cardinal Mooney Lady Cougars fell to Miami Country Day 59-34 in the March 5, 2021 State Class 3A Final at RP Funding Center in Lakeland. The final was delayed one week against a team ranked No. 20 in the U.S. It was the first time the Lady Cougars ever reached the Title Game. (Check Back next week for a look back on the remarkable season.)

The Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School Girls Basketball Team has waited a long time to reach their first-ever State Championship game. So, an unexpected one-week delay in the game is of little consequence.

The Sarasota team won the Class 3A Semifinal over The Master’s Academy of Oviedo (47-32) on Feb. 24, 2021 at the RP Funding Center in Lakeland. Their next game was postponed from Feb. 26 to 10 a.m., March 5.

The Lady Cougars will be competing in the State Final against Miami Country Day, one of the top ranked girls’ basketball programs in the nation which took six straight state titles between 2014-2019 and reached the semifinal game in 2020.

On the other hand, this was the Cougars second trip to the State Final Four, and first since 1997. They are 20-8 this season and are now preparing for their first trip to the State Championship Game. During the semifinal, the Lady Cougars were led by sophomore forward Jordyn Byrd, who had 15 points and 12 rebounds, while sophomore Olivia Davis had 14 points and junior Madison Smithers had 10 points.

Ahead of the Semifinal Game, the entire student body of Cardinal Mooney cheered on the team with an outdoor Pep Rally on Feb. 24, a scene which will be repeated before their return to Lakeland ahead of the game on March 5.

Please visit the Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School Facebook page for the latest updates on the team’s quest for its first State Championship.

News Briefs for Week of March 6, 2021

Something BIG is coming to DOV Catholic Education

The Diocese of Venice Catholic Education Department will be making a big announcement regarding the future of Catholic Schools within the Diocese and an exciting new partnership which will propel all students into the forefront of STREAM (science, technology, religion, engineering, arts, math) focused education. An event featuring Bishop Frank J. Dewane and Father John Belmonte, SJ, Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Education, will be livestreamed from the St. Martha Catholic School Zazarino Center at 10 a.m., March 10, 2021 via the Diocese of Venice Facebook page.

Students helped victims of Texas disaster

Helping Texas Recover! The proceeds from the Feb. 27, 2021 St. John Neuman Catholic School Cowgirl & Cowboy themed dress down day are going to the Austin Area Urban League to aid relief efforts. Along with fellow community-based organizations, the League plans to help provide shelter, food, clothing, and more to those impacted by the cold. Our Celtics even held a fashion show at lunch to show off their best western attire and compete for some gift cards!

Free Tele Mental Health Counseling Services available

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice Inc. is offering Mental Health Counseling for adults and children provided by licensed mental health therapists. If you or someone in your family are feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, depressed or helpless, we can help. For more information, please contact the number for your area Sarasota/Manatee/DeSoto/Hardee/Highlands counties: 844-385-2407; Charlotte/Lee/Hendry/Glades counties: 844-385-2423; Collier County: 844-385-2404.

Knights Fish Fry in Sarasota

The Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of Victory Council #3358 at 4880 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, is hosting Lenten Fish Fry Fridays from 4:30 p.m.-7 p.m. to March 26. The meal includes your choice of hand battered fish (fried or baked) or fried shrimp with a roll, coleslaw and a choice of french fries, rice or macaroni and cheese. The cost is $12 for adults, $8 children and under age 4 are free.  There is a $2 charge for seconds on fish.  Desserts and soft drinks are also available for $1 each. The Columbus Hall also has a full cash bar with soda, beer, wine and liquor.  There is a weekly 50/50 Raffle. Take out and curb service are available as well as limited seating in the Hall.  Social distancing and masks are required. All are welcome!

Easter Triduum Retreat and Monthly Days of Prayer

The Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat and Spirituality Center in Venice continues to offer single days of prayer and overnight retreats in a safe, tranquil setting along the Myakka River.  A Monthly Day of Prayer is offered on both the second Sunday and the second Wednesday of each month (March 10 and 14). The Easter Triduum retreat begins with supper on Holy Thursday (April 1) and ends with breakfast on Easter Sunday (April 4).  The liturgies of the Lord’s Supper, Way of the Cross, Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion, Easter Vigil, and Sunrise Easter Liturgy are celebrated. Confessions are available. For more info or to register, call Denise Riley at 941-486 0233, ext. 3004, or visit and click on “Schedule of Events.”

Student learn to be athletics trainers

The Bishop Verot Catholic High School HOSA-Future Health Professions Club in Fort Myers hosted their first taping workshop Feb. 23, 2021 where students were able to learn about sports medicine. The athletic trainer taught the students a technique for taping the hand/wrist.

Faith and Wine Lee County March 18

The next gathering of Faith and Wine Lee County will be a virtual Zoom event beginning at 7 p.m., March 18, 2021. The speaker is Cy Kellett, the host of Catholic Answers Live, who will present “Whatever Happened to the Modern World?” Advanced registration is required at