Ave Youth Conference a success

The weekend of July 9-11, 2021 was a life changing event for the nearly 400 high school age youth who attended the Ave Maria University FEARLESS Youth Conference.

Traveling from all over the state of Florida, and several representing the state of Texas, the youth were led by EPIC Music Ministry who attended the Conference with their own youth group 11 years ago but have now gone on to minister to youth in the thousands both nationally and internationally.

The Conference included daily Mass, group Eucharistic Adoration, music, presentations, talks, fun and fellowship. There was also the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Conference speakers included Father Rick Martignetti, Ave Maria University Director of Campus Ministry, Father Rich Pagano, Pastor of St.  John Paul II Parish in Ponte Vedra, Florida, who is an alumni of Ave Maria, and nationally known conference speaker Mari Pablo.

The closing Mass was celebrated by Bishop Frank J. Dewane on July 11 in the Ave Maria Parish church. The Mass, which served as a fitting conclusion to the Conference, was filled to capacity and included a number of seminarians from the Arch/dioceses of Venice, Orlando, Miami and Palm Beach. Bishop Dewane built upon the theme of the Conference “FEARLESS,” reminding the young men and women how they should not be afraid to open their mind and heart to the call of the Lord. He added that they are chosen by the Lord and called to become men and women of God.

Dates have already been chosen for next year’s youth conference “RENEWED” which will take place on July 8-10, 2022. More information will be posted on the conference website www.aveconferences.com



News Briefs for the Week of July 16, 2021

Summertime and the Giving is Easy Appeal

Every day, Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice serves the most vulnerable population by feeding, housing, empowering, and striving to help those in need. This summer, you can leave your footprint by helping your neighbors. The Catholic Charities Summertime and the Giving is Easy Appeal is asking for your support. You can donate to the type of assistance you believe is the most important, such as food, shelter, education or other support. The giving is easy! Your gift will make a positive impact on our less fortunate brothers and sisters! Please visit www.catholiccharitiesdov.org or mail a check to Catholic Charities,1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice, FL 34285.

Bishop celebrating two anniversaries in July

There are two dates in July which hold a special place in the life of Bishop Frank J. Dewane, July 16 and July 25. The Feast Day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16, is the day in which he received the Sacrament of Holy Orders 33 years ago in 1988 for the Diocese of Green Bay. In addition, it was 15 years ago, on July 25, 2006, when he was Ordained to the Episcopate, becoming a Bishop and the Spiritual Leader of the Diocese of Venice in Florida. Please prayer for Bishop Dewane. If you would like to send the Bishop a congratulatory message, please send a message to communications@dioceseofvenice.org or post a message on the Diocesan Facebook page at www.facebook.com/dioceseofvenice.

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Pope Francis recently instituted the Church-wide celebration of World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Beginning this year, this special day will be held on the fourth Sunday of July (July 25), close to the liturgical Memorial of Ss. Joachim and Anne, the Grandparents of Jesus. The theme chosen by the Holy Father for this World Day is “I am with you always” (cf. Mt 28:20) which is a way of expressing the closeness of the Lord and the Church to every older person. “I am with you always” is also a promise of closeness and hope that young and old can mutually share. Not only are grandchildren and young people called upon to be present in the lives of older people, but older people and grandparents also have the mission of evangelization, proclamation and prayer, and of encouraging young people in their Faith. To learn more, please visit www.amorislaetitia.va.

National NFP Awareness Week

The Diocese of Venice Office of Family Life will be hosting a free virtual session of the Creighton Model Fertility Care System during the National Natural Family Planning Week being held from July 25-31, 2021. This provides an opportunity to spread the word about Catholic teaching on marriage and conjugal love. The Diocese of Venice virtual sessions are being held Monday, July 26 and Tuesday, July 27, beginning at 7:00 p.m. For more information contact Diocesan Family Life Coordinator Carrie Harkey at harkey@dioceseofvenice.org, or to register visit:


2021 Marriage Preparation Retreats

The Diocesan Office of Family Life is offering “Day of Reflection” retreats for couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. A specially prepared volunteer team of married couples and a priest will share their experiences and information with the intention of enabling couples to be more aware of the privileges and responsibilities of marriage. The retreats in English are from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., on the following Saturdays: Aug. 7, and Nov. 13. Please visit https://dioceseofvenice.regfox.com/marriage-preparation-retreat-2021 to register for the English retreats. Retreats in Spanish take place: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Aug. 7 and Oct. 30 at St. Jude Parish, 3930 17th Street, Sarasota, and 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Aug. 14 and Dec. 4, at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Parish, 355 S. Bridge Street, LaBelle. To register for a St. Jude retreat date please contact the parish at 941-955-3934. Please visit https://dioceseofvenice.regfox.com/retiro-de-formacion-matrimonial. to register for a retreat at Our Lady Queen of Heaven, For further information contact Carrie Harkey at 941-484-9543 ext. 3019.

St. Joseph course available online

The Institute for Catholic Studies and Formation invites you to celebrate the Year of St. Joseph with a self-paced online course “Encountering St. Joseph with St. John Paul II and Pope Francis.” The class covers John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation on the Person and Mission of St Joseph (Redemptoris Custos) and Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter on St Joseph (Patris Corde). This course can be taken individually or in a group. Start the course anytime and proceed at your own pace as it includes short, pre-recorded videos, questions for personal reflection or group discussion, recommended resources and more. Course fee: $35. For information and registration visit https://institute-dov.org/ or call 941-766-7334.

OLPH Retreat Center Fall Schedule published

Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) Retreat and Spirituality Center in Venice has published their Fall 2021 Group Retreat Schedule. The schedule includes a Men’s Retreat in October, Ignatian Preached Retreat in November, and Advent Retreat in December. In addition, the schedule for the Monthly Day of Prayer, held on the second Sunday and Wednesday of each month starting in September, has also been published. Please see the Schedule of Events page on our website for more information and to register at www.olph-retreat.org. If you have any questions, please call 941-486-0233.

New Catholic Institute course beginning soon

The Institute for Catholic Studies and Formation is offering a 16-week graduate level online course starting August 24 that introduces students to the principles, practices, and sources of Catholic Theology. The course “What is Catholic Theology? (Ecclesial Nature and Mission of Theology)” counts as a pre-requisite for those beginning the online MA in Theology and Christian Ministry at Franciscan University of Steubenville. (Franciscan offers Diocese of Venice students discounted tuition for this online MA). This course is also available to those who wish to attend for their own personal enrichment. For cost and other information and to register for the course, visit the Institute website at https://institute-dov.org/ or call 941-766-7334.

College scholarships Available

Each year Catholic Life Insurance offers two scholarships worth $2,000 each through the Rev. Msgr. Larry J. Droll Scholarship Fund and is now accepting applications. The scholarship assists Catholic laymen and women pursuing graduate degrees that will help them qualify for professional positions in Parish and Diocesan Ministry. Scholarships will be awarded to practicing Roman Catholics who have already attained a bachelor’s degree and are now enrolled in Catholic graduate schools of Theology or Religious studies. The student must be a resident of one of the states in which we operate, and the school must also be located in one of those states. Currently, Catholic Life Insurance operates in Texas, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. The deadline to apply is September 13. For an application or more information please visit https://www.cliu.com/giving-back/faith-based-scholarships/msgr-droll-scholarship-for-catholic-laity/.


After broad consultation with the Priest Personnel Board, Bishop Frank J. Dewane announced the following appointments:

Father Shawn Monahan, OMV, relieved of his duties as Parochial Vicar of Epiphany Cathedral Parish, Venice, effective June 1, 2021, and thus has returned to his Religious Community.

Father Thomas Carzon, OMV, as Parochial Vicar of Epiphany Cathedral Parish, Venice, effective August 1, 2021.

Father Robinson Sierra, as Parochial Vicar of St. Peter the Apostle Parish, Naples, effective June 4, 2021.

Father Duong Nguyen, relieved of his duties as Parochial Vicar of San Marco Parish, Marco Island, effective July 1, 2021. Father Nguyen took an assignment in the Diocese of San Jose, California to be close to his aging parents.

Father Carlos Reyes Ramirez, C.S., relieved of his duties as Pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Immokalee, effective July 5, 2021, and thus will return to his Religious Community.

Father Teofilo Ramirez Moreno, C.S., as Administrator of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Immokalee, effective July 5, 2021.

News Briefs for the Week of July 2, 2021

Mooney grad named Miss Florida

Congratulations to Leah Roddenberry, a graduate of Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota, for being crowned Miss Florida, June 26, 2021 at the RP Funding Center Youkey Theatre in Lakeland. She will go on to represent the state in the 100th Miss America Competition in December. Contestants are now judged on their poise, intelligence, talent, and how they are trying to make the world a better place. Roddenberry is originally from Bradenton and the 22-year-old is formerly Miss Tampa 2020, is an author of a children’s book and founder of “Be a LeadHER: Igniting the Spark Within” as a result of her own struggle with self-confidence during her youth. She graduated from Cardinal Mooney in 2017 and previously attended St. Joseph Catholic School in Bradenton. She is a graduate of the University of Florida with a degree in Family, Youth, and Community Sciences and is a member of the Florida Blue Key, the oldest and most prestigious leadership honorary society in the state of Florida.


Ordination to the Priesthood July 31

Bishop Frank J. Dewane invites the faithful of the Diocese to the Ordination of Transitional Deacons Mark Harris and Alexander Pince to the Priesthood. This is to take place at 11 a.m., July 31, 2021, Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave. W., Venice. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this important event in the life of Deacons Harris and Pince, as well as the history of Diocese of Venice. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall.

OLPH Retreat Center Fall Schedule published

Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) Retreat and Spirituality Center in Venice has published their Fall 2021 Group Retreat Schedule. The schedule includes a Men’s Retreat in October, Ignatian Preached Retreat in November, and Advent Retreat in December. In addition, the schedule for the Monthly Day of Prayer, held on the second Sunday and Wednesday of each month starting in September, has also been published. Please see the Schedule of Events page on our website for more information and to register at www.olph-retreat.org. If you have any questions, please call 941-486-0233.

Proyecto Raquel Retiro de Sanación Después del Aborto

¿Está usted sufriendo después de un aborto? Hay esperanza y sanación esperándola, no importa hace cuanto tiempo haya sucedido. Usted nunca es demasiado mayor para regalarse a si misma el Retiro de Sanación del Projecto Raquel. El próximo retiro en Español está programado para el sábado 14 de agosto. Para información confidencial, contacte a Sylvia al número 941-412-5860 o project.rachel@dioceseofvenice.org.

Project Rachel Healing Retreat After Abortion

Are you suffering after an abortion? There is hope and healing waiting for you, no matter how long ago it happened. You are never too old to give yourself the Healing Retreat from Project Rachel. The next retreat in Spanish is scheduled for Saturday, August 14. For confidential information, contact Sylvia at 941-412-5860 or project.rachel@dioceseofvenice.org.

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Pope Francis instituted the Church-wide celebration of World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Beginning this year, this special day will be held on the fourth Sunday of July (July 25), close to the liturgical Memorial of Ss. Joachim and Anne, the Grandparents of Jesus. The theme chosen by the Holy Father for this World Day is “I am with you always” (cf. Mt 28:20) which is a way of expressing the closeness of the Lord and the Church to every older person. “I am with you always” is also a promise of closeness and hope that young and old can mutually share. Not only are grandchildren and young people called upon to be present in the lives of older people, but older people and grandparents also have the mission of evangelization, proclamation and prayer, and of encouraging young people in their Faith. To learn more, please visit www.amorislaetitia.va.

2021 Marriage Preparation Retreats

The Diocesan Office of Family Life is offering “Day of Reflection” retreats for couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. A specially prepared volunteer team of married couples and a priest will share their experiences and information with the intention of enabling couples to be more aware of the privileges and responsibilities of marriage. The retreats in English are from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., on the following Saturdays: July 10, Aug. 7, and Nov. 13. Please visit https://dioceseofvenice.regfox.com/marriage-preparation-retreat-2021 to register for the English retreats. Retreats in Spanish take place: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Aug. 7 and October 30 at St. Jude Parish, 3930 17th Street, Sarasota, and 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Aug. 14 and Dec. 4, at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Parish, 355 S. Bridge Street, LaBelle. To register for a St. Jude retreat date please contact the parish at 941-955-3934. Please visit https://dioceseofvenice.regfox.com/retiro-de-formacion-matrimonial. to register for a retreat at Our Lady Queen of Heaven, For further information contact Carrie Harkey at 941-484-9543 ext. 3019.

Online St. Joseph course now available

The Institute for Catholic Studies and Formation invites you to celebrate the Year of St. Joseph with a self-paced online course “Encountering St. Joseph with St. John Paul II and Pope Francis.” The class covers John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation on the Person and Mission of St Joseph (Redemptoris Custos) and Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter on St Joseph (Patris Corde). This course can be taken individually or in a group. Start the course anytime and proceed at your own pace as it includes short, pre-recorded videos, questions for personal reflection or group discussion, recommended resources and more. Course fee: $35. For information and registration visit the Institute web https://institute-dov.org/ or call 941-766-7334.

St. Francis of Assisi Food Pantry open

The St. Francis of Assisi Food Pantry, 5265 Placida Road, Grove City, is open and distributing food from 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m., on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. For more information contact Megan at 941-697-4899, or by email at megan@sfoachurch.com.

Diocese welcomes new Incarnation principal

The Diocese of Venice Office of Catholic Education has announced the hiring of a new principal for Incarnation Catholic School in Sarasota.

The hiring of Amy Yager was announced jointly on June 9, 2021 by Diocese Superintendent of Catholic Education Father John Belmonte, SJ, and Incarnation Parish Pastor Father Eric Scanlan.

Yager joins Incarnation from New York, where she was a high school principal for nine years (2012-2021) at Cypress Hills Collegiate Preparatory School in Brooklyn. A native New Yorker who grew up on Long Island, she met her husband, Chris, in high school and they both attended St. John’s University in Queens. There she graduated with a degree in psychology. Yager went on to get an advanced degree in counseling at Long Island University and secured a position as a School Counselor at a New York City public high school.

She was recruited by the New York City Department of Education to train to become a Principal and was admitted into an accelerated Principal preparation program through Baruch College. During her time as principal, she increased enrollment, increased the graduation rate from 49 percent to more than 90 percent, and created an all-inclusive environment where students felt welcome and safe.

Yager, with her husband and three boys, relocated to Sarasota where they enjoy spending their time outdoors at Siesta Key beach and on the Legacy Trail. They are now members of Incarnation Parish and looking forward very much to getting to know the community

Father Belmonte said a comprehensive selection process brought the best candidate to Incarnation Catholic School. The process included a dedicated search committee which was represented by the teachers, parents, and school board.

Father Scanlan thanked the search committee for the effort in finding the person who best fits the needs of Incarnation Catholic School.

“We are very excited about the leadership Principal Yager will bring to further our mission of faith, excellence, and education at Incarnation,” Father Scanlan said.

Yager will officially assume her new role on July 1, 2021.

The Eucharist – Deepening ones Union with Christ and the Church

Little girls in beautiful white dresses. Boys in their first suit and tie. These sights are common each spring in churches across the Diocese of Venice as thousands of young people receive our Lord in the Holy Eucharist for the first time.

But this isn’t simply a first communion, but hopefully the first of many communions.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “As bodily nourishment restores lost strength, so the Eucharist strengthens our charity, which tends to be weakened in daily life; and this living in charity wipes away our venial sins. By giving Himself to us Christ revives our love and enables us to break our disordered attachments to creatures and root ourselves to Him.” (CCC 1394)

Primarily, the Eucharist brings one into a deeper union with Christ. Through Baptism, all become a child of God, entering into the Church. The Eucharist then draws the faithful more deeply into union with Christ. The Lord said, “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.” (John 6:56) Through the Eucharist, one may become more and more like Christ, as St. Paul said, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20)

The Catechism says that “the Eucharist makes the Church,” (CCC 1396); meaning that without the Eucharist, there would be no Church, just a collection of men and women that would eventually dissolve through petty bickering and divisions. But through the Sacrament of the Eucharist – the “Sacrament of Unity” – the Church is more than a man-made institution, it is a Divine Institution, Mystically United through Christ. Not merely a social organization or a political party, the Church is one Body.

During a May 8, 2021 First Communion Mass at St. Joseph Parish in Bradenton, Pastor, Father Rafal Ligenza told the First Communicants that they are starting a new chapter in their lives by opening their heart for Christ.

“You are committing to receiving the Body of Christ and to be in Communion with the Lord forever,” Father Ligenza said. “Yes forever. Not only today, for one week, for one month, but forever… You will receive this miracle into your good hearts and become a most beautiful monstrance because Jesus will be alive in you and you will glorify the goodness of God.”

Father urged the adults present to recall their own First Communion when they heard the words for the first time “The Body of Christ.” “You answered with love in your heart “Amen” and you decided to be faithful to your beloved Jesus and to his invitation to love one another. This is the commitment by those who receive their First Communion today. They made the decision to love Jesus for their whole life.”

Pope Francis said the Eucharist is not simply something that we do: “It is an act of Christ! It is a gift from Christ, Who is made present and gathers us around Him, to nourish us with His Word and His life. This means that the mission and the very identity of the Church spring from this, from the Eucharist… Through the Eucharist, Christ wishes to enter into our existence and permeate it with His Grace, so that in every Christian community there is coherence between Liturgy and life.”

All benefit in a multitude of ways by receiving communion regularly, Pope Francis said. There is a gain of grace against sin, forgiveness of venial sins, and strength for the spiritual life; regular reception of the Eucharist is essential for a strong spiritual life.

The Holy Father encourages the faithful to “live the Eucharist with a spirit of faith and prayer, of forgiveness, of care for the needs of many of our brothers and sisters, in the certainty that the Lord will grant that which he has promised – eternal life.”

Students earn advanced degree in Theology

Liliana Ronderos is grateful to the Diocese of Venice for the opportunity to earn an advanced degree in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville.

When Ronderos first thought of earning her MA in Theology it seemed to be a dream that she couldn’t dare pursue as it meant more time and money than she could afford. “Nine years later I now know in a personal way that nothing is impossible for God. I am thankful for the intercession of St Joseph of Cupertino, patron saint of students.”

Ronderos joins two others, Suzanne Thompson and Ed Hale, who recently completed their degrees thanks to a partnership between the Diocese Institute for Catholic Studies and Formation and Franciscan University of Steubenville (FUS). As part of that association, Diocesan students receive a one-third discount off tuition for two online degrees offered by the university: the MA in Theology and the MA in Catechetics.

“My new degree has enabled me to work for the Lord in His Church, even before completion of the studies,” said Ronderos, who serves as the Director of Religious Education at St. Joseph Parish in Bradenton. “There are many persons in need of a word; a word of hope, and of Good News.”

Thompson felt blessed to have had the opportunity to complete the degree from her home while also continuing to work in the Diocese Vocations Office and serve in outreach at St. Martha Parish in Sarasota.

“The combination of growing together through local fellowship and having access to the world-renowned professors that FUS provides has brought a tremendous growth in friendship and knowledge for my classmates and me but more importantly, in strengthening our relationship with Christ and his Church,” Thompson said.

Institute Director John Gresham explained that with their new degrees, these graduates are qualified to serve in a Parish or Diocese in a number of ways.

“This graduate training equips students for service as Directors of Religious Education, Youth Ministers, or Adult Faith Formators,” Gresham said. “The MA is excellent preparation for teaching theology in schools. The degree can also provide a foundation for further theological study on the doctoral level.”

Through this partnership with FUS, the Institute is also able to provide prerequisite courses for students enrolling in these master’s programs. This Fall, the Institute will be offering the course Ecclesial Nature and Mission of Theology. This course introduces students to the study of Catholic theology on the graduate level and meets one of the prerequisite requirements for the MA degrees.

Thompson unreservedly recommends the FUS program to anyone who wishes to come to a deeper understanding of the Catholic Faith, draw closer to Christ, and to be better equipped to tackle the current challenges that the Church faces in areas such as society, family life, marriage and the human person.

“I know that this degree has helped me become a better wife and a stronger catechist – to hand on the faith with greater joy, and better address the questions our students pose,” Thompson said. “It has also allowed me to go outside my comfort zone, to engage respectfully with those who have no belief in God, and to try to help explain the reasonableness and beauty of our Faith to those who are searching for meaning in their lives.  FUS has definitely lived up to their mission statement, “to educate, to evangelize, to send forth joyful disciples.”  It has been an experience like no other!”

In addition to the partnership with the graduate school of FUS, the Diocese of Venice also has a partnership with Steubenville’s Catechetical Institute, Gresham added. The Catechetical Institute provides the program “Franciscan At Home,” which offers online workshops for certification of catechists, schoolteachers, youth ministers and adult faith formators in the Diocese of Venice. “Franciscan at Home” also has courses for parents, RCIA teams and much more, including many courses in Spanish.

The Institute for Catholic Studies and Formation also offers courses for life-long learning, ongoing transformation and equipping for service. In just the past year, courses offered by the Institute included: “Encountering St. Joseph,” “Encountering God in Prayer,” “Methods of Religious Education: Course Planning,” “What is Catholic Theology (Ecclesial Nature and Mission of Theology)” and “Evangelizing Catechesis.”

To learn about upcoming courses or for more information about Diocesan partnerships with Franciscan University of Steubenville, visit the Institute website https://institute-dov.org/ or Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/InstituteForCatholicStudies/.

2021 Hurricane Season looms

If anything is predictable in Florida it is that each summer the weather will be very warm and humid, and everyone should be keeping an eye on the tropics and preparing for the coming hurricane season.

The 2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season has yet to officially begin (June 1-Nov. 30), yet there has already been one named storm – Tropical Storm Ana. This is the seventh year in a row that a there has been an early named storm. While Ana was never a threat to the Diocese of Venice, it serves as a not-so-subtle reminder that these ferocious storms can form at any time and early preparation is the key to safety and survival.

With names such as Bill, Claudette, Danny and Elsa next on the list for potential storms, preparation and vigilance are keys to safety and security from the power of nature should a storm threaten.

While early storms do not necessarily promise this year will be worse than any other season, experts stress it only takes one storm to strike your home to make it a bad season.

Factors such as warm surface water in the Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea, along with weak tropical trade winds and a strong West African monsoon, point to another busy year for hurricanes, which typically peak in August and September.

Experts are predicting another above-normal Atlantic hurricane season. For 2021, a likely range of 13 to 20 named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher), of which 6 to 10 could become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher), including 3 to 5 major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5; with winds of 111 mph or higher) is expected.

“Now is the time for communities along the coastline as well as inland to get prepared for the dangers that hurricanes can bring,” said Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo.

There were a record 30 named storms in 2020, 14 of them hurricanes and seven categorized as major hurricanes. Hurricane Eta came closest to the Diocese of Venice brushing the coast with tropical storm force winds on Nov. 11 (Veterans Day). The season was remembered mostly for the four named storms that crashed into the Louisiana coastline. Only the disastrous 2005 season, which brought 15 hurricanes, including the notorious Katrina and Rita, has generated more.

Southwest Florida is no stranger to these storms with Hurricane Irma in 2017 leaving behind a trail of destruction and despair in its wake and a year later we saw Hurricane Michael devastate the Florida Panhandle.

To best prepare for a storm, having an emergency plan is crucial. Simple things people need to know or do, include: know what evacuation zone you live in (updated annually); have more than one evacuation route; have key documents ready in a waterproof container; know where the nearest emergency evacuation shelter is; have a disaster supply kit with essentials, including enough food, water and medications for a minimum of three to seven days. For a list of the essentials for a disaster supply kit, please visit Ready.gov (English) or Listo.gov (Spanish).

To help Floridians gather supplies ahead of time, the 2021 Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday runs from May 28 through June 6.  This tax holiday allows for the purchase of essentials from batteries and flashlights to generators all tax free. For a complete list of eligible items, please visit https://floridarevenue.com/disasterprep.

For those who may need help in evacuating, such as the elderly or handicapped, they must contact their county emergency management office to register for evacuation assistance. These systems are updated each year, therefore registering in the past will not guarantee being on a list for 2021.

Should disaster strike, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Venice Inc. will be at the forefront in preparing and responding. Catholic Charities would send a team to the epicenter of the disaster and then coordinate to set up relief centers — called PODs, which stands for Points-Of-Distribution – where the need is greatest. These centers – often located at Parishes or next to Catholic Charities offices – will be sites where water, clothing, food and other disaster relief assistance can be distributed.

Catholic Charities CEO Philomena Pereira said the organization annually updates its disaster preparedness plan. This is done in coordination with Catholic Charities offices in Florida and Catholic Charities USA, as well as with the Florida Department of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Updates include learning lessons from past disasters around the country in order to better respond in the future.

The Diocese of Venice is also well versed in responding to these storms. Each Parish, Catholic school and other entities have hurricane preparedness plans which assists in preparation before a storm and recovery afterwards.

Hurricane Prayer

As we enter the 2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season (June 1-Nov. 30), a prayer is presented here by which one asks God for protection and safety from the storms that often threaten Southwest Florida. With the formation of Tropical Storm Ana in mid-May, it promises to be another busy season of watching the tropics. We must all remember the devastating effect of Hurricane Irma from 2017 and what was witnessed when Hurricane Michael struck the Florida Panhandle in 2018. Everyone in the Diocese of Venice knows and understands the power of these storms and the suffering which follows in their wake.

Prayer for Safety in Hurricane Season

O God, Master of this passing world,

hear the humble voices of your children.

The Sea of Galilee obeyed Your order

and returned to its former quietude.


You are still the Master of land and sea.

We live in the shadow of a danger over which we have no control:

the Gulf, like a provoked and angry giant,

can awake from its seeming lethargy, overstep its conventional boundaries, invade our land, and spread chaos and disaster.


During this hurricane season we turn to You, O loving Father.

Spare us from past tragedies whose memories are still so vivid

and whose wounds seem to refuse to heal with passing of time.


O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our beloved Mother, we ask you

to plead with your Son on our behalf,

so that spared from the calamities common to this area

and animated with a true spirit of gratitude,

we will walk in the footsteps of your Divine Son

to reach the heavenly Jerusalem,

where a stormless eternity awaits us. Amen.


Oración para la temporada de huracanes

O Dios, Señor de este mundo pasajero,

escucha la humilde voz de tus hijos.

El Mar de Galilea obedeció Tu orden

y volvió a su anterior quietud.


Tu todavía eres el Señor de tierra y mar.

Vivimos en la sombra del peligro sobre el cual no tenemos control;

el Golfo, como un violento gigante, puede despertar de su aparente letargo,

sobrepasar sus límites, invadir nuestra tierra y sembrar caos y desastre.


Durante esta temporada de huracanes acudimos a Ti, O Padre Misericordioso.

Líbranos de tragedias como las pasadas que están tan vivas en nuestra

memoria y cuyas heridas rehúsan ser curadas con el paso del tiempo.


O Virgen, Estrella del Mar, nuestra amada Madre, te pedimos

que intercedas ante tu Hijo por nosotros,

para que nos libre de las calamidades comunes a esta área,

y animados con un verdadero espíritu de gratitude

caminemos en los pasos de tu Divino Hijo

para llegar a la Jerusalén Celestial,

donde una eternidad sin tormentas nos espera. Amen.


News Briefs for the Week of May 28, 2021

Student art on display at Fort Myers airport (held from last week)

If you happen to be traveling through the Southwest Florida International Airport in Fort Myers sometime this year, take some time to check out the St. Andrew Catholic School student canvas on display in Concourse B. St. Andrew students in grades 5-8 participated in creating a collaborative canvas for the “Art In Flight” exhibit. Every couple of years the Alliance for the Arts coordinates with the Lee Art Educators Association to create student artwork for the exhibit. This year’s theme was “New Frontiers,” and students were challenged to question what would be the new frontier(s) for their generation. The title of our canvas is “Hope For Our Future”. You can visit https://www.flylcpa.com/artinflight/ to learn more about the project and view the student artwork.

Deacon aspirants finish first year of formation

The 11 aspirants for the Diaconate Class of 2025 finished their first year of formation with a weekend retreat on May 22-23, 2021 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center in Venice. The retreat was led by Father Jim Simko, Parochial Vicar of St. Joseph Parish in Bradenton.

Religious Freedom Week coming soon

Solidarity in Freedom takes place from June 22 to 29. The Week begins with the Feast of Ss. John Fisher and Thomas More, ends with the Solemnity of Ss. Peter and Paul and includes the Feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist. During Religious Freedom Week, Catholics are encouraged to pray and act each day for religious freedom. The (USCCB) United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Pray-Reflect-Act Series aims to help Catholics build solidarity with people of faith who are persecuted and find strength to carry out the mission of the Church here in the United States. For resources and reflections each day of this week, please visit https://www.usccb.org/committees/religious-liberty/religious-freedom-week.

2021 Marriage Preparation Retreats

The Diocesan Office of Family Life is offering “Day of Reflection” retreats for couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. A specially prepared volunteer team of married couples and a priest will share their experiences and information with the intention of enabling couples to be more aware of the privileges and responsibilities of marriage. The retreats in English are from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., on the following Saturdays: August 7, and November 13. Please visit https://dioceseofvenice.regfox.com/marriage-preparation-retreat-2021 to register for the English retreats. Retreats in Spanish take place: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., August 7 and October 30 at St. Jude Parish, 3930 17th Street, Sarasota, and 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., August 14 and December 4, at Our Lady Queen of Heaven, 355 S. Bridge Street, LaBelle. To register for a St. Jude retreat date please contact the parish at 941-955-3934. Please visit https://dioceseofvenice.regfox.com/retiro-de-formacion-matrimonial. to register for a retreat at Our Lady Queen of Heaven, For further information contact Carrie Harkey at 941-484-9543 ext. 3019.

Ave Maria University 12th Annual Youth Conference

All high school age youth from incoming freshman to outgoing seniors are invited to join us for the 12th Annual Ave Maria University Youth Conference “FEARLESS” July 9-11th at Ave Maria University. This incredible weekend will be full of faith, fellowship, music, and great speakers! The special rate for this year’s conference is only $130 per person and includes lodging, meals, and conference fee PLUS a cool t-shirt! Call or email 239-348-4725 or aveconferences@gmail.com or visit us at www.aveconferences.com for more information.

Time capsule dug up

The eight graders at Epiphany Cathedral Catholic School in Venice opened up a time capsule on May 19, 2021, revealing what they buried as fifth graders. Among the items were photos and articles about the students, as well as notes to their future selves.

Students write children’s book

The work of St. John Neumann Catholic High School students in the Creative Writing class of Cindy Brewer culminated in mid-May through a published hardcover book that included stories written and animated by the class.

Each student used a monster friend to help conquer a specific fear. Once published, these freshman and sophomores visited nearby St. Elizabeth Seton School and read their stories to the kindergarten class.

Mooney hires new baseball coach

Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School in Sarasota is thrilled to announce Mike Mercurio as the new head varsity baseball coach for the Cougars. Mercurio is an alumnus of Cardinal Mooney, Class of 1985, and has been coaching for Cardinal Mooney for nine years, the last three as the head junior varsity coach for the Cougars. His coaching experience and devotion to the Cardinal Mooney baseball team brings a wealth of knowledge to his alma mater. Mercurio is currently a Lieutenant with the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office and will be retiring this summer after 34 years. Together with his wife Karen, they have two daughters that are also graduates of Cardinal Mooney.

2021 Graduates urged to carry Faith with them forward

Three of the four Diocese of Venice Catholic high schools held their commencement exercises in mid-May, sending off their graduates well prepared for a bright future.

Ahead of each graduation, Bishop Frank J. Dewane celebrated a Baccalaureate Mass, sharing a hope-filled message that they must each “go forth with God as your guide and let Faith, hope and love be your path through life.”

Bishop Dewane praised the graduating seniors for their academic and athletic accomplishments through the years, having overcome the impact of a global pandemic, emerging ready to move on to the next phase in their lives. Thanks to the unrelenting encouragement of their parents and teachers, they have been guided through their time in high school.

“What you have done is an accomplishment,” Bishop Dewane stressed. “Your future may be uncertain, but your Faith is not uncertain. I say this to the Class of 2021, God goes with you. That is where your Faith resides. The house of hope in your life. The source of love that lasts forever. What is most important is who you are within. Your Faith can stay with you and make you strong. But it is you, the Class of 2021, that have to be the doers of your Faith. Your pastors can’t do it for you. Your parents can’t do it. Your teachers can’t do it. Graduation means all of that is up to you now.”

Encouraging the graduates to go forward with their Faith, Bishop Dewane reminded them that they need to continue to go to Mass, to live the Commandments, receive the Sacraments often, go to confession, to actualize the presence of God in their lives, and to witness it to those around them.

“Do all of those things, even though no one tells you. Use that opportunity to become more that man or woman of God you are called to be. Believe that the Lord is with you always.”

Bishop Dewane expressed his gratitude to the parents of the graduates for entrusting their children to Diocese of Venice Catholic high schools. He also publicly thanked the teachers and faculty for their commitment to the students and being their guides along their spiritual and academic journey.

The Cardinal Mooney Catholic High School Baccalaureate Mass was May 12, at Incarnation Parish in Sarasota while the Commencement Exercises were held May 14 at LECOM Park in Bradenton. The Bishop Verot Catholic High School Baccalaureate Mass was May 14 at St. Andrew Parish in Cape Coral and the Commencement was held May 15, in their Viking Stadium in Fort Myers. The St. John Neumann Catholic High School Baccalaureate Mass was May 17 at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Naples and Commencement was May 18 on their football field.

The Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement for Donahue Catholic Academy of Ave Maria Parish in Ave Maria will be May 27.

Please check back with the Florida Catholic e-Edition in the coming weeks for more information about the resilient Diocese of Venice Catholic high school Class of 2021.

Celebrations of Mary includes Crowning

It is a Catholic tradition to honor Mary, our Heavenly Mother, during the month of May by placing on her statue a crown of flowers to signify her honor as Queen of Heaven and Earth. This devotional ceremony is a favorite tradition at Parishes and Catholic schools throughout the Diocese.

The May Crowning gives the faithful, but children in particular, an opportunity to especially honor the Blessed Mother of Jesus, and to give thanks to her for bringing our Savior into the world.

Typically, “May Crownings” include a procession with children, dressed in their best for this special day, a hymn, a devotional prayer, and the crowning of a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a wreath of flowers. During the Pandemic, adjustments were made.

The practice of crowning an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary gained popularity in the 19th century. There are many reasons why queenship has been attributed to Mary; some of the most common reasons are as follows: first, she is the Mother of the Son of God, who is the messianic King. Also, Mary is the perfect disciple of Christ; she consented to God’s plan; she listened to God’s Word and kept it in her heart; she remained steadfastly in close union with her Son, all the way to the foot of the Cross; and she persevered in prayer with the Church. Thus, in an eminent way, she won the crown of glory that is promised to those who follow Christ.

For example, on May 12, 2021, St. Joseph Catholic School held its May Crowning in the main courtyard, which includes a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and a rosary garden. Second graders, those who were soon to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, brought flowers to place in a vase before the statue while the school choir sang in honor of the Blessed Mother.

St. Joseph Parish Pastor Rafal Ligenza led the prayer service reading from the Gospel of Luke, telling of the story of the Annunciation of Mary. Father also led the children in a Litany of Mary, calling on the Blessed Virgin, in her many titles, to pray for them all. This was followed by the crowning of the statue. Father then led the students in the Act of Consecration to Mary.

Principal Deborah Suddarth said students pray for the intercessions of the Blessed Virgin Mary each day throughout the year with a particular focus on Mary throughout May when students learn more about Our Lady and her role in the Church.

Bishop Frank J. Dewane led a prayer service to Mary on May 3, 2021 for the staff of the Diocese Catholic Center in Venice. This annual tradition includes reciting of prayers and signing hymns in honor of Our Lady.

Pope Francis said the Blessed Virgin Mary’s path of faith and hope serves as an example to all. Therefore, time should be taken to reflect on Our Lady’s participation in the Paschal mystery and in Pentecost at which point the Church has its beginning.

Pope Francis said “the message of hope contained in God’s blessing was fully realized in a woman, Mary, who was destined to become the Mother of God, and it was fulfilled in her before any other creature.” The Holy Father added that “our journey of faith is the same as that of Mary, and so we feel that she is particularly close to us.”

Bishop Dewane consecrated the Diocese of Venice to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary during Advent of 2017. The consecration was the culmination of the structured 33-day “Diocesan Advent Journey to Jesus through Mary.” By this Act of Consecration, the faithful confided the Diocese and its good works to Our Lady so as to fulfill more readily the will of her Divine Son for His Church.

Our Lady is an important symbol throughout the Diocese. Our Lady of Mercy is the Patroness of the Diocese of Venice and is the name of a Parish in Boca Grande. In addition, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Retreat Center in Venice bears Her name, and numerous other Parishes are named in honor of Our Lady including: St. Mary, Star of the Sea, Longboat Key; Our Lady of the Angels, Lakewood Ranch; Our Lady of Grace, Avon Park; Our Lady of Guadalupe, Immokalee; Our Lady of Light, Fort Myers; Our Lady of Miraculous Medal, Bokeelia; Our Lady of Lourdes, Venice; Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Osprey; Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Sarasota; and Our Lady Queen of Heaven, LaBelle.

On the Monday following Pentecost, May 24, 2021, the Church will celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary in her role as “Mother of the Church” as directed by Pope Francis. The Memorial for the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, was added to the Roman Calendar by Pope Francis after carefully considering how the promotion of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary under this particular title might encourage growth in “the maternal sense of the Church.”

One week later, on May 31, is the Feast the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary which marks the visit of the pregnant Mary to her cousin Elizabeth.